implementation module TUIDiff import StdBool, StdClass, StdList, StdEnum, StdMisc, StdTuple import Text, Util, GenUpdate, TUIDefinition derive gEq TUIControlType, TUIButtonControl, TUITree, TUIDirection, TUISize, TUIHAlign, TUIVAlign, TUIMinSize, TUIMargins, TUIGridControl derive gEq TUIMenuButton, TUIMenu, TUIMenuItem, Hotkey :: DiffPath :== [DiffStep] :: DiffStep = ItemStep !Int | MenuStep instance toString DiffPath where toString path = join "/" (map step (reverse path)) where step (ItemStep i) = toString i step (MenuStep) = "m" diffTUIDefinitions :: !TUIDef !TUIDef -> [TUIUpdate] diffTUIDefinitions old new = diffEditorDefinitions` [ItemStep 0] old new diffEditorDefinitions` :: !DiffPath !TUIDef !TUIDef -> [TUIUpdate] diffEditorDefinitions` path oldTui newTui | oldTui.margins === newTui.margins = case diffEditorDefinitions`` oldTui.TUIDef.content newTui.TUIDef.content of Just diff | oldTui.width === newTui.width && oldTui.height === newTui.height = diff | otherwise = [TUISetSize (toString path) newTui.width newTui.height:diff] Nothing = [TUIReplace (toString ppath) pindex newTui] | otherwise = [TUIReplace (toString ppath) pindex newTui] where [ItemStep pindex:ppath] = path diffEditorDefinitions`` :: !TUIDefContent !TUIDefContent -> Maybe [TUIUpdate] diffEditorDefinitions`` old new = case (old,new) of // Documents are replaced if their value has changed (TUIEditControl (TUIDocumentControl odoc) oc, TUIEditControl (TUIDocumentControl ndoc) nc) | odoc == ndoc && oc.TUIEditControl.taskId == nc.TUIEditControl.taskId && == = Just [] | otherwise = Nothing (TUIEditControl (TUIGridControl ogrid) _, TUIEditControl (TUIGridControl ngrid) _) | ogrid =!= ngrid = Nothing (TUIEditControl otype oc, TUIEditControl ntype nc) | otype === ntype = Just (valueUpdate path oc nc ++ flatten [f path old new \\ f <- [taskIdUpdate,nameUpdate]]) (TUIButton o,TUIButton n) | o.TUIButton.text == n.TUIButton.text && o.TUIButton.iconCls == n.TUIButton.iconCls = Just (update (\o n -> o.TUIButton.disabled == n.TUIButton.disabled) (\b -> Just (not b.TUIButton.disabled)) TUISetEnabled path o n ++ flatten [f path old new \\ f <- [taskIdUpdate,nameUpdate]]) (TUIContainer o, TUIContainer n) | (o.TUIContainer.direction === n.TUIContainer.direction && o.TUIContainer.halign === n.TUIContainer.halign && o.TUIContainer.valign === n.TUIContainer.valign) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path o.TUIContainer.items n.TUIContainer.items) (TUIPanel o, TUIPanel n) | ( o.TUIPanel.direction === n.TUIPanel.direction && o.TUIPanel.halign === n.TUIPanel.halign && o.TUIPanel.valign === n.TUIPanel.valign && o.TUIPanel.frame === n.TUIPanel.frame && o.TUIPanel.title == n.TUIPanel.title && (isJust o.TUIPanel.iconCls == isJust n.TUIPanel.iconCls)) # titleUpdate = update (\o n -> o.TUIPanel.title == n.TUIPanel.title && o.TUIPanel.iconCls == n.TUIPanel.iconCls) (\{TUIPanel|title,iconCls} -> Just (title,iconCls)) TUISetTitle path o n # valueUpdates = diffChildEditorDefinitions path o.TUIPanel.items n.TUIPanel.items # menuUpdates = [] //# menuUpdates = diffTUIMenus path o.TUIPanel.menus n.TUIPanel.menus = Just (titleUpdate ++ valueUpdates ++ menuUpdates) (TUIListContainer lcOld, TUIListContainer lcNew) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path (items lcOld) (items lcNew) ++ flatten [f path old new \\ f <- [taskIdUpdate,nameUpdate]]) where items lc = [{content = TUIListItem item, width = Nothing, height = Nothing, margins = Nothing} \\ item <- lc.TUIListContainer.items] (TUIListItem liOld, TUIListItem liNew) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path [liOld.TUIListItem.items] [liNew.TUIListItem.items]) // Custom components need to figure out their own update on the client side (TUICustom oc, TUICustom nc) | oc === nc = Just [] | otherwise = Just [TUIUpdate (toString path) newTui] // Fallback: always replace _ = Nothing //Determine the updates for child items in containers, lists etc diffChildEditorDefinitions :: DiffPath [TUIDef] [TUIDef] -> [TUIUpdate] diffChildEditorDefinitions path old new = diffChildEditorDefinitions` path 0 old new where diffChildEditorDefinitions` path i [] [] = [] diffChildEditorDefinitions` path i old [] //Less items in new than old (remove starting with the last item) = [TUIRemove (toString path) n \\ n <- reverse [i.. i + length old - 1 ]] diffChildEditorDefinitions` path i [] new //More items in new than old = [TUIAdd (toString path) n def \\ n <- [i..] & def <- new] diffChildEditorDefinitions` path i [o:os] [n:ns] = (diffEditorDefinitions` [ItemStep i:path] o n) ++ (diffChildEditorDefinitions` path (i + 1) os ns) //Update the value of a control valueUpdate path old new = update sameValue (\{TUIEditControl|value} -> Just value) TUISetValue path old new where sameValue old new = ov == new.TUIEditControl.value where ov = case new.eventValue of Just v = toJSON v Nothing = old.TUIEditControl.value //Update the task id of a control taskIdUpdate path old new = update sameTaskId taskIdOf TUISetTaskId path old new //Update the name of a control nameUpdate path old new = update sameName nameOf TUISetName path old new update eqfun accfun consfun path old new | not (eqfun old new) = maybe [] (\prop -> [consfun (toString path) prop]) (accfun new) | otherwise = [] //If the menus are not exactly the same simply replace all of them diffTUIMenus :: DiffPath [TUIMenuButton] [TUIMenuButton] -> [TUIUpdate] diffTUIMenus path old new | old === new = [] | otherwise = reverse [TUIRemove menupath i \\ i <- [0.. (length old - 1)]] ++ [TUIAdd menupath i (tuidef b) \\ i <- [0..] & b <- new] where menupath = toString [MenuStep:path] tuidef b = {TUIDef| content = TUIMenuButton b, width = Nothing, height = Nothing, margins = Nothing} sameTaskId :: !TUIDefContent !TUIDefContent -> Bool sameTaskId a b = (taskIdOf a) == (taskIdOf b) sameName :: !TUIDefContent !TUIDefContent -> Bool sameName a b = (nameOf a) == (nameOf b) taskIdOf :: !TUIDefContent -> Maybe String taskIdOf (TUIEditControl _ {TUIEditControl|taskId}) = Just taskId taskIdOf (TUIButton {TUIButton|taskId}) = Just taskId taskIdOf (TUIListContainer {TUIListContainer|taskId}) = taskId taskIdOf _ = Nothing nameOf :: !TUIDefContent -> Maybe String nameOf (TUIEditControl _ {TUIEditControl|name}) = Just name nameOf (TUIButton {TUIButton|name}) = Just name nameOf (TUIListContainer {TUIListContainer|name}) = name nameOf _ = Nothing