implementation module GUIDemo import iTasks guiDemoExample :: [Workflow] guiDemoExample = [ workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/GUI Demo" "Demo of user interface elements" guiDemo] :: Address = { street :: String , number :: Int , postalCode :: String , city :: String } :: Person = { name :: String , cool :: Bool , dob :: Date , tob :: Time , age :: Maybe Int , address :: Address , grades :: [Int] , pet :: String , note :: Maybe Note , tree :: Tree` Int String , luckyNo :: Int } :: Tree` a b = Leaf` b | Node` (Tree` a b) a (Tree` a b) derive class iTask Person, Address, Tree` derive bimap (,), Maybe address = {Address | street = "Heyendaalseweg", number = 135, postalCode = "6525 AJ", city = "Nijmegen"} person = {Person | name = "John Doe" , cool = True , dob = {Date | year = 1978, mon = 4, day = 1} , tob = {Time | hour = 13, min = 42, sec = 0} , age = Just 23 , address = address , grades = [] , pet = "Cat" , note = Nothing , tree = Leaf` "Tree" , luckyNo = 42 } guiDemo :: Task Person guiDemo = updateInformation ("Update person","You may change this information") [] person >>= showInformation ("Summary","This is the information you entered") []