implementation module ProcessDB import StdEnv, Maybe import IWorld, TaskContext, Store, Util, Text, Time, Random import SerializationGraphCopy //TODO: Make switchable from within iTasks module derive JSONEncode Process derive JSONDecode Process gEq{|Process|} {processId = pid0} {processId = pid1} = pid0 == pid1 derive bimap Maybe, (,) NEXT_ID_DB :== "NextProcessID" PROCESS_DB :== "ProcessDB" CONTEXT_DB id :== "Process-" +++ toString id +++ "-context" instance ProcessDB IWorld where getNewSessionId :: !*IWorld -> (!ProcessId,!*IWorld) getNewSessionId iworld # (sid,iworld) = genSessionId iworld = (SessionProcess sid, iworld) getNewWorkflowId :: !*IWorld -> (!ProcessId,!*IWorld) getNewWorkflowId iworld # (mbNewPid,iworld) = loadValue NEXT_ID_DB iworld = case mbNewPid of Just pid # iworld = storeValue NEXT_ID_DB (pid+1) iworld = (WorkflowProcess pid,iworld) Nothing # iworld = storeValue NEXT_ID_DB 2 iworld //store the next value (2) = (WorkflowProcess 1,iworld) //return the first value (1) getProcess :: !ProcessId !*IWorld -> (!Maybe Process,!*IWorld) getProcess processId iworld # (procs,iworld) = readProcessStore iworld = case [process \\ process <- procs | process.Process.processId == processId] of [entry] = (Just entry, iworld) _ = (Nothing, iworld) getProcessContext :: !ProcessId !*IWorld -> (!Maybe TaskContext, !*IWorld) getProcessContext pid iworld = loadValue (CONTEXT_DB pid) iworld getProcessForUser :: !User !ProcessId !*IWorld -> (!Maybe Process,!*IWorld) getProcessForUser user processId iworld # (procs,iworld) = readProcessStore iworld = case [p\\ p <- procs | p.Process.processId == processId && user == ] of [entry] = (Just entry, iworld) _ = (Nothing, iworld) getProcesses :: ![TaskStatus] ![RunningTaskStatus] !*IWorld -> (![Process], !*IWorld) getProcesses statusses runningStatusses iworld # (procs, iworld) = readProcessStore iworld = (filterProcs (\p -> isMember statusses && isMember runningStatusses) procs, iworld) getProcessesById :: ![ProcessId] !*IWorld -> (![Process], !*IWorld) getProcessesById ids iworld # (procs,iworld) = readProcessStore iworld = ([process \\ process <- procs | isMember process.Process.processId ids], iworld) getProcessesForUser :: !User ![TaskStatus] ![RunningTaskStatus] !*IWorld -> (![Process], !*IWorld) getProcessesForUser user statusses runningStatusses iworld # (procs,iworld) = readProcessStore iworld = (filterProcs (\p -> isRelevant user p && isMember statusses && isMember runningStatusses) procs, iworld) where isRelevant user {Process | properties} //Either you are working on the task = ( properties.ProcessProperties.managerProperties.worker == user) setProcessContext :: !ProcessId !TaskContext !*IWorld -> *IWorld setProcessContext processId context iworld //Store the context # iworld = storeValue (CONTEXT_DB processId) context iworld //Update the process table with the process information from this contexts # iworld = snd (processStore (update (contextToProcess context)) iworld) = iworld where update process [] = [process] update process [p:ps] = if (p.processId == process.processId) [process:ps] [p:update process ps] deleteProcess :: !ProcessId !*IWorld -> *IWorld deleteProcess processId iworld //Delete values from store # iworld = deleteValues ("Process-" +++ toString processId) iworld //Delete from process table # (_,iworld) = processStore (\procs -> [process \\ process <- procs | process.Process.processId <> processId]) iworld = iworld lastChange :: !*IWorld -> (!Timestamp,!*IWorld) lastChange iworld # (mbTs,iworld) = getStoreTimestamp PROCESS_DB iworld = (fromMaybe (Timestamp 0) mbTs,iworld) processStore :: !([Process] -> [Process]) !*IWorld -> (![Process],!*IWorld) processStore fn iworld # (list,iworld) = readProcessStore iworld # list = fn list # iworld = storeValue "ProcessDB" list iworld = (list,iworld) readProcessStore :: !*IWorld -> (![Process],!*IWorld) readProcessStore iworld # (mbList,iworld) = loadValue "ProcessDB" iworld = (fromMaybe [] mbList,iworld) genSessionId :: !*IWorld -> (!String, !*IWorld) genSessionId iworld=:{IWorld|world,timestamp} # (Clock c, world) = clock world = (toString (take 32 [toChar (97 + abs (i rem 26)) \\ i <- genRandInt (toInt timestamp+c)]) , {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) contextToProcess :: !TaskContext -> Process contextToProcess (TaskContext processId properties _ scontext) = {processId = processId, properties = properties, subprocesses = tsubprocs scontext} where tsubprocs (TTCRunning _ context) = subprocs context tsubprocs _ = [] subprocs (TCEmpty) = [] subprocs (TCBasic _) = [] subprocs (TCBind (Left context)) = subprocs context subprocs (TCBind (Right (_,context))) = subprocs context subprocs (TCTry (Left context)) = subprocs context subprocs (TCTry (Right (_,context))) = subprocs context subprocs (TCParallel _ _ subs) = subprocsp subs subprocsp [] = [] subprocsp [(_,STCDetached properties context):subs] = [{processId = addTarget properties.systemProperties.taskId processId ,properties = properties ,subprocesses = case context of Nothing = []; Just (_,c) = subprocs c} :subprocsp subs] subprocsp [(_,STCBody _ Nothing):subs] = subprocsp subs subprocsp [(_,STCBody _ (Just (_,c))):subs] = subprocs c ++ subprocsp subs subprocsp [(_,STCHidden _ Nothing):subs] = subprocsp subs subprocsp [(_,STCHidden _ (Just (_,c))):subs] = subprocs c ++ subprocsp subs addTarget target (WorkflowProcess pid) = (EmbeddedProcess pid target) addTarget _ procId = procId filterProcs :: (Process -> Bool) [Process] -> [Process] filterProcs pred procs = flatten [if (pred p) [{p & subprocesses = filterProcs pred p.subprocesses}] (filterProcs pred p.subprocesses) \\ p <- procs]