* @class Ext.core.Element
Ext.applyIf(Ext.core.Element.prototype, {
// @private override base Ext.util.Animate mixin for animate for backwards compatibility
animate: function(config) {
var me = this;
if (!me.id) {
me = Ext.get(me.dom);
if (Ext.fx.Manager.hasFxBlock(me.id)) {
return me;
Ext.fx.Manager.queueFx(Ext.create('Ext.fx.Anim', me.anim(config)));
return this;
// @private override base Ext.util.Animate mixin for animate for backwards compatibility
anim: function(config) {
if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
return (config) ? {} : false;
var me = this,
duration = config.duration || Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration,
easing = config.easing || 'ease',
if (config.stopAnimation) {
Ext.applyIf(config, Ext.fx.Manager.getFxDefaults(me.id));
// Clear any 'paused' defaults.
Ext.fx.Manager.setFxDefaults(me.id, {
delay: 0
animConfig = {
target: me,
remove: config.remove,
alternate: config.alternate || false,
duration: duration,
easing: easing,
callback: config.callback,
listeners: config.listeners,
iterations: config.iterations || 1,
scope: config.scope,
block: config.block,
concurrent: config.concurrent,
delay: config.delay || 0,
paused: true,
keyframes: config.keyframes,
from: config.from || {},
to: Ext.apply({}, config)
Ext.apply(animConfig.to, config.to);
// Anim API properties - backward compat
delete animConfig.to.to;
delete animConfig.to.from;
delete animConfig.to.remove;
delete animConfig.to.alternate;
delete animConfig.to.keyframes;
delete animConfig.to.iterations;
delete animConfig.to.listeners;
delete animConfig.to.target;
delete animConfig.to.paused;
delete animConfig.to.callback;
delete animConfig.to.scope;
delete animConfig.to.duration;
delete animConfig.to.easing;
delete animConfig.to.concurrent;
delete animConfig.to.block;
delete animConfig.to.stopAnimation;
delete animConfig.to.delay;
return animConfig;
* Slides the element into view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the point of
* origin for the slide effect. This function automatically handles wrapping the element with
* a fixed-size container if needed. See the Fx class overview for valid anchor point options.
* Usage:
// default: slide the element in from the top
// custom: slide the element in from the right with a 2-second duration
el.slideIn('r', { duration: 2 });
// common config options shown with default values
el.slideIn('t', {
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: 500
* @param {String} anchor (optional) One of the valid Fx anchor positions (defaults to top: 't')
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
slideIn: function(anchor, obj, slideOut) {
var me = this,
elStyle = me.dom.style,
beforeAnim, wrapAnim;
anchor = anchor || "t";
obj = obj || {};
beforeAnim = function() {
var animScope = this,
listeners = obj.listeners,
box, position, restoreSize, wrap, anim;
if (!slideOut) {
box = me.getBox();
if ((anchor == 't' || anchor == 'b') && box.height == 0) {
box.height = me.dom.scrollHeight;
else if ((anchor == 'l' || anchor == 'r') && box.width == 0) {
box.width = me.dom.scrollWidth;
position = me.getPositioning();
me.setSize(box.width, box.height);
wrap = me.wrap({
style: {
visibility: slideOut ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
if (wrap.isStyle('position', 'static')) {
// This element is temporarily positioned absolute within its wrapper.
// Restore to its default, CSS-inherited visibility setting.
// We cannot explicitly poke visibility:visible into its style because that overrides the visibility of the wrap.
visibility: '',
position: 'absolute'
if (slideOut) {
wrap.setSize(box.width, box.height);
switch (anchor) {
case 't':
anim = {
from: {
width: box.width + 'px',
height: '0px'
to: {
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
elStyle.bottom = '0px';
case 'l':
anim = {
from: {
width: '0px',
height: box.height + 'px'
to: {
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
elStyle.right = '0px';
case 'r':
anim = {
from: {
x: box.x + box.width,
width: '0px',
height: box.height + 'px'
to: {
x: box.x,
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
case 'b':
anim = {
from: {
y: box.y + box.height,
width: box.width + 'px',
height: '0px'
to: {
y: box.y,
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
case 'tl':
anim = {
from: {
x: box.x,
y: box.y,
width: '0px',
height: '0px'
to: {
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
elStyle.bottom = '0px';
elStyle.right = '0px';
case 'bl':
anim = {
from: {
x: box.x + box.width,
width: '0px',
height: '0px'
to: {
x: box.x,
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
elStyle.right = '0px';
case 'br':
anim = {
from: {
x: box.x + box.width,
y: box.y + box.height,
width: '0px',
height: '0px'
to: {
x: box.x,
y: box.y,
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
case 'tr':
anim = {
from: {
y: box.y + box.height,
width: '0px',
height: '0px'
to: {
y: box.y,
width: box.width + 'px',
height: box.height + 'px'
elStyle.bottom = '0px';
wrapAnim = Ext.apply({}, obj);
delete wrapAnim.listeners;
wrapAnim = Ext.create('Ext.fx.Anim', Ext.applyIf(wrapAnim, {
target: wrap,
duration: 500,
easing: 'ease-out',
from: slideOut ? anim.to : anim.from,
to: slideOut ? anim.from : anim.to
// In the absence of a callback, this listener MUST be added first
wrapAnim.on('afteranimate', function() {
if (slideOut) {
if (obj.useDisplay) {
} else {
else {
if (wrap.dom) {
wrap.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(me.dom, wrap.dom);
me.setSize(box.width, box.height);
// Add configured listeners after
if (listeners) {
duration: obj.duration ? obj.duration * 2 : 1000,
listeners: {
beforeanimate: {
fn: beforeAnim
afteranimate: {
fn: function() {
if (wrapAnim && wrapAnim.running) {
return me;
* Slides the element out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the end point
* for the slide effect. When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility =
* 'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document. The element must be removed
* from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired. This function automatically handles
* wrapping the element with a fixed-size container if needed. See the Fx class overview for valid anchor point options.
* Usage:
// default: slide the element out to the top
// custom: slide the element out to the right with a 2-second duration
el.slideOut('r', { duration: 2 });
// common config options shown with default values
el.slideOut('t', {
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: 500,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
* @param {String} anchor (optional) One of the valid Fx anchor positions (defaults to top: 't')
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
slideOut: function(anchor, o) {
return this.slideIn(anchor, o, true);
* Fades the element out while slowly expanding it in all directions. When the effect is completed, the
* element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still take up space in the document.
* Usage:
// default
// common config options shown with default values
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: 500,
useDisplay: false
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
puff: function(obj) {
var me = this,
obj = Ext.applyIf(obj || {}, {
easing: 'ease-out',
duration: 500,
useDisplay: false
beforeAnim = function() {
var box = me.getBox(),
fontSize = me.getStyle('fontSize'),
position = me.getPositioning();
this.to = {
width: box.width * 2,
height: box.height * 2,
x: box.x - (box.width / 2),
y: box.y - (box.height /2),
opacity: 0,
fontSize: '200%'
this.on('afteranimate',function() {
if (me.dom) {
if (obj.useDisplay) {
} else {
me.setStyle({fontSize: fontSize});
duration: obj.duration,
easing: obj.easing,
listeners: {
beforeanimate: {
fn: beforeAnim
return me;
* Blinks the element as if it was clicked and then collapses on its center (similar to switching off a television).
* When the effect is completed, the element will be hidden (visibility = 'hidden') but block elements will still
* take up space in the document. The element must be removed from the DOM using the 'remove' config option if desired.
* Usage:
// default
// all config options shown with default values
easing: 'easeIn',
duration: .3,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
switchOff: function(obj) {
var me = this,
obj = Ext.applyIf(obj || {}, {
easing: 'ease-in',
duration: 500,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
beforeAnim = function() {
var animScope = this,
size = me.getSize(),
xy = me.getXY(),
keyframe, position;
position = me.getPositioning();
keyframe = Ext.create('Ext.fx.Animator', {
target: me,
duration: obj.duration,
easing: obj.easing,
keyframes: {
33: {
opacity: 0.3
66: {
height: 1,
y: xy[1] + size.height / 2
100: {
width: 1,
x: xy[0] + size.width / 2
keyframe.on('afteranimate', function() {
if (obj.useDisplay) {
} else {
duration: (obj.duration * 2),
listeners: {
beforeanimate: {
fn: beforeAnim
return me;
* Shows a ripple of exploding, attenuating borders to draw attention to an Element.
* Usage:
// default: a single light blue ripple
// custom: 3 red ripples lasting 3 seconds total
el.frame("#ff0000", 3, { duration: 3 });
// common config options shown with default values
el.frame("#C3DAF9", 1, {
duration: 1 //duration of each individual ripple.
// Note: Easing is not configurable and will be ignored if included
* @param {String} color (optional) The color of the border. Should be a 6 char hex color without the leading # (defaults to light blue: 'C3DAF9').
* @param {Number} count (optional) The number of ripples to display (defaults to 1)
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
frame : function(color, count, obj){
var me = this,
color = color || '#C3DAF9';
count = count || 1;
obj = obj || {};
beforeAnim = function() {
var animScope = this,
box = me.getBox(),
proxy = Ext.getBody().createChild({
style: {
position : 'absolute',
'pointer-events': 'none',
'z-index': 35000,
border : '0px solid ' + color
proxyAnim = Ext.create('Ext.fx.Anim', {
target: proxy,
duration: obj.duration || 1000,
iterations: count,
from: {
top: box.y,
left: box.x,
borderWidth: 0,
opacity: 1,
height: box.height,
width: box.width
to: {
top: box.y - 20,
left: box.x - 20,
borderWidth: 10,
opacity: 0,
height: box.height + 40,
width: box.width + 40
proxyAnim.on('afteranimate', function() {
duration: (obj.duration * 2) || 2000,
listeners: {
beforeanimate: {
fn: beforeAnim
return me;
* Slides the element while fading it out of view. An anchor point can be optionally passed to set the
* ending point of the effect.
* Usage:
// default: slide the element downward while fading out
// custom: slide the element out to the right with a 2-second duration
el.ghost('r', { duration: 2 });
// common config options shown with default values
el.ghost('b', {
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: 500
* @param {String} anchor (optional) One of the valid Fx anchor positions (defaults to bottom: 'b')
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
ghost: function(anchor, obj) {
var me = this,
anchor = anchor || "b";
beforeAnim = function() {
var width = me.getWidth(),
height = me.getHeight(),
xy = me.getXY(),
position = me.getPositioning(),
to = {
opacity: 0
switch (anchor) {
case 't':
to.y = xy[1] - height;
case 'l':
to.x = xy[0] - width;
case 'r':
to.x = xy[0] + width;
case 'b':
to.y = xy[1] + height;
case 'tl':
to.x = xy[0] - width;
to.y = xy[1] - height;
case 'bl':
to.x = xy[0] - width;
to.y = xy[1] + height;
case 'br':
to.x = xy[0] + width;
to.y = xy[1] + height;
case 'tr':
to.x = xy[0] + width;
to.y = xy[1] - height;
this.to = to;
this.on('afteranimate', function () {
if (me.dom) {
me.animate(Ext.applyIf(obj || {}, {
duration: 500,
easing: 'ease-out',
listeners: {
beforeanimate: {
fn: beforeAnim
return me;
* Highlights the Element by setting a color (applies to the background-color by default, but can be
* changed using the "attr" config option) and then fading back to the original color. If no original
* color is available, you should provide the "endColor" config option which will be cleared after the animation.
* Usage:
// default: highlight background to yellow
// custom: highlight foreground text to blue for 2 seconds
el.highlight("0000ff", { attr: 'color', duration: 2 });
// common config options shown with default values
el.highlight("ffff9c", {
attr: "backgroundColor", //can be any valid CSS property (attribute) that supports a color value
endColor: (current color) or "ffffff",
easing: 'easeIn',
duration: 1000
* @param {String} color (optional) The highlight color. Should be a 6 char hex color without the leading # (defaults to yellow: 'ffff9c')
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.core.Element} The Element
highlight: function(color, o) {
var me = this,
dom = me.dom,
from = {},
restore, to, attr, lns, event, fn;
o = o || {};
lns = o.listeners || {};
attr = o.attr || 'backgroundColor';
from[attr] = color || 'ffff9c';
if (!o.to) {
to = {};
to[attr] = o.endColor || me.getColor(attr, 'ffffff', '');
else {
to = o.to;
// Don't apply directly on lns, since we reference it in our own callbacks below
o.listeners = Ext.apply(Ext.apply({}, lns), {
beforeanimate: function() {
restore = dom.style[attr];
event = lns.beforeanimate;
if (event) {
fn = event.fn || event;
return fn.apply(event.scope || lns.scope || window, arguments);
afteranimate: function() {
if (dom) {
dom.style[attr] = restore;
event = lns.afteranimate;
if (event) {
fn = event.fn || event;
fn.apply(event.scope || lns.scope || window, arguments);
me.animate(Ext.apply({}, o, {
duration: 1000,
easing: 'ease-in',
from: from,
to: to
return me;
* @deprecated 4.0
* Creates a pause before any subsequent queued effects begin. If there are
* no effects queued after the pause it will have no effect.
* Usage:
* @param {Number} seconds The length of time to pause (in seconds)
* @return {Ext.Element} The Element
pause: function(ms) {
var me = this;
Ext.fx.Manager.setFxDefaults(me.id, {
delay: ms
return me;
* Fade an element in (from transparent to opaque). The ending opacity can be specified
* using the <tt>{@link #endOpacity}</tt> config option.
* Usage:
// default: fade in from opacity 0 to 100%
// custom: fade in from opacity 0 to 75% over 2 seconds
el.fadeIn({ endOpacity: .75, duration: 2});
// common config options shown with default values
endOpacity: 1, //can be any value between 0 and 1 (e.g. .5)
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: 500
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.Element} The Element
fadeIn: function(o) {
this.animate(Ext.apply({}, o, {
opacity: 1
return this;
* Fade an element out (from opaque to transparent). The ending opacity can be specified
* using the <tt>{@link #endOpacity}</tt> config option. Note that IE may require
* <tt>{@link #useDisplay}:true</tt> in order to redisplay correctly.
* Usage:
// default: fade out from the element's current opacity to 0
// custom: fade out from the element's current opacity to 25% over 2 seconds
el.fadeOut({ endOpacity: .25, duration: 2});
// common config options shown with default values
endOpacity: 0, //can be any value between 0 and 1 (e.g. .5)
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: 500,
remove: false,
useDisplay: false
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.Element} The Element
fadeOut: function(o) {
this.animate(Ext.apply({}, o, {
opacity: 0
return this;
* @deprecated 4.0
* Animates the transition of an element's dimensions from a starting height/width
* to an ending height/width. This method is a convenience implementation of {@link #shift}.
* Usage:
// change height and width to 100x100 pixels
el.scale(100, 100);
// common config options shown with default values. The height and width will default to
// the element's existing values if passed as null.
[element's width],
[element's height], {
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: .35
* @param {Number} width The new width (pass undefined to keep the original width)
* @param {Number} height The new height (pass undefined to keep the original height)
* @param {Object} options (optional) Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.Element} The Element
scale: function(w, h, o) {
this.animate(Ext.apply({}, o, {
width: w,
height: h
return this;
* @deprecated 4.0
* Animates the transition of any combination of an element's dimensions, xy position and/or opacity.
* Any of these properties not specified in the config object will not be changed. This effect
* requires that at least one new dimension, position or opacity setting must be passed in on
* the config object in order for the function to have any effect.
* Usage:
// slide the element horizontally to x position 200 while changing the height and opacity
el.shift({ x: 200, height: 50, opacity: .8 });
// common config options shown with default values.
width: [element's width],
height: [element's height],
x: [element's x position],
y: [element's y position],
opacity: [element's opacity],
easing: 'easeOut',
duration: .35
* @param {Object} options Object literal with any of the Fx config options
* @return {Ext.Element} The Element
shift: function(config) {
return this;