implementation module UtilStrictLists import StdArray, StdBool, StdClass, StdInt, StdList, StdMisc, StdOrdList, StdString instance toString (List a) | toString a where toString Nil = "[]" toString (h:!t) = "[" +++ toString h +++ toS t +++ "]" where toS Nil = "" toS (h:!t) = "," +++ toString h +++ toS t // General operations on lists Singleton :: !(List t) -> t; Singleton (x:!Nil) = x; IsEmptyList :: !(List t) -> Bool; IsEmptyList Nil = True; IsEmptyList xs = False; Head :: !(List t) -> t; Head (h:!t) = h; Head list = abort "Head: Empty list"; Concat :: !(List .t) !u:(List .t) -> u:List .t; Concat (x:!xs) ys #! xs = Concat xs ys; = x :! xs; // = x :! Concat xs ys; Concat Nil ys = ys; Reverse :: !(List t) -> List t; Reverse l = Reverse2 l Nil; Reverse2 :: !(List .a) !u:(List .a) -> v:List .a, [u <= v]; Reverse2 Nil rev = rev; Reverse2 (f:!r) rev = Reverse2 r (f:!rev); LLength :: !(List t) -> Int; LLength l = Length2 0 l; Length2 :: !Int !(List t) -> Int; Length2 n Nil = n; Length2 n (f:!r) = Length2 (inc n) r; Filter :: !(s -> Bool) !(List s) -> List s; Filter _ Nil = Nil; Filter p (h :! t) | p h = h :! Filter p t; // otherwise = Filter p t; FilterR :: !(s -> Bool) !(List s) -> List s; FilterR p list = FilterR2 p list Nil; FilterR2 :: !(s -> Bool) !(List s) !(List s) -> List s; FilterR2 p Nil acc = acc; FilterR2 p (x:!xs) acc | p x = FilterR2 p xs (x:!acc); = FilterR2 p xs acc; Append :: !(List t) !t -> List t; Append Nil x = x:!Nil; Append (f:!r) x = f :! Append r x; Select :: !(List t) !Int -> t; Select (f:!r) 0 = f; Select (f:!r) i = Select r (dec i); Select list i = abort "Select: index out of range"; Update2 :: !(List (List t)) !Int !Int !t -> List (List t); Update2 (f:!r) 0 j x = Update_new f j x :! r; Update2 (f:!r) i j x = f :! Update2 r (dec i) j x; Update2 list i j x = abort "Update2: index out of range"; Update_new :: !(List t) !Int !t -> List t; Update_new (f:!r) 0 x = x :! r; Update_new (f:!r) i x = f :! Update_new r (dec i) x; Update_new list i x = abort "Update: index out of range"; AppendLists :: !(List .a) !u:(List .a) -> v:List .a, [u <= v]; AppendLists Nil l2 = l2; AppendLists (h:!t) l2 = h :! (AppendLists t l2); FlattenList :: !(List (List .a)) -> List .a; FlattenList (h:!t) = AppendLists h (FlattenList t); FlattenList Nil = Nil; P_MapR :: !(s -> (t,Bool)) !(List s) -> (!List t,!Bool) P_MapR f Nil = (Nil, True) P_MapR f (x:!xs) # (fx,b) = f x = P_MapR2 b f xs fx Nil where P_MapR2 :: !Bool !(s -> (t,Bool)) !(List s) !t !(List t) -> (!List t,!Bool) P_MapR2 unchanged f Nil first acc = (first:!acc, unchanged) P_MapR2 unchanged f (x:!xs) first acc # (fx,b) = f x = P_MapR2 (unchanged && b) f xs first (fx:!acc) // // Operations on (ordered) lists of strings // InsertStringInList :: !String !(List String) -> List String; InsertStringInList name Nil = name:!Nil; InsertStringInList name list=:(nm:!rest) | nm < name = nm :! InsertStringInList name rest; | nm == name = list; = name :! nm :! rest; UnionStringList :: !(List String) !( List String) -> (List String); UnionStringList Nil ys = ys; UnionStringList xs Nil = xs; UnionStringList xl=:(x:!xs) yl=:(y:!ys) | x < y = x :! UnionStringList xs yl; | x > y = y :! UnionStringList xl ys; = x :! UnionStringList xs ys; StringOccurs :: !String !.(List String) -> Bool; StringOccurs s Nil = False; StringOccurs s (x:!xs) | x == s = True; = StringOccurs s xs; // Sort a list of strings SortStrings :: !.(List String) -> .List String; SortStrings l = ListToStrictList (sort (StrictListToList l)) // Compares two sorted lists of strings EQStrings :: !(List String) !(List String) -> Bool; EQStrings Nil Nil = True; EQStrings (a:!resta) (b:!restb) | a==b = EQStrings resta restb; = False; EQStrings _ _ = False; InclString :: !String !(List String) -> List String InclString new strs | StringOccurs new strs = strs = new:!strs RemoveDup :: !.(List a) -> .(List a) | Eq a RemoveDup (x:!xs) = (x:!RemoveDup (Filter ((<>) x) xs)) RemoveDup _ = Nil RemoveStringFromList :: !String !(List String) -> List String; RemoveStringFromList name Nil = Nil; RemoveStringFromList name (nm:!rest) | nm==name = rest; = nm :! RemoveStringFromList name rest; RemoveMember :: a !u:(List a) -> v:List a | == a, [u <= v]; RemoveMember e (a:!as) | a==e = as = (a:!RemoveMember e as) RemoveMember e Nil = Nil RemoveMembers :: !u:(List a) !.(List a) -> v:List a | == a, [u <= v]; RemoveMembers x Nil = x RemoveMembers x (b:!y) = RemoveMembers (RemoveMember b x) y StrictListToList :: !(List .a) -> [.a]; StrictListToList Nil = []; StrictListToList (h :! t) = [h : StrictListToList t]; ListToStrictList :: ![.a] -> (List .a); ListToStrictList list = foldr (:!) Nil list; // RWS: wrong line number (change foldr to foldl) Map :: !(s -> t) !(List s) -> List t; Map f (a:!x) = (f a :! Map f x) Map f Nil = Nil MapR :: !(s -> t) !(List s) -> List t; MapR f list = MapR2 f list Nil; MapR2 :: (s -> t) !(List s) !(List t) -> List t; MapR2 f Nil acc = acc; MapR2 f (x:!xs) acc = MapR2 f xs (f x :! acc);