definition module IWorld from FilePath import :: FilePath from Map import :: Map from Maybe import :: Maybe from SystemTypes import :: DateTime, :: User, :: Config, :: TaskNo, :: TaskId, :: TaskListItem, :: ParallelTaskType from Time import :: Timestamp from TaskContext import :: ParallelItem, :: ParallelControl :: *IWorld = { application :: !String // The name of the application , build :: !String // The date/time identifier of the application's build , appDirectory :: !FilePath // Location of the application's executable , sdkDirectory :: !FilePath // Location of the iTasks SDK , dataDirectory :: !FilePath // Location of the applications data files , config :: !Config // The server configuration , timestamp :: !Timestamp // The timestamp of the current request , localDateTime :: !DateTime // The local date & time of the current request , latestEvent :: !Maybe DateTime // The date & time of the last event of the (detached) process , currentUser :: !User // The current user , nextTaskNo :: !TaskNo // The next task number to assign , evalStack :: ![TaskId] // The stack of instances evaluating other instances through workOn , parallelLists :: !Map String (!Int,![ParallelItem]) // The set of shared tasklist meta data , parallelControls :: !Map String (!Int,![ParallelControl]) // The set of controls for manipulating parallel task lists , localShares :: !Map String (!Int,!Dynamic) // The set of locally shared values , readShares :: !Maybe [String] // The IDs of shares from which was read , world :: !*World // The outside world }