implementation module SharedVariables import iTasks, GoogleMaps, Text, ExperimentalDomain from StdFunc import o derive bimap Maybe, (,) quitButton _ = UserActions [(ActionQuit, Just Stop)] //Text-Lines Examples noteEditor = (GetShared \txt -> Note txt, PutbackShared \(Note txt) _ _ -> txt) listEditor = (GetShared (split "\n"), PutbackShared \l _ _ -> join "\n" l) TrimAction :== Action "Trim" linesPar :: Task Void linesPar = parallel "Lines Example" "" (\_ _ -> Void) [(BodyTask, noteE), (BodyTask, \sid -> updateSharedInformation ("Lines","Edit lines") [UpdateView listEditor] (taskListState sid) Void >>+ quitButton)] where noteE sid = updateSharedInformation ("Text","Edit text") [UpdateView noteEditor] (taskListState sid) Void >?* [ (TrimAction, IfValid (\(txt,_) -> update trim (taskListState sid) >>| noteE sid)) , (ActionQuit, Always (return Stop)) ] //Calculate Sum Example calculateSum = updateInformation ("Sum","Auto compute sum") [UpdateView (GetLocal \t=:(x,y) -> (t,Display (x+y)), PutbackLocal \(t,_) _ _ -> t)] (0,0) >>+ quitButton //Tree Example :: Tree` a = Leaf` | Node` (Node` a) :: Node` a = { rightChildren :: Tree` a , value :: a , leftChildren :: Tree` a } derive class iTask Tree`, Node` toTree :: [a] -> (Tree` a) | Ord a toTree list = makeTree (sort list) where makeTree :: [a] -> (Tree` a) makeTree [] = Leaf` makeTree [el:[]] = Node` {rightChildren = Leaf`, value = el, leftChildren = Leaf`} makeTree list = Node` {rightChildren = makeTree end, value = middle, leftChildren = makeTree begin} where middlePos = (length list) / 2 begin = take (middlePos) list middle = list !! (middlePos) end = drop (middlePos + 1) list tree = updateInformation ("List & Balanced Binary Tree","Type something in the list and the tree will update as well.") [UpdateView (GetLocal \l -> (l,Display (toTree l)), PutbackLocal \(l,_) _ _ -> l)] emptyL >>+ quitButton where emptyL :: [Int] emptyL = [] //Merge Tests mergeTestList :: Task Void mergeTestList = appendTopLevelTask initManagerProperties (Description "1st UpdateView" @>> view sid) >>| appendTopLevelTask initManagerProperties (Description "2nd UpdateView" @>> view sid) >>| return Void where sid = sharedStore "mergeTestLists" [] view :: (Shared [String]) -> Task ParallelControl view sid = updateSharedInformation ("List","Merging the lists") [] sid Void >>+ quitButton mergeTestDocuments :: Task Void mergeTestDocuments = appendTopLevelTask initManagerProperties (Description "1st UpdateView" @>> view store) >>| appendTopLevelTask initManagerProperties (Description "2nd UpdateView" @>> view store) >>| appendTopLevelTask initManagerProperties (Description "3rd UpdateView" @>> showSharedInformation "Documents" [] store Void >>+ quitButton) >>| return Void where view sid = updateSharedInformation ("List","Merging the documents") [] sid Void >>+ quitButton store :: Shared [Document] store = sharedStore "mergeTestDocs" [] //Google Map Example :: MarkerInfo = { position :: GoogleMapPosition , map :: GoogleMap } :: MapOptions = { type :: GoogleMapType , showMapTypeControl :: Bool , showPanControl :: Bool , showStreetViewControl :: Bool , showZoomControl :: Bool , showScaleControl :: Bool } derive class iTask MarkerInfo, MapOptions RemoveMarkersAction :== Action "Remove Markers" googleMaps :: Task GoogleMap googleMaps = parallel "Map Example" defaultMap (\_ m -> m) [ (BodyTask, \s -> updateSharedInformation "Options" [UpdateView optionsEditor] (taskListState s) Void >>+ noActions) , (BodyTask, \s -> updateSharedInformation "Google Map" [] (taskListState s) Void >>+ noActions) , (BodyTask, \s -> updateSharedInformation "Overview Map" [UpdateView overviewEditor] (taskListState s) Void >>+ noActions) , (BodyTask, \s -> markersDisplay (taskListState s)) ] where markersDisplay dbid = showSharedInformation "Markers" [ShowView (GetShared markersListener)] dbid Void >>* \{modelValue=map}. UserActions [ (RemoveMarkersAction, Just (update (\map -> {GoogleMap| map & markers = []}) dbid >>| markersDisplay dbid)) , (ActionQuit, Just (return Stop)) ] optionsEditor = ( GetShared \map -> { type = map.mapType , showMapTypeControl = map.mapTypeControl , showPanControl = map.panControl , showStreetViewControl = map.streetViewControl , showZoomControl = map.zoomControl , showScaleControl = map.scaleControl } , PutbackShared \opts _ map -> { map & mapType = opts.MapOptions.type , mapTypeControl = opts.showMapTypeControl , panControl = opts.showPanControl , streetViewControl = opts.showStreetViewControl , zoomControl = opts.showZoomControl , scaleControl = opts.showScaleControl } ) overviewEditor = ( GetShared \map -> { GoogleMap | map & mapTypeControl = False , panControl = False , streetViewControl = False , zoomControl = False , scaleControl = False , scrollwheel = False , zoom = 7 , markers = [{GoogleMapMarker|m & draggable = False} \\ m <- map.markers] } , PutbackShared \nmap _ map -> { GoogleMap | map & center = } ) markersListener map = [{position = position, map = {GoogleMap| defaultMap & center = position, zoom = 15, markers = [marker]}} \\ marker=:{GoogleMapMarker| position} <-map.markers] //Auto sorted list autoSortedList = updateInformation ("Automatically Sorted List","You can edit the list, it will sort automatically.") [UpdateView (GetLocal sort, PutbackLocal \l _ _ -> l)] emptyL >>+ quitButton where emptyL :: [String] emptyL = [] //Different UpdateViews on Formatted Text /*formattedText :: Task Void formattedText = [Menu "Example" [MenuItem ActionQuit Nothing]] @>> createSharedStore (mkEmptyFormattedText {allControls & sourceEditControl = False}) >>= \sid. dynamicGroupAOnly [t \\ t <- tasks sid] actions actionsGenFunc >>| stop where tasks sid = [ updateSharedInformationA "WYSIWYG Editor" idUpdateView [] sid >>| return Void , updateSharedInformationA "HTML-Source Editor" (\ft -> Note (getFormattedTextSrc ft), \(Note src) ft -> setFormattedTextSrc src ft) [] sid >>| return Void , showInformationSharedA "Formatted Preview" id [] sid >>| return Void , showInformationSharedA "Unformatted Preview" (\ft -> Note (toUnformattedString ft False)) [] sid >>| return Void ] actions = [(ActionQuit, Always)] actionsGenFunc actionQuit = GOStop*/ //Use a share to simplify data entry by allowing a choice from known values instead of entry :: Order = { customer :: !Either CustomerId NewCustomer , product :: !ProductId , amount :: !Int } :: CustomerId :== Int :: Customer = { customerId :: !CustomerId , name :: !String } :: NewCustomer = { name :: String } :: ProductId :== Int :: Product = { productId :: !ProductId , description :: !String } :: OrderForm = { customer :: !(ComboChoice String Int, VisualizationHint NewCustomer) , product :: !ComboChoice String Int , amount :: !Int } derive class iTask Order, Customer, NewCustomer, Product, OrderForm chooseOrAdd :: Task Order chooseOrAdd = enterOrder >>= showInformation "You created the order:" [] where productDatabase :: ReadOnlyShared [Product] productDatabase = toReadOnlyShared (sharedStore "chooseOrAddProductDB" [{productId = 1, description = "Apples"} ,{productId = 2, description = "Oranges"} ,{productId = 3, description = "Pears"} ]) customerDatabase :: ReadOnlyShared [Customer] customerDatabase = toReadOnlyShared (sharedStore "chooseOrAddCustomerDB" [{customerId = 1, name = "Homer"} ,{customerId = 2, name = "Marge"} ,{customerId = 3, name = "Bart"} ,{customerId = 4, name = "Lisa"} ,{customerId = 5, name = "Maggie"} ]) form = sharedStore "chooseOrAddForm" defaultValue enterOrder :: Task Order enterOrder = updateSharedInformation "Enter order" [UpdateView view] (form >+| (productDatabase >+< customerDatabase)) Void >?* [(ActionOk, IfValid (\((order,(_,_)),_) -> return order))] where view = (GetShared vfrom,PutbackShared vto) vfrom (order,(products,customers)) = { OrderForm | customer = (mkComboChoice (customerOptions customers) (Just (customerSel order)), newCustomer order) , product = mkComboChoice (productOptions products) (Just order.Order.product) , amount = order.Order.amount } customerOptions db = [(, c.customerId) \\ c <- db] ++ [("Other...", 0)] customerSel order = case order.Order.customer of (Left customerId) = customerId (Right _) = 0 newCustomer order = case order.Order.customer of (Left customerId) = VHHidden {NewCustomer|name = ""} (Right nc) = VHEditable nc productOptions db = [(p.Product.description,p.productId) \\ p <- db] vto form _ (order,(products,customers)) = { Order | customer = customerChoice form.OrderForm.customer , product = getSelection form.OrderForm.product , amount = form.OrderForm.amount } customerChoice (choice, nc) | getMbSelection choice == Just 0 = Right (fromVisualizationHint nc) = Left (getSelection choice) phoneBookSearch :: Task (Name,PhoneNumber) phoneBookSearch = activeQuery Nothing queryPhoneBook >>= showInformation ("Result","You chose:") [] //Abstract search task with a search that is repeated each time the query is altered activeQuery :: (Maybe String) (String -> Task [a]) -> Task a | iTask a activeQuery mbQuery queryTask = parallel "Active Query" (initQuery,initDirty,[],Nothing) (\_ (_,_,_,Just res) -> res) [(BodyTask, searchBox), (HiddenTask, activator queryTask), (BodyTask, searchResults)] where initQuery = case mbQuery of Nothing = "" Just q = q initDirty = isJust mbQuery searchBox tlist = updateSharedInformation "Enter query:" [UpdateView (GetShared toUpdateView, PutbackShared fromUpdateView)] (taskListState tlist) Void >>+ noActions where toUpdateView (q,d,r,_) = q fromUpdateView q _ (_,d,r,res) = (q,True,r,res) activator queryTask tlist = showSharedInformation "Query showSharedInformation" [] (taskListState tlist) Void >? (\((_,d,_,_),_) -> d) //Look for the dirty flag to become True >>= \((query,_,_,_),_) -> queryTask query >>= \results -> update (\(q,_,_,res) -> (q,False,results,res)) (taskListState tlist) //Reset dirty flag >>| return Continue searchResults tlist = enterSharedChoice ("Search results","The following results were found:") [] (mapSharedRead (\(_,_,r,_) -> r) (taskListState tlist)) >?* [(ActionNext,IfValid return)] >>= \x. update (\(q,d,r,_) -> (q,d,r,Just x)) (taskListState tlist) >>| return Stop //Very simple CSV phonebook implementation :: Name :== String :: PhoneNumber :== String queryPhoneBook :: String -> Task [(Name,PhoneNumber)] queryPhoneBook query = importCSVFile "phonebook.txt" >>= transform (matchQuery query) where matchQuery query entries = [(name,phoneNo) \\ [name,phoneNo] <- entries | match query name || match query phoneNo] match query subject = indexOf (toUpperCase (trim query)) (toUpperCase subject) <> -1 timeShareUpdateView :: Task DateTime timeShareUpdateView = showSharedInformation "A view on the current time" [] currentDateTime Void >>+ \{modelValue=(dateTime,_)} -> (UserActions [(ActionClose,Just dateTime)]) sharedValueExamples :: [Workflow] sharedValueExamples = [ workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Text-Lines" "" linesPar , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Calculate Sum" "" calculateSum , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Balanced Binary Tree" "" tree , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Merge Test (List)" "" mergeTestList , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Merge Test (Documents)" "" mergeTestDocuments , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Google Maps Example" "" googleMaps , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Sorted List" "" autoSortedList //, workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Formatted Text" "" formattedText , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Choose or add" "" chooseOrAdd , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Phonebook Search" "" phoneBookSearch , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Time share view" "" timeShareUpdateView ]