implementation module stdProperty /* GAST: A Generic Automatic Software Test-system stdProperty: opertors on logical properties Pieter Koopman, 2004..2008 Radboud Universty, Nijmegen The Netherlands */ import testable, StdEnv from Random import genRandInt class (==>) infixr 1 b :: b p -> Property | Testable p instance ==> Bool where (==>) c p | c = Prop (evaluate p) = Prop (\rs r = [{r & res = Rej}]) instance ==> Property where (==>) c p = Prop imp where imp rs r # r1 = testAnalysis r (evaluate c rs r) = case r1.res of OK = evaluate p rs r1 = [{r & res = Rej}] class (\/) infixr 2 a b :: !a b -> Property // Conditional or of arg1 and arg2 class (/\) infixr 3 a b :: !a b -> Property // Conditional and of arg1 and arg2 instance /\ Bool Bool where (/\) x y = prop (x && y) instance /\ Property Bool where (/\) x y = x /\ prop y instance /\ Bool Property where (/\) x y = prop x /\ y instance /\ Property Property where (/\) x y = Prop (and x y) where and x y rs r # (rs2,rs) = split rs r1 = testAnalysis r (evaluate x rs r) r2 = testAnalysis r (evaluate y rs2 r) = case (r1.res,r2.res) of // collect labels !! (CE ,_ ) = [r1] // to fix the evaluation order (_ ,CE ) = [r2] (Undef,_ ) = [r2] (Rej ,OK ) = [r2] = [r1] /* (OK ,OK ) = [r1] (OK ,Rej ) = [r1] (OK ,Undef) = [r1] (OK ,CE ) = [r2] (Rej ,OK ) = [r2] (Rej ,Rej ) = [r1] (Rej ,Undef) = [r1] (Pass ,CE ) = [r2] (Pass ,OK ) = [r1] (Pass ,Rej ) = [r1] (Pass ,Undef) = [r1] (Pass ,CE ) = [r2] (Undef,OK ) = [r2] (Undef,Rej ) = [r2] (Undef,Undef) = [r2] (Undef,CE ) = [r2] (CE ,OK ) = [r1] (CE ,Rej ) = [r1] (CE ,Undef) = [r1] (CE ,CE ) = [r1] */ instance \/ Bool Bool where (\/) x y = prop (x || y) instance \/ Property Bool where (\/) x y = x \/ prop y instance \/ Bool Property where (\/) x y = prop x \/ y instance \/ Property Property where (\/) x y = Prop (or x y) where or x y rs r # (rs2,rs) = split rs = case testAnalysis r (evaluate x rs r) of r=:{res=OK} = [r] r=:{res=Pass} = case testAnalysis r (evaluate y rs2 r) of r2=:{res=OK} = [r2] = [r] = evaluate y rs2 r (<==>) infix 4 :: !a !b -> Property | Testable a & Testable b // True if properties are equivalent (<==>) p q # rs = genRandInt 42 r = {res=Undef, labels=[], args=[], name=[]} b = testAnalysis r (evaluate p rs r) c = testAnalysis r (evaluate q rs r) = prop (b.res == c.res) // can this be improved? (===>) infix 1 :: Bool Bool -> Bool (===>) p q = (not p) || q ExistsIn :: (x->p) [x] -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x ExistsIn f l = Prop p where p rs r = [exists r [testAnalysis r (evaluate (f a) rs r)\\a <- l] MaxExists] Exists :: (x->p) -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x Exists f = Prop p where p rs r # (rs,rs2) = split rs = [exists r [testAnalysis r (evaluate (f a) rs2 r)\\a <- generateAll rs] MaxExists] exists r [] n = {r & res = CE} exists r _ 0 = {r & res = Undef} exists _ [r=:{res}:x] n = case res of OK = r Pass = r = exists r x (n-1) noCE r [] n = {r & res = OK} noCE r _ 0 = {r & res = Pass} noCE _ [r=:{res=CE}:x] n = r noCE _ [r=:{res=OK}:x] n = noCE {r&res=Pass} x (n-1) noCE r [_:x] n = noCE r x (n-1) testAnalysis :: Admin [Admin] -> Admin // maakt van een lijst resultaten een enkel resultaat testAnalysis r l = analysis l MaxExists Undef OK where analysis [] n min max = {r & res = max} analysis _ 0 min max = {r & res = min} analysis [s:x] n min max = case s.res of CE = s OK = analysis x (n-1) Pass max Pass = analysis x (n-1) Pass Pass Undef = analysis x (n-1) min max Rej = case min of OK = analysis x (n-1) OK max Pass = analysis x (n-1) Pass max = analysis x (n-1) Rej max = abort "Unknow result in testAnalysis" ForAll :: !(x->p) -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x ForAll f = Prop (evaluate f) ForEach :: ![x] !(x->p) -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x ForEach list f = Prop (forAll f list) (For) infixl 0 :: !(x->p) ![x] -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x (For) p list = ForEach list p // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX class (VOOR) infixl 0 t :: (t a b) [a] -> [b] instance VOOR (->) where VOOR f l = map f l :: PL a b = PL [a->b] instance VOOR PL where VOOR (PL fl) l = diagonal [map f l\\f<-fl] //[f x \\ f<-fl, x<-l] //| Testable p & TestArg x // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (ForAndGen) infixl 0 :: !(x->p) ![x] -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x (ForAndGen) p list = Prop (evaluate p) where evaluate f rs result # (rs,rs2) = split rs = forAll f (list++generateAll rs) rs2 result classify :: !Bool l !p -> Property | Testable p & genShow{|*|} l classify c l p | c = Prop (\rs r = evaluate p rs {r & labels = [show1 l:r.labels]}) = Prop (evaluate p) label :: !l !p -> Property | Testable p & genShow{|*|} l label l p = Prop (\rs r = evaluate p rs {r & labels = [show1 l:r.labels]}) name :: !n !p -> Property | Testable p & genShow{|*|} n name n p = Prop (\rs r = evaluate p rs {r & name = [show1]}) instance ~ Bool where ~ b = not b instance ~ Result where ~ CE = OK ~ OK = CE ~ Pass = CE ~ Rej = Rej ~ Undef = Undef instance ~ Property where ~ (Prop p) = Prop (\rs r = let r` = testAnalysis r (p rs r) in [{r` & res = ~r`.res}])