implementation module Task import StdClass, StdArray, StdTuple, StdInt, StdList, StdFunc, StdBool, StdMisc, HTML, SystemTypes, GenRecord, HTTP, Map, Util import GenVisualize, iTaskClass from TaskContext import :: TaskContextTree(..), :: SubTaskContext, :: ParallelMeta from ProcessDB import :: Process from iTasks import JSONEncode, JSONDecode, dynamicJSONEncode, dynamicJSONDecode mkTask :: !d !TaskInitFun !TaskEditFun !(TaskEvalFun a) -> Task a | descr d mkTask description initFun editFun evalFun = { Task | properties = initTaskMeta description , type = NormalTask { initFun = initFun , editFun = editFun , evalFun = evalFun } , layout = Nothing } mkInstantTask :: !d (TaskNr *IWorld -> (!TaskResult a,!*IWorld)) -> Task a | descr d mkInstantTask description iworldfun = { Task | properties = initTaskMeta description , type = NormalTask { initFun = \_ iworld -> (TCEmpty,iworld) , editFun = \_ _ context iworld -> (context,iworld) , evalFun = \taskNr _ _ _ _ _ _ iworld -> iworldfun taskNr iworld } , layout = Nothing } mkActionTask :: !d !(A.b: (TermFunc a b) -> TaskFuncs b | iTask b) -> Task a | descr d mkActionTask description actionTaskFun = { Task | properties = initTaskMeta description , type = ActionTask actionTaskFun , layout = Nothing } mapActionTask :: !((InformationState a) -> (InformationState b)) !(Task a) -> Task b mapActionTask f task=:{Task|type} = case type of ActionTask actionF = {Task | task & type = ActionTask (\termF -> actionF (termF o f))} _ = abort "mapActionTask: no action task" mapActionTaskModelValue :: !(a -> b) !(Task a) -> Task b mapActionTaskModelValue f task = mapActionTask (\st=:{modelValue} -> {st & modelValue = f modelValue}) task taskTitle :: !(Task a) -> String taskTitle task = taskMeta :: !(Task a) -> TaskMeta taskMeta {Task|properties} = properties taskProperties :: !(Task a) -> TaskMeta taskProperties {Task|properties} = properties instance iTaskId TaskNr where iTaskId :: !TaskNr !String -> String iTaskId tasknr postfix = iTaskId (taskNrToString tasknr) postfix instance iTaskId TaskId where iTaskId :: !TaskId !String -> String iTaskId taskid postfix # postfix = { c \\ c <-: postfix | not (isMember c ['\\\"/:*?<>|"']) } // throw away characters not allowed in a file name | postfix == "" = "iTask_" +++ taskid | otherwise = "iTask_" +++ taskid +++ "-" +++ postfix taskNrToString :: !TaskNr -> String taskNrToString [] = "" taskNrToString [i] = toString i taskNrToString [i:is] = taskNrToString is +++ "." +++ toString i taskNrFromString :: !String -> TaskNr taskNrFromString "" = [] taskNrFromString string = reverse (parseTaskNr` (fromString string)) where parseTaskNr` :: ![Char] -> TaskNr parseTaskNr` [] = [] parseTaskNr` list # (front,end) = span (\c -> c <> '.') list = [toInt (toString front) : parseTaskNr` (stl end)] toString :: [Char] -> String toString list = {c \\ c <- list} stl :: [Char] -> [Char] stl [] = [] stl xs = tl xs stepEvent :: !Int !(Maybe (Event e)) -> Maybe (Event e) stepEvent i (Just (TaskEvent [s:ss] e)) | s == i = Just (TaskEvent ss e) = Nothing stepEvent i (Just (ProcessEvent s e)) = Just (ProcessEvent s e) stepEvent _ _ = Nothing stepTarget :: !Int !ReversedTaskNr -> ReversedTaskNr stepTarget i [] = [] stepTarget i [t:ts] | i == t = ts | otherwise = [] derive bimap Maybe, (,) JSONEncode{|Task|} _ tt = dynamicJSONEncode tt JSONDecode{|Task|} _ [tt:c] = (dynamicJSONDecode tt,c) JSONDecode{|Task|} _ c = (Nothing,c) gUpdate{|Task|} fx UDCreate ust # (a,ust) = fx UDCreate ust = basicCreate (defaultTask a) ust where defaultTask a = { Task | properties = initTaskMeta "return" , type = NormalTask { initFun = abort funerror , editFun = abort funerror , evalFun = abort funerror } , layout = Nothing } funerror = "Creating default task functions is impossible" gUpdate{|Task|} _ (UDSearch t) ust = basicSearch t (\Void t -> t) ust gDefaultMask{|Task|} _ _ = [Touched []] gVerify{|Task|} _ _ vst = alwaysValid vst gVisualizeText{|Task|} _ _ {Task|properties} = [properties.TaskMeta.title] gVisualizeHtml{|Task|} _ _ {Task|properties} = [Text properties.TaskMeta.title] gVisualizeEditor{|Task|} _ _ _ mbVal vst # vis = case mbVal of Just {Task|properties} = [stringDisplay properties.TaskMeta.title] Nothing = [] = (vis,vst) gEq{|Task|} _ _ _ = True // tasks are always equal gGetRecordFields{|Task|} _ _ _ fields = fields gPutRecordFields{|Task|} _ t _ fields = (t,fields) taskFuncs :: !(Task a) -> TaskFuncs a | iTask a taskFuncs {Task|type} = case type of NormalTask funcs = funcs ActionTask actionF = actionF (\{modelValue,localValid} -> UserActions [(ActionOk,if localValid (Just modelValue) Nothing)]) taskLayouters :: !(Task a) -> (InteractionLayouter, ParallelLayouter) taskLayouters {Task|layout} = case layout of Nothing = (defaultInteractionLayout , defaultParallelLayout) Just (Left ilayout) = (ilayout , defaultParallelLayout) Just (Right playout)= (defaultInteractionLayout , playout) taskException :: !e -> TaskResult a | TC, toString e taskException e = TaskException (dynamic e) (toString e)