implementation module GeoTracker import iTasks import GoogleMaps geoTrackerExamples :: [Workflow] geoTrackerExamples = [workflow "Examples/Geo tracker/View map" "Look at the locations of users on the map." viewMap ,workflow "Examples/Geo tracker/Report position" "Tell us where you are..." reportPosition ] locationStore :: Shared [(User,GoogleMapPosition)] locationStore = sharedStore "Locations" [] reportPosition :: Task [(User,GoogleMapPosition)] reportPosition = enterInformation "Where are you now?" [] >>= \position -> get currentUser >>= \user -> update (updatePos (user,position)) locationStore where updatePos (user,position) [] = [(user,position)] updatePos (user,position) [(u,p):ps] | u == user = [(user,position):ps] = [(u,p):updatePos (user,position) ps] viewMap :: Task Void viewMap = viewInformation "Look where everyone is" [] nlMap >>* [AnyTime ActionQuit (const (return Void))] /* interact "Look where everyone is" (\gmap locations _ -> [FormPart (FormValue {GoogleMap|gmap & markers = map mkMarker locations}) (\mbMap -> ({GoogleMap|fromMaybe gmap mbMap & markers = []},Nothing))]) nlMap locationStore >>* [AnyTime ActionQuit (const (return Void))] */ where nlMap :: GoogleMap nlMap = {GoogleMap| defaultMap & perspective = {type = ROADMAP, zoom = 7, center = {lat = 52.396, lng = 5.21}}} toView :: (GoogleMap, [(User,GoogleMapPosition)]) -> GoogleMap toView (gmap,locations) = {GoogleMap|gmap & markers = map mkMarker locations} fromView :: GoogleMap (GoogleMap,[(User,GoogleMapPosition)]) -> (GoogleMap,[(User,GoogleMapPosition)]) fromView view (gmap,positions) = ({GoogleMap|view & markers = []},positions) mkMarker :: (User,GoogleMapPosition) -> GoogleMapMarker mkMarker (user,position) = { GoogleMapMarker | position = position , title = Just (displayName user) , icon = Nothing , infoWindow = Just {GoogleMapInfoWindow|content = toString info} , draggable = False , selected = False } where info = SpanTag [] [H1Tag [] [Text (displayName user)],BrTag [] ,Text "Lat:", Text (toString, BrTag [] ,Text "Lng: ", Text (toString position.lng), BrTag [] ]