implementation module LayoutCombinators import StdTuple, StdList import Maybe, Text, Tuple, Util, HtmlUtil import SystemTypes, TUIDefinition from StdFunc import o from Task import :: TaskCompositionType, :: TaskAttribute, :: TaskAction, :: TaskTUI, :: TaskCompositionType(..) heuristicLayout :: Layout heuristicLayout = layout //TODO: Figure out proper propagation of attributes where layout type parts actions attributes # partactions = flatten [actions \\ (_,_,actions,_) <- parts] # guis = [gui \\ (_,Just gui,_,_) <- parts] | isEmpty guis = (type, Nothing, actions ++ partactions, attributes) # gui = case kvGet TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes of (Just title) = paneled (Just title) (kvGet HINT_ATTRIBUTE attributes) (kvGet ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) guis Nothing = case kvGet HINT_ATTRIBUTE attributes of (Just hint) = formed (Just hint) guis Nothing = case guis of [gui] = gui _ = vjoin guis # actions = filterImpossibleActions parts actions | canHoldButtons gui # (buttons,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # gui = addButtonsToTUI buttons gui | canHoldMenus gui # (menus,actions) = actionsToMenus actions # gui = addMenusToTUI menus gui = (type, Just gui, actions ++ partactions, attributes) | otherwise = (type, Just gui, actions ++ partactions, attributes) | otherwise = (type, Just gui, actions ++ partactions, attributes) accumulatingLayout :: Layout accumulatingLayout = layout where layout type parts actions attributes # attributes = foldr mergeAttributes [] ([a \\ (_,_,_,a) <- parts] ++ [attributes]) # actions = flatten [actions:[actions \\ (_,_,actions,_) <- parts]] # guis = [gui \\ (_,Just gui,_,_) <- parts] = (type, Just (vjoin guis), actions, attributes) paneledLayout :: Layout paneledLayout = layout where layout type parts actions attributes # partactions = flatten [actions \\ (_,_,actions,_) <- parts] # (buttons,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # (menus,actions) = actionsToMenus actions # guis = [gui \\ (_,Just gui,_,_) <- parts] # gui = addMenusToTUI menus (addButtonsToTUI buttons (paneled (kvGet TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes) (kvGet HINT_ATTRIBUTE attributes) (kvGet ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) guis)) = (type, Just gui, actions ++ partactions, attributes) tabbedLayout :: Layout tabbedLayout = layout where layout type parts actions attributes # tabs = [tab gui actions attributes \\ (_,Just gui,actions,attributes) <- parts] # active = getTopIndex parts # tabs = emptyNonActive active tabs # taskId = kvGet TASK_ATTRIBUTE attributes # gui = defaultDef (TUITabContainer {TUITabContainer| taskId = taskId, active = active, items = [tab \\{TUIDef|content=TUITabItem tab} <- tabs]}) = (type, Just gui, actions, attributes) tab gui actions attributes # (close,actions) = takeCloseTask actions # (menus,actions) = actionsToMenus actions # tab = toTab gui # tab = case (kvGet TASK_ATTRIBUTE attributes) of Nothing = tab; Just taskId = setTaskId taskId tab # tab = case (kvGet TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes) of Nothing = tab; Just title = setTitle title tab # tab = case (kvGet ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) of Nothing = tab; Just icon = setIconCls ("icon-" +++ icon) tab # tab = case close of Nothing = tab; Just task = setCloseAction (actionName ActionClose,task) tab # tab = addMenusToTUI menus tab = tab //Remove all content from tabs that are not visible anyway emptyNonActive active tabs = [if (i == active) tab (empty tab) \\ tab <- tabs & i <- [0..]] where empty tab=:{TUIDef|content=TUITabItem c} = {tab & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & items = [], menus = []}} //Find the task id of an ActionClose action takeCloseTask [] = (Nothing,[]) takeCloseTask [(task,ActionClose,enabled):as] = (if enabled (Just task) Nothing,as) takeCloseTask [a:as] = let (mbtask,as`) = takeCloseTask as in (mbtask,[a:as`]) hideLayout :: Layout hideLayout = layout where layout type parts actions attributes # attributes = foldr mergeAttributes [] ([a \\ (_,_,_,a) <- parts] ++ [attributes]) # actions = flatten [actions:[a \\ (_,_,a,_) <- parts]] = (type,Nothing,actions,attributes) vsplitLayout :: Int ([TUIDef] -> ([TUIDef],[TUIDef])) -> Layout vsplitLayout split fun = layout where layout type parts actions attributes # (guis1,guis2) = fun [gui \\ (_,Just gui,_,_) <- parts] # gui = (fill o vjoin) [(fixedHeight split o fillWidth) (vjoin guis1) , fill (vjoin guis2) ] = (type,Just gui, actions, attributes) /* columnLayout :: !Int ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef columnLayout nCols items # cols = repeatn nCols [] # cols = columnLayout` items cols # cols = map (\col -> {content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultContainer col & direction = Vertical}, width = Just (WrapContent 0), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing}) cols = {content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultContainer cols & direction = Horizontal}, width = Just (WrapContent 0), height = Just (WrapContent 0), margins = Nothing} where columnLayout` items cols = case splitAt nCols items of ([],_) = map reverse cols (row,r) = columnLayout` r (map (\(item,col) -> [item:col]) (zip2 row cols)) */ //Determine the index of the visible part with the highest stack-order attribute getTopIndex :: [TaskTUI] -> Int getTopIndex parts = find 0 0 0 parts where find maxTop maxIndex i [] = maxIndex find maxTop maxIndex i [(_,Nothing,_,_):ps] = find maxTop maxIndex i ps //Ignore invisible parts find maxTop maxIndex i [(_,_,_,attr):ps] = case kvGet STACK_ATTRIBUTE attr of Nothing = find maxTop maxIndex (i + 1) ps Just stackOrder # stackOrder = toInt stackOrder | stackOrder >= maxTop = find stackOrder i (i + 1) ps = find maxTop maxIndex (i + 1) ps canHoldButtons :: TUIDef -> Bool canHoldButtons def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel {TUIPanel|purpose=Just "form"} = True TUIPanel {TUIPanel|purpose=Just "buttons"} = True TUIContainer {TUIContainer|purpose=Just "form"} = True TUIContainer {TUIContainer|purpose=Just "buttons"} = True _ = False canHoldMenus :: TUIDef -> Bool canHoldMenus def = False filterImpossibleActions :: [TaskTUI] [TaskAction] -> [TaskAction] filterImpossibleActions [(SequentialComposition,_,_,_)] actions //Actions added to a sequential composition are useless = []// [action\\action=:(_,_,enabled) <- actions | enabled] filterImpossibleActions _ actions = actions setSize :: !TUISize !TUISize !TUIDef -> TUIDef setSize width height def = {TUIDef| def & width = Just width, height = Just height} setWidth :: !TUISize !TUIDef -> TUIDef setWidth width def = {TUIDef|def & width = Just width} setHeight :: !TUISize !TUIDef -> TUIDef setHeight height def = {TUIDef|def & height = Just height} fill :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef fill def = {TUIDef|def & width = Just ( FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 200)), height = Just ( FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 10))} fillHeight :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef fillHeight def = {def & height = Just (FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 200))} fillWidth :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef fillWidth def = {def & width = Just (FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 200))} fixedHeight :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef fixedHeight size def = {def & height = Just (Fixed size)} fixedWidth :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef fixedWidth size def = {def & width = Just (Fixed size)} wrapHeight :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef wrapHeight def = {def & height = Just (WrapContent 0)} wrapWidth :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef wrapWidth def = {def & width = Just (WrapContent 0)} setMargins :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef setMargins top right bottom left def = {def & margins = Just {top = top, right = right, bottom = bottom, left = left}} setTopMargin :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef setTopMargin top def = case def.margins of Nothing = {def & margins = Just {top = top, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0}} Just m = {def & margins = Just {m & top = top}} setRightMargin :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef setRightMargin right def = case def.margins of Nothing = {def & margins = Just {top = 0, right = right, bottom = 0, left = 0}} Just m = {def & margins = Just {m & right = right}} setBottomMargin :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef setBottomMargin bottom def = case def.margins of Nothing = {def & margins = Just {top = 0, right = 0, bottom = bottom, left = 0}} Just m = {def & margins = Just {m & bottom = bottom}} setLeftMargin :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef setLeftMargin left def = case def.margins of Nothing = {def & margins = Just {top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = left}} Just m = {def & margins = Just {m & left = left}} setPadding :: !Int !TUIDef -> TUIDef setPadding padding def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & padding = Just padding}} TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & padding = Just padding}} TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & padding = Just padding}} _ = def setTitle :: !String !TUIDef -> TUIDef setTitle title def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & title = Just title}} TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & title = title}} TUIContainer _ = setTitle title (toPanel def) //Coerce to panel _ = def setFramed :: !Bool !TUIDef -> TUIDef setFramed frame def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & frame = frame}} _ = def setIconCls :: !String !TUIDef -> TUIDef setIconCls cls def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & iconCls = Just cls}} TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & iconCls = Just cls}} TUIWindow c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIWindow {TUIWindow|c & iconCls = Just cls}} _ = def setBaseCls :: !String !TUIDef -> TUIDef setBaseCls cls def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & baseCls = Just cls}} TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & baseCls = Just cls}} //TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & baseCls = Just cls}} TUIWindow c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIWindow {TUIWindow|c & baseCls = Just cls}} _ = def setDirection :: !TUIDirection !TUIDef -> TUIDef setDirection dir def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & direction = dir}} //TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & direction = dir}} TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & direction = dir}} _ = def setHalign :: !TUIHAlign !TUIDef -> TUIDef setHalign align def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & halign = align}} TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & halign = align}} _ = def setValign :: !TUIVAlign !TUIDef -> TUIDef setValign align def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & valign = align}} TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & valign = align}} _ = def setPurpose :: !String !TUIDef -> TUIDef setPurpose purpose def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & purpose = Just purpose}} TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & purpose = Just purpose}} _ = def setTaskId :: !String !TUIDef -> TUIDef setTaskId taskId def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIEditControl t c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIEditControl t {TUIEditControl|c & taskId = Just taskId}} TUITabContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabContainer {TUITabContainer|c & taskId = Just taskId}} TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & taskId = Just taskId}} TUIListContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIListContainer {TUIListContainer|c & taskId = Just taskId}} TUIRadioChoice c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIRadioChoice {TUIRadioChoice|c & taskId = Just taskId}} TUICheckChoice c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUICheckChoice {TUICheckChoice|c & taskId = Just taskId}} _ = def setCloseAction :: !(!String,!String) !TUIDef -> TUIDef setCloseAction action def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & closeAction = Just action}} _ = def //Container coercion toPanel :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef toPanel def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of //Panels are left untouched TUIPanel _ = def //Containers can be coerced to panels TUIContainer {TUIContainer|items,direction,halign,valign,padding,purpose,baseCls} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel |items=items,direction=direction,halign=halign,valign=valign,padding=padding,purpose=purpose ,title = Nothing,frame=False,menus=[],iconCls=Nothing,baseCls=baseCls}} //Uncoercable items are wrapped in a panel instead _ = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel |items=[def],direction=Vertical,halign=AlignLeft,valign=AlignTop,padding=Nothing,purpose=Nothing ,title = Nothing,frame=False,menus=[],iconCls=Nothing,baseCls=Nothing}} toContainer :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef toContainer def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIContainer _ = def //Panels can be coerced to containers TUIPanel {TUIPanel|items,direction,halign,valign,padding,purpose,baseCls} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer |items = items,direction=direction,halign=halign,valign=valign,padding=padding,purpose=purpose,baseCls=baseCls}} //Uncoercable items are wrapped in a container instead _ = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer |items = [def],direction=Vertical,halign=AlignLeft,valign=AlignTop,padding=Nothing,purpose=Nothing,baseCls=Nothing}} toTab :: !TUIDef -> TUIDef toTab def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of //Coerce panels and containers to tabs TUIPanel {TUIPanel|items,title,iconCls,padding,menus} = defaultDef (TUITabItem {TUITabItem| taskId = Nothing, items = items, title = fromMaybe "Untitled" title, iconCls = iconCls,padding = Nothing, menus = menus, closeAction = Nothing}) _ = defaultDef (TUITabItem {TUITabItem| taskId = Nothing, items = [def],title = "Untitled", iconCls = Nothing, padding = Nothing, menus = [], closeAction = Nothing}) //GUI combinators hjoin :: ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef hjoin defs = defaultDef (TUIContainer {TUIContainer|items = defs, direction = Horizontal, halign = AlignLeft, valign = AlignMiddle, padding = Nothing, purpose = Nothing, baseCls = Nothing}) vjoin :: ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef vjoin defs = defaultDef (TUIContainer {TUIContainer|items = defs, direction = Vertical, halign = AlignLeft, valign = AlignTop, padding = Nothing, purpose = Nothing, baseCls = Nothing}) paneled :: !(Maybe String) !(Maybe String) !(Maybe String) ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef paneled mbTitle mbHint mbIcon defs # defs = case mbHint of Nothing = defs Just hint = [hintPanel hint:defs] # panel = (setPurpose "form" o frame) (toPanel (vjoin defs)) # panel = case mbTitle of Nothing = panel Just title = setTitle title panel # panel = case mbIcon of Nothing = panel Just icon = setIconCls ("icon-" +++ icon) panel = panel where frame = setMargins 10 10 0 10 o setPadding 10 o setFramed True o fixedWidth 700 formed :: !(Maybe String) ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef formed mbHint defs # defs = case mbHint of Nothing = defs Just hint = [hintPanel hint:defs] = setPurpose "form" (vjoin defs) //Container operations addItemToTUI :: (Maybe Int) TUIDef TUIDef -> TUIDef addItemToTUI mbIndex item def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIContainer container=:{TUIContainer|items} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|container & items = add mbIndex item items}} TUIPanel panel=:{TUIPanel|items} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|panel & items = add mbIndex item items}} _ = def where add Nothing item items = items ++ [item] add (Just pos) item items = take pos items ++ [item] ++ drop pos items //Add buttons to an existing panel. If there it is a container that has a "button" container in it add the buttons to that //Otherwise create that container addButtonsToTUI :: ![TUIDef] TUIDef -> TUIDef addButtonsToTUI [] def = def addButtonsToTUI buttons def=:{TUIDef|content} | isButtonPanel def = foldr (addItemToTUI Nothing) def buttons | otherwise = case content of (TUIPanel panel=:{TUIPanel|items}) = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|panel & items = addToButtonPanel buttons items}} (TUIContainer container=:{TUIContainer|items}) = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|container & items = addToButtonPanel buttons items}} _ = def where addToButtonPanel buttons [] = [buttonPanel buttons] addToButtonPanel buttons [i:is] | isButtonPanel i = [foldr (addItemToTUI Nothing) i buttons:is] = [i:addToButtonPanel buttons is] //Add menus to a panel, tab or window addMenusToTUI :: [TUIMenuButton] TUIDef -> TUIDef addMenusToTUI [] def = def addMenusToTUI extramenus def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of (TUIPanel panel=:{TUIPanel|menus}) = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|panel & menus = menus ++ extramenus}} (TUITabItem tab=:{TUITabItem|menus}) = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|tab & menus = menus ++ extramenus}} (TUIWindow window=:{TUIWindow|menus}) = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIWindow {TUIWindow|window & menus = menus ++ extramenus}} _ = def getItemsOfTUI :: TUIDef -> [TUIDef] getItemsOfTUI def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIContainer {TUIContainer|items} = items TUITabItem {TUITabItem|items} = items TUIPanel {TUIPanel|items} = items TUIWindow {TUIWindow|items} = items _ = [def] setItemsOfTUI :: [TUIDef] TUIDef -> TUIDef setItemsOfTUI items def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIContainer c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|c & items = items}} TUITabItem c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUITabItem {TUITabItem|c & items = items}} TUIPanel c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|c & items = items}} TUIWindow c = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIWindow {TUIWindow|c & items = items}} _ = def //Predefined panels hintPanel :: !String -> TUIDef //Panel with task instructions hintPanel hint = (setPurpose "hint" o setMargins 0 0 10 0)(vjoin [stringDisplay hint]) buttonPanel :: ![TUIDef] -> TUIDef //Container for a set of horizontally layed out buttons buttonPanel buttons = { content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|defaultContainer buttons & direction = Horizontal, halign = AlignRight, purpose = Just "buttons"} , width = Just (FillParent 1 ContentSize) , height = Just (WrapContent 0) , margins = Nothing } isButtonPanel :: !TUIDef -> Bool isButtonPanel def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIPanel {TUIPanel|purpose=Just p} = p == "buttons" TUIContainer {TUIContainer|purpose=Just p} = p == "buttons" _ = False actionsToButtons :: ![TaskAction] -> (![TUIDef],![TaskAction]) actionsToButtons [] = ([],[]) actionsToButtons [a=:(taskId,action,enabled):as] # (buttons,actions) = actionsToButtons as = case split "/" (actionName action) of //Action name consist of only one part -> make a button [name] = ([mkButton taskId action enabled : buttons],actions) //Action name consists of multiple parts -> pass through _ = (buttons,[a:actions]) where mkButton taskId action enabled = { content = TUIButton { TUIButton | name = actionName action , taskId = Just (toString taskId) , disabled = not enabled , text = actionName action , iconCls = actionIcon action , actionButton = True } , width = Nothing , height = Nothing , margins = Nothing } actionsToMenus :: ![TaskAction] -> (![TUIMenuButton],![TaskAction]) actionsToMenus actions = makeMenus [] actions where makeMenus :: [TUIMenuButton] [TaskAction] -> ([TUIMenuButton],[TaskAction]) makeMenus menus [] = (menus,[]) makeMenus menus [a=:(taskId,action,enabled):as] = makeMenus (addToMenus (split "/" (actionName action)) taskId action enabled menus) as addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [] //Create menu = [createButton main item taskId action enabled] addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [m:ms] //Add to existing menu if it exists | m.TUIMenuButton.text == main //Found! = [{TUIMenuButton|m & menu = Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems item taskId action enabled (maybe [] (\menu -> menu.TUIMenu.items)}}:ms] | otherwise = [m:addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled ms] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [] //Create item = [createItem item sub taskId action enabled] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [i:is] | itemText i == item | isEmpty sub //Duplicate item (just add it) = [i,createItem item sub taskId action enabled:is] | otherwise //Add to the found item = [addToItem sub taskId action enabled i:is] | otherwise = [i:addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled is] addToItems [] _ _ _ _ = [] itemText {TUIMenuItem|text} = text itemText _ = "" createButton item sub taskId action enabled = {TUIMenuButton | text = item , target = if (isEmpty sub) (Just (toString taskId)) Nothing , action = if (isEmpty sub) (Just (actionName action)) Nothing , menu = if (isEmpty sub) Nothing (Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems sub taskId action enabled []}) , disabled = if (isEmpty sub) (not enabled) False , iconCls = Just (icon item) } createItem item sub taskId action enabled = {TUIMenuItem |text = item ,target = if (isEmpty sub) (Just (toString taskId)) Nothing ,action = if (isEmpty sub) (Just (actionName action)) Nothing ,menu = if (isEmpty sub) Nothing (Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems sub taskId action enabled []}) ,disabled = if (isEmpty sub) (not enabled) False ,iconCls = Just (icon item) ,hotkey = Nothing } addToItem sub taskId action enabled item=:{TUIMenuItem|menu} = {TUIMenuItem|item & menu = Just {TUIMenu|items = addToItems sub taskId action enabled (maybe [] (\m -> m.TUIMenu.items) menu)}} icon name = "icon-" +++ (replaceSubString " " "-" (toLowerCase name)) tuiOf :: TaskTUI -> TUIDef tuiOf (_,d,_,_) = fromMaybe (stringDisplay "-") d actionsOf :: TaskTUI -> [TaskAction] actionsOf (_,_,a,_) = a attributesOf :: TaskTUI -> [TaskAttribute] attributesOf (_,_,_,a) = a mergeAttributes :: [TaskAttribute] [TaskAttribute] -> [TaskAttribute] mergeAttributes attr1 attr2 = foldr (\(k,v) attr -> kvSet k v attr) attr1 attr2 appLayout :: Layout TaskCompositionType [TaskTUI] [TaskAction] [TaskAttribute] -> TaskTUI appLayout f type parts actions attributes = f type parts actions attributes appDeep :: [Int] (TUIDef -> TUIDef) TUIDef -> TUIDef appDeep [] f def = f def appDeep [s:ss] f def=:{TUIDef|content} = case content of TUIContainer container=:{TUIContainer|items} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIContainer {TUIContainer|container & items = update items}} TUIPanel panel=:{TUIPanel|items} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIPanel {TUIPanel|panel & items = update items}} TUIWindow window=:{TUIWindow|items} = {TUIDef|def & content = TUIWindow {TUIWindow|window & items = update items}} _ = def where update items = [if (i == s) (appDeep ss f item) item \\ item <- items & i <- [0..]] tweakTUI :: (TUIDef -> TUIDef) TaskTUI -> TaskTUI tweakTUI f (type,gui,actions,attributes) = (type,fmap f gui,actions,attributes) tweakAttr :: ([TaskAttribute] -> [TaskAttribute]) TaskTUI -> TaskTUI tweakAttr f (type,gui,actions,attributes) = (type,gui,actions,f attributes)