implementation module SimpleChanges import iTasks changeExamples :: [Workflow] changeExamples = [ workflow "Examples/Changes/Change priority" "Change the priority of a task" (try changePrio catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Add warning" "Add a warning message to a task" (try changeWarningTask catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Duplicate task" "Duplicate a task" (try duplicateTask catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Show result" "Show result when task finishes" (try informTask catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Check task when finished" "Wait until a task is finished" (try checkTask catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Cancel task" "Cancel a task" (try cancelTask catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Reassign task" "Reassing the task to another user" (try reassignTask catch) , workflow "Examples/Changes/Restart task" "Restart a task from the beginning" (try restartTask catch) ] where catch :: String -> Task Void catch message = showInformation ("Error!",message) [] Void //Simple change which will run once and change the priority of all tasks to high changePriority :: TaskPriority -> ChangeDyn changePriority priority = dynamic change :: A.a: Change a | iTask a where change :: ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change props t t0 = (Just {ProcessProperties|props & managerProperties = {props.ProcessProperties.managerProperties & priority = priority}},Nothing, Just (changePriority priority)) //Add a big red warning message prompt to the running task addWarning :: String -> ChangeDyn addWarning msg = dynamic change :: A.a: Change a | iTask a where change :: ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change props t t0 = (Nothing, Just (((showInformation ("Warning!",redText msg) [] Void >>+ noActions`) ||- t)), Just (addWarning msg)) noActions` :: (TermFunc a Void) | iTask a noActions` = noActions redText msg = [DivTag [StyleAttr "color: red; font-size: 30px;"] [Text msg]] //This will duplicate a running task n times duplicate :: User User String -> ChangeDyn duplicate me user topics = dynamic change me user topics :: A.a: Change a | iTask a where change :: User User String ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change me user topics props t t0 = ( Just {ProcessProperties|props & managerProperties = {props.ProcessProperties.managerProperties & worker = me}} , Just (me @: (anyTask [ (Description topics @>> props.ProcessProperties.managerProperties.ManagerProperties.worker @: t) , (Description topics @>> user @: t) ] ) <<@ Description ("Duplicated " +++ topics)) , Nothing ) //inform will inform a user that some process has ended. inform :: User String -> ChangeDyn inform user procName = dynamic change user :: A.a: Change a | iTask a where change :: User ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change user props t t0 = (Nothing, Just (t >>= \res -> appendTopLevelTask {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & worker = user} (showInformation ("Process ended","Process " +++ procName +++ " ended!") [] res) >>| return res), Nothing) //check will pass the result to the indicated user who can change the result in an editor before it passed. check :: User String -> ChangeDyn check user procName = dynamic change user :: A.a: Change a | iTask a where change :: User ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change user props t t0 = (Nothing, Just (t >>= \res -> assign {worker = user, priority = HighPriority, deadline = Nothing, status = Active} (updateInformation ("Verification","Please verify result of " +++ procName) [] res)), Nothing) //cancel stop the process, and give the indicated user the responsibility to fill in the result cancel :: String ProcessId -> ChangeDyn cancel procName pid = dynamic change :: A.b: Change b | iTask b where change p t t0 = (Nothing, Just ( deleteProcess pid >>| return defaultValue ), Nothing) //reassign the work to someone else reassign :: User String ProcessId -> ChangeDyn reassign user procName pid = dynamic change user :: A.b: Change b | iTask b where change :: User ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change user props t t0 = (Just {ProcessProperties|props & managerProperties = {props.ProcessProperties.managerProperties & worker = user}},Nothing, Nothing) //restart starts the task from scratch and assigns it to the indicated user restart :: User String -> Dynamic restart user procName = dynamic change user procName :: A.a: Change a | iTask a where change :: User String ProcessProperties (Task a) (Task a) -> (Maybe ProcessProperties, Maybe (Task a), Maybe ChangeDyn) | iTask a change user procName props t t0 = (Nothing, Just (assign {worker = user, priority = HighPriority, deadline = Nothing, status = Active} (Description procName @>> t0)), Nothing) changePrio :: Task Void changePrio = chooseProcess "Of which process do you want to change the priority?" >>= \proc -> enterInformation ("New priority","What should the new priority be?") [] >>= \priority ->applyChangeToProcess proc (changePriority priority) (CLPersistent "priority") changeWarningTask :: Task Void changeWarningTask = enterInformation ("Warning","Type in warning you want to show to all:") [] >>= \warning -> chooseProcess "Which process do you want to change?" >>= \proc -> applyChangeToProcess proc (addWarning warning) (CLPersistent "warning") duplicateTask :: Task Void duplicateTask = chooseProcess "Which process do you want to duplicate?" >>= \procId -> getProcess procId >>= \process -> chooseUserA "Select the user you want to work on it as well:" >>= \user -> get currentUser >>= \me -> applyChangeToProcess procId (duplicate me user (fromJust process) CLTransient informTask :: Task Void informTask = chooseProcess "The result of which process do you want to show?" >>= \procId -> chooseUserA "Select the user you want this result to see:" >>= \user -> getProcess procId >>= \process ->applyChangeToProcess procId (inform user (fromJust process) CLTransient checkTask :: Task Void checkTask = chooseProcess "The result of which process do you want to be checked?" >>= \procId -> getProcess procId >>= \process -> chooseUserA "Select the user which has to check it:" >>= \user -> applyChangeToProcess procId (check user (fromJust process) CLTransient cancelTask :: Task Void cancelTask = chooseProcess "Select the task you want to cancel:" >>= \procId -> getProcess procId >>= \process -> applyChangeToProcess procId (cancel (fromJust process) procId) CLTransient reassignTask :: Task Void reassignTask = chooseProcess "Select the task you want to reassign to someone else:" >>= \procId -> chooseUserA "Who should continue with this work?" >>= \user -> getProcess procId >>= \process -> applyChangeToProcess procId (reassign user (fromJust process) procId) CLTransient restartTask :: Task Void restartTask = chooseProcess "Select the task you want to restart from scratch:" >>= \procId -> chooseUserA "Who should start with this work?" >>= \user -> getProcess procId >>= \process -> applyChangeToProcess procId (restart user (fromJust process) CLTransient //Utility chooseUserA :: !question -> Task User | html question chooseUserA question = enterSharedChoice ("Choose user",question) [] users >?* [ (ActionCancel, Always (throw "choosing a user has been cancelled")) , (ActionOk, IfValid (\user -> return user)) ] chooseProcess :: String -> Task ProcessId chooseProcess question = getProcessesWithStatus [Running] [Active] >>= \procs -> enterChoice question [] [ ( , , , \\ proc <- procs] >?* [ (ActionCancel, Always (throw "choosing a process has been cancelled")) , (ActionOk, IfValid (\(pid,_,_,_) -> return (WorkflowProcess (toInt pid)))) ]