/** * @class Ext.layout.Layout * @extends Object * Base Layout class - extended by ComponentLayout and ContainerLayout */ Ext.define('Ext.layout.Layout', { /* Begin Definitions */ /* End Definitions */ isLayout: true, initialized: false, statics: { create: function(layout, defaultType) { var type; if (layout instanceof Ext.layout.Layout) { return Ext.createByAlias('layout.' + layout); } else { if (!layout || typeof layout === 'string') { type = layout || defaultType; layout = {}; } else { type = layout.type; } return Ext.createByAlias('layout.' + type, layout || {}); } } }, constructor : function(config) { this.id = Ext.id(null, this.type + '-'); Ext.apply(this, config); }, /** * @private */ layout : function() { var me = this; me.layoutBusy = true; me.initLayout(); if (me.beforeLayout.apply(me, arguments) !== false) { me.layoutCancelled = false; me.onLayout.apply(me, arguments); me.childrenChanged = false; me.owner.needsLayout = false; me.layoutBusy = false; me.afterLayout.apply(me, arguments); } else { me.layoutCancelled = true; } me.layoutBusy = false; me.doOwnerCtLayouts(); }, beforeLayout : function() { this.renderChildren(); return true; }, renderChildren: function () { var me = this; me.renderItems(me.getLayoutItems(), me.getRenderTarget()); }, /** * @private * Iterates over all passed items, ensuring they are rendered. If the items are already rendered, * also determines if the items are in the proper place dom. */ renderItems : function(items, target) { var ln = items.length, i = 0, item; for (; i < ln; i++) { item = items[i]; if (item && !item.rendered) { this.renderItem(item, target, i); } else if (!this.isValidParent(item, target, i)) { this.moveItem(item, target, i); } } }, // @private - Validates item is in the proper place in the dom. isValidParent : function(item, target, position) { var dom = item.el ? item.el.dom : Ext.getDom(item); if (dom && target && target.dom) { if (Ext.isNumber(position) && dom !== target.dom.childNodes[position]) { return false; } return (dom.parentNode == (target.dom || target)); } return false; }, /** * @private * Renders the given Component into the target Element. * @param {Ext.Component} item The Component to render * @param {Ext.core.Element} target The target Element * @param {Number} position The position within the target to render the item to */ renderItem : function(item, target, position) { var me = this; if (!item.rendered) { if (me.itemCls) { item.addCls(me.itemCls); } if (me.owner.itemCls) { item.addCls(me.owner.itemCls); } item.render(target, position); me.configureItem(item); me.childrenChanged = true; } }, /** * @private * Moved Component to the provided target instead. */ moveItem : function(item, target, position) { // Make sure target is a dom element target = target.dom || target; if (typeof position == 'number') { position = target.childNodes[position]; } target.insertBefore(item.el.dom, position || null); item.container = Ext.get(target); this.configureItem(item); this.childrenChanged = true; }, /** * @private * Adds the layout's targetCls if necessary and sets * initialized flag when complete. */ initLayout : function() { if (!this.initialized && !Ext.isEmpty(this.targetCls)) { this.getTarget().addCls(this.targetCls); } this.initialized = true; }, // @private Sets the layout owner setOwner : function(owner) { this.owner = owner; }, // @private - Returns empty array getLayoutItems : function() { return []; }, /** * @private * Applies itemCls * Empty template method */ configureItem: Ext.emptyFn, // Placeholder empty functions for subclasses to extend onLayout : Ext.emptyFn, afterLayout : Ext.emptyFn, onRemove : Ext.emptyFn, onDestroy : Ext.emptyFn, doOwnerCtLayouts : Ext.emptyFn, /** * @private * Removes itemCls */ afterRemove : function(item) { var me = this, el = item.el, owner = me.owner; // Clear managed dimensions flag when removed from the layout. if (item.rendered) { if (me.itemCls) { el.removeCls(me.itemCls); } if (owner.itemCls) { el.removeCls(owner.itemCls); } } // These flags are set at the time a child item is added to a layout. // The layout must decide if it is managing the item's width, or its height, or both. // See AbstractComponent for docs on these properties. delete item.layoutManagedWidth; delete item.layoutManagedHeight; }, /* * Destroys this layout. This is a template method that is empty by default, but should be implemented * by subclasses that require explicit destruction to purge event handlers or remove DOM nodes. * @protected */ destroy : function() { if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.targetCls)) { var target = this.getTarget(); if (target) { target.removeCls(this.targetCls); } } this.onDestroy(); } });