implementation module GenVisualize import StdBool, StdChar, StdList, StdArray, StdTuple, StdMisc, StdGeneric, StdEnum, StdFunc, List, Generic import GenUpdate, GenVerify, Util, Maybe, Functor, Text, HTML, JSON, TUIDefinition, SystemTypes, HtmlUtil visualizeAsEditor :: !a !TaskId !Int !VerifyMask !(Maybe (!DataPath,!JSONNode)) -> Maybe TUIDef | gVisualizeEditor{|*|} a visualizeAsEditor x taskId idx vmask editEvent # vst = {mkVSt & verifyMask = [vmask], editEvent = editEvent, taskId = Just taskId, currentPath = shiftDataPath (childDataPath emptyDataPath idx)} # (defs,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} (Just x) vst = case defs of [] = Nothing [tui] = Just tui tuis = Just (defaultDef (TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer tuis))) visualizeAsDisplay :: !a -> Maybe TUIDef | gVisualizeEditor{|*|} a visualizeAsDisplay x # vst = {mkVSt & renderAsStatic = True} # (defs,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} (Just x) vst = case defs of [] = Nothing [tui] = Just tui tuis = Just (defaultDef (TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer tuis))) visualizeAsText :: !StaticVisualizationMode !a -> String | gVisualizeText{|*|} a visualizeAsText mode v = concat (gVisualizeText{|*|} mode v) visualizeAsHtml :: !StaticVisualizationMode !a -> HtmlTag | gVisualizeHtml{|*|} a visualizeAsHtml mode v = html (gVisualizeHtml{|*|} mode v) //Generic text visualizer generic gVisualizeText a :: !StaticVisualizationMode !a -> [String] gVisualizeText{|UNIT|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|FIELD of d|} fx mode (FIELD x) # viz = fx mode x = case mode of AsDisplay = [camelCaseToWords d.gfd_name, ": ": viz] ++ [" "] AsLabel = viz gVisualizeText{|OBJECT of d|} fx mode (OBJECT x) = fx mode x gVisualizeText{|CONS of d|} fx mode (CONS x) # viz = fx mode x = case mode of AsLabel //For records only show the first field | isRecordCons d = take 1 viz | otherwise = normalADTStaticViz viz AsDisplay | isRecordCons d = viz | otherwise = normalADTStaticViz viz where normalADTStaticViz viz //If viz is empty, only show constructor name | isEmpty viz = [d.gcd_name] //If there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = intersperse " " [d.gcd_name:viz] //Otherwise show visualisation of fields separated by spaces | otherwise = intersperse " " viz gVisualizeText{|PAIR|} fx fy mode (PAIR x y) = fx mode x ++ fy mode y gVisualizeText{|EITHER|} fx fy mode either = case either of LEFT x = fx mode x RIGHT y = fy mode y gVisualizeText{|Int|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Real|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Char|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|String|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Bool|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Password|} _ val = ["********"] gVisualizeText{|Note|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Date|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Time|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|User|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Currency|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|HtmlDisplay|} _ val = [html2text (toString val)] gVisualizeText{|HtmlInclude|} _ val = ["Html include"] gVisualizeText{|FormButton|} _ val = [val.FormButton.label] gVisualizeText{|Document|} _ val | val.Document.size == 0 = ["No Document"] | otherwise = [] gVisualizeText{|RadioChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|ComboChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|TreeChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|CheckMultiChoice|} fv _ _ val = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fv AsLabel (getSelectionViews val) gVisualizeText{|Table|} _ _ = ["Table"] gVisualizeText {|[]|} fx mode val = ["[": flatten (intersperse [", "] [fx mode x \\ x <- val])] ++ ["]"] gVisualizeText{|Maybe|} fx mode val = fromMaybe ["-"] (fmap (\v -> fx mode v) val) gVisualizeText{|Hidden|} _ _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|Display|} fx mode (Display val) = fx mode val gVisualizeText{|Editable|} fx mode(Editable val) = fx mode val gVisualizeText{|VisualizationHint|} fx mode val = case val of VHHidden x = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fx mode (Hidden x) VHDisplay x = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fx mode (Display x) VHEditable x = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fx mode (Editable x) gVisualizeText{|ControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromControlSize val) gVisualizeText{|FillControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromFillControlSize val) gVisualizeText{|FillWControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromFillWControlSize val) gVisualizeText{|FillHControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromFillHControlSize val) gVisualizeText{|Void|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|Dynamic|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|(->)|} _ _ _ _ = [] derive gVisualizeText DateTime, Either, (,), (,,), (,,,), UserDetails, Timestamp, Map, EmailAddress, Action, TreeNode, ManagerProperties, RunningTaskStatus, TaskPriority, Session, Tree //Generic html visualizer generic gVisualizeHtml a :: !StaticVisualizationMode !a -> [HtmlTag] gVisualizeHtml{|UNIT|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeHtml{|FIELD of d|} fx mode (FIELD x) # viz = fx mode x = case mode of AsDisplay | isEmpty viz = [] | otherwise = [TrTag [] [ThTag [] [Text (camelCaseToWords d.gfd_name),Text ": "],TdTag [] viz]] AsLabel = viz gVisualizeHtml{|OBJECT of d|} fx mode (OBJECT x) = fx mode x gVisualizeHtml{|CONS of d|} fx mode (CONS x) # viz = fx mode x = case mode of AsLabel //For records only show the first field | isRecordCons d = take 1 viz | otherwise = normalADTStaticViz viz AsDisplay | isRecordCons d = [TableTag [ClassAttr "viz-record"] viz] | otherwise = normalADTStaticViz viz where normalADTStaticViz viz //If viz is empty, only show constructor name | isEmpty viz = [Text d.gcd_name] //If there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = intersperse (Text " ") [Text d.gcd_name:viz] //Otherwise show visualisation of fields separated by spaces | otherwise = intersperse (Text " ") viz gVisualizeHtml{|PAIR|} fx fy mode (PAIR x y) = fx mode x ++ fy mode y gVisualizeHtml{|EITHER|} fx fy mode either = case either of LEFT x = fx mode x RIGHT y = fy mode y gVisualizeHtml{|Int|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|Real|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|Char|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|String|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|Bool|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|Password|} _ val = [Text "********"] gVisualizeHtml{|Note|} _ val = [nl2br (toString val)] gVisualizeHtml{|Date|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|Time|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|User|} _ val = [toHtmlText val] gVisualizeHtml{|Currency|} _ val = [RawText (curLabel (Just val) +++ " " +++ toString val)] gVisualizeHtml{|HtmlDisplay|} _ val = [RawText (fromHtmlDisplay val)] gVisualizeHtml{|HtmlInclude|} _ (HtmlInclude url) = [IframeTag [SrcAttr url, FrameborderAttr "0", WidthAttr "100%", HeightAttr "100%"] []] gVisualizeHtml{|FormButton|} _ val = [Text val.FormButton.label] gVisualizeHtml{|Document|} _ val | val.Document.size == 0 = [Text "No Document"] | otherwise # downLink = ATag [HrefAttr (buildLink val) ,TargetAttr "_blank" ,NameAttr "x-form-document-link"] [ImgTag [SrcAttr "skins/default/img/icons/page_white_put.png"]] # prevLink = ATag [HrefAttr "#" ,NameAttr "x-form-document-preview-link" ] [ImgTag [SrcAttr "skins/default/img/icons/zoom.png"]] = [Text ( +++" ("+++printByteSize val.Document.size+++") "),RawText " ",downLink,prevLink] where buildLink document = "/services/json/documents/" +++ document.Document.documentId +++ "/download" printByteSize size | size >= 1048576 = toString (fixReal ((toReal size)/(toReal 1048576)))+++" Mbyte" | size >= 1024 = toString (fixReal ((toReal size)/(toReal 1024)))+++" Kbyte" | otherwise = toString size +++ " byte" fixReal r = (toReal (toInt (r*100.0)))/100.0 gVisualizeHtml{|RadioChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe [Text "No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeHtml{|ComboChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe [Text "No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeHtml{|TreeChoice|} fv _ mode (TreeChoice (Tree nodes) mbSel) = fst (mkHtmlDisplay nodes 0 mbSel) where mkHtmlDisplay [] idx sel = ([],idx) mkHtmlDisplay [Leaf (v,_):r] idx sel # (rtree,idx`) = mkHtmlDisplay r (inc idx) sel = ([LiTag (itemCls idx) (fv AsLabel v):rtree],idx`) where itemCls idx | Just idx == sel = [ClassAttr "tree-list-item-selected"] | isEven idx = [ClassAttr "list-item-light"] | otherwise = [ClassAttr "list-item-dark"] mkHtmlDisplay [Node label nodes:r] idx sel # (children,idx) = mkHtmlDisplay nodes idx sel # (rtree,idx) = mkHtmlDisplay r idx sel = ([LiTag [ClassAttr "tree-list-node-header"] [Text label],UlTag ulClass children:rtree],idx) where ulClass = [ClassAttr "tree-list"] gVisualizeHtml{|CheckMultiChoice|} fv _ _ val = gVisualizeHtml{|* -> *|} fv AsLabel (getSelectionViews val) gVisualizeHtml{|Table|} _ val = toHtml val where toHtml (Table headers cells mbSel) = [TableTag [] [TrTag [] [ThTag [] [Text header] \\ header <- headers]:map mkRow cells]] mkRow row = TrTag [] [TdTag [] [cel] \\ cel <- row] gVisualizeHtml {|[]|} fx mode val # items = [fx mode x \\ x <- val] = case mode of AsDisplay = case val of [] = [UlTag [] [LiTag [ClassAttr "list-item-light"] empty]] _ = [UlTag [] [LiTag [ClassAttr (itemCls i)] x \\ x <- items & i <- [0..]]] AsLabel = case val of [] = empty _ = flatten (intersperse [Text ", "] items) where itemCls i | isEven i = "list-item-light" | otherwise = "list-item-dark" empty = [Text "Empty list"] gVisualizeHtml{|Maybe|} fx mode val = fromMaybe [Text "-"] (fmap (\v -> fx mode v) val) gVisualizeHtml{|Hidden|} _ _ _ = [] gVisualizeHtml{|Display|} fx mode (Display val) = fx mode val gVisualizeHtml{|Editable|} fx mode(Editable val) = fx mode val gVisualizeHtml{|VisualizationHint|} fx mode val = case val of VHHidden x = gVisualizeHtml{|* -> *|} fx mode (Hidden x) VHDisplay x = gVisualizeHtml{|* -> *|} fx mode (Display x) VHEditable x = gVisualizeHtml{|* -> *|} fx mode (Editable x) gVisualizeHtml{|ControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromControlSize val) gVisualizeHtml{|FillControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromFillControlSize val) gVisualizeHtml{|FillWControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromFillWControlSize val) gVisualizeHtml{|FillHControlSize|} fx mode val = fx mode (fromFillHControlSize val) gVisualizeHtml{|Void|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeHtml{|Dynamic|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeHtml{|(->)|} _ _ _ _ = [] derive gVisualizeHtml DateTime, Either, (,), (,,), (,,,), UserDetails, Timestamp, Map, EmailAddress, Action, TreeNode, ManagerProperties, RunningTaskStatus, TaskPriority, Session, Tree toHtmlText s = Text (toString s) curLabel (Just (EUR _)) = "€" curLabel (Just (GBP _)) = "£" curLabel (Just (USD _)) = "$" curLabel (Just (JPY _)) = "¥" curLabel _ = "€" //Use the default currency mkVSt :: *VSt mkVSt = {VSt| currentPath = startDataPath, selectedConsIndex = -1, optional = False, renderAsStatic = False, verifyMask = [], editEvent = Nothing, taskId = Nothing, controlSize = (Nothing,Nothing,Nothing)} //Generic visualizer generic gVisualizeEditor a | gVisualizeText a, gVisualizeHtml a :: !(Maybe a) !*VSt -> (![TUIDef], !*VSt) gVisualizeEditor{|UNIT|} _ vst = ([],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|FIELD of d|} fx _ _ val vst # x = fmap fromFIELD val # (vizBody,vst=:{VSt|optional}) = fx x {VSt|vst & optional = False} # label = {stringDisplay (camelCaseToWords d.gfd_name +++ if optional "" "*" +++ ":") & width = Just (Fixed 100)} = ([{content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer [label: vizBody] & direction = Horizontal}, width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing}],{VSt|vst & optional = optional}) gVisualizeEditor{|OBJECT of d|} fx _ _ val vst=:{currentPath,selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex,renderAsStatic,verifyMask,taskId,editEvent,controlSize} //For objects we only peek at the verify mask, but don't take it out of the state yet. //The masks are removed from the states when processing the CONS. # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # x = fmap fromOBJECT val //Record: just strip of the OBJECT constructor and pass through, record container is created when processing the CONS | isRecordType d = fx x vst //ADT with multiple constructors & not rendered static: Add the creation of a control for choosing the constructor | d.gtd_num_conses > 1 && not renderAsStatic # (items, vst=:{selectedConsIndex}) = fx x vst # content = if (isTouched cmv) items [] = ([{ content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer [ addMsg (verifyElementStr cmv) (sizedControl controlSize (TUIEditControl (TUIComboControl [gdc.gcd_name \\ gdc <- d.gtd_conses]) { TUIEditControl | name = dp2s currentPath , taskId = maybe "" id taskId , value = toJSON (if (isTouched cmv) (Just selectedConsIndex) Nothing) , eventValue = eventValue currentPath editEvent })) : if (isEmpty content) [] [{ content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer content /*& baseCls = Just "x-constructor-panel"*/) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = leftMargin 10 }] ]) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing } ] ,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex}) //ADT with one constructor or static render: put content into container, if empty show cons name | otherwise # (vis,vst) = fx x vst # vis = case vis of [] = if (isTouched cmv) [(stringDisplay ((d.gtd_conses !! vst.selectedConsIndex).gcd_name))] [] vis = [{ content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer vis) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Nothing , margins = Nothing }] = (vis,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex}) gVisualizeEditor{|CONS of d|} fx _ _ val vst=:{taskId,editEvent,currentPath,optional,controlSize} = visualizeCustom mkControl val vst where mkControl name val _ _ renderAsStatic vst # x = fmap fromCONS val = case isRecordCons d of False // normal ADT # (viz,vst) = fx x vst # vst = {VSt | vst & selectedConsIndex = d.gcd_index} = (viz,vst) True = case x of // record Nothing // Create checkbox to create record = ([checkbox False],vst) Just x # (viz,vst) = fx (Just x) vst = ([recordContainer viz],vst) where recordContainer viz = { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer (if optional [checkbox True] [] ++ viz)) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing } checkbox c = sizedControl controlSize (TUIEditControl TUIBoolControl { name = name , value = toJSON c , taskId = maybe "" id taskId , eventValue = eventValue currentPath editEvent }) gVisualizeEditor{|PAIR|} fx _ _ fy _ _ val vst # (x,y) = (fmap fromPAIRX val, fmap fromPAIRY val) # (vizx, vst) = fx x vst # (vizy, vst) = fy y vst = (vizx ++ vizy, vst) gVisualizeEditor{|EITHER|} fx _ _ fy _ _ val vst = case val of Nothing = fx Nothing vst Just (LEFT x) = fx (Just x) vst Just (RIGHT y) = fy (Just y) vst gVisualizeEditor{|Int|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIIntControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Real|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIRealControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Char|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUICharControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|String|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIStringControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Bool|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIBoolControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Password|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIPasswordControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Note|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUINoteControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Date|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIDateControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Time|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUITimeControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|User|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIUserControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|Currency|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUICurrencyControl val vst gVisualizeEditor{|HtmlInclude|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple TUIStringControl (fmap (\(HtmlInclude path) -> path) val) vst gVisualizeEditor {|Document|} val vst = visualizeControlSimple control val vst where control = TUIDocumentControl (fromMaybe {Document|documentId = "",name = "", mime = "", size = 0} val) gVisualizeEditor{|FormButton|} val vst = visualizeControl control (fmap (\b=:{state} -> (state,b)) val) gVisualizeHtml{|*|} vst where control = TUIButtonControl { TUIButtonControl | label = buttonLabel val , iconCls = icon val } buttonLabel b = toString ((fmap (\b -> b.FormButton.label)) b) icon b = toString ((fmap (\b -> b.FormButton.icon)) b) gVisualizeEditor{|RadioChoice|} fx _ _ _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom mkControl val vst where mkControl name val touched verRes renderAsStatic vst=:{VSt|taskId} # (options,sel) = maybe ([],-1) (\(RadioChoice options mbSel) -> (map fst options,fromMaybe -1 mbSel) ) val # (itemVis,vst) = childVisualizations fx options {VSt|vst & renderAsStatic = True} # itemDefs = [defaultDef (TUIRadioChoice {TUIRadioChoice| items = items, taskId = taskId, name = name, index = i, checked = i == sel}) \\ items <- itemVis & i <- [0..]] = ([defaultDef (TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer itemDefs))], vst) gVisualizeEditor{|ComboChoice|} _ gx hx _ _ hy val vst = visualizeControl (TUIComboControl (toChoice val)) (fmap (\c=:(ComboChoice _ mbSel) -> (mbSel,c)) val) (gVisualizeHtml{|* -> *|} (gVisualizeHtml{|* -> * -> *|} hx hy)) vst where toChoice Nothing = [] toChoice (Just (ComboChoice options _)) = [concat (gx AsLabel v) \\ (v,_) <- options] gVisualizeEditor{|TreeChoice|} _ gx hx _ _ hy val vst = visualizeControl (TUITreeControl (toTree val)) (fmap (\t=:(TreeChoice _ mbSel) -> (mbSel,t)) val) (gVisualizeHtml{|* -> *|} (gVisualizeHtml{|* -> * -> *|} hx hy)) vst where toTree Nothing = [] toTree (Just (TreeChoice (Tree nodes) _)) = fst (mkTree nodes 0) mkTree [] idx = ([],idx) mkTree [Leaf (v,_):r] idx # (rtree,idx`) = mkTree r (inc idx) = ([{text = concat (gx AsLabel v), value = Just idx, leaf = True, children = Nothing}:rtree],idx`) mkTree [Node label nodes:r] idx # (children,idx) = mkTree nodes idx # (rtree,idx) = mkTree r idx = ([{text = label, value = Nothing, leaf = False, children = Just children}:rtree],idx) getMbView f mbChoice = fmap f (maybe Nothing getMbSelectionView mbChoice) gVisualizeEditor{|CheckMultiChoice|} fx _ _ _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom mkControl val vst where mkControl name val touched verRes renderAsStatic vst=:{VSt|taskId} # (options,sel) = maybe ([],[]) (\(CheckMultiChoice options sel) -> (map fst options,sel) ) val # (itemVis,vst) = childVisualizations fx options {VSt|vst & renderAsStatic = True} # itemDefs = [defaultDef (TUICheckChoice {TUICheckChoice| items = items, taskId = taskId, name = name, index = i, checked = isMember i sel}) \\ items <- itemVis & i <- [0..]] = ([defaultDef (TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer itemDefs))], vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Table|} val vst = visualizeControl(TUIGridControl (toGrid val)) (fmap (\t=:(Table _ _ mbSel) -> (mbSel,t)) val) gVisualizeHtml{|*|} vst where toGrid Nothing = {cells = [], headers = []} toGrid (Just (Table headers cells _)) = {headers = headers, cells = map (map toString) cells} gVisualizeEditor {|[]|} fx _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom mkControl val vst where mkControl name val touched verRes renderAsStatic vst=:{VSt|taskId} # val = fromMaybe [] val # (items,vst) = TUIDef val vst = (addMsg verRes { content = TUIListContainer { TUIListContainer | items = items , name = Just name , taskId = if renderAsStatic Nothing taskId} , width = Nothing , height = Nothing , margins = Nothing } ,vst) where TUIDef items vst # (itemsVis,vst) = childVisualizations fx items vst # vis = [listItemControl idx dx \\ dx <- itemsVis & idx <- [0..]] # (vis,vst) = case renderAsStatic of False # (dx,vst) = fx Nothing vst = (vis ++ [listItemControl (length vis) dx],vst) True = (vis,vst) = (vis,vst) listItemControl idx defs = { TUIListItem | index = idx , items = case defs of [def] = def defs = {content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer defs), width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing} } addMsg verSt list = case verSt of NoMsg = [list] HintMsg msg = addMsg` "icon-hint" msg list ValidMsg msg = addMsg` "icon-valid" msg list ErrorMsg msg = addMsg` "icon-invalid" msg list addMsg` cls msg list = [ { content = TUIContainer (defaultLayoutContainer [list,mkMessage cls msg]) , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing }] mkMessage cls msg = stringDisplay msg //(DivTag [ClassAttr "list-msg-field"] [DivTag [ClassAttr cls] [Text msg]]) gVisualizeEditor{|Dynamic|} _ vst = noVisualization vst gVisualizeEditor{|(->)|} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vst = noVisualization vst gVisualizeEditor{|Maybe|} fx _ _ val vst=:{VSt|currentPath} # vst = {VSt|vst & optional = True} # (viz,vst) = case val of Just (Just x) = fx (Just x) vst _ = fx Nothing vst = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = True, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) // wrapper types changing visualization behaviour gVisualizeEditor{|Hidden|} fx _ _ val vst=:{VSt | currentPath, verifyMask} # (_,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) gVisualizeEditor{|Display|} fx _ _ val vst=:{currentPath,renderAsStatic} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromDisplay val) {VSt | vst & renderAsStatic = True} = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) gVisualizeEditor{|Editable|} fx _ _ val vst=:{currentPath, renderAsStatic} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromEditable val) {VSt | vst & renderAsStatic = False} = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) gVisualizeEditor{|VisualizationHint|} fx gx hx val vst=:{VSt|currentPath} = case val of Just (VHHidden x) = gVisualizeEditor{|* -> *|} fx gx hx (Just (Hidden x)) vst Just (VHDisplay x) = gVisualizeEditor{|* -> *|} fx gx hx (Just (Display x)) vst Just (VHEditable x) = gVisualizeEditor{|* -> *|} fx gx hx (Just (Editable x)) vst Nothing = fx Nothing vst gVisualizeEditor{|ControlSize|} fx _ _ val vst=:{controlSize} = case val of Nothing = fx Nothing vst (Just (ControlSize width height margins v)) # (def,vst) = fx (Just v) {VSt | vst & controlSize = (width,height,margins)} = (def,{VSt | vst & controlSize = controlSize}) gVisualizeEditor{|FillControlSize|} fx _ _ val vst=:{controlSize=controlSize=:(_,_,margins)} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromFillControlSize val) {vst & controlSize = (Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize),Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize),margins)} = (def,{vst & controlSize = controlSize}) gVisualizeEditor{|FillWControlSize|} fx _ _ val vst=:{controlSize=controlSize=:(_,height,margins)} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromFillWControlSize val) {vst & controlSize = (Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize),height,margins)} = (def,{vst & controlSize = controlSize}) gVisualizeEditor{|FillHControlSize|} fx _ _ val vst=:{controlSize=controlSize=:(width,_,margins)} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromFillHControlSize val) {vst & controlSize = (width,Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize),margins)} = (def,{vst & controlSize = controlSize}) gVisualizeEditor{|Void|} _ vst = noVisualization vst gVisualizeEditor{|DateTime|} val vst=:{VSt|currentPath} # (dateViz,timeViz,vst) = case val of Nothing # (dateViz,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} noDate vst # (timeViz,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} noTime vst = (dateViz,timeViz,vst) Just (DateTime date time) # (dateViz,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} (Just date) vst # (timeViz,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} (Just time) vst = (dateViz,timeViz,vst) = ([defaultDef (TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer [hd dateViz, {hd timeViz & margins = leftMargin 5}] & direction = Horizontal})],vst) where noDate :: Maybe Date noDate = Nothing noTime :: Maybe Time noTime = Nothing //derive gVisualizeEditor DateTime derive gVisualizeEditor Either, (,), (,,), (,,,), UserDetails, Timestamp, Map, EmailAddress, Action, TreeNode, ManagerProperties, RunningTaskStatus, TaskPriority, Session, Tree derive bimap Maybe //***** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ************************************************************************************************* visualizeControlSimple :: !TUIControlType !(Maybe a) !*VSt -> *(![TUIDef],!*VSt) | JSONEncode{|*|}, gVisualizeHtml{|*|} a visualizeControlSimple control v vst = visualizeControl control (fmap (\v -> (v,v)) v) gVisualizeHtml{|*|} vst visualizeControl :: !TUIControlType !(Maybe (!a,b)) !(StaticVisualizationMode (Maybe b) -> [HtmlTag]) !*VSt -> *(![TUIDef], !*VSt) | JSONEncode{|*|} a visualizeControl control v htmlF vst=:{editEvent,currentPath,controlSize} = visualizeCustom tuiF v vst where tuiF name v touched verRes _ vst=:{VSt|taskId, renderAsStatic} | renderAsStatic = ([sizedControl controlSize (TUIShowControl control {TUIShowControl| value = toJSON (fmap fst v)})], vst) | otherwise # v = checkMask touched v # viz = sizedControl controlSize (TUIEditControl control { TUIEditControl | name = name , value = toJSON (fmap fst v) , eventValue = eventValue currentPath editEvent , taskId = fromMaybe "" taskId }) = ([addMsg verRes viz],vst) checkMask :: !Bool !(Maybe a) -> (Maybe a) checkMask False _ = Nothing checkMask _ val = val visualizeCustom :: !(TUIVizFunction a) !(Maybe a) !*VSt -> *(![TUIDef],!*VSt) visualizeCustom tuiF v vst=:{currentPath,renderAsStatic,verifyMask} # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask // only check mask if generating editor definition & not for labels # touched = isTouched cmv # vst = {VSt|vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (vis,vst) = tuiF (dp2s currentPath) v touched (verifyElementStr cmv) renderAsStatic vst = (vis,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) noVisualization :: !*VSt -> *(![TUIDef],!*VSt) noVisualization vst=:{VSt|currentPath,verifyMask} # (_,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) childVisualizations :: !((Maybe a) -> .(*VSt -> *([TUIDef],*VSt))) ![a] !*VSt -> *(![[TUIDef]],!*VSt) childVisualizations fx children vst = childVisualizations` children [] vst where childVisualizations` [] acc vst = (reverse acc,vst) childVisualizations` [child:children] acc vst # (childV,vst) = fx (Just child) vst = childVisualizations` children [childV:acc] vst sizedControl :: !(!Maybe TUISize,!Maybe TUISize,!Maybe TUIMargins) !TUIDefContent -> TUIDef sizedControl (width,height,mbMargins) content = {content = content, width = width, height = height, margins = mbMargins} verifyElementStr :: !VerifyMask -> VerifyResult verifyElementStr cmv = case cmv of VMValid mbHnt _ = maybe NoMsg ValidMsg mbHnt VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ = maybe NoMsg HintMsg mbHnt VMInvalid err _ = ErrorMsg (toString err) eventValue :: !DataPath !(Maybe (!DataPath,!JSONNode)) -> Maybe JSONNode eventValue currentPath mbEvent = case mbEvent of Just (dp,val) | dp == currentPath = Just val _ = Nothing addMsg :: !VerifyResult !TUIDef -> TUIDef addMsg verRes viz = case verRes of NoMsg = viz HintMsg msg = add "icon-hint" msg viz ValidMsg msg = add "icon-valid" msg viz ErrorMsg msg = add "icon-invalid" msg viz where add cls msg viz= {content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultLayoutContainer [viz,mkIcon cls msg] & direction = Horizontal}, width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing} mkIcon cls msg = {defaultDef (TUIIcon {type = cls, tooltip = Just msg}) & margins = leftMargin 5} //********************************************************************************************************************* (+++>) infixr 5 :: !a !String -> String | gVisualizeText{|*|} a (+++>) a s = visualizeAsText AsLabel a +++ s (<+++) infixl 5 :: !String !a -> String | gVisualizeText{|*|} a (<+++) s a = s +++ visualizeAsText AsLabel a