implementation module testable /* GAST: A Generic Automatic Software Test-system testable: the test algorithm for logical properties Pieter Koopman, 2002-2008 Radboud Universty, Nijmegen The Netherlands */ import StdEnv, Random, genLibTest, /* StdTime, */ gen derive gLess Result instance == Result where (==) x y = x===y newAdmin :: Admin newAdmin = {res=Undef, labels=[], args=[], name=[]} class TestArg a | genShow{|*|}, ggen{|*|} a //class Testable a where evaluate :: a RandomStream Admin -> [Admin] //instance Testable Bool where evaluate b rs result = [{result & res = if b OK CE, args = reverse result.args}] instance Testable Bool where evaluate b rs result=:{args} = [{result & args = reverse args, res = if b OK CE}] instance Testable Result where evaluate r rs result=:{args} = [{result & args = reverse args, res = r}] instance Testable Property where evaluate (Prop p) rs result = p rs result instance Testable (a->b) | Testable b & TestArg a where evaluate f rs admin # (rs,rs2) = split rs = forAll f (generateAll rs) rs2 admin instance Testable [a] | Testable a where // evaluate [] rs admin=:{args} = [{admin & args = reverse args, res = OK}] evaluate list rs admin = diagonal [ evaluate x (genRandInt seed) admin \\ x<-list & seed<-rs ] :: Property = Prop (RandomStream Admin -> [Admin]) prop :: a -> Property | Testable a prop p = Prop (evaluate p) forAll :: !(a->b) ![a] RandomStream !Admin -> [Admin] | Testable b & TestArg a forAll f [] rs r=:{args} = [{r & args = reverse args, res = OK}] // to handle empty sets of values forAll f list rs r = diagonal [apply f a (genRandInt seed) r \\ a<-list & seed<-rs ] apply :: !(a->b) a RandomStream !Admin -> [Admin] | Testable b & TestArg a apply f a rs r = evaluate (f a) rs {r & args = [show1 a:r.args]} diagonal :: [[a]] -> [a] diagonal list = f 1 2 list [] where f n m [] [] = [] f 0 m xs ys = f m (m+1) (rev ys xs) [] f n m [] ys = f m (m+1) (rev ys []) [] f n m [[x:r]:xs] ys = [x: f (n-1) m xs [r:ys]] f n m [[]:xs] ys = f (n-1) m xs ys rev [] accu = accu rev [x:r] accu = rev r [x:accu] generateAll :: !RandomStream -> [a] | ggen{|*|} a generateAll rnd = ggen{|*|} 2 rnd derive gEq Result derive bimap [], (,), (,,), (,,,), (,,,,), (,,,,,) //--- Random ---// split :: !RandomStream -> (RandomStream,RandomStream) split [r,s:rnd] # seed = r*s | seed==0 = split rnd = (rnd, genRandInt seed) (>>=) infix 0 :: (a -> (b,a)) (b a -> d) -> a -> d (>>=) f g = \st = let (r,st1) = f st in g r st1 result :: b -> a -> (b,a) result b = \a = (b,a) //--- testing ---// :: Config = { maxTests :: Int , maxArgs :: Int , every :: Int Admin [String] -> [String] , errors :: Int } verboseConfig = { maxTests = 100 , maxArgs = 1000 , every = \n r c = [blank,toString n,":":showArgs r.args c] , errors = 1 } traceConfig = { maxTests = 100 , maxArgs = 1000 , every = \n r c = ["\n",toString n,":":showArgs r.args c] , errors = 1 } blank :: String blank =: { createArray len ' ' & [0] = '\r', [len-1] = '\r' } where len = 81 countConfig = { maxTests = 100 , maxArgs = 10000 , every = \n r c = [toString n,"\r": c] , errors = 1 } quietConfig = { maxTests = 1000 , maxArgs = 10000 , every = animate2 // \n r c = if (n rem 10000 == 0) [".":c] c , errors = 1 } animate n r c | n rem Steps == 0 = case (n/Steps) rem 4 of 0 = ["\r|":c] 1 = ["\r/":c] 2 = ["\r-":c] 3 = ["\r\\":c] = ["??":c] = c Steps =: 1000 animate2 n r c | n rem Steps == 0 = ["\r \r",toString n," ":c] = c test :: !p -> [String] | Testable p test p = testn NrOfTest p testn :: !Int !p -> [String] | Testable p testn n p = verbosen n aStream p testnm :: !Int !Int !p -> [String] | Testable p testnm n m p = testConfig aStream { verboseConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n, errors = m } p ttestn :: !Int !p -> [String] | Testable p ttestn n p = testConfig aStream { traceConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n } p ttestnm :: !Int !Int !p -> [String] | Testable p ttestnm n m p = testConfig aStream { traceConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n, errors = m } p verbose :: !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p verbose rs p = testConfig rs verboseConfig p verbosen :: !Int !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p verbosen n rs p = testConfig rs { verboseConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n } p concise :: !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p concise rs p = testConfig rs countConfig p concisen :: !Int !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p concisen n rs p = testConfig rs { countConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n } p quiet :: !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p quiet rs p = testConfig rs quietConfig p quietn :: !Int !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p quietn n rs p = testConfig rs { quietConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n } p quietnm :: !Int !Int !RandomStream !p -> [String] | Testable p quietnm n m rs p = testConfig rs { quietConfig & maxTests = n, maxArgs = 100*n, errors = m } p aStream :: RandomStream aStream = genRandInt 1957 //1964 gather :: [Admin] -> [[String]] gather list = [r.args \\ r<- list] testConfig :: RandomStream Config p -> [String] | Testable p testConfig rs {maxTests,maxArgs,every,errors} p = analyse (evaluate p rs newAdmin) maxTests maxArgs 0 0 0 [] [] where analyse :: ![.Admin] !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int ![(String,Int)] ![String] -> [String] analyse [] ntests nargs 0 0 0 labels name = [blank:showName name [" Proof: success for all arguments": conclude ntests nargs 0 0 labels]] analyse [] ntests nargs nrej 0 0 labels name = [blank:showName name [" Proof: Success for all not rejected arguments,": conclude ntests nargs nrej 0 labels]] analyse [] ntests nargs nrej nund 0 labels name | ntests==maxTests = [blank:showName name [" Undefined: no success nor counter example found, all tests rejected or undefined ": conclude ntests nargs nrej nund labels]] = [blank:showName name [" Success for arguments, ": conclude ntests nargs nrej nund labels]] analyse [] ntests nargs nrej nund ne labels name = [blank:showName name [toString ne," errors found,": conclude ntests nargs nrej nund labels]] analyse _ 0 nargs nrej nund 0 labels name = [blank:showName name [" Passed": conclude 0 nargs nrej nund labels]] analyse _ 0 nargs nrej nund ne labels name = [blank:showName name [toString ne," errors found,": conclude 0 nargs nrej nund labels]] analyse _ ntests 0 nrej nund 0 labels name | ntests==maxTests = [blank:showName name [" No tests performed, maximum number of arguments (",toString maxArgs,") generated": conclude ntests 0 nrej nund labels]] = [blank:showName name [" Passed: maximum number of arguments (",toString maxArgs,") generated": conclude ntests 0 nrej nund labels]] analyse _ ntests 0 nrej nund ne labels name = [blank:showName name [toString ne," errors found,": conclude 0 0 nrej nund labels]] analyse [res:rest] ntests nargs nrej nund ne labels name = every (maxTests-ntests+1) res ( case res.res of OK = analyse rest (ntests-1) (nargs-1) nrej nund ne (admin res.labels labels) Pass = analyse rest (ntests-1) (nargs-1) nrej nund ne (admin res.labels labels) // NOT YET CORRECT ? CE = ["\r":showName ["Counterexample ",toString (ne+1)," found after ",toString (maxTests-ntests+1)," tests:":showArgs res.args ["\n":more]]] where more | ne+1 [(String,Int)] admin [] accu = accu admin [label:rest] accu = admin rest (insert label accu) insert :: !String ![(String,Int)] -> [(String,Int)] insert label [] = [(label,1)] insert label [this=:(old,n):rest] | label==old = [(old,n+1):rest] = [this:insert label rest] showLabels :: !Int ![(String,Int)] -> [String] showLabels ntests [] = ["\n"] showLabels 0 [(lab,n):rest] = ["\n",lab,": ",toString n:showLabels 0 rest] showLabels ntests [(lab,n):rest] = ["\n",lab,": ",toString n," (",toString (toReal (n*100)/toReal ntests),"%)":showLabels ntests rest] showName l c = s (reverse l) c where s [] c = c s [l] c = [l," ":c] s [a:x] c = [a,".":s x c] cr :== "\r" showArgs :: ![String] [String] -> [String] showArgs [] c = c // ["\n":c] // c showArgs [a:rest] c = [" ",a: showArgs rest c]