implementation module TUIDefinition import JSON, StdList, StdBool, StdTuple, GenEq, StdFunc, HTML, Text, List from SystemTypes import :: Document, :: DocumentId, :: Hotkey, :: TaskId, :: InteractionTaskType(..), :: OutputTaskType(..), :: Action(..), :: ActionName, :: TaskMeta(..) from SystemTypes import actionIcon, actionName from Task import :: TaskAction stringDisplay :: !String -> TUIDef stringDisplay s = defaultDef (TUIShowControl TUIStringControl {TUIShowControl|value = JSONString s}) defaultLayoutContainer :: ![TUIDef] -> TUIContainer defaultLayoutContainer items = {TUIContainer | items = items , direction = Vertical , halign = AlignLeft , valign = AlignTop , padding = Nothing , baseCls = Nothing } defaultLayoutPanel:: ![TUIDef] -> TUIPanel defaultLayoutPanel items = {TUIPanel | items = items , direction = Vertical , halign = AlignLeft , valign = AlignTop , padding = Nothing , title = "" , frame = False , menus = [] , iconCls = Nothing , baseCls = Nothing } defaultDef :: !TUIDefContent -> TUIDef defaultDef content = {TUIDef| content = content, width = Nothing, height = Nothing, margins = Nothing} fillDef :: !TUIDefContent -> TUIDef fillDef content = {TUIDef| content = content, width = Just (FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 0)), height = Just (FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 0)), margins = Nothing} sameMargins :: !TUIFixedSize -> Maybe TUIMargins sameMargins m = Just {top = m, right = m, bottom = m, left = m} leftMargin :: !TUIFixedSize -> Maybe TUIMargins leftMargin m = Just {top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = m} topMargin :: !TUIFixedSize -> Maybe TUIMargins topMargin m = Just {top = m, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0} fillParent :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef fillParent def = {TUIDef|def & width = Just ( FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 0)), height = Just ( FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 0))} defaultInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter defaultInteractionLayout = \i -> layout i where layout {TUIInteraction|title,instruction,editorParts,actions,type,isControlTask,localInteraction,warning} # (buttons,actions) = defaultButtons actions = (defaultPanelDescr title (defaultInteractionIcon type isControlTask localInteraction) instruction warning (Fixed 700) (defaultContent editorParts buttons) ,actions) plainInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter plainInteractionLayout = \i -> layout i where layout {TUIInteraction|title,instruction,editorParts,actions,type,isControlTask,localInteraction,warning} # (buttons,actions) = defaultButtons actions = ( { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer (defaultContent editorParts buttons)) , width = Just (Fixed 700) , height = Nothing , margins = Nothing }, actions) minimalInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter minimalInteractionLayout = \i -> layout i where layout {TUIInteraction|title,instruction,editorParts,actions,type,isControlTask,localInteraction,warning} = ( { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer editorParts) , width = Just (WrapContent 0) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing }, actions) fullWidthInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter fullWidthInteractionLayout = \i -> layout i where layout {TUIInteraction|title,instruction,editorParts,actions,type,isControlTask,localInteraction,warning} # (buttons,actions) = defaultButtons actions = (defaultPanelDescr title (defaultInteractionIcon type isControlTask localInteraction) instruction warning (FillParent 1 ContentSize) (defaultContent editorParts buttons) ,actions) wrapWidthInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter wrapWidthInteractionLayout = \i -> layout i where layout {TUIInteraction|title,instruction,editorParts,actions,type,isControlTask,localInteraction,warning} # (buttons,actions) = defaultButtons actions = (defaultPanelDescr title (defaultInteractionIcon type isControlTask localInteraction) instruction warning (WrapContent 0) (defaultContent editorParts buttons) ,actions) maximalInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter maximalInteractionLayout = \i -> layout i where layout i=:{TUIInteraction|title,instruction,editorParts,actions,type,isControlTask,localInteraction,warning} | isEmpty editorParts = defaultInteractionLayout i | otherwise = ({hd editorParts & width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize), height = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize), margins = Nothing}, actions) fillInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter fillInteractionLayout = \{TUIInteraction|instruction,editorParts,actions,warning} -> (fillPanel instruction warning (defaultContent (map fill editorParts) []) ,actions) where fillPanel instruction warning content = { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer (map margins (instr ++ content))) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , margins = Nothing } where instr = case defaultDescriptionPanel instruction warning of Just d = [d]; Nothing = []; fill def = {TUIDef|def & width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize), height = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize)} margins def = {def & margins = sameMargins 5} defaultContent :: ![TUIDef] ![TUIDef] -> [TUIDef] defaultContent editor buttons = [defaultContentPanel (editorContainer editor ++ buttonContainer buttons)] where // also add editor container if editor is empty, it's needed as spacer such that buttons are placed at the bottom of the panel editorContainer [] = [] editorContainer editor = [ { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer editor) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , margins = Nothing }] buttonContainer buttons | isEmpty buttons = [] | otherwise = [ { content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer buttons & direction = Horizontal, halign = AlignRight} , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing }] defaultParallelLayout :: ParallelLayouter defaultParallelLayout = \{TUIParallel|title,instruction,items}-> let (metas,tuis,actions) = unzip3 items in (defaultDef (TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer [tui \\ Just tui <- tuis & meta <- metas|not meta.hide])),flatten actions) horizontalParallelLayout :: ParallelLayouter horizontalParallelLayout = \{TUIParallel|title,instruction,items}-> let (metas,tuis,actions) = unzip3 items in (defaultDef (TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer (catMaybes tuis) & direction = Horizontal}),flatten actions) splitParallelLayout :: TUIDirection -> ParallelLayouter splitParallelLayout direction = \{TUIParallel|items} -> let (metas,tuis,actions) = unzip3 items in (defaultDef (TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer [setFlex direction tui \\ Just tui <- tuis & meta <- metas|not meta.hide] & direction = direction} ),flatten actions) where setFlex Vertical item = {TUIDef|item & height = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize)} setFlex Horizontal item = {TUIDef|item & width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize)} verticalSplitLayout :: Int -> ParallelLayouter verticalSplitLayout initSplit = \p=:{TUIParallel|items} -> case items of [(metaA,Just defA,actionsA),(metaB,Just defB, actionsB):_] # top = {TUIBorderItem|title = Nothing, iconCls = Nothing, item = defA} # bottom = {TUIBorderItem|title = Nothing, iconCls = Nothing, item = defB} # content = TUIBorderContainer {TUIBorderContainer|itemA = top, itemB = bottom, initSplit = initSplit, direction = Vertical, collapsible = True} = (fillDef content, actionsA ++ actionsB) _ = defaultParallelLayout p fuseParallelLayout :: ParallelLayouter fuseParallelLayout = \p -> layout p where layout {TUIParallel|title,items} = (panel,actions) where panel = defaultDef (TUIPanel {TUIPanel|defaultLayoutPanel children & title = title, frame = True}) children = flatten (map getChildren items) actions = flatten [a \\(_,_,a) <- items] getChildren (_,Just {content=TUIPanel panel},_) = panel.TUIPanel.items getChildren (_,Just {content=TUIContainer container},_) = container.TUIContainer.items tabParallelLayout :: ParallelLayouter tabParallelLayout = \{TUIParallel|title,items} -> let (tabs,tactions) = unzip [mkTab i \\ i =:(_,Just _,_) <- items] in ({ content = TUITabContainer {TUITabContainer| items = tabs} , width = Nothing , height = Nothing , margins = Nothing }, flatten tactions) where mkTab (meta, Just tui, actions) # (close,actions) = findCloseAction actions [] # (menus,actions) = defaultMenus actions = ({TUITabItem | title = meta.TaskMeta.title , iconCls = fmap (\i -> "icon-" +++ i) meta.TaskMeta.icon , items = tui , menus = menus , closeAction = close }, actions) findCloseAction [] acc = (Nothing,reverse acc) findCloseAction [taskAction=:(taskId,action,enabled):actions] acc | enabled && action === ActionClose = (Just (actionName action,taskId), (reverse acc) ++ actions) | otherwise = findCloseAction actions [taskAction:acc] defaultPanelDescr :: !PanelTitle !PanelIcon !(Maybe String) !(Maybe String) !TUISize ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef defaultPanelDescr title iconCls instruction mbWarning width form = defaultPanel title iconCls width ((case defaultDescriptionPanel instruction mbWarning of Just desc = [desc]; Nothing = []) ++ form) defaultPanel :: !PanelTitle !PanelIcon !TUISize ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef defaultPanel title iconCls width content = { content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel | defaultLayoutPanel content & title = title, iconCls = Just iconCls, frame = True} , width = Just width , height = Nothing , margins = sameMargins 10 } defaultDescriptionPanel :: !(Maybe String) !(Maybe String) -> Maybe TUIDef defaultDescriptionPanel Nothing Nothing = Nothing defaultDescriptionPanel mbInstr mbWarning = Just { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer (instr ++ warning)) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing } where instr = [] //TODO maybe [] (\w -> [htmlDisplay w]) mbInstr warning = [] //TODO maybe [] (\w -> [htmlDisplay (DivTag [ClassAttr "x-invalid-icon"] [Text w])]) mbWarning defaultContentPanel :: ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef defaultContentPanel content = { content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer content & padding = Just 5} , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , margins = Nothing } defaultInteractionIcon :: !(Maybe InteractionTaskType) !Bool !Bool -> PanelIcon defaultInteractionIcon type isControlTask localInteraction | isControlTask = "icon-control-task" = case type of Nothing = "" Just type = case type of OutputTask _ | not localInteraction = "icon-monitor-task" OutputTask PassiveOutput = "icon-message-task" OutputTask ActiveOutput = "icon-instruction-task" UpdateTask = "icon-update-task" InputTask = "icon-input-task" defaultButtons :: ![TaskAction] -> (![TUIDef],![TaskAction]) defaultButtons [] = ([],[]) defaultButtons [a=:(taskId,action,enabled):as] # (buttons,actions) = defaultButtons as = case split "/" (actionName action) of //Action name consist of only one part -> make a button [name] = ([mkButton taskId action enabled : buttons],actions) //Action name consists of multiple parts -> pass through _ = (buttons,[a:actions]) where mkButton taskId action enabled = { content = TUIButton { TUIButton | name = actionName action , taskId = taskId , disabled = not enabled , text = actionName action , iconCls = actionIcon action , actionButton = True } , width = Nothing , height = Nothing , margins = Nothing } defaultMenus :: ![TaskAction] -> (![TUIMenuButton],![TaskAction]) defaultMenus actions = makeMenus [] actions where makeMenus :: [TUIMenuButton] [TaskAction] -> ([TUIMenuButton],[TaskAction]) makeMenus menus [] = (menus,[]) makeMenus menus [a=:(taskId,action,enabled):as] = makeMenus (addToMenus (split "/" (actionName action)) taskId action enabled menus) as addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [] //Create menu = [createButton main item taskId action enabled] addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [m:ms] //Add to existing menu if it exists | m.TUIMenuButton.text == main //Found! = [{TUIMenuButton|m & menu = Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems item taskId action enabled (maybe [] (\menu -> menu.TUIMenu.items)}}:ms] | otherwise = [m:addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled ms] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [] //Create item = [createItem item sub taskId action enabled] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [i:is] | itemText i == item | isEmpty sub //Duplicate item (just add it) = [i,createItem item sub taskId action enabled:is] | otherwise //Add to the found item = [addToItem sub taskId action enabled i:is] | otherwise = [i:addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled is] addToItems [] _ _ _ _ = [] itemText {TUIMenuItem|text} = text itemText _ = "" createButton item sub taskId action enabled = {TUIMenuButton | text = item , target = if (isEmpty sub) (Just taskId) Nothing , action = if (isEmpty sub) (Just (actionName action)) Nothing , menu = if (isEmpty sub) Nothing (Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems sub taskId action enabled []}) , disabled = if (isEmpty sub) (not enabled) False , iconCls = Just (icon item) } createItem item sub taskId action enabled = {TUIMenuItem |text = item ,target = if (isEmpty sub) (Just taskId) Nothing ,action = if (isEmpty sub) (Just (actionName action)) Nothing ,menu = if (isEmpty sub) Nothing (Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems sub taskId action enabled []}) ,disabled = if (isEmpty sub) (not enabled) False ,iconCls = Just (icon item) ,hotkey = Nothing } addToItem sub taskId action enabled item=:{TUIMenuItem|menu} = {TUIMenuItem|item & menu = Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems sub taskId action enabled (maybe [] (\m -> m.TUIMenu.items) menu)}} icon name = "icon-" +++ (replaceSubString " " "-" (toLowerCase name)) columnLayout :: !Int ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef columnLayout nCols items # cols = repeatn nCols [] # cols = columnLayout` items cols # cols = map (\col -> {content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer col & direction = Vertical}, width = Just (WrapContent 0), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing}) cols = {content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer cols & direction = Horizontal}, width = Just (WrapContent 0), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing} where columnLayout` items cols = case splitAt nCols items of ([],_) = map reverse cols (row,r) = columnLayout` r (map (\(item,col) -> [item:col]) (zip2 row cols))