implementation module Section7 // Examples showing the usage of frequently used iTask combinators import iTasks, Text, StdMisc from Section3 import show from Section6 import selectUser, selectUsers from Section5 import joinTweets, ::Tweet derive bimap (,), Maybe Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine (manageWorkflows flows7) world flows7 :: [Workflow] flows7 = [ workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/1. Questionnaire" "Question N users" (show questions) , workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/2. Number guessing" "First person to guess wins" guess , workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/3. N Chatters" "Chat with a selected number of users" chatting , workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/4. Naive Chat" "Naive chat with many users" naive_chat , workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/5. Monitored Chat" "Monitored chat with many users" monitor_chat , workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/6. Shared Chat" "Shared chat with two users" shared_chat , workflow "CEFP/Section 7 - Parallel Tasks I/7. Multibind Chat" "Multibind chat with many users" multibind_chat ] // --- some handy functions normalTask :: !User -> ManagerProperties normalTask user = { worker = user, priority = NormalPriority, deadline = Nothing, status = Active} const2 :: a b !c -> c const2 _ _ x = x noResult _ _ = Void forever` :: !(Task a) -> Task a | iTask a forever` t = forever t // A simple application of parallel: all tasks run to completion (generalized variant of exercise 18) questions :: Task [(User,String)] questions = updateInformation "Pose a question" [] "...?" >>= \question -> selectUsers >>= \users -> parallel "parallel" [] (\_ s -> s) [ (DetachedTask (normalTask u), answer u question) \\ u <- users ] where answer u question tasks = updateInformation question [] "...!" >>= \a -> update (\answers -> [(u,a):answers]) (taskListState tasks) >>| return Continue // A simple application of parallel: first task to complete terminates parallel (generalized variant of exercise 19) guess :: Task String guess = return "variant of exercise 19 to do" // N users chatting reusing the tweet example from section 5 chatting :: Task Void chatting = enterSharedMultipleChoice "Select chatters" [] users >>= \users -> parallel "Chatting" [] (\_ _ -> Void) [ (DetachedTask (normalTask user), chatting user) \\ user <- users ] where chatting user cs = joinTweets user "Chatting together..." (taskListState cs) >>| return Continue secret :: (TaskList [Tweet]) -> Task Void secret chats = chooseAction [(Action "File/Append Chatter", Void)] // N users chatting with each other :: ChatState :== [String] addLine :: User String ChatState -> ChatState addLine me line s = s ++ [me +++> ": " +++ line] naive_chat :: Task ChatState naive_chat = get currentUser >>= \me -> selectUsers >>= \others -> let chatters = [me : others] in parallel "Naive chat" initChatState (\_ chat -> chat) [ (DetachedTask (normalTask who), chat who chatters) \\ who <- chatters ] where chat :: User [User] (TaskList ChatState) -> Task ParallelControl chat me chatters tasks = forever` ( get chatState >>= \xs -> updateInformation headerEditor [] (Display xs, Note "") >>= \(_,Note n) -> update (addLine me n) chatState ) >>| return Stop where chatState = taskListState tasks headerEditor = "Chat with " +++ join "," (map toString chatters) initChatState :: ChatState initChatState = [] // N users chatting with each other, now with monitor task monitor_chat :: Task ChatState monitor_chat = get currentUser >>= \me -> selectUsers >>= \others -> let chatters = [me : others] in parallel "Monitored chat" [] (\_ chat -> chat) [ (DetachedTask (normalTask who), chat who chatters) \\ who <- chatters ] where chat :: User [User](TaskList ChatState) -> Task ParallelControl chat me chatters tasks = showSharedInformation headerMonitor [] chatState Void ||- forever` enterLine >>| return Continue where headerEditor = "Chat with " +++ join "," (map toString chatters) headerMonitor = "Conversation of " +++ join "," (map toString chatters) enterLine = enterInformation headerEditor [] >>= \(Note n) -> update (addLine me n) chatState chatState = taskListState tasks :: ChatState2 = { typing :: [Bool] // is chatter i busy with typing , history :: [String] // chats so far .... } derive class iTask ChatState2 initChatState2 n = { typing = repeatn n False, history = []} setTyping n "" state = {state & typing = updateAt n False state.typing} setTyping n _ state = {state & typing = updateAt n True state.typing} addHistory u lines state = {state & history = state.history ++ [u +++> ": " +++ l \\ l <- lines]} shared_chat :: Task ChatState2 shared_chat = get currentUser >>= \me -> selectUser >>= \you -> parallel "2 Chatters" (initChatState2 2) (\_ s -> s) [ (DetachedTask (normalTask me) , chatEditor (me,0) (you,1)) , (DetachedTask (normalTask you), chatEditor (you,1) (me,0)) ] where chatEditor :: (User,Int) (User,Int) (TaskList ChatState2) -> Task ParallelControl chatEditor (me,mine) (you,yours) cs = updateSharedInformation ("Chat with " <+++ you) [chatView,entryView] (taskListState cs) (Note "") >?* [(ActionQuit, Always (return Stop))] where chatView = ShowView (GetShared toView) where toView state = (you +++> if (state.typing!!yours) " is typing..." " is waiting...", state.history) entryView = UpdateView (GetLocal id, Putback fromView) where fromView (Note response) _ state = case split "\n" response of [line] = (Nothing, Just (setTyping mine response state)) lines # newlines = init lines # newentry = last lines = (Just (Note newentry), Just (setTyping mine newentry (addHistory me newlines state))) // N users chatting with each other multibind_chat :: Task ChatState multibind_chat = get currentUser >>= \me -> selectUsers >>= \others -> let names = join "," (map toString [me : others]) in parallel "Multibind chat" initChatState (const2 Void) [ (DetachedTask (normalTask who), chat names who) \\ who <- [me : others] ] where chat :: String User (TaskList ChatState) -> Task ParallelControl chat names me cs = (showSharedInformation headerMonitor [] chatState Void) ||- enterLine where headerEditor = "Chat with " +++ names headerMonitor = "Conversation of " +++ names enterLine = enterInformation headerEditor [] >?* [ (ActionQuit, Always (return Stop)) , (ActionOk, IfValid (\(Note a) -> update (addLine me a) chatState >>| enterLine)) ] chatState = taskListState cs initChatState :: ChatState initChatState = []