implementation module GoogleMaps import HTML, StdEnv, JSON, GenUpdate, GenVisualize, GenVerify derive JSONEncode TUIGoogleMap, TUIGoogleMapOptions, TUIGoogleStaticMap derive JSONDecode MVCUpdate, ClickUpdate, ClickSource, ClickEvent, MarkerDragUpdate derive gVisualizeText GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType derive gVisualizeHtml GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType derive gVisualizeEditor GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType derive gUpdate GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gDefaultMask GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gVerify GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive JSONEncode GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive JSONDecode GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gEq GoogleMap, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap JSONEncode{|GoogleMapPosition|} {lat,lng} = [JSONArray [JSONReal lat,JSONReal lng]] JSONDecode{|GoogleMapPosition|} [JSONArray [JSONReal lat,JSONReal lng]:rest] = (Just {lat=lat,lng=lng},rest) JSONDecode{|GoogleMapPosition|} [JSONArray [JSONInt lat,JSONReal lng]:rest] = (Just {lat=toReal lat,lng=lng},rest) JSONDecode{|GoogleMapPosition|} [JSONArray [JSONReal lat,JSONInt lng]:rest] = (Just {lat=lat,lng=toReal lng},rest) JSONDecode{|GoogleMapPosition|} [JSONArray [JSONInt lat,JSONInt lng]:rest] = (Just {lat=toReal lat,lng=toReal lng},rest) JSONDecode{|GoogleMapPosition|} rest = (Nothing,rest) derive bimap Maybe, (,) :: MVCUpdate = { center :: !GoogleMapPosition , zoom :: !Int , type :: !GoogleMapType } :: ClickUpdate = { event :: !ClickEvent , source :: !ClickSource , point :: !GoogleMapPosition } :: ClickEvent = LEFTCLICK | RIGHTCLICK | DBLCLICK :: ClickSource = MAP | MARKER GoogleMapPosition :: MarkerDragUpdate = { index :: !Int , point :: !GoogleMapPosition } :: TUIGoogleMap = { center :: GoogleMapPosition , mapType :: GoogleMapType , markers :: [GoogleMapMarker] , xtype :: String , taskId :: String , name :: String , editor :: Bool , options :: TUIGoogleMapOptions } :: TUIGoogleMapOptions = { mapTypeControl :: Bool , panControl :: Bool , streetViewControl :: Bool , zoomControl :: Bool , scaleControl :: Bool , scrollwheel :: Bool , draggable :: Bool , zoom :: Int } ::TUIGoogleStaticMap = { width :: Int , height :: Int , xtype :: String , url :: String } instance toString GoogleMapType where toString ROADMAP = "ROADMAP" toString SATELLITE = "SATELLITE" toString HYBRID = "HYBRID" toString TERRAIN = "TERRAIN" gVisualizeText{|GoogleMap|} _ _ = ["Map"] gVisualizeHtml{|GoogleMap|} mode map = case mode of AsLabel = [Text "Map"] AsDisplay = [staticMap (convertToStaticMap map)] gVisualizeEditor{|GoogleMap|} mbMap vst = visualizeCustom mkControl mbMap vst where mkControl name mbMap _ _ static vst=:{VSt|taskId} | static //TODO = ([], vst) //= ([htmlDisplay (staticMap (convertToStaticMap (fromMaybe defaultMap mbMap)))], vst) | otherwise = ([defaultDef (TUICustom ((mapPanel mbMap name True)))], vst) where mapPanel Nothing name ed = toJSON (tuidef defaultMap name ed) mapPanel (Just map) name ed = toJSON (tuidef map name ed) tuidef map name ed = { TUIGoogleMap | center = , mapType = map.GoogleMap.mapType , markers = map.GoogleMap.markers , xtype = "igooglemap" , name = name , taskId = fromMaybe "" taskId , editor = ed , options = { TUIGoogleMapOptions | mapTypeControl = map.GoogleMap.mapTypeControl , panControl = map.GoogleMap.panControl , streetViewControl = map.GoogleMap.streetViewControl , zoomControl = map.GoogleMap.zoomControl , scaleControl = map.GoogleMap.scaleControl , scrollwheel = map.GoogleMap.scrollwheel , draggable = map.GoogleMap.draggable , zoom = map.GoogleMap.zoom } } gVisualizeText{|GoogleStaticMap|} mode (GoogleStaticMap _ _ u) = case mode of AsLabel = ["Static Map"] AsDisplay = ["Static Map: " +++ u] gVisualizeHtml{|GoogleStaticMap|} mode map = case mode of AsLabel = [Text "Static Map"] AsDisplay = [staticMap map] gVisualizeEditor{|GoogleStaticMap|} mbMap vst = visualizeCustom mkControl mbMap vst where mkControl _ mbMap _ _ _ vst = case mbMap of Just (GoogleStaticMap w h u) = ([defaultDef (TUICustom (toJSON (staticMap w h u)))], vst) _ = ([], vst) staticMap w h u = { TUIGoogleStaticMap | width = w , height = h , xtype = "igooglestaticmap" , url = u } staticMap (GoogleStaticMap w h u) = ImgTag [SrcAttr u, WidthAttr (toString w), HeightAttr (toString h)] gUpdate{|GoogleMap|} mode ust = basicUpdate mode parseUpdate defaultMap ust where parseUpdate json orig # mbMVC = fromJSON json | isJust mbMVC # mvc = fromJust mbMVC = {GoogleMap | orig & center =, zoom = mvc.MVCUpdate.zoom, mapType = mvc.MVCUpdate.type} # mbClick = fromJSON json | isJust mbClick # click = fromJust mbClick # marker = {GoogleMapMarker | position = click.ClickUpdate.point, title = Nothing, infoWindow = Nothing, draggable = True} = {GoogleMap | orig & markers = orig.GoogleMap.markers ++ [marker]} # mbMarkerDrag = fromJSON json | isJust mbMarkerDrag # {MarkerDragUpdate|index,point} = fromJust mbMarkerDrag = {GoogleMap | orig & markers = [if (i == index) {GoogleMapMarker|m & position = point} m \\ m <- orig.GoogleMap.markers & i <- [0..]]} | otherwise = orig gDefaultMask{|GoogleMap|} _ = [Touched []] gVerify{|GoogleMap|} _ vst = alwaysValid vst //Maps are always valid // -- Utility Functions -- defaultMap :: GoogleMap defaultMap = { GoogleMap | center = {GoogleMapPosition|lat = 51.82, lng = 5.86} , mapTypeControl = True , panControl = True , streetViewControl = True , zoomControl = True , scaleControl = True , scrollwheel = True , draggable = True , zoom = 10 , mapType = ROADMAP , markers = [] } minimalMap :: GoogleMap minimalMap = { GoogleMap | center = {GoogleMapPosition|lat = 51.82, lng = 5.86} , mapTypeControl = False , panControl = False , streetViewControl = False , zoomControl = False , scaleControl = False , scrollwheel = False , draggable = False , zoom = 10 , mapType = ROADMAP , markers = [] } convertToStaticMap :: !GoogleMap -> GoogleStaticMap convertToStaticMap map =:{GoogleMap | center = {lat,lng}, zoom, mapType, markers} # url = "" # cntr = "center="+++(toString lat)+++","+++(toString lng) # zm = "zoom="+++(toString zoom) # sz = "size=650x600" # tp = "maptype="+++(toString mapType) # mrkrs = "markers="+++(convertMarkers markers) = GoogleStaticMap 650 600 (url+++cntr+++"&"+++zm+++"&"+++sz+++"&"+++tp+++"&"+++mrkrs+++"&sensor=false&key="+++GOOGLE_API_KEY) where convertMarkers :: [GoogleMapMarker] -> String convertMarkers [] = ""; convertMarkers [x] = convertMarker x convertMarkers [x:xs] = (convertMarker x)+++"|"+++(convertMarkers xs) convertMarker :: GoogleMapMarker -> String convertMarker mrkr =: {position ={lat,lng}, infoWindow} = toString lat+++","+++toString lng