implementation module CoreCombinators import StdList, StdTuple, StdMisc, StdBool, StdOrdList import Task, TaskContext, Util, HTTP, GenUpdate, UserDB, Store, SystemTypes, Time, Text, Shared, Func import iTaskClass, InteractionTasks from Map import qualified get, put, del from StdFunc import id, const, o, seq from IWorld import :: IWorld(..), :: Control(..) from ProcessDB import :: Process{..} from ProcessDB import qualified class ProcessDB(..), instance ProcessDB IWorld from iTasks import JSONEncode, JSONDecode, dynamicJSONEncode, dynamicJSONDecode from CoreTasks import return from TuningCombinators import :: Tag derive class iTask ParallelTaskInfo, ParallelControl, TaskGUI derive bimap Maybe, (,) //Standard monadic bind (>>=) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) !(a -> Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b (>>=) taska taskbfun = mkTask (taskMeta taska) init edit eval where init taskNr iworld # taskaFuncs = taskFuncs taska # (inita,iworld) = taskaFuncs.initFun [0:taskNr] iworld = (TCBind (Left inita), iworld) //Event is targeted at first task of the bind edit taskNr event context=:(TCBind (Left cxta)) iworld = case stepEvent 0 (Just event) of Nothing = (context, iworld) Just event # taskaFuncs = taskFuncs taska # (newCxta,iworld) = taskaFuncs.editFun [0:taskNr] event cxta iworld = (TCBind (Left newCxta), iworld) //Event is targeted at second task of the bind edit taskNr event context=:(TCBind (Right (vala,cxtb))) iworld = case stepEvent 1 (Just event) of Nothing = (context,iworld) //Mismatching event Just event //Compute the second task based on the result of the first = case fromJSON vala of Just a # taskbfun = taskFuncs (taskbfun a) # (newCxtb,iworld) = taskbfun.editFun [1:taskNr] event cxtb iworld = (TCBind (Right (vala,newCxtb)), iworld) Nothing = (context, iworld) //Evaluate first task eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ (TCBind (Left cxta)) iworld //Adjust the target of a possible event # taskaFuncs = taskFuncs taska # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters taska # (resa, iworld) = taskaFuncs.evalFun [0:taskNr] (stepEvent 0 event) (stepTarget 0 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxta iworld = case resa of TaskBusy tui actions newCxta = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 0 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCBind (Left newCxta)), iworld) TaskFinished a //Directly continue with the second task # taskb = taskbfun a # taskbfuncs = taskFuncs taskb # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters taskb # (cxtb,iworld) = taskbfuncs.initFun [1:taskNr] iworld # (resb,iworld) = taskbfuncs.evalFun [1:taskNr] Nothing (stepTarget 1 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtb iworld = case resb of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtb = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 1 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCBind (Right (toJSON a,newCxtb))),iworld) TaskFinished b = (TaskFinished b, iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) //Evaluate second task eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ (TCBind (Right (vala,cxtb))) iworld = case fromJSON vala of Just a # taskb = taskbfun a # taskbfuncs = taskFuncs taskb # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters taskb # (resb, iworld) = taskbfuncs.evalFun [1:taskNr] (stepEvent 1 event) (stepTarget 1 tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout cxtb iworld = case resb of TaskBusy tui actions newCxtb = (TaskBusy (tuiOk 1 tuiTaskNr tui) actions (TCBind (Right (vala,newCxtb))),iworld) TaskFinished b = (TaskFinished b, iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) Nothing = (taskException "Corrupt task value in bind", iworld) //Incorred state eval taskNr _ event tuiTaskNr _ _ context iworld = (taskException "Corrupt task context in bind", iworld) //Check that when we want the TUI of a sub task that it is on the path tuiOk i [] tui = tui tuiOk i [t:ts] tui | i == t = tui | otherwise = Nothing (>>|) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) (Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b (>>|) taska taskb = taska >>= \_ -> taskb (>>+) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) !(TermFunc a b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b (>>+) task=:{Task|type} termF = case type of ActionTask actionTaskF = {Task|task & type = NormalTask (actionTaskF termF)} _ = task >>= \r -> showInformation (taskMeta task) [] r >>+ termF noActions :: (TermFunc a b) | iTask a & iTask b noActions = const (UserActions []) returnAction :: Action -> (TermFunc a a) | iTask a returnAction action = \{modelValue,localValid} -> UserActions [(action, if localValid (Just modelValue) Nothing)] constActions :: [(Action,b)] -> (TermFunc a b) | iTask a & iTask b constActions actions = const (UserActions [(a,Just v) \\ (a,v) <- actions]) // Parallel composition INFOKEY id :== "parallel_" +++ taskNrToString id +++ "-info" :: ResultSet = RSException !Dynamic !String | RSStopped | RSResults ![(!Int, !TaskResult ParallelControl, !SubTaskContext)] parallel :: !d !s (ResultFun s a) ![TaskContainer s] -> Task a | iTask s & iTask a & descr d parallel description initState resultFun initTasks = mkTask description init edit eval where //Create initial set of tasks and initial state init taskNr iworld=:{IWorld|timestamp} # (subContexts, nextIdx, iworld) = initSubContexts taskNr taskList 0 initTasks iworld # meta = {nextIdx = nextIdx, stateId = taskNrToString taskNr, stateChanged = timestamp, infoChanged = timestamp} # encState = encodeState initState initState = (TCParallel encState meta subContexts, iworld) where taskList = ParallelTaskList (taskNrToString taskNr) initSubContexts taskNr taskList i [] iworld = ([],i,iworld) initSubContexts taskNr taskList i [t:ts] iworld # (s,iworld) = initSubContext taskNr taskList i t iworld # (ss, nextIdx, iworld) = initSubContexts taskNr taskList (i + 1) ts iworld = ([(i,s):ss], nextIdx, iworld) //Direct the event to the right place edit taskNr event context=:(TCParallel encState meta subs) iworld //Add the current state to the parallelStates scope in iworld # state = decodeState encState initState # iworld = addParState taskNr state meta iworld //Put the initial parallel task info overview in the parallelStates scope in iworld # iworld = addParTaskInfo taskNr subs meta.infoChanged iworld //Evaluate sub(s) # (TCParallel encState meta subs,iworld) = case event of (TaskEvent [s:steps] val) //Evaluate only the matching sub-context = case [(i,sub) \\ (i,sub) <- subs | i == s] of [(i,sub)] # ((i,newSub),iworld) = editSub taskNr (TaskEvent steps val) (i,sub) iworld = (TCParallel encState meta [if (i == s) (i,newSub) (i,sub) \\(i,sub) <- subs],iworld) _ = (context,iworld) (ProcessEvent path val) //Evaluate all sub-contexts # (subs, iworld) = mapSt (editSub taskNr event) subs iworld = (TCParallel encState meta subs, iworld) _ //The event is mistargeted, do nothing = (context,iworld) //Remove the current state from the parallelStates scope in iworld # (state,meta,iworld) = removeParState taskNr meta iworld //Remove the task info overview # iworld = removeParTaskInfo taskNr iworld //Encode state # encState = encodeState state initState = (TCParallel encState meta subs,iworld) edit taskNr event context iworld = (context,iworld) editSub taskNr event (i,sub) iworld=:{IWorld|latestEvent=parentLatestEvent} = case sub of //Active InBody task STCBody props (Just (encTask,subCxt)) # task = fromJust (dynamicJSONDecode encTask) //TODO: Add case for error # taskfuncs = taskFuncs` task # (newSubCxt,iworld) = taskfuncs.editFun [i:taskNr] event subCxt iworld = ((i,STCBody props (Just (encTask,newSubCxt))), iworld) STCDetached props (Just (encTask,subCxt)) //Same pattern as inbody tasks # task = fromJust (dynamicJSONDecode encTask) //TODO: Also add case for error # taskfuncs = taskFuncs` task // change latest event timestamp for detached process # iworld = {IWorld|iworld & latestEvent = props.systemProperties.SystemProperties.latestEvent} # (newSubCxt,iworld) = taskfuncs.editFun [i:taskNr] event subCxt iworld # iworld = {IWorld|iworld & latestEvent = parentLatestEvent} = ((i,STCDetached props (Just (encTask,newSubCxt))), iworld) //Task is either completed already or hidden _ = ((i,sub),iworld) //Eval all tasks in the set (in left to right order) eval taskNr meta event tuiTaskNr _ playout context=:(TCParallel encState pmeta subs) iworld //Add the current state to the parallelStates scope in iworld # state = decodeState encState initState # iworld = addParState taskNr state pmeta iworld //Add the initial control structure to the parallelStates scope in iworld # iworld = addParControl taskNr pmeta iworld //Put the initial parallel task info overview in the parallelStates scope in iworld # iworld = addParTaskInfo taskNr subs pmeta.infoChanged iworld //Evaluate the sub tasks # (resultset,iworld) = evalSubTasks taskNr event tuiTaskNr pmeta [] subs iworld //Remove the current state from the parallelStates scope in iworld # (state,pmeta,iworld) = removeParState taskNr pmeta iworld //Remove the control structure from the parallelStates scope in iworld # (pmeta,iworld) = removeParControl taskNr pmeta iworld //Remove the task info overview from the parallelStates scropr in iworld # iworld = removeParTaskInfo taskNr iworld //Remove parallel task info = case resultset of //Exception RSException e str = (TaskException e str, iworld) RSStopped = (TaskFinished (resultFun Stopped state), iworld) RSResults results | allFinished results = (TaskFinished (resultFun AllRunToCompletion state), iworld) | otherwise # encState = encodeState state initState # (tui,actions) = mergeTUIs playout tuiTaskNr meta results # subs = mergeContexts results = (TaskBusy tui actions (TCParallel encState pmeta subs), iworld) //Keep evaluating tasks and updating the state until there are no more subtasks //subtasks evalSubTasks taskNr event tuiTaskNr meta results [] iworld = (RSResults results, iworld) evalSubTasks taskNr event tuiTaskNr meta results [(idx,stcontext):stasks] iworld=:{IWorld|latestEvent=parentLatestEvent,timestamp} //Evaluate subtask # (result,stcontext,iworld) = case stcontext of (STCHidden props (Just (encTask,context))) # task = fromJust (dynamicJSONDecode encTask) # taskfuncs = taskFuncs` task # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters task # (result,iworld) = taskfuncs.evalFun [idx:taskNr] (stepEvent idx event) (stepTarget idx tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout context iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions context = (TaskBusy tui actions context, STCHidden props (Just (encTask, context)), iworld) TaskFinished r = (TaskFinished r, STCHidden props Nothing, iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, STCHidden props Nothing, iworld) (STCBody props (Just (encTask,context))) # task = fromJust (dynamicJSONDecode encTask) # taskfuncs = taskFuncs` task # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters task # (result,iworld) = taskfuncs.evalFun [idx:taskNr] (stepEvent idx event) (stepTarget idx tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout context iworld = case result of TaskBusy tui actions context = (TaskBusy tui actions context, STCBody props (Just (encTask, context)), iworld) TaskFinished r = (TaskFinished r, STCBody props Nothing, iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, STCBody props Nothing, iworld) (STCDetached props (Just (encTask,context))) # task = fromJust (dynamicJSONDecode encTask) # taskfuncs = taskFuncs` task # (ilayout,playout) = taskLayouters task //Evaluate the task with a different current worker set & changed latest event timestamp # (curUser,iworld) = switchCurrentUser props.ProcessProperties.managerProperties.worker iworld # iworld = {IWorld|iworld & latestEvent = props.systemProperties.SystemProperties.latestEvent} # (result,iworld) = taskfuncs.evalFun [idx:taskNr] (stepEvent idx event) (stepTarget idx tuiTaskNr) ilayout playout context iworld # (_,iworld) = switchCurrentUser curUser iworld # iworld = {IWorld|iworld & latestEvent = parentLatestEvent} //Update first/latest event if request is targeted at this detached process # props = case tuiTaskNr of [t] | t == idx = {props & systemProperties = { props.systemProperties & firstEvent = Just (fromMaybe timestamp props.systemProperties.firstEvent) , latestEvent = Just timestamp }} _ = props = case result of TaskBusy tui actions context = (TaskBusy tui actions context, STCDetached props (Just (encTask, context)), iworld) TaskFinished r = (TaskFinished r, STCDetached (markFinished props) Nothing, iworld) TaskException e str = (TaskException e str, STCDetached (markExcepted props) Nothing, iworld) _ //This task is already completed = (TaskFinished Continue, stcontext, iworld) //Check for exception | isException result # (TaskException dyn str) = result = (RSException dyn str, iworld) //Check for stop result (discards any pending additions/removals to the set, since they will be pointless anyway) | isStopped result = (RSStopped, iworld) //Append current result to results so far # results = results ++ [(idx,result,stcontext)] //Process controls # (controls, iworld) = getControls meta iworld # (meta,results,stasks,iworld) = processControls initState taskNr meta controls results stasks iworld //Evaluate remaining subtasks = evalSubTasks taskNr event tuiTaskNr meta results stasks iworld initSubContext taskNr taskList i taskContainer iworld=:{IWorld|timestamp} # subTaskNr = [i:taskNr] = case taskContainer of (DetachedTask managerProps, taskfun) # (task,funcs) = mkSubTask taskfun # processProps = initProcessProperties subTaskNr timestamp managerProps task # (cxt,iworld) = funcs.initFun subTaskNr iworld = (STCDetached processProps (Just (hd (dynamicJSONEncode task), cxt)), iworld) //Window & dialogue now implemented as simple InBody tasks (WindowTask title, taskfun) # (task,funcs) = mkSubTask taskfun # taskProps = initTaskProperties task # (cxt,iworld) = funcs.initFun subTaskNr iworld = (STCBody taskProps (Just (hd (dynamicJSONEncode task), cxt)), iworld) (DialogTask title, taskfun) # (task,funcs) = mkSubTask taskfun # taskProps = initTaskProperties task # (cxt,iworld) = funcs.initFun subTaskNr iworld = (STCBody taskProps (Just (hd (dynamicJSONEncode task), cxt)), iworld) (BodyTask, taskfun) # (task,funcs) = mkSubTask taskfun # taskProps = initTaskProperties task # (cxt,iworld) = funcs.initFun subTaskNr iworld = (STCBody taskProps (Just (hd (dynamicJSONEncode task), cxt)), iworld) (HiddenTask, taskfun) # (task,funcs) = mkSubTask taskfun # taskProps = initTaskProperties task # (cxt,iworld) = funcs.initFun subTaskNr iworld = (STCHidden taskProps (Just (hd (dynamicJSONEncode task), cxt)), iworld) where // apply task list reference to taskfun & convert to 'normal' (non-action) tasks mkSubTask taskfun # task = taskfun taskList # funcs = taskFuncs task # task = {Task|task & type = NormalTask funcs} = (task,funcs) //Initialize a process properties record for administration of detached tasks initProcessProperties taskNr timestamp managerProps {Task|properties} = {ProcessProperties |taskProperties = properties ,managerProperties = managerProps ,systemProperties = {SystemProperties |taskId = taskNrToString taskNr ,status = Running ,issuedAt = timestamp ,firstEvent = Nothing ,latestEvent = Nothing } } //Initialize a task properties record for administration of all other tasks initTaskProperties {Task|properties} = properties //IMPORTANT: The second argument is never used, but passed just to solve overloading encodeState :: !s s -> JSONNode | JSONEncode{|*|} s encodeState val _ = toJSON val //IMPORTANT: The second argument is never used, but passed just to solve overloading decodeState :: !JSONNode s -> s | JSONDecode{|*|} s decodeState encState _ = case fromJSON encState of Just val = val _ = abort "Could not decode parallel state" //Put the shared state in the scope addParState :: !TaskNr !s !ParallelMeta *IWorld -> *IWorld | TC s addParState taskNr state {stateId,stateChanged} iworld=:{parallelStates} = {iworld & parallelStates = 'Map'.put (toString (ParallelTaskList stateId)) (dynamic (state,stateChanged) :: (s^,Timestamp)) parallelStates} removeParState :: !TaskNr !ParallelMeta !*IWorld -> (!s,!ParallelMeta,!*IWorld) | TC s removeParState taskNr meta=:{stateId} iworld=:{parallelStates} = case 'Map'.get (toString (ParallelTaskList stateId)) parallelStates of Just ((state,ts) :: (s^,Timestamp)) = (state,{meta & stateChanged = ts},{iworld & parallelStates = 'Map'.del (toString (ParallelTaskList stateId)) parallelStates}) _ = abort "Could not read parallel state" //IMPORTANT: first argument is never used, but passed just to solve overloading //Put the initial control structure in the scope addParControl :: !TaskNr !ParallelMeta *IWorld -> *IWorld addParControl taskNr meta=:{nextIdx,stateId} iworld=:{parallelControls} = {iworld & parallelControls = 'Map'.put key (nextIdx,[]) parallelControls} where key = toString (ParallelTaskList stateId) removeParControl :: !TaskNr !ParallelMeta *IWorld -> (!ParallelMeta,!*IWorld) removeParControl taskNr meta=:{stateId} iworld=:{parallelControls} = case 'Map'.get key parallelControls of Just (nextIdx,_) = ({meta & nextIdx = nextIdx},{iworld & parallelControls = 'Map'.del key parallelControls}) _ = abort "Could not read parallel control" where key = toString (ParallelTaskList stateId) //Put a datastructure in the scope with info on all processes in this set (TODO: Use parallel meta for identification) addParTaskInfo :: !TaskNr ![(!Int,!SubTaskContext)] !Timestamp !*IWorld -> *IWorld addParTaskInfo taskNr subs ts iworld=:{parallelStates} = {iworld & parallelStates = 'Map'.put (INFOKEY taskNr) (dynamic (mkInfo subs,ts) :: ([ParallelTaskInfo],Timestamp) ) parallelStates} where mkInfo subs = [{ParallelTaskInfo|index = i, properties = props sub} \\ (i,sub) <- subs] props (STCHidden p _) = Left p props (STCBody p _) = Left p props (STCDetached p _) = Right p removeParTaskInfo :: !TaskNr !*IWorld -> *IWorld removeParTaskInfo taskNr iworld=:{parallelStates} = {iworld & parallelStates = 'Map'.del (INFOKEY taskNr) parallelStates} switchCurrentUser :: !User !*IWorld -> (!User,!*IWorld) switchCurrentUser newUser iworld=:{IWorld|currentUser} = (currentUser,{IWorld|iworld & currentUser = newUser}) //Remove and return control values from the scope getControls :: !ParallelMeta !*IWorld -> ([Control], !*IWorld) getControls meta=:{stateId} iworld=:{parallelControls} = case 'Map'.get key parallelControls of Just (nextIdx, controls) = (controls, {iworld & parallelControls = 'Map'.put key (nextIdx,[]) parallelControls}) _ = abort "Could not load parallel control data" where key = toString (ParallelTaskList stateId) processControls :: s !TaskNr !ParallelMeta [Control] [(!Int, !TaskResult ParallelControl, !SubTaskContext)] [(Int,!SubTaskContext)] !*IWorld -> (!ParallelMeta,![(!Int, !TaskResult ParallelControl, !SubTaskContext)], ![(Int,!SubTaskContext)],!*IWorld) | iTask s processControls s taskNr meta [] results remaining iworld = (meta,results,remaining,iworld) processControls s taskNr meta [c:cs] results remaining iworld # taskList = ParallelTaskList meta.ParallelMeta.stateId = case c of AppendTask idx (taskContainer :: (TaskContainer s^)) # (context,iworld) = initSubContext taskNr taskList idx taskContainer iworld # remaining = remaining ++ [(idx,context)] = processControls s taskNr meta cs results remaining iworld RemoveTask idx # results = [result \\ result=:(i,_,_) <- results | i <> idx] # remaining = [sub \\ sub=:(i,_) <- remaining | i <> idx] = processControls s taskNr meta cs results remaining iworld _ = processControls s taskNr meta cs results remaining iworld isException (TaskException _ _) = True isException _ = False isStopped (TaskFinished Stop) = True isStopped _ = False allFinished [] = True allFinished [(_,TaskFinished _,_):rs] = allFinished rs allFinished _ = False markFinished properties=:{ProcessProperties|systemProperties} = {ProcessProperties|properties & systemProperties = {SystemProperties|systemProperties & status = Finished}} markExcepted properties=:{ProcessProperties|systemProperties} = {ProcessProperties|properties & systemProperties = {SystemProperties|systemProperties & status = Excepted}} updateProperties mprops (STCDetached props scontext) = (STCDetached {ProcessProperties|props & managerProperties = mprops} scontext) updateProperties _ context = context mergeContexts contexts = [(i,context) \\ (i,_,context) <- contexts] //User the parallel merger function to combine the user interfaces of all InBody tasks mergeTUIs pmerge tuiTaskNr pmeta contexts = case tuiTaskNr of [] # items = [(getMeta subContext, getTui subContext mbTui,actions) \\(i,TaskBusy mbTui actions _,subContext) <- contexts | not (isDetached subContext)] # (tui,actions) = pmerge {TUIParallel |title = pmeta.TaskMeta.title ,instruction = pmeta.TaskMeta.instruction ,items = items } = (Just tui, actions) where isHidden (STCHidden _ _) = True isHidden _ = False isDetached (STCDetached _ _) = True isDetached _ = False getMeta (STCHidden meta _) = meta getMeta (STCBody meta _) = meta getTui (STCHidden _ _) _ = Nothing getTui (STCBody _ _) mbTui = mbTui //We want to show the TUI of one of the detached tasks in this set [t] = case [(tui,actions,props) \\ (i,TaskBusy (Just tui) actions _,STCDetached props _) <- contexts | i == t] of [(tui,actions,props)] = (Just tui,actions) _ = (Nothing,[]) //We want to show the TUI of a task inside the parallel set [t:ts] = case [(tui,actions) \\ (i,TaskBusy (Just tui) actions _,_) <- contexts | i == t] of [(tui,actions)] = (Just tui,actions) _ = (Nothing,[]) taskFuncs` {Task|type} = case type of NormalTask fs = fs _ = abort "action task in parallel" /** * Get the shared state of a task list */ taskListState :: (TaskList s) -> Shared s | TC s taskListState tasklist = ReadWriteShared [identity] read write timestamp where identity = toString tasklist read iworld=:{parallelStates} = case 'Map'.get identity parallelStates of Just ((val,_) :: (s^,Timestamp)) = (Ok val, iworld) _ = (Error ("Could not read shared parallel state of task list " +++ identity),iworld) write val iworld=:{parallelStates,timestamp} = (Ok Void, {iworld & parallelStates = 'Map'.put identity (dynamic (val,timestamp) :: (s^,Timestamp)) parallelStates }) timestamp iworld=:{parallelStates} = case 'Map'.get identity parallelStates of Just ((_,ts) :: (s,Timestamp)) = (Ok ts, iworld) _ = (Error ("Could not read timestamp for shared state of task list " +++ identity),iworld) /** * Get the properties share of a task list */ taskListProperties :: (TaskList s) -> Shared [ParallelTaskInfo] taskListProperties tasklist = ReadWriteShared [identity] read write timestamp where identity = toString tasklist +++ "-info" read iworld=:{parallelStates} = case 'Map'.get identity parallelStates of Just ((val,_) :: ([ParallelTaskInfo],Timestamp)) = (Ok val, iworld) _ = (Error ("Could not read parallel task info of " +++ identity), iworld) write val iworld=:{parallelStates,timestamp} //TODO = (Ok Void, iworld) timestamp iworld=:{parallelStates} = case 'Map'.get identity parallelStates of Just ((_,ts) :: ([ParallelTaskInfo],Timestamp)) = (Ok ts, iworld) _ = (Error ("Could not read timestamp for parallel task info of " +++ identity), iworld) /** * Add a task to a task list */ appendTask :: !(TaskContainer s) !(TaskList s) -> Task Int | TC s appendTask container tasklist = mkInstantTask "Append a task to a task list" appendTask` where identity = toString tasklist appendTask` taskNr iworld=:{parallelControls} = case 'Map'.get identity parallelControls of Just (nextIdx,controls) //For the global tasklist we don't use the internal counter, but get the index from the //process database # (nextIdx, iworld) = case tasklist of GlobalTaskList # (WorkflowProcess next,iworld) = 'ProcessDB'.getNewWorkflowId iworld = (next,iworld) _ = (nextIdx,iworld) # parallelControls = 'Map'.put identity (nextIdx + 1, controls ++ [AppendTask nextIdx (dynamic container :: TaskContainer s^)]) parallelControls = (TaskFinished nextIdx, {iworld & parallelControls = parallelControls, readShares = Nothing}) _ = (taskException ("Task list " +++ identity +++ " is not in scope"), iworld) /** * Removes (and stops) a task from a task list */ removeTask :: !Int !(TaskList s) -> Task Void | TC s removeTask idx tasklist = mkInstantTask "Append a task to a task list" (removeTask` idx tasklist) where removeTask` :: !Int !(TaskList s) TaskNr *IWorld -> (!TaskResult Void,!*IWorld) | TC s removeTask` idx tasklist taskNr iworld=:{parallelControls} = case 'Map'.get identity parallelControls of Just (nextIdx,controls) # parallelControls = 'Map'.put identity (nextIdx, controls ++ [RemoveTask idx]) parallelControls = (TaskFinished Void, {iworld & parallelControls = parallelControls }) _ = (taskException ("Task list " +++ identity +++ " is not in scope"), iworld) where identity = toString tasklist /* * Alters the evaluation functions of a task in such a way * that before evaluation the currentUser field in iworld is set to * the given user, and restored afterwards. */ workAs :: !User !(Task a) -> Task a | iTask a workAs user task=:{Task|type,layout} = case type of NormalTask funs # funs = {initFun = init funs.initFun ,editFun = edit funs.editFun ,evalFun = eval funs.evalFun } = {Task|task & type = NormalTask funs, layout = layout} ActionTask fun = {Task|task & type = ActionTask (action fun), layout = layout} where action f tfun # funs = f tfun = {initFun = init funs.initFun ,editFun = edit funs.editFun ,evalFun = eval funs.evalFun } init f taskNr iworld=:{currentUser} # (context,iworld) = f taskNr {iworld & currentUser = user} = (context,{iworld & currentUser = currentUser}) edit f taskNr event context iworld=:{currentUser} # (context,iworld) = f taskNr event context {iworld & currentUser = user} = (context,{iworld & currentUser = currentUser}) eval f taskNr props event target ilayout playout context iworld=:{currentUser} # (result,iworld) = f taskNr props event target ilayout playout context {iworld & currentUser = user} = (result,{iworld & currentUser = currentUser})