implementation module ProcessDBTasks import StdOverloaded, StdClass, StdInt, StdMisc, StdArray, StdTuple, StdList, Error, Map, Time, Tuple import Task, Store, TaskContext, Shared, Util from SystemTypes import :: ProcessId from StdFunc import id from ProcessDB import :: Process{..} from ProcessDB import qualified class ProcessDB(..), instance ProcessDB IWorld import GenVisualize derive gVisualizeText ProcessId, Process, ProcessProperties, SystemProperties, TaskMeta, TaskStatus, TaskDescription, InteractionTaskType, OutputTaskType derive gVisualizeHtml ProcessId, Process, ProcessProperties, SystemProperties, TaskMeta, TaskStatus, TaskDescription, InteractionTaskType, OutputTaskType derive gVisualizeEditor ProcessId, Process, ProcessProperties, SystemProperties, TaskMeta, TaskStatus, TaskDescription, InteractionTaskType, OutputTaskType derive gUpdate ProcessId, Process, ProcessProperties, SystemProperties, TaskMeta, TaskStatus, TaskDescription, InteractionTaskType, OutputTaskType derive gDefaultMask ProcessId, Process, ProcessProperties, SystemProperties, TaskMeta, TaskStatus, TaskDescription, InteractionTaskType, OutputTaskType derive gVerify ProcessId, Process, ProcessProperties, SystemProperties, TaskMeta, TaskStatus, TaskDescription, InteractionTaskType, OutputTaskType derive bimap Maybe,(,) getProcess :: !ProcessId -> Task (Maybe Process) getProcess pid = mkInstantTask ("Get process", "Read a process from the database.") eval where eval taskNr iworld = appFst TaskFinished ( 'ProcessDB'.getProcess pid iworld) getProcessForUser :: !User !ProcessId -> Task (Maybe Process) getProcessForUser user pid = mkInstantTask ("Get process for user", "Read a process from the database with a check if a user needs to work on it.") eval where eval taskNr iworld = appFst TaskFinished ('ProcessDB'.getProcessForUser user pid iworld) getProcesses :: ![ProcessId] -> Task [Process] getProcesses ids = mkInstantTask ("Get processes", "Read a set of processes from the database.") eval where eval taskNr iworld = appFst TaskFinished ('ProcessDB'.getProcessesById ids iworld) getProcessesWithStatus :: ![TaskStatus] ![RunningTaskStatus] -> Task [Process] getProcessesWithStatus statuses runningStatuses = mkInstantTask ("Get processes by status", "Read all processes from the database with a specific status.") eval where eval taskNr iworld = appFst TaskFinished ('ProcessDB'.getProcesses statuses runningStatuses iworld) getProcessesForUser :: !User ![TaskStatus] ![RunningTaskStatus] -> Task [Process] getProcessesForUser user statuses runningStatuses = mkInstantTask ("Get processes for user", "Read all processes from the database that a user needs to work on.") eval where eval taskNr iworld = appFst TaskFinished ('ProcessDB'.getProcessesForUser user statuses runningStatuses iworld) getProcessOwner :: !ProcessId -> Task (Maybe User) getProcessOwner pid = mkInstantTask ("Get process owner", "Determine the user working on the task.") eval where eval taskNr iworld # (process,iworld) = 'ProcessDB'.getProcess pid iworld # owner = if (isNothing process) Nothing (Just (fromJust process) = (TaskFinished owner,iworld) getProcessStatus :: !ProcessId -> Task (TaskStatus,RunningTaskStatus) getProcessStatus pid = mkInstantTask ("Get process status", "Determine the status of a process.") eval where eval taskNr iworld # (mbProcess,iworld) = 'ProcessDB'.getProcess pid iworld = case mbProcess of Just proc = (TaskFinished (,, iworld) Nothing = (TaskFinished (Deleted,Active), iworld) deleteProcess :: !ProcessId -> Task Void deleteProcess pid = mkInstantTask ("Delete process", "Delete a process from the database.") eval where eval taskNr iworld # iworld = 'ProcessDB'.deleteProcess pid iworld = (TaskFinished Void,iworld)