implementation module _SystemDynamic import StdEnv // macros to remove ugly underscores TypeFixedVar :== _TypeFixedVar TypeEmpty :== _TypeEmpty :: _UnificationEnvironment :== UnificationEnvironment // sanity check for closed types checkClosedType :: TypeCode -> TypeCode checkClosedType type_code | is_valid_type_scheme type_code = type_code where is_valid_type_scheme :: TypeCode -> Bool // type schemes can only occur at the top level (rank 1) is_valid_type_scheme (TypeScheme n type) | n <= 0 = fatal "checkClosedType" ("invalid number of type vars " +++ toString n) | [TypeVar i \\ i <- [0..n-1]] <> FV type = fatal "checkClosedType" "invalid range of type vars" // otherwise = is_valid_type type is_valid_type :: TypeCode -> Bool is_valid_type (TypeVar n) = True is_valid_type (TypeCons _) = True is_valid_type (TypeApp t a) = is_valid_type t && is_valid_type a is_valid_type (TypeUnique t) = is_valid_type t is_valid_type (_TypeFixedVar _) = fatal "checkClosedType" "unexpected _TypeFixedVar" is_valid_type _TypeEmpty = fatal "checkClosedType" "unexpected _TypeEmpty" FV :: TypeCode -> [TypeCode] FV alpha=:(TypeVar _) = [alpha] FV (TypeCons _) = [] FV (TypeApp t arg) = removeDup (FV t ++ FV arg) FV (TypeUnique t) = FV t concatStrings :: [{#Char}] -> .{#Char} concatStrings l = updateS 0 l (_createArray (sum [size s \\ s <- l])) where updateS :: !Int [{#Char}] *{#Char} -> *{#Char} updateS i [] s = s updateS i [h : t] s = updateS (i + size h) t {s & [pos] = c \\ c <-: h & pos <- [i..]} // this only works for closed types instance toString TypeCode where toString type = concatStrings (show False type) where show :: Bool TypeCode -> [{#Char}] show pars (TypeScheme n type) = parentheses pars (["A."] ++ showTypeVars [0 .. n-1] ++ [": " : show False type]) where showTypeVars tvs = sepBy " " (map showTypeVar tvs) show _ (TypeVar tv) = [showTypeVar tv] show _ (TypeCons cons) = [toString cons] show pars (TypeUnique type) = ["*" : show pars type] show pars t = show_app pars (reverse (uncurry_rev t)) where uncurry_rev :: TypeCode -> [TypeCode] uncurry_rev (TypeApp t a) = [a : uncurry_rev t] uncurry_rev t = [t] show_app :: Bool [TypeCode] -> [{#Char}] show_app pars [TypeCons cons : args] | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow && length args == 2 = parentheses pars (show True (args !! 0) ++ [" -> "] ++ show False (args !! 1)) # (arity, pre, post) = is_special cons | arity == length args = [pre] ++ flatten (sepBy [", "] (map (show False) args)) ++ [post] show_app pars l = parentheses pars (flatten (sepBy [" "] (map (show True) l))) parentheses :: Bool [{#Char}] -> [{#Char}] parentheses pars l | pars = ["("] ++ l ++ [")"] // otherwise = l is_special :: TypeCodeConstructor -> (!Int, !{#Char}, !{#Char}) is_special cons | not (typeCodeConstructorIsPredefined cons) || cons == TypeCodeConstructorInt || cons == TypeCodeConstructorChar || cons == TypeCodeConstructorReal || cons == TypeCodeConstructorBool || cons == TypeCodeConstructorDynamic || cons == TypeCodeConstructorFile || cons == TypeCodeConstructorWorld || cons == TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow = (-1, "", "") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_List = (1, "[", "]") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_StrictList = (1, "[!", "]") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedList = (1, "[#", "!]") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_TailStrictList = (1, "[", "!]") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_StrictTailStrictList = (1, "[!", "!]") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedTailStrictList = (1, "[#", "!]") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_LazyArray = (1, "{", "}") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_StrictArray = (1, "{!", "}") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedArray = (1, "{#", "}") = is_tuple_cons 2 32 cons where is_tuple_cons i n cons | i > n = (-1, "", "") | cons == TypeCodeConstructor_Tuple i = (i, "(", ")") // otherwise = is_tuple_cons (i+1) n cons sepBy :: a [a] -> [a] sepBy _ [] = [] sepBy _ [x] = [x] sepBy sep [h : t] = [h, sep : sepBy sep t] showTypeVar :: Int -> {#Char} showTypeVar tv | tv < 26 = toString (toChar (toInt 'a' + tv)) = "tv" +++ toString (tv - 26) instance == TypeCode where (==) (TypeScheme n1 t1) (TypeScheme n2 t2) = n1 == n2 && t1 == t2 (==) (TypeApp t1 arg1) (TypeApp t2 arg2) = t1 == t2 && arg1 == arg2 (==) (TypeVar a) (TypeVar b) = a == b (==) (TypeCons a) (TypeCons b) = a == b (==) (TypeUnique a) (TypeUnique b) = a == b (==) TypeEmpty TypeEmpty = True (==) _ _ = False /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unification functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ _initial_unification_environment :: !Int !Int -> *_UnificationEnvironment _initial_unification_environment n_type_pattern_vars n_type_vars = initial_unification_environment n_type_pattern_vars n_type_vars _bind_global_type_pattern_var :: !TypeCode !TypeCode !*_UnificationEnvironment -> *_UnificationEnvironment _bind_global_type_pattern_var var (_type) subst = bind_global_type_pattern_var var _type subst _unify :: !_UnificationEnvironment !TypeCode !TypeCode -> (!Bool, _UnificationEnvironment) _unify subst t1 t2 = unify_types subst t1 t2 _normalise :: !_UnificationEnvironment !TypeCode -> TypeCode _normalise subst t = normalise subst t fatal :: {#Char} {#Char} -> .a fatal function_name message = abort ("_SystemDynamic, " +++ function_name +++ ": " +++ message) valueAndType :: !Dynamic -> (a, TypeCode) valueAndType d = code { pop_a 0 } valueAndEvaluatedType :: !Dynamic -> (a, !TypeCode) valueAndEvaluatedType d = valueAndType d // the intermediate function valueAndEvaluatedType is used to prevent a // jmp_eval_upd (which would create a _ind indirection in the returned node) typeCodeOfDynamic :: !Dynamic -> TypeCode typeCodeOfDynamic d = snd (valueAndEvaluatedType d) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Efficient unification A reasonably efficient unifier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ :: UnificationEnvironment = { subst :: !.{!TypeCode} , fixed :: !Int , global_tpvs :: ![Int] } initial_unification_environment :: !Int !Int -> *UnificationEnvironment initial_unification_environment n fixed = {subst = createArray n TypeEmpty, fixed = fixed, global_tpvs = []} bind_global_type_pattern_var :: !TypeCode !TypeCode !*UnificationEnvironment -> *UnificationEnvironment bind_global_type_pattern_var tpv ts=:(TypeScheme n _) unify_env=:{fixed} # (unify_env, type) = fresh_type FixTypeVars unify_env ts = bind_global_type_pattern_var tpv type unify_env bind_global_type_pattern_var (TypeVar n) type unify_env // sanity check ... | unify_env.subst.[n] <> TypeEmpty = fatal "bind_global_type_pattern_var" "already bound" // ... sanity check = {unify_env & subst.[n] = type, global_tpvs = [n:unify_env.global_tpvs]} unify_types :: !UnificationEnvironment !TypeCode !TypeCode -> (!Bool, !UnificationEnvironment) unify_types unify_env t1 t2 # (unify_env, t1) = fresh_type Don`tFixTypeVars unify_env t1 # (unified, subst) = unify t1 t2 unify_env.subst # unify_env = {unify_env & subst = subst} | unified = (proper t2 unify_env, unify_env) // otherwise = (False, unify_env) :: NormaliseState = { normalised_vars :: .{!TypeCode} , normalised_fixed_vars :: .{!TypeCode} , free_var_count :: !Int } normalise :: !UnificationEnvironment !TypeCode -> TypeCode normalise unify_env (TypeScheme _ type) = normalise unify_env type normalise unify_env type # ns = { normalised_vars = createArray (size unify_env.subst) TypeEmpty , normalised_fixed_vars = createArray unify_env.fixed TypeEmpty , free_var_count = 0 } # (_, type, {free_var_count}) = normalise_type unify_env.subst type ns | free_var_count > 0 = TypeScheme free_var_count type // otherwise = type normalise_type :: {!TypeCode} TypeCode *NormaliseState -> (Bool, TypeCode, *NormaliseState) normalise_type subst (TypeVar i) ns # (t, ns) = normalise_type_var subst i ns = (True, t, ns) normalise_type subst (TypeFixedVar i) ns # (t, ns) = normalise_fixed_type_var i ns = (True, t, ns) normalise_type subst tc=:(TypeCons _) ns = (False, tc, ns) normalise_type subst ta=:(TypeApp t arg) ns # (rt, t`, ns) = normalise_type subst t ns # (ra, arg`, ns) = normalise_type subst arg ns | rt || ra = (True, TypeApp t` arg`, ns) // otherwise = (False, ta, ns) normalise_type subst tc=:(TypeUnique type) ns # (rt, type`, ns) = normalise_type subst type ns | rt = (True, TypeUnique type`, ns) // otherwise = (False, tc, ns) normalise_type_var :: {!TypeCode} Int *NormaliseState -> (TypeCode, *NormaliseState) normalise_type_var subst i ns=:{normalised_vars, free_var_count} # (normalised_var, normalised_vars) = normalised_vars![i] # ns = {ns & normalised_vars = normalised_vars} | normalised_var == TypeEmpty // the substitution for this variable is not normalised yet # s = subst.[i] | s == TypeEmpty // this is the first encounter of an unbound type variable # (normalised_var, ns) = fresh_normalised_var ns = (normalised_var, {ns & normalised_vars.[i] = normalised_var}) // otherwise # (_, normalised_var, ns) = normalise_type subst s ns = (normalised_var, {ns & normalised_vars.[i] = normalised_var}) // otherwise // the substitution is already normalised = (normalised_var, ns) normalise_fixed_type_var :: Int *NormaliseState -> (TypeCode, *NormaliseState) normalise_fixed_type_var i ns=:{normalised_fixed_vars, free_var_count} # (normalised_var, normalised_fixed_vars) = normalised_fixed_vars![i] # ns = {ns & normalised_fixed_vars = normalised_fixed_vars} | normalised_var == TypeEmpty // this is the first encounter of an fixed type variable # (normalised_var, ns) = fresh_normalised_var ns = (normalised_var, {ns & normalised_fixed_vars.[i] = normalised_var}) // otherwise // the substitution is already normalised = (normalised_var, ns) fresh_normalised_var :: *NormaliseState -> (TypeCode, *NormaliseState) fresh_normalised_var ns=:{free_var_count} = (TypeVar free_var_count, {ns & free_var_count = free_var_count + 1}) isIndirection :: TypeCode -> Bool isIndirection TypeEmpty = False isIndirection type = True // FIXME: this is a quick hack, try to think of something better proper :: TypeCode UnificationEnvironment -> Bool proper type unify_env # (_, p) = binds_to_fixed type unify_env.subst (createArray (size unify_env.subst) '?') = length [1 \\ i <- [0..size p-1] | p.[i] == 'Y' && not (isMember i unify_env.global_tpvs)] == 0 binds_to_fixed :: TypeCode {!TypeCode} *{#Char} -> (!Bool, !*{#Char}) binds_to_fixed (TypeFixedVar _) subst p = (True, p) binds_to_fixed tv1=:(TypeVar tv_number) subst p # (c, p) = p![tv_number] | c == 'Y' = (True, p) | c == 'N' = (False, p) | c == '?' # (fixed, p) = binds_to_fixed subst.[tv_number] subst p = (fixed, {p & [tv_number] = if fixed 'Y' 'N'}) binds_to_fixed (TypeCons _) subst p = (False, p) binds_to_fixed (TypeApp t arg) subst p # (fixed_t, p) = binds_to_fixed t subst p # (fixed_arg, p) = binds_to_fixed arg subst p = (fixed_t || fixed_arg, p) binds_to_fixed (TypeUnique type) subst p = binds_to_fixed type subst p binds_to_fixed TypeEmpty _ p = (False, p) occurs :: {!TypeCode} Int TypeCode -> Bool occurs substs tv_number1 (TypeVar tv_number2) = occurs_var substs tv_number1 tv_number2 occurs _ _ (TypeFixedVar _) = False occurs _ _ (TypeCons _) = False occurs substs tv_number (TypeApp t arg) = any (occurs substs tv_number) [t, arg] occurs _ tv_number TypeEmpty = False occurs subst tv_number (TypeUnique t) = occurs subst tv_number t occurs _ _ ts=:(TypeScheme _ _) = fatal "occurs" ("unexpected type scheme " +++ toString ts) occurs_var :: {!TypeCode} Int Int -> Bool occurs_var substs tv_number1 tv_number2 | tv_number1 == tv_number2 = True = occurs substs tv_number1 substs.[tv_number2] unify :: TypeCode TypeCode *{!TypeCode} -> (Bool, *{!TypeCode}) unify (TypeVar tv_number1) t2 subst # (t1, subst) = subst![tv_number1] | isIndirection t1 = unify t1 t2 subst // otherwise = unifyVar tv_number1 t2 subst where unifyVar :: Int TypeCode *{!TypeCode} -> (Bool, *{!TypeCode}) unifyVar tv_number1 tv2=:(TypeVar tv_number2) subst # (t2, subst) = subst![tv_number2] | isIndirection t2 = unifyVar tv_number1 t2 subst | tv_number1 == tv_number2 = (True, subst) // otherwise = (True, {subst & [tv_number1] = tv2}) unifyVar tv_number1 t2 subst | occurs subst tv_number1 t2 = (False, subst) // otherwise = (True, {subst & [tv_number1] = t2}) unify t1 t2=:(TypeVar _) subst = unify t2 t1 subst unify (TypeFixedVar tv_number1) (TypeFixedVar tv_number2) subst = (tv_number1 == tv_number2, subst) unify (TypeFixedVar _) _ subst = (False, subst) unify _ (TypeFixedVar _) subst = (False, subst) unify (TypeCons cons1) (TypeCons cons2) subst | cons1 == cons2 = (True, subst) // otherwise = (False, subst) unify (TypeApp t1 arg1) (TypeApp t2 arg2) subst # (unified_ts, subst) = unify t1 t2 subst | unified_ts # (unified_args, subst) = unify arg1 arg2 subst | unified_args = (True, subst) // otherwise = (False, subst) // otherwise = (False, subst) unify (TypeUnique type1) (TypeUnique type2) subst = unify type1 type2 subst unify _ _ subst = (False, subst) FixTypeVars :== True Don`tFixTypeVars :== False fresh_type :: Bool UnificationEnvironment TypeCode -> (*UnificationEnvironment, TypeCode) fresh_type fix unify_env (TypeScheme n type) # shift = if fix unify_env.fixed (size unify_env.subst) # type = shift_type_vars fix shift type | fix = ({copy_substitutions unify_env & fixed = unify_env.fixed + n}, type) // otherwise = (extend_substitutions n unify_env, type) fresh_type _ unify_env type = (copy_substitutions unify_env, type) copy_substitutions :: UnificationEnvironment -> *UnificationEnvironment copy_substitutions unify_env = {unify_env & subst = {e \\ e <-: unify_env.subst}} extend_substitutions :: Int UnificationEnvironment -> *UnificationEnvironment extend_substitutions n unify_env = { unify_env & subst = { createArray (size unify_env.subst + n) TypeEmpty & [i] = s \\ s <-: unify_env.subst & i <- [0..] } } shift_type_vars :: Bool Int TypeCode -> TypeCode shift_type_vars fix shift t | (shift == 0 && not fix) || not r = t = t` where (r, t`) = shift_vars fix shift t shift_vars :: Bool Int TypeCode -> (Bool, TypeCode) shift_vars fix shift (TypeVar i) = (True, (if fix TypeFixedVar TypeVar) (i+shift)) shift_vars _ n tc=:(TypeCons _) = (False, tc) shift_vars fix n ta=:(TypeApp t arg) # (rt, t`) = shift_vars fix n t # (ra, arg`) = shift_vars fix n arg | rt || ra = (True, TypeApp t` arg`) // otherwise = (False, ta) shift_vars fix n tu=:(TypeUnique t) # (rt, t`) = shift_vars fix n t | rt = (True, TypeUnique t`) // otherwise = (False, tu) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeCodeConstructor Each type is represented at run-time by a unique data constructor. The compiler generates an extra type for each user defined type. For example, the type :: List a = Nil | Cons (List a) is accompanied by the type :: TC;List a = TC;List (List a) This module contains similar definitions for Clean's predefined types. The dynamic linker will use the same descriptor for functions of equivalent types, so comparing to type constructors can now be done by comparing the descriptors of their type functions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ :: TypeCodeConstructor = E.a: { _tcc_cons :: !a } descriptorToString :: !Int -> {#Char} descriptorToString desc = code { .d 0 1 i jsr DtoAC .o 1 0 } getDescriptor :: !a -> Int getDescriptor _ = code { pushD_a 0 pop_a 1 } :: TC_Int = TC_Int :: TC_Char = TC_Char :: TC_Real = TC_Real :: TC_Bool = TC_Bool :: TC_Dynamic = TC_Dynamic :: TC_File = TC_File :: TC_World = TC_World :: TC__Arrow = TC__Arrow :: TC__List a = TC__List :: TC__StrictList = TC__StrictList :: TC__UnboxedList = TC__UnboxedList :: TC__TailStrictList = TC__TailStrictList :: TC__StrictTailStrictList = TC__StrictTailStrictList :: TC__UnboxedTailStrictList = TC__UnboxedTailStrictList :: TC__Tuple2 = TC__Tuple2 :: TC__Tuple3 = TC__Tuple3 :: TC__Tuple4 = TC__Tuple4 :: TC__Tuple5 = TC__Tuple5 :: TC__Tuple6 = TC__Tuple6 :: TC__Tuple7 = TC__Tuple7 :: TC__Tuple8 = TC__Tuple8 :: TC__Tuple9 = TC__Tuple9 :: TC__Tuple10 = TC__Tuple10 :: TC__Tuple11 = TC__Tuple11 :: TC__Tuple12 = TC__Tuple12 :: TC__Tuple13 = TC__Tuple13 :: TC__Tuple14 = TC__Tuple14 :: TC__Tuple15 = TC__Tuple15 :: TC__Tuple16 = TC__Tuple16 :: TC__Tuple17 = TC__Tuple17 :: TC__Tuple18 = TC__Tuple18 :: TC__Tuple19 = TC__Tuple19 :: TC__Tuple20 = TC__Tuple20 :: TC__Tuple21 = TC__Tuple21 :: TC__Tuple22 = TC__Tuple22 :: TC__Tuple23 = TC__Tuple23 :: TC__Tuple24 = TC__Tuple24 :: TC__Tuple25 = TC__Tuple25 :: TC__Tuple26 = TC__Tuple26 :: TC__Tuple27 = TC__Tuple27 :: TC__Tuple28 = TC__Tuple28 :: TC__Tuple29 = TC__Tuple29 :: TC__Tuple30 = TC__Tuple30 :: TC__Tuple31 = TC__Tuple31 :: TC__Tuple32 = TC__Tuple32 :: TC__LazyArray = TC__LazyArray :: TC__StrictArray = TC__StrictArray :: TC__UnboxedArray = TC__UnboxedArray // compare two type code constructors: compare their descriptors instance == TypeCodeConstructor where (==) a b = getDescriptor a._tcc_cons == getDescriptor b._tcc_cons // test for predefined type constructor, use the name of the type to // recognise predefined types (otherwise we'd have to check for all // predefined constructors) typeCodeConstructorIsPredefined :: !TypeCodeConstructor -> Bool typeCodeConstructorIsPredefined tc = prefix tc == "TC_" where prefix :: !TypeCodeConstructor -> {#Char} prefix {_tcc_cons} = descriptorToString (getDescriptor _tcc_cons) % (0, 2) // convert a type code constructor to a string: get its name and strip the // first three characters (either "TD;" for user defined types or "TD_" // for predefined types) instance toString TypeCodeConstructor where toString {_tcc_cons} = descName % (3, size descName - 1) where descName = descriptorToString (getDescriptor _tcc_cons) predefinedTypeCodeContructor :: !Int !a -> TypeCodeConstructor predefinedTypeCodeContructor arity cons = { _tcc_cons = cons } getTupleTypeConstructor arity :== tupleTypeConstructors.[arity - 2] tupleTypeConstructors :: {!TypeCodeConstructor} tupleTypeConstructors =: { predefinedTypeCodeContructor 2 TC__Tuple2 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 3 TC__Tuple3 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 4 TC__Tuple4 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 5 TC__Tuple5 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 6 TC__Tuple6 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 7 TC__Tuple7 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 8 TC__Tuple8 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 9 TC__Tuple9 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 10 TC__Tuple10 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 11 TC__Tuple11 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 12 TC__Tuple12 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 13 TC__Tuple13 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 14 TC__Tuple14 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 15 TC__Tuple15 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 16 TC__Tuple16 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 17 TC__Tuple17 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 18 TC__Tuple18 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 19 TC__Tuple19 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 20 TC__Tuple20 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 21 TC__Tuple21 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 22 TC__Tuple22 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 23 TC__Tuple23 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 24 TC__Tuple24 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 25 TC__Tuple25 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 26 TC__Tuple26 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 27 TC__Tuple27 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 28 TC__Tuple28 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 29 TC__Tuple29 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 30 TC__Tuple30 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 31 TC__Tuple31 , predefinedTypeCodeContructor 32 TC__Tuple32 } TypeCodeConstructorInt :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorInt = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_Int TypeCodeConstructorChar :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorChar = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_Char TypeCodeConstructorReal :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorReal = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_Real TypeCodeConstructorBool :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorBool = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_Bool TypeCodeConstructorDynamic :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorDynamic = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_Dynamic TypeCodeConstructorFile :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorFile = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_File TypeCodeConstructorWorld :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructorWorld = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 0 TC_World TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 2 TC__Arrow TypeCodeConstructor_List :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_List = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__List TypeCodeConstructor_StrictList :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_StrictList = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__StrictList TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedList :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedList = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__UnboxedList TypeCodeConstructor_TailStrictList :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_TailStrictList = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__TailStrictList TypeCodeConstructor_StrictTailStrictList :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_StrictTailStrictList = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__StrictTailStrictList TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedTailStrictList :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedTailStrictList = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__UnboxedTailStrictList TypeCodeConstructor_Tuple :: !Int -> TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_Tuple arity | arity < 2 || arity > 32 = fatal "TypeCodeConstructor_Tuple" ("illegal tuple arity (" +++ toString arity +++ ")") = getTupleTypeConstructor arity TypeCodeConstructor_LazyArray :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_LazyArray = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__LazyArray TypeCodeConstructor_StrictArray :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_StrictArray = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__StrictArray TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedArray :: TypeCodeConstructor TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedArray = predefinedTypeCodeContructor 1 TC__UnboxedArray _to_TypeCodeConstructor :: !(Bool -> a) -> TypeCodeConstructor _to_TypeCodeConstructor def = { _tcc_cons = def }