implementation module Engine import StdMisc, StdArray, StdList, StdOrdList, StdTuple, StdChar, StdFile, StdBool, Func from StdFunc import o, seqList, ::St import Map, Time, CommandLine, Environment, Error, File, FilePath, Directory, HTTP, OSError, Text, MIME, UrlEncoding import Util, HtmlUtil import IWorld import WebService CLEAN_HOME_VAR :== "CLEAN_HOME" // The iTasks engine consist of a set of HTTP request handlers engine :: !FilePath publish -> [(!String -> Bool,!HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse, !*World))] | Publishable publish engine sdkPath publishable = taskHandlers (publishAll publishable) sdkPath ++ defaultHandlers sdkPath where taskHandlers published sdkPath = [((==) url, taskDispatch sdkPath task defaultFormat) \\ {url,task=TaskWrapper task,defaultFormat} <- published] taskDispatch sdkPath task defaultFormat req world # iworld = initIWorld sdkPath world # (response,iworld) = webService task defaultFormat req iworld = (response, finalizeIWorld iworld) defaultHandlers sdkPath = [((==) "/stop", handleStopRequest),(\_ -> True, handleStaticResourceRequest sdkPath)] initIWorld :: !FilePath !*World -> *IWorld initIWorld sdkPath world # (appName,world) = determineAppName world # (appPath,world) = determineAppPath world # appDir = takeDirectory appPath # dataDir = appDir appName +++ "-data" # (res,world) = getFileInfo appPath world | isError res = abort "Cannot get executable info." # tm = (fromOk res).lastModifiedTime # build = strfTime "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" tm # (timestamp,world) = time world # (localDateTime,world) = currentDateTimeWorld world # (_,world) = ensureDir "data" dataDir world # tmpDir = dataDir "tmp-" +++ build # (_,world) = ensureDir "tmp" tmpDir world # storeDir = dataDir "store-"+++ build # (exists,world) = ensureDir "store" storeDir world = {IWorld |application = appName ,build = build ,appDirectory = appDir ,sdkDirectory = sdkPath ,dataDirectory = dataDir ,config = defaultConfig ,timestamp = timestamp ,latestEvent = Nothing ,localDateTime = localDateTime ,currentUser = AnyUser ,nextTaskNo = 0 ,evalStack = [] ,parallelLists = newMap ,parallelControls = newMap ,localShares = newMap ,readShares = Nothing ,world = world } where defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = { rootPassword = "root" , rootEmail = "root@localhost" , sessionTime = 3600 , smtpServer = "localhost" } padZero :: !Int -> String padZero number = (if (number < 10) "0" "") +++ toString number ensureDir :: !String !FilePath *World -> (!Bool,!*World) ensureDir name path world # (exists, world) = fileExists path world | exists = (True,world) # (res, world) = createDirectory path world | isError res = abort ("Cannot create " +++ name +++ " directory" +++ path +++ " : " +++ snd (fromError res)) = (False,world) finalizeIWorld :: !*IWorld -> *World finalizeIWorld iworld=:{IWorld|world} = world // Request handler which serves static resources from the application directory, // or a system wide default directory if it is not found locally. // This request handler is used for serving system wide javascript, css, images, etc... handleStaticResourceRequest :: !FilePath !HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse,!*World) handleStaticResourceRequest sdkPath req world # (appPath,world) = determineAppPath world # path = if (req.req_path == "/") "/index.html" req.req_path # filename = sdkPath "Client" filePath path # type = mimeType filename # (mbContent, world) = readFile filename world | isOk mbContent = ({rsp_headers = fromList [("Status","200 OK"), ("Content-Type", type), ("Content-Length", toString (size (fromOk mbContent)))] ,rsp_data = fromOk mbContent}, world) # filename = takeDirectory appPath "Static" filePath path # type = mimeType filename # (mbContent, world) = readFile filename world | isOk mbContent = ({rsp_headers = fromList [("Status","200 OK"), ("Content-Type", type), ("Content-Length", toString (size (fromOk mbContent))) ] ,rsp_data = fromOk mbContent}, world) = (notFoundResponse req,world) where //Translate a URL path to a filesystem path filePath path = ((replaceSubString "/" {pathSeparator}) o (replaceSubString ".." "")) path mimeType path = extensionToMimeType (takeExtension path) handleStopRequest :: HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse,!*World) handleStopRequest req world = ({newHTTPResponse & rsp_headers = fromList [("X-Server-Control","stop")], rsp_data = "Server stopped..."}, world) //Stop path2name path = last (split "/" path) publish :: String ServiceFormat (Task a) -> PublishedTask | iTask a publish url format task = {url = url, task = TaskWrapper task, defaultFormat = format} instance Publishable (Task a) | iTask a where publishAll task = [publish "/" WebApp task] instance Publishable [PublishedTask] where publishAll list = list // Determines the server executables path determineAppPath :: !*World -> (!FilePath, !*World) determineAppPath world # ([arg:_],world) = getCommandLine world | dropDirectory arg <> "ConsoleClient.exe" = (arg, world) //Using dynamic linker: # (res, world) = getCurrentDirectory world | isError res = abort "Cannot get current directory." # currentDirectory = fromOk res # (res, world) = readDirectory currentDirectory world | isError res = abort "Cannot read current directory." # batchfiles = [f \\ f <- fromOk res | takeExtension f == "bat" ] | isEmpty batchfiles = abort "No dynamic linker batch file found." # (infos, world) = seqList (map getFileInfo batchfiles) world | any isError infos = abort "Cannot get file information." = (currentDirectory (fst o hd o sortBy cmpFileTime) (zip2 batchfiles infos), world) where cmpFileTime (_,Ok {FileInfo | lastModifiedTime = x}) (_,Ok {FileInfo | lastModifiedTime = y}) = mkTime x > mkTime y // Determines the server executables name determineAppName :: !*World -> (!String,!*World) determineAppName world # (appPath, world) = determineAppPath world = ((dropExtension o dropDirectory) appPath, world) determineSDKPath :: ![FilePath] !*World -> (!Maybe FilePath, !*World) determineSDKPath paths world //Try environment var first # (mbCleanHome,world) = getEnvironmentVariable CLEAN_HOME_VAR world = case mbCleanHome of Nothing = searchPaths paths world Just cleanHome = searchPaths [cleanHome] world where searchPaths [] world = (Nothing, world) searchPaths [p:ps] world # (mbInfo,world) = getFileInfo path world = case mbInfo of Ok info | = (Just path,world) _ = searchPaths ps world where path = (p "iTasks-SDK")