implementation module ExceptionCombinators /** * This module contains iTask combinators for Exception Handling */ import StdList, StdArray, StdTuple, OSError, File, FilePath, Map, JSON import Task, TaskContext, ProcessDB, Util derive class iTask FileException, ParseException, CallException, SharedException, RPCException, OSException, WorkOnException derive class iTask FileError derive bimap Maybe,(,) instance toString FileException where toString (FileException path error) = case error of CannotOpen = "Cannot open file '" +++ path +++ "'" CannotClose = "Cannot close file '" +++ path +++ "'" IOError = "Error reading/writing file '" +++ path +++ "'" instance toString ParseException where toString (CannotParse err) = "Parser error: " +++ err instance toString CallException where toString (CallFailed (_,err)) = "Error calling external process: " +++ err instance toString SharedException where toString (SharedException err) = "Error performing operation on shared:" +++ err instance toString RPCException where toString (RPCException err) = "Error performing RPC call: " +++ err instance toString OSException where toString (OSException (_,err)) = "Error performing OS operation: " +++ err instance toString WorkOnException where toString WorkOnNotFound = "Error working on process: cannot find process" toString WorkOnEvalError = "Error working on process: evaluation error" toString WorkOnDependencyCycle = "Error working on process: cycle in dependencies detected" try :: !(Task a) (e -> Task a) -> Task a | iTask a & iTask, toString e try normalTask handlerTaskFun = mkTask (taskMeta normalTask) init edit eval where normalTaskFuncs = taskFuncs normalTask init taskNr iworld # (cxt,iworld) = normalTaskFuncs.initFun [0:taskNr] iworld = (TCTry (Left cxt), iworld) edit taskNr event context=:(TCTry (Left cxtNormal)) iworld = case stepEvent 0 (Just event) of Nothing = (context, iworld) Just event # (newCxtNormal,iworld) = normalTaskFuncs.editFun [0:taskNr] event cxtNormal iworld = (TCTry (Left newCxtNormal), iworld) edit taskNr event context=:(TCTry (Right (encEx, cxtHandler))) iworld = case stepEvent 1 (Just event) of Nothing = (context, iworld) Just event = case (fromJSON encEx) of Just e # handler = taskFuncs (handlerTaskFun e) # (newCxtHandler,iworld) = handler.editFun [1:taskNr] event cxtHandler iworld = (TCTry (Right (encEx, newCxtHandler)), iworld) Nothing = (context, iworld) //Normal execution still possible eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context=:(TCTry (Left cxtNormal)) iworld # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters normalTask # (result, iworld) = normalTaskFuncs.evalFun [0:taskNr] (stepEvent 0 event) (stepTarget 0 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtNormal iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtNormal = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 0 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCTry (Left newCxtNormal)), iworld) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished a, iworld) //Matching exception TaskException (ex :: e^) str //Run the handler immediately # handler = handlerTaskFun ex # handlerFuncs = taskFuncs handler # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters handler # (cxtHandler,iworld) = handlerFuncs.initFun [1:taskNr] iworld # (result,iworld) = handlerFuncs.evalFun [1:taskNr] (stepEvent 1 event) (stepTarget 1 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtHandler iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtHandler = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 1 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCTry (Right (toJSON ex,newCxtHandler))), iworld) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished a,iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) //Other exception (pass through TaskException ex str = (TaskException ex str, iworld) //Handling the exception eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context=:(TCTry (Right (encEx,cxtHandler))) iworld = case fromJSON encEx of Just e # handler = handlerTaskFun e # handlerFuncs = taskFuncs handler # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters handler # (result,iworld) = handlerFuncs.evalFun [1:taskNr] (stepEvent 1 event) (stepTarget 1 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtHandler iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtHandler = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 1 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCTry (Right (encEx,newCxtHandler))), iworld) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished a,iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) Nothing = (taskException "Corrupt exception value in try" ,iworld) eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context iworld = (taskException "Corrupt task context in try", iworld) tuiOk i [] tui = tui tuiOk i [t:ts] tui | i == t = tui | otherwise = Nothing throw :: !e -> Task a | iTask a & iTask, toString e throw e = mkInstantTask "Throw an exception" eval where eval taskNr iworld = (TaskException (dynamic e) (toString e),iworld) //TODO: Rewrite to a common base function for try and catchAll catchAll :: !(Task a) (String -> Task a) -> Task a | iTask a catchAll normalTask handlerTaskFun = mkTask (taskMeta normalTask) init edit eval where normalTaskFuncs = taskFuncs normalTask init taskNr iworld # (cxt, iworld) = normalTaskFuncs.initFun [0:taskNr] iworld = (TCTry (Left cxt), iworld) edit taskNr (TaskEvent [0:steps] (path,val)) context=:(TCTry (Left cxtNormal)) iworld # (newCxtNormal,iworld) = normalTaskFuncs.editFun [0:taskNr] (TaskEvent steps (path,val)) cxtNormal iworld = (TCTry (Left newCxtNormal), iworld) edit taskNr (TaskEvent [1:steps] (path,val)) context=:(TCTry (Right (encEx, cxtHandler))) iworld = case (fromJSON encEx) of Just e # handler = taskFuncs (handlerTaskFun e) # (newCxtHandler,iworld) = handler.editFun [1:taskNr] (TaskEvent steps (path,val)) cxtHandler iworld = (TCTry (Right (encEx, newCxtHandler)), iworld) Nothing = (context, iworld) edit taskNr event context iworld = (context, iworld) //Normal execution still possible eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context=:(TCTry (Left cxtNormal)) iworld # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters normalTask # (result, iworld) = normalTaskFuncs.evalFun [0:taskNr] (stepEvent 0 event) (stepTarget 0 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtNormal iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtNormal = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 0 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCTry (Left newCxtNormal)), iworld) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished a, iworld) //Matching exception TaskException _ str //Run the handler immediately # handler = handlerTaskFun str # handlerFuncs = taskFuncs handler # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters handler # (cxtHandler,iworld) = handlerFuncs.initFun [1:taskNr] iworld # (result,iworld) = handlerFuncs.evalFun [1:taskNr] (stepEvent 1 event) (stepTarget 1 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtHandler iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtHandler = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 1 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCTry (Right (toJSON str,newCxtHandler))), iworld) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished a,iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) //Handling the exception eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context=:(TCTry (Right (encEx,cxtHandler))) iworld = case fromJSON encEx of Just e # handler = handlerTaskFun e # handlerFuncs = taskFuncs handler # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters handler # (result,iworld) = handlerFuncs.evalFun [1:taskNr] (stepEvent 1 event) (stepTarget 1 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtHandler iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtHandler = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 1 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCTry (Right (encEx,newCxtHandler))), iworld) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished a,iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) Nothing = (taskException "Corrupt exception value in catchAll" ,iworld) eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context iworld = (taskException "Corrupt task context in catchAll", iworld)