implementation module APIDocumentation from StdFunc import id import StdFile import StdList import StdString import Error import Maybe import File import FilePath import Directory import Text import TaskContext from LaTeX import :: LaTeX (CleanCode, CleanInline, EmDash, Environment, Index, Item, NewParagraph, Paragraph, Section, Subsection), printLaTeX from LaTeX import qualified :: LaTeX (Text) from PPrint import class Pretty(..), ::Doc, <+>, empty, int, hsep, parens, text import iTasks import DocumentStore import CleanDocParser import CleanPrettyPrinter from general import qualified ::Optional(..) from general import ::Bind(..), ::Env(..), ::BITVECT from Heap import ::Ptr from scanner import ::Assoc(..), ::Priority(..) from syntax import ::Annotation, ::AttributeVar, ::AttrInequality, ::AType(..), ::ATypeVar, ::BasicType(..), ::ClassDef, ::ConsVariable, ::DefinedSymbol(..), ::FunKind, ::FunSpecials(..), ::GenericCaseDef, ::GenericDef, ::GenericTypeContext(..), ::Global(..), ::GlobalIndex, ::Ident(..), ::Import, ::ImportedObject, ::Index, ::OptionalDocBlock(..), ::ParsedConstructor(..), ::ParsedDefinition(..), ::ParsedExpr, ::ParsedImport, ::ParsedInstanceAndMembers, ::ParsedSelector(..), ::ParsedTypeDef, ::Position, ::Rhs, ::RhsDefsOfType(..), ::Special(..), ::SpecialSubstitution(..), ::StrictnessList, ::SymbolPtr, ::SymbolTableEntry, ::SymbolType(..), ::TCClass(..), ::TempVarId, ::Type(..), ::TypeAttribute(..), ::TypeContext(..), ::TypeDef(..), ::TypeKind, ::TypeSymbIdent(..), ::TypeSymbProperties, ::TypeVar(..), ::TypeVarInfo, ::TypeVarInfoPtr, ::VarInfo, ::VarInfoPtr, instance toString BasicType apiDocumentationExamples :: [Workflow] apiDocumentationExamples = [ workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Generate API documentation" "Generate iTasks API documentation in LaTeX format" generateTeXExample ] generateTeXExample :: Task Void generateTeXExample = updateInformation "Enter API Directory:" [] (".." "Server" "API") // >>= \path -> catchAll (importJSONFile (path settingsFile)) (\_ -> return ([],[])) >>= \path -> importJSONFile (path settingsFile) >>= \(selectedFiles, selectedIdents) -> findAllFiles path ".dcl" >>= \dclFiles -> updateMultipleChoice "Select modules to include in documentation" [] dclFiles selectedFiles >>= \selectedFiles -> sequence "Parsing modules" [ accWorldError (getIdentifiers file) id \\ file <- selectedFiles ] @ (sort o flatten) >>= \idents -> updateMultipleChoice "Select definitions to include in documentation" [] idents selectedIdents >>= \selectedIdents -> exportJSONFile (path settingsFile) (selectedFiles, selectedIdents) >>| sequence "Generating LaTeX" [ accWorldError (dclToTeX selectedIdents file) id \\ file <- selectedFiles ] @ (printLaTeX o flatten) >>= \tex -> createDocumentTask "iTasks_API_documentation.tex" "application/x-tex" tex >>= viewInformation "Download iTasks API documentation in LaTeX format" [] >>| return Void where settingsFile = "selectedAPIDocumentation.json" findAllFiles :: !FilePath !String -> Task [FilePath] findAllFiles path extension | endsWith extension path = return [path] | otherwise = accWorldOSError (isSubDirectory path) >>= \isSubDir -> if isSubDir (accWorldOSError (readDirectory path) >>= \entries -> sequence ("Searching directory " +++ path) [ findAllFiles (path e) extension \\ e <- entries | e <> "." && e <> ".." ] @ flatten ) (return []) where isSubDirectory :: !String *World -> (MaybeOSError Bool, *World) isSubDirectory filename world # (res, world) = getFileInfo filename world | isError res = (liftError res, world) = (Ok (fromOk res).directory, world) derive class iTask LaTeX :: ModuleDoc = { ident :: !String , description :: !String , types :: ![TypeDoc] , functions :: ![FunctionDoc] } :: FunctionDoc = { ident :: !String , operator :: !Maybe Doc , title :: !String , params :: ![ParameterDoc] , description :: !String , returnType :: !Doc , context :: !Doc , returnDescription :: !String , throws :: ![String] } :: ParameterDoc = { title :: !String , description :: !String , type :: !Doc } :: TypeDoc = { ident :: !String , type :: !Doc , description :: !String , typeRhsDoc :: !TypeRhsDoc } :: TypeRhsDoc = AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc | RecordTypeRhsDoc RecordTypeRhsDoc | EmptyTypeRhsDoc :: AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc = { constructors :: ![ConstructorDoc] } :: ConstructorDoc = { ident :: !String , description :: !Maybe String } :: RecordTypeRhsDoc = { fields :: ![FieldDoc] } :: FieldDoc = { ident :: !String , type :: !Doc , description :: !Maybe String } dclToTeX :: ![String] !FilePath *World -> (MaybeErrorString [LaTeX], *World) dclToTeX idents filename world # (res, world) = documentDCL filename world | isError res = (liftError res, world) = (Ok (moduleToTeX (filterIdentifiers idents (fromOk res))), world) where filterIdentifiers :: [String] ModuleDoc -> ModuleDoc filterIdentifiers selected doc = { ModuleDoc | doc & types = filter (\t -> isMember ("::" +++ t.TypeDoc.ident) selected) doc.ModuleDoc.types , functions = filter (\t -> isMember t.FunctionDoc.ident selected) doc.ModuleDoc.functions } moduleToTeX :: !ModuleDoc -> [LaTeX] moduleToTeX {ModuleDoc | ident, description, types, functions} = [ Section ident , 'LaTeX'.Text description ] ++ flatten (map typeDocToTeX types) ++ flatten (map functionToTeX functions) typeDocToTeX :: !TypeDoc -> [LaTeX] typeDocToTeX { TypeDoc | ident, type, description, typeRhsDoc } = [ Subsection (ident +++ " type") , Index (ident +++ " type") , 'LaTeX'.Text description , CleanCode [ prettyPrint 120 type ] ] ++ typeRhsToTeX typeRhsDoc typeRhsToTeX :: !TypeRhsDoc -> [LaTeX] typeRhsToTeX (AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc { AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc | constructors }) | and [isNothing c.ConstructorDoc.description \\ c <- constructors] = [] typeRhsToTeX (AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc { AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc | constructors }) = [ Paragraph "Constructors" , Environment "itemize*" (flatten (map constructorToTeX constructors)) ] where constructorToTeX :: ConstructorDoc -> [LaTeX] constructorToTeX { ConstructorDoc | ident, description } | isNothing description = [] constructorToTeX { ConstructorDoc | ident, description } = [ Item [ CleanInline ident , EmDash , 'LaTeX'.Text (fromJust description) ] ] typeRhsToTeX (RecordTypeRhsDoc { RecordTypeRhsDoc | fields }) | and [isNothing f.FieldDoc.description \\ f <- fields] = [] typeRhsToTeX (RecordTypeRhsDoc { RecordTypeRhsDoc | fields }) = [ Paragraph "Fields" , Environment "itemize*" (flatten (map fieldToTeX fields)) ] where fieldToTeX :: FieldDoc -> [LaTeX] fieldToTeX { FieldDoc | ident, description } | isNothing description = [] fieldToTeX { FieldDoc | ident, description } = [ Item [ CleanInline ident , EmDash , 'LaTeX'.Text (fromJust description) ] ] typeRhsToTeX _ = [] functionToTeX :: !FunctionDoc -> [LaTeX] functionToTeX {FunctionDoc | ident, operator, params, description, returnType, returnDescription, context, throws } # name = case operator of Just _ = ident +++ " operator" Nothing = ident = [ Subsection name , Index name , 'LaTeX'.Text description , CleanCode [ prettyPrint 120 ( (case operator of Just op = parens (text ident <+> op) Nothing = text ident ) <+> text "::" <+> hsep [p.ParameterDoc.type \\ p <- params] <+> (if (isEmpty params) empty (text " -> ")) <+> returnType <+> context ) ] , Paragraph "Parameters" , (if (isEmpty params) ('LaTeX'.Text "(none)") (Environment "itemize*" (map parameterToTeX params)) ) , Paragraph "Returns" , CleanInline (prettyPrint 120 returnType) , EmDash , 'LaTeX'.Text returnDescription ] ++ (if (isEmpty throws) [] [ Paragraph "Possible exceptions" , (Environment "itemize*" [ Item ['LaTeX'.Text e] \\ e <- throws ]) ] ) parameterToTeX :: !ParameterDoc -> LaTeX parameterToTeX {ParameterDoc | title, type, description} = Item [ 'LaTeX'.Text title , CleanInline (" :: " +++ prettyPrint 120 type) , EmDash , 'LaTeX'.Text description ] getIdentifiers :: !FilePath *World -> (MaybeErrorString [String], *World) getIdentifiers filename world # (res, world) = documentDCL filename world | isError res = (liftError res, world) # doc = fromOk res = (Ok (map (\t -> "::" +++ t.TypeDoc.ident ) doc.ModuleDoc.types ++ map (\t -> t.FunctionDoc.ident) doc.ModuleDoc.functions ) , world) documentDCL :: !FilePath *World -> (MaybeErrorString ModuleDoc, *World) documentDCL filename world # (res, world) = readFile filename world | isError res = (Error ("Failed to read file: " +++ toString (fromError res)), world) # (ok, errorFile, world) = fopen "errors.txt" FWriteText world | not ok = (Error "Failed to open errors.txt file", world) # (defs, errorFile) = parseModule (fromOk res) False errorFile # (ok,world) = fclose errorFile world | not ok = (Error "Failed to close errors.txt file", world) # (_,world) = deleteFile "errors.txt" world # res = case defs of [PD_Documentation docstr:_] = parseModuleComment docstr _ = Ok emptyModuleComment | isError res = (liftError res, world) # moduleComment = fromOk res = (Ok { ModuleDoc | ident = dropExtension (dropDirectory filename) , description = fromMaybe "" moduleComment.ModuleComment.description , functions = documentFunctions defs , types = documentTypeDefs defs } , world) documentFunctions :: ![ParsedDefinition] -> [FunctionDoc] documentFunctions [] = [] documentFunctions [PD_Documentation docstr: PD_TypeSpec pos ident prio optSymbtype specials: defs] # res = parseFunctionComment docstr # doc = case res of Ok doc = doc Error err = emptyFunctionComment = case documentFunction doc ident prio optSymbtype of Just fd = [fd:documentFunctions defs] Nothing = documentFunctions defs documentFunctions [PD_TypeSpec pos ident prio optSymbtype specials: defs] = case documentFunction emptyFunctionComment ident prio optSymbtype of Just fd = [fd:documentFunctions defs] Nothing = documentFunctions defs documentFunctions [def:defs] = documentFunctions defs documentFunction :: !FunctionComment Ident Priority ('general'.Optional SymbolType) -> Maybe FunctionDoc documentFunction doc ident prio 'general'.No = Nothing documentFunction doc ident prio ('general'.Yes st) = Just { FunctionDoc | ident = ident.id_name , operator = case prio of Prio LeftAssoc i = Just (text "infixl" <+> int i) Prio RightAssoc i = Just (text "infixr" <+> int i) Prio NoAssoc i = Just (text "infix" <+> int i) NoPrio = Nothing , title = "" , params = [documentParameter d p \\ d <- doc.FunctionComment.params & p <- st.st_args ] , description = fromMaybe "" doc.FunctionComment.description , returnType = printAType False st.st_result , returnDescription = fromMaybe "" doc.FunctionComment.return , context = pretty st.st_context , throws = doc.FunctionComment.throws } documentParameter :: !ParamComment AType -> ParameterDoc documentParameter doc type = { ParameterDoc | title = fromMaybe "(No title)" doc.ParamComment.title , description = fromMaybe "(No description)" doc.ParamComment.description , type = printAType True type } documentTypeDefs :: ![ParsedDefinition] -> [TypeDoc] documentTypeDefs [] = [] documentTypeDefs [PD_Documentation docstr: PD_Type typedef: defs] # res = parseTypeComment docstr # doc = case res of Ok doc = doc Error err = emptyTypeComment = [documentTypeDef doc typedef : documentTypeDefs defs] documentTypeDefs [PD_Type typedef: defs] = [documentTypeDef emptyTypeComment typedef: documentTypeDefs defs] documentTypeDefs [def: defs] = documentTypeDefs defs documentTypeDef :: !TypeComment !ParsedTypeDef -> TypeDoc documentTypeDef doc td=:{td_ident,td_rhs} = { TypeDoc | ident = td_ident.id_name , type = pretty td , description = fromMaybe "" doc.TypeComment.description , typeRhsDoc = documentTypeRhs td_rhs } documentTypeRhs :: !RhsDefsOfType -> TypeRhsDoc documentTypeRhs (ConsList constructors) = AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc { AlgebraicTypeRhsDoc | constructors = map documentConstructor constructors } where documentConstructor { ParsedConstructor | pc_cons_ident, pc_docblock } = { ConstructorDoc | ident = pc_cons_ident.id_name , description = optionalToMaybe pc_docblock } documentTypeRhs (SelectorList ident typeVars isBoxed selectors) = RecordTypeRhsDoc { RecordTypeRhsDoc | fields = map documentField selectors } where documentField ps=:{ ParsedSelector | ps_field_ident, ps_docblock } = { FieldDoc | ident = ps_field_ident.id_name , type = pretty ps , description = optionalToMaybe ps_docblock } documentTypeRhs _ = EmptyTypeRhsDoc optionalToMaybe :: ('general'.Optional a) -> Maybe a optionalToMaybe ('general'.Yes x) = Just x optionalToMaybe 'general'.No = Nothing createDocumentTask :: !String !String !String -> Task Document createDocumentTask name mime content = mkInstantTask create where create taskId iworld # (res,iworld) = createDocument name mime content iworld = (TaskStable res NoRep (TCEmpty taskId),iworld)