implementation module CoreCombinators import StdList, StdTuple, StdMisc, StdBool, StdOrdList import Task, TaskState, TaskStore, TaskEval, Util, HTTP, GenUpdate, GenEq_NG, Store, SystemTypes, Time, Text, Shared, Func, Tuple, List_NG import iTaskClass, InteractionTasks, LayoutCombinators, UIDefinition import ClientOverride from Map import qualified get, put, del, newMap, toList, fromList from StdFunc import id, const, o, seq from IWorld import :: IWorld(..) from iTasks import JSONEncode, JSONDecode, dynamicJSONEncode, dynamicJSONDecode from TaskEval import localShare, parListShare, topListShare from CoreTasks import return from SharedDataSource import write, read derive class iTask ParallelTaskType, WorkOnStatus noRep = TaskRep {UIDef|controls=[],actions=[],attributes='Map'.newMap} [] getNextTaskId :: *IWorld -> (!TaskId,!*IWorld) getNextTaskId iworld=:{currentInstance,nextTaskNo} = (TaskId currentInstance nextTaskNo, {IWorld|iworld & nextTaskNo = nextTaskNo + 1}) transform :: ((TaskValue a) -> TaskValue b) !(Task a) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b transform f (Task evala) = Task eval where eval event repOpts tree iworld = case evala event repOpts tree iworld of (ValueResult val lastEvent rep tree,iworld) = (ValueResult (f val) lastEvent rep tree, iworld) //TODO: guarantee stability (ExceptionResult e str, iworld) = (ExceptionResult e str, iworld) (DestroyedResult, iworld) = (DestroyedResult, iworld) project :: ((TaskValue a) r -> Maybe w) (ReadWriteShared r w) !(Task a) -> Task a | iTask a project projection share (Task evala) = Task eval where eval event repOpts (TCDestroy (TCProject taskId encprev treea)) iworld //Cleanup duty simply passed to inner task = evala event repOpts (TCDestroy treea) iworld eval event repOpts state iworld # (taskId,prev,statea) = case state of (TCInit taskId _) = (taskId,NoValue,state) (TCProject taskId encprev statea) = (taskId,fromJust (fromJSON encprev),statea) # (resa, iworld) = evala event repOpts statea iworld = case resa of ValueResult val ts rep ncxta # result = ValueResult val ts rep (TCProject taskId (toJSON val) ncxta) | val =!= prev = projectOnShare val result iworld | otherwise = (result,iworld) ExceptionResult e str = (ExceptionResult e str,iworld) projectOnShare val result iworld # (er, iworld) = read share iworld = case er of Ok r = case projection val r of Just w # (ew, iworld) = write w share iworld = case ew of Ok _ = (result, iworld) Error e = (exception e, iworld) Nothing = (result, iworld) Error e = (exception e, iworld) step :: !(Task a) [TaskStep a b] -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b step (Task evala) conts = Task eval where eval event repOpts (TCInit taskId ts) iworld # (taskIda,iworld) = getNextTaskId iworld = eval event repOpts (TCStep taskId ts (Left (TCInit taskIda ts))) iworld //Eval left-hand side eval event repOpts (TCStep taskId ts (Left treea)) iworld=:{taskTime} # (resa, iworld) = evala event {repOpts & appFinalLayout = False} treea iworld # ts = case event of (FocusEvent focusId) = if (focusId == taskId) taskTime ts _ = ts # mbcommit = case event of (ActionEvent t action) | t == taskId = Just action _ = Nothing # mbCont = case resa of ValueResult val info rep ntreea = case searchContValue val mbcommit conts of Nothing # info = {TaskInfo|info & lastEvent = max ts info.TaskInfo.lastEvent} = Left (ValueResult NoValue info (doStepLayout taskId repOpts rep (Just val)) (TCStep taskId info.TaskInfo.lastEvent (Left ntreea)) ) Just rewrite = Right (rewrite,Just ntreea, info.TaskInfo.lastEvent) ExceptionResult e str = case searchContException e str conts of Nothing = Left (ExceptionResult e str) Just rewrite = Right (rewrite,Nothing, ts) //TODO: Figure out how to garbage collect after exceptions = case mbCont of Left res = (res,iworld) Right ((sel,Task evalb,d_json_a),mbTreeA, lastEvent) //Cleanup state of left-hand side # iworld = case mbTreeA of Nothing = iworld Just treea = snd (evala RefreshEvent {repOpts & appFinalLayout = False} (TCDestroy treea) iworld) //TODO: Check for exceptions during cleanup # (taskIdb,iworld) = getNextTaskId iworld # (resb,iworld) = evalb RefreshEvent {repOpts & appFinalLayout = False} (TCInit taskIdb lastEvent) iworld = case resb of ValueResult val info rep nstateb # info = {TaskInfo|info & lastEvent = max ts info.TaskInfo.lastEvent} = (ValueResult val info (doStepLayout taskId repOpts rep Nothing) (TCStep taskId info.TaskInfo.lastEvent (Right (d_json_a,sel,nstateb))),iworld) ExceptionResult e str = (ExceptionResult e str, iworld) //Eval right-hand side eval event repOpts (TCStep taskId ts (Right (enca,sel,treeb))) iworld=:{taskTime} # ts = case event of (FocusEvent focusId) = if (focusId == taskId) taskTime ts _ = ts = case restoreTaskB sel enca of Just (Task evalb) # (resb, iworld) = evalb event {repOpts & appFinalLayout = False} treeb iworld = case resb of ValueResult val info rep ntreeb # info = {TaskInfo|info & lastEvent = max ts info.TaskInfo.lastEvent} = (ValueResult val info (doStepLayout taskId repOpts rep Nothing) (TCStep taskId info.TaskInfo.lastEvent (Right (enca,sel,ntreeb))), iworld) ExceptionResult e str = (ExceptionResult e str, iworld) Nothing = (exception "Corrupt task value in step", iworld) //Cleanup eval event repOpts (TCDestroy (TCStep taskId ts (Left treea))) iworld = case evala event repOpts (TCDestroy treea) iworld of (DestroyedResult,iworld) = (DestroyedResult,iworld) (ExceptionResult e str,iworld) = (ExceptionResult e str,iworld) (ValueResult _ _ _ _,iworld) = (exception "Destroy failed in step",iworld) eval event repOpts (TCDestroy (TCStep taskId ts (Right(enca,sel,treeb)))) iworld = case restoreTaskB sel enca of Just (Task evalb) = evalb event repOpts (TCDestroy treeb) iworld Nothing = (exception "Corrupt task value in step", iworld) //Incorred state eval event _ state iworld = (exception ("Corrupt task state in step:" +++ (toString (toJSON state))), iworld) searchContValue val mbcommit conts = search val mbcommit 0 Nothing conts where search _ _ _ mbmatch [] = mbmatch //No matching OnValue steps were found, return the potential match search val mbcommit i mbmatch [OnValue pred f:cs] | pred val = Just (i, f val, DeferredJSON val) //Don't look any further, first matching trigger wins = search val mbcommit (i + 1) mbmatch cs //Keep search search val (Just commit) i Nothing [OnAction action pred f:cs] | pred val && commit == actionName action = search val (Just commit) (i + 1) (Just (i, f val, DeferredJSON val)) cs //We found a potential winner (if no OnValue values are in cs) = search val (Just commit) (i + 1) Nothing cs //Keep searching search val mbcommit i mbmatch [_:cs] = search val mbcommit (i + 1) mbmatch cs //Keep searching searchContException dyn str conts = search dyn str 0 Nothing conts where search _ _ _ catchall [] = catchall //Return the maybe catchall search dyn str i catchall [OnException f:cs] = case (match f dyn) of Just (taskb,enca) = Just (i, taskb, enca) //We have a match _ = search dyn str (i + 1) catchall cs //Keep searching search dyn str i Nothing [OnAllExceptions f:cs] = search dyn str (i + 1) (Just (i, f str, DeferredJSON str)) cs //Keep searching (at least we have a catchall) search dyn str i mbcatchall [_:cs] = search dyn str (i + 1) mbcatchall cs //Keep searching match :: (e -> Task b) Dynamic -> Maybe (Task b, DeferredJSON) | iTask e match f (e :: e^) = Just (f e, DeferredJSON e) match _ _ = Nothing restoreTaskB sel d_json_a = case conts !! sel of (OnValue _ taskbf) = call_with_DeferredJSON_TaskValue taskbf d_json_a (OnAction _ _ taskbf) = call_with_DeferredJSON_TaskValue taskbf d_json_a (OnException taskbf) = call_with_DeferredJSON taskbf d_json_a (OnAllExceptions taskbf) = call_with_DeferredJSON taskbf d_json_a doStepLayout taskId repOpts (TaskRep def parts) mbVal = finalizeRep repOpts (TaskRep ((repLayout repOpts).Layout.step def (maybe [] (stepActions taskId) mbVal)) parts) where stepActions taskId val = [{UIAction|taskId=toString taskId,action=action,enabled=pred val}\\ OnAction action pred _ <- conts] call_with_DeferredJSON_TaskValue :: ((TaskValue a) -> Task .b) DeferredJSON -> Maybe (Task .b) | TC a & JSONDecode{|*|} a call_with_DeferredJSON_TaskValue f_tva_tb d_json_tva=:(DeferredJSON tva) = Just (f_tva_tb (cast_to_TaskValue tva)) call_with_DeferredJSON_TaskValue f_tva_tb (DeferredJSONNode json) = case fromJSON json of Just a -> Just (f_tva_tb a) Nothing -> Nothing call_with_DeferredJSON :: (a -> Task .b) DeferredJSON -> Maybe (Task .b) | TC a & JSONDecode{|*|} a call_with_DeferredJSON f_tva_tb d_json_tva=:(DeferredJSON tva) = Just (f_tva_tb (cast tva)) call_with_DeferredJSON f_tva_tb (DeferredJSONNode json) = case fromJSON json of Just a -> Just (f_tva_tb a) Nothing -> Nothing // Parallel composition parallel :: !d ![(!ParallelTaskType,!ParallelTask a)] -> Task [(!TaskTime,!TaskValue a)] | descr d & iTask a parallel desc initTasks = Task eval where //Create initial task list eval event repOpts (TCInit taskId ts) iworld=:{IWorld|localLists} //Append the initial tasks to the list # iworld = foldl append {iworld & localLists = 'Map'.put taskId [] localLists} initTasks //Evaluate the parallel = eval event repOpts (TCParallel taskId ts) iworld where append iworld t = snd (appendTaskToList taskId t iworld) //Evaluate the task list eval event repOpts (TCParallel taskId ts) iworld=:{taskTime} //Evaluate all parallel tasks in the list = case evalParTasks taskId event iworld of (Just res=:(ExceptionResult e str),_,iworld) = (res,iworld) (Just res=:(ValueResult _ _ _ _),_,iworld) = (exception "parallel evaluation yielded unexpected result",iworld) (Nothing,entries,iworld) //Filter out removed entries and destroy their state # (removed,entries) = splitWith (\({TaskListEntry|removed},_) -> removed) entries = case foldl destroyParTask (Nothing,iworld) (map fst removed) of (Just (ExceptionResult e str),iworld) = (ExceptionResult e str,iworld) //An exception occurred (Just result,iworld) = (fixOverloading result initTasks (exception "Destroy failed in step"),iworld) (Nothing,iworld=:{localLists}) //Destruction is ok, build parallel result # rep = parallelRep desc taskId repOpts entries # expiry = parallelExpiry entries # values = map (toValueAndTime o fst) entries # stable = if (all (isStable o snd) values) Stable Unstable # ts = foldr max 0 [ts:map fst values] # ts = case event of (FocusEvent focusId) = if (focusId == taskId) taskTime ts _ = ts = (ValueResult (Value values stable) {TaskInfo|lastEvent=ts,expiresIn=expiry} (finalizeRep repOpts rep) (TCParallel taskId ts),{iworld & localLists = 'Map'.put taskId (map fst entries) localLists}) //Cleanup eval event repOpts (TCDestroy (TCParallel taskId ts)) iworld=:{localLists} # entries = fromMaybe [] ('Map'.get taskId localLists) = case foldl destroyParTask (Nothing,iworld) entries of (Nothing,iworld) = (DestroyedResult,{iworld & localLists = 'Map'.del taskId localLists}) //All destroyed (Just (ExceptionResult e str),iworld) = (ExceptionResult e str,{iworld & localLists = 'Map'.del taskId localLists}) //An exception occurred (Just result,iworld) = (fixOverloading result initTasks (exception "Destroy failed in step"),iworld) //Fallback eval _ _ _ iworld = (exception "Corrupt task state in parallel", iworld) evalParTasks :: !TaskId !Event !*IWorld -> (!Maybe (TaskResult [(TaskTime,TaskValue a)]),![(!TaskListEntry,!Maybe TaskRep)],!*IWorld) | iTask a evalParTasks taskId event iworld=:{localLists} = evalFrom 0 [] (fromMaybe [] ('Map'.get taskId localLists)) iworld where evalFrom n acc list iworld = case foldl (evalParTask taskId event) (Nothing,acc,iworld) (drop n list) of (Just (ExceptionResult e str),acc,iworld) = (Just (ExceptionResult e str),acc,iworld) (Nothing,acc,iworld=:{localLists}) # nlist = fromMaybe [] ('Map'.get taskId localLists) | length nlist > length list = evalFrom (length list) acc nlist iworld //Extra branches were added -> evaluate these as well = (Nothing,acc,iworld) //Done //IMPORTANT: This last rule should never match, but it helps to solve overloading solves overloading (Just (ValueResult val info=:{TaskInfo|lastEvent} rep tree),acc,iworld) = (Just (ValueResult (Value [(lastEvent,val)] Unstable) info rep tree),acc,iworld) evalParTask :: !TaskId !Event !(!Maybe (TaskResult a),![(!TaskListEntry,!Maybe TaskRep)],!*IWorld) !TaskListEntry -> (!Maybe (TaskResult a),![(!TaskListEntry,!Maybe TaskRep)],!*IWorld) | iTask a //Evaluate embedded tasks evalParTask taskId event (Nothing,acc,iworld) {TaskListEntry|entryId,state=EmbeddedState (Task evala :: Task a^) tree, removed=False} # (result,iworld) = evala event {TaskRepOpts|useLayout=Nothing,afterLayout=Nothing,modLayout=Nothing,appFinalLayout=False} tree iworld = case result of ExceptionResult _ _ = (Just result,acc,iworld) ValueResult val ts rep tree # (entry,iworld) = updateListEntryEmbeddedResult taskId entryId result iworld = (Nothing, acc++[(entry,Just rep)],iworld) //Copy the last stored result of detached tasks evalParTask taskId event (Nothing,acc,iworld) {TaskListEntry|entryId,state=DetachedState instanceNo _ _,removed=False} = case loadTaskInstance instanceNo iworld of (Error _, iworld) = (Nothing,acc,iworld) //TODO: remove from parallel if it can't be loaded (now it simply keeps the last known result) (Ok (meta,_,res), iworld) # fixme = [] //TODO: Get the attributes from detached tasks # (entry,iworld) = updateListEntryDetachedResult taskId entryId res meta.TIMeta.progress fixme iworld = (Nothing,acc++[(entry,Nothing)],iworld) //Do nothing if an exeption occurred or marked as removed evalParTask taskId event (result,acc,iworld) entry = (result,acc,iworld) destroyParTask :: (!Maybe (TaskResult a),!*IWorld) !TaskListEntry -> (!Maybe (TaskResult a),!*IWorld) | iTask a //Destroy embedded tasks destroyParTask (_,iworld) {TaskListEntry|entryId,state=EmbeddedState (Task evala :: Task a^) tree} # (result,iworld) = evala RefreshEvent {TaskRepOpts|useLayout=Nothing,afterLayout=Nothing,modLayout=Nothing,appFinalLayout=False} (TCDestroy tree) iworld = case result of DestroyedResult = (Nothing,iworld) _ = (Just result,iworld) //Destroy detached tasks (Just delete the instance) destroyParTask (_,iworld) {TaskListEntry|entryId,state=DetachedState instanceNo _ _} = (Nothing,deleteTaskInstance instanceNo iworld) toValueAndTime :: !TaskListEntry -> (!TaskTime,TaskValue a) | iTask a toValueAndTime {TaskListEntry|result=TIValue val _,lastEvent} = (lastEvent,deserialize val) where deserialize (Value json stable) = case fromJSON json of Nothing = NoValue Just a = Value a stable deserialize NoValue = NoValue toValueAndTime {TaskListEntry|lastEvent} = (lastEvent,NoValue) parallelRep :: !d !TaskId !TaskRepOpts ![(!TaskListEntry,!Maybe TaskRep)] -> TaskRep | descr d parallelRep desc taskId repOpts entries # layout = repLayout repOpts # after = afterLayout repOpts # listId = toString taskId # parts = [({UIDef|d & attributes = 'Map'.put LAST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE (toString lastEvent) ('Map'.put CREATED_AT_ATTRIBUTE (toString createdAt) ('Map'.put TASK_ATTRIBUTE (toString entryId) d.UIDef.attributes))}) \\ ({TaskListEntry|entryId,state=EmbeddedState _ _,result=TIValue val _,createdAt,lastEvent,removed=False},Just (TaskRep d _)) <- entries | not (isStable val)] = TaskRep (after (layout.Layout.parallel (toPrompt desc) parts)) [] parallelExpiry :: [(!TaskListEntry,!Maybe TaskRep)] -> Maybe Int parallelExpiry entries = minimum [exp \\ ({TaskListEntry|expiresIn=Just exp},_) <- entries] where //If we have multiple tasks in parallel, the lowest expiry determines the expiry of the set minimum [] = Nothing minimum [e] = Just e minimum [e:es] = let (Just mines) = minimum es in Just (if (e < mines) e mines) isStable (Value _ Stable) = True isStable _ = False //Helper function to help type inferencing a little fixOverloading :: (TaskResult a) [(!ParallelTaskType,!ParallelTask a)] !b -> b fixOverloading _ _ x = x //SHARED HELPER FUNCTIONS appendTaskToList :: !TaskId !(!ParallelTaskType,!ParallelTask a) !*IWorld -> (!TaskId,!*IWorld) | iTask a appendTaskToList taskId=:(TaskId parent _) (parType,parTask) iworld=:{taskTime,currentUser,currentDateTime} # (list,iworld) = loadTaskList taskId iworld # (taskIda,state,iworld) = case parType of Embedded # (taskIda,iworld) = getNextTaskId iworld # task = parTask (parListShare taskId) = (taskIda, EmbeddedState (dynamic task :: Task a^) (TCInit taskIda taskTime),iworld) Detached management # task = parTask (parListShare taskId) # progress = {issuedAt=currentDateTime,issuedBy=currentUser,status=Unstable,firstEvent=Nothing,latestEvent=Nothing} # (taskIda=:TaskId instanceNo _,iworld) = createPersistentInstance task management currentUser parent iworld = (taskIda,DetachedState instanceNo progress management, iworld) # result = TIValue NoValue taskTime # entry = {entryId = taskIda, state = state, result = result, attributes = 'Map'.newMap, createdAt = taskTime, lastEvent = taskTime, expiresIn = Nothing, removed = False} # iworld = storeTaskList taskId (list ++ [entry]) iworld = (taskIda, iworld) updateListEntryEmbeddedResult :: !TaskId !TaskId (TaskResult a) !*IWorld -> (!TaskListEntry,!*IWorld) | iTask a updateListEntryEmbeddedResult listId entryId result iworld = updateListEntry listId entryId (\e=:{TaskListEntry|state,lastEvent} -> {TaskListEntry|e & state = newTree state result, result = serialize result, attributes = newAttr result, lastEvent = maxTime lastEvent result, expiresIn = expiresIn result}) iworld where serialize (ValueResult val {TaskInfo|lastEvent} _ _) = TIValue (fmap toJSON val) lastEvent serialize (ExceptionResult e str) = TIException e str newTree (EmbeddedState task _) (ValueResult _ _ _ tree) = EmbeddedState task tree newTree cur _ = cur newAttr (ValueResult _ _ (TaskRep {UIDef|attributes} _) _) = attributes newAttr _ = 'Map'.newMap maxTime cur (ValueResult _ {TaskInfo|lastEvent} _ _) = max cur lastEvent maxTime cur _ = cur expiresIn (ValueResult _ {TaskInfo|expiresIn} _ _) = expiresIn expiresIn _ = Nothing updateListEntryDetachedResult :: !TaskId !TaskId TIResult !ProgressMeta !ManagementMeta !TaskMeta !*IWorld -> (!TaskListEntry,!*IWorld) updateListEntryDetachedResult listId entryId result progress management attributes iworld = updateListEntry listId entryId update iworld where update e=:{TaskListEntry|state=DetachedState no _ _} = {TaskListEntry| e & state = DetachedState no progress management,result = result, attributes = 'Map'.fromList attributes} update e = e markListEntryRemoved :: !TaskId !TaskId !*IWorld -> *IWorld markListEntryRemoved listId entryId iworld = snd (updateListEntry listId entryId (\e -> {TaskListEntry|e & removed = True}) iworld) updateListEntry :: !TaskId !TaskId !(TaskListEntry -> TaskListEntry) !*IWorld -> (!TaskListEntry,!*IWorld) updateListEntry listId entryId f iworld # (list,iworld) = loadTaskList listId iworld # list = [if (e.TaskListEntry.entryId == entryId) (f e) e \\ e <- list] //TODO: MERGE AND OPTIZE WITH ITEM SEARCH # [item:_] = [e \\ e <- list | (e.TaskListEntry.entryId == entryId)] # iworld = storeTaskList listId list iworld = (item,iworld) loadTaskList :: !TaskId !*IWorld -> (![TaskListEntry],!*IWorld) loadTaskList taskId=:(TaskId instanceNo taskNo) iworld=:{currentInstance,localLists} | instanceNo == currentInstance = (fromMaybe [] ('Map'.get taskId localLists),iworld) | otherwise = case loadTaskReduct instanceNo iworld of (Ok {TIReduct|lists},iworld) = (fromMaybe [] ('Map'.get taskId lists),iworld) (_,iworld) = ([],iworld) storeTaskList :: !TaskId ![TaskListEntry] !*IWorld -> *IWorld storeTaskList taskId=:(TaskId instanceNo taskNo) list iworld=:{currentInstance,localLists} | instanceNo == currentInstance = {iworld & localLists = 'Map'.put taskId list localLists} | otherwise = case loadTaskReduct instanceNo iworld of (Ok reduct=:{TIReduct|lists},iworld) = storeTaskReduct instanceNo {TIReduct|reduct & lists = 'Map'.put taskId list lists} iworld (_,iworld) = iworld readListId :: (SharedTaskList a) *IWorld -> (MaybeErrorString (TaskListId a),*IWorld) | iTask a readListId slist iworld = case read slist iworld of (Ok l,iworld) = (Ok l.TaskList.listId, iworld) (Error e, iworld) = (Error e, iworld) //Derived shares taskListState :: !(SharedTaskList a) -> ReadOnlyShared [TaskValue a] taskListState tasklist = mapRead (\{TaskList|items} -> [value \\ {TaskListItem|value} <- items]) tasklist taskListMeta :: !(SharedTaskList a) -> ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem a] taskListMeta tasklist = mapRead (\{TaskList|items} -> items) tasklist appendTask :: !ParallelTaskType !(ParallelTask a) !(SharedTaskList a) -> Task TaskId | iTask a appendTask parType parTask slist = mkInstantTask eval where eval taskId iworld=:{taskTime} = case readListId slist iworld of (Ok listId,iworld) # (taskIda,iworld) = append listId parType parTask iworld = (Ok taskIda, iworld) (Error e,iworld) = (Error (dynamic e,e), iworld) append :: !(TaskListId a) !ParallelTaskType !(ParallelTask a) !*IWorld -> (!TaskId,!*IWorld) | iTask a append TopLevelTaskList parType parTask iworld=:{currentUser} # meta = case parType of Embedded = noMeta; Detached meta = meta; # task = parTask topListShare = createPersistentInstance task meta currentUser 0 iworld append (ParallelTaskList parId) parType parTask iworld = appendTaskToList parId (parType,parTask) iworld /** * Removes (and stops) a task from a task list */ removeTask :: !TaskId !(SharedTaskList a) -> Task Void | iTask a removeTask entryId slist = mkInstantTask eval where eval taskId iworld=:{taskTime} = case readListId slist iworld of (Ok listId,iworld) # iworld = remove listId entryId iworld = (Ok Void, iworld) (Error e,iworld) = (Error (dynamic e,e), iworld) remove :: !(TaskListId a) !TaskId !*IWorld -> *IWorld remove TopLevelTaskList (TaskId instanceNo 0) iworld = deleteTaskInstance instanceNo iworld remove (ParallelTaskList parId) entryId iworld = markListEntryRemoved parId entryId iworld remove _ _ iworld = iworld workOn :: !TaskId -> Task WorkOnStatus workOn (TaskId instanceNo taskNo) = Task eval where eval event repOpts (TCInit taskId ts) iworld=:{currentInstance,currentUser} # iworld = setTaskWorker currentUser instanceNo iworld # iworld = addTaskInstanceObserver currentInstance instanceNo iworld = eval event repOpts (TCBasic taskId ts JSONNull False) iworld eval event repOpts tree=:(TCBasic taskId ts _ _) iworld=:{currentUser} //Load instance # (meta,iworld) = loadTaskMeta instanceNo iworld # (result,iworld) = loadTaskResult instanceNo iworld # (rep,iworld) = loadTaskRep instanceNo iworld = case (meta,result,rep) of (_,Ok (TIValue (Value _ Stable) _),_) = (ValueResult (Value WOFinished Stable) {TaskInfo|lastEvent=ts,expiresIn=Nothing} (finalizeRep repOpts noRep) tree, iworld) (_,Ok (TIException _ _),_) = (ValueResult (Value WOExcepted Stable) {TaskInfo|lastEvent=ts,expiresIn=Nothing} (finalizeRep repOpts noRep) tree, iworld) (Ok {TIMeta|worker=Just worker},_,Ok rep) | worker == currentUser = (ValueResult (Value WOActive Unstable) {TaskInfo|lastEvent=ts,expiresIn=Nothing} (finalizeRep repOpts rep) tree, iworld) | otherwise = (ValueResult (Value (WOInUse worker) Unstable) {TaskInfo|lastEvent=ts,expiresIn=Nothing} (finalizeRep repOpts (inUseRep worker)) tree, iworld) _ = (ValueResult (Value WODeleted Stable) {TaskInfo|lastEvent=ts,expiresIn=Nothing} (finalizeRep repOpts noRep) tree, iworld) eval event repOpts (TCDestroy (TCBasic taskId _ _ _)) iworld //TODO: Remove this workon from the observers = (DestroyedResult,iworld) inUseRep worker = TaskRep {UIDef|controls=[(stringDisplay (toString worker +++ " is working on this task"),'Map'.newMap)],actions=[],attributes='Map'.newMap} [] /* * Alters the evaluation functions of a task in such a way * that before evaluation the currentUser field in iworld is set to * the given user, and restored afterwards. */ workAs :: !User !(Task a) -> Task a | iTask a workAs user (Task eval) = Task eval` where eval` event repOpts state iworld=:{currentUser} # (result,iworld) = eval event repOpts state {iworld & currentUser = user} = (result,{iworld & currentUser = currentUser}) withShared :: !b !((Shared b) -> Task a) -> Task a | iTask a & iTask b withShared initial stask = Task eval where eval event repOpts (TCInit taskId ts) iworld=:{localShares} # localShares = 'Map'.put taskId (toJSON initial) localShares # (taskIda,iworld) = getNextTaskId iworld = eval event repOpts (TCShared taskId ts (TCInit taskIda ts)) {iworld & localShares = localShares} eval event repOpts (TCShared taskId ts treea) iworld=:{taskTime} # ts = case event of (FocusEvent focusId) = if (focusId == taskId) taskTime ts _ = ts # (Task evala) = stask (localShare taskId) # (resa,iworld) = evala event repOpts treea iworld = case resa of ValueResult NoValue info rep ntreea # info = {TaskInfo|info & lastEvent = max ts info.TaskInfo.lastEvent} = (ValueResult NoValue info rep (TCShared taskId info.TaskInfo.lastEvent ntreea),iworld) ValueResult (Value stable val) info rep ntreea # info = {TaskInfo|info & lastEvent = max ts info.TaskInfo.lastEvent} = (ValueResult (Value stable val) info rep (TCShared taskId info.TaskInfo.lastEvent ntreea),iworld) ExceptionResult e str = (ExceptionResult e str,iworld) eval event repOpts (TCDestroy (TCShared taskId ts treea)) iworld //First destroy inner task, then remove shared state # (Task evala) = stask (localShare taskId) # (resa,iworld=:{localShares}) = evala event repOpts (TCDestroy treea) iworld = (resa,{iworld & localShares = 'Map'.del taskId localShares}) eval _ _ _ iworld = (exception "Corrupt task state in withShared", iworld) /* * Tuning of tasks */ class tune b :: !b !(Task a) -> Task a instance tune SetLayout where tune (SetLayout layout) (Task eval) = Task eval` where eval` event repOpts=:{useLayout=Nothing,modLayout} state iworld = eval event {TaskRepOpts|repOpts & useLayout = Just ((fromMaybe id modLayout) layout), modLayout = Nothing} state iworld eval` event repOpts=:{useLayout=Just _,modLayout} state iworld = eval event {TaskRepOpts|repOpts & useLayout = Just layout, modLayout = Nothing} state iworld instance tune AfterLayout where tune (AfterLayout f) (Task eval) = Task eval` where eval` event repOpts=:{afterLayout=Nothing} state iworld = eval event {TaskRepOpts|repOpts & afterLayout = Just f} state iworld eval` event repOpts=:{afterLayout=Just g} state iworld = eval event {TaskRepOpts|repOpts & afterLayout = Just (g o f)} state iworld instance tune ModifyLayout where tune (ModifyLayout f) (Task eval) = Task eval` where eval` event repOpts=:{modLayout=Nothing} state iworld = eval event {TaskRepOpts|repOpts & modLayout = Just f} state iworld eval` event repOpts=:{modLayout=Just g} state iworld = eval event {TaskRepOpts|repOpts & modLayout = Just (g o f)} state iworld