implementation module confSM /* GAST: A Generic Automatic Software Test-system ioco: Input Output COnformance of reactive systems Pieter Koopman, 2004, 2005 Radboud Universty, Nijmegen The Netherlands */ import StdEnv, Random, gen, GenEq, testable //, StdLib import StdMaybe //import qualified genLibTest toSpec :: (state input -> [(state,[output])]) -> Spec state input output // conversion for old specificaions toSpec fun = \s i = [Pt o t \\ (t,o) <- fun s i] SpectoIUTstep :: (Spec t i o) (t i -> [[o]]) -> IUTstep (t,RandomStream) i o | genShow{|*|} t & genShow{|*|} i & genShow{|*|} o SpectoIUTstep spec outputGen = selectTrans where selectTrans (t,[r,r2,r3:rnd]) i # tuples = spec t i len = lengthN 353 0 tuples | len == 0 = abort ("\n\nIUT is not input enabled in state "+show1 t+" for input "+show1 i+"\n") = case tuples !! ((abs r) rem len) of Pt o t = (o,(t,rnd)) Ft f # outputs = outputGen t i leno = lengthN 31 0 outputs | leno == 0 = abort ("\n\nOutput function yields no output in state "+show1 t+" for input "+show1 i+"\n") # output = outputs !! ((abs r2) rem leno) states = f output lens = lengthN 37 0 states | lens == 0 = abort ("\n\nIUT is not input enabled in state "+show1 t+" for input "+show1 i+" output "+show1 output+"\n") = (output,(states !! ((abs r3) rem lens),rnd)) // =abort "toUIT" :: NewInput i = NewInput i | Reset | End :: *TestState s i o = !{ spec :: !Spec s i o // , specW :: !SpecWorld s i , iniState:: !s , curState:: ![s] , nRej :: !Int , nTrun :: !Int , nPath :: !Int , nStep :: !Int , nTotal :: !Int , maxPath :: !Int , maxLen :: !Int , nOnPath :: !Int , inputs :: (RandomStream s -> [i]) , input :: !((TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o)) , n :: !Int , rnd :: RandomStream , h_in :: [i] , h_out :: [[o]] , h_state :: [[s]] , fileName:: String , errFile :: !*File , mesFile :: !*File , trace :: !Bool , incons :: [o] [s] -> Maybe [String] , stop :: [s] -> Bool } /* apply :: i (IUT s i o) -> ([o],IUT s i o) | genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} i apply i (IUT f s [r:rnd]) = case f s i of [] = abort ("IUT is not input enabled! State: "+++show1 s+++", input: "+++show1 i) list # n = length list (t,o) = list !! ((abs r) rem n) = (o,IUT f t rnd) */ switchSpec :: (Spec s i o) (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) | ggen{|*|} i switchSpec spec ts=:{nOnPath} = newSpec spec nOnPath ts newSpec :: (Spec s i o) !Int (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) | ggen{|*|} i newSpec spec2 0 ts=:{spec} = oldSpec spec {ts & spec = spec2} newSpec spec2 n ts # (i,ts) = onTheFly ts = case i of Reset = (i,{ ts & input = newSpec spec2 ts.nOnPath }) NewInput _ = (i,{ ts & input = newSpec spec2 (n-1)}) _ = (i,ts) oldSpec :: (Spec s i o) (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) | ggen{|*|} i oldSpec spec2 ts # (i,ts) = onTheFly ts = case i of Reset = (i,{ ts & input = newSpec spec2 ts.nOnPath }) _ = (i,ts) onAndOff :: (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) | ggen{|*|} i onAndOff ts=:{nOnPath} = onPath nOnPath ts onPath :: Int (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) | ggen{|*|} i onPath 0 ts=:{spec} # (rnd1,rnd2) = split ts.rnd = offPath spec (ggen{|*|} 2 rnd1) {ts & spec = mkComplete spec, rnd = rnd2} onPath n ts # (i,ts) = onTheFly ts = case i of Reset = (i,{ ts & input = onPath ts.nOnPath }) NewInput _ = (i,{ ts & input = onPath (n-1)}) _ = (i,ts) mkComplete spec s i = case spec s i of [] = [Pt [] s] r = r offPath :: (Spec s i o) [i] (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) | ggen{|*|} i offPath spec [] ts = (Reset,{ ts & input = onPath ts.nOnPath }) offPath spec [i:r] ts | ts.nStep >= ts.maxLen-1 || ts.nRej >= ts.maxLen-1 = (Reset,{ ts & input = onPath ts.nOnPath }) = (NewInput i,{ts & input = offPath spec r}) onTheFly :: (TestState s i o) -> *(NewInput i, TestState s i o) onTheFly ts=:{curState,inputs,rnd,spec} # [r1,r2:rnd] = rnd = case [ i \\ s <- randomize curState (genRandInt r1) 2 (\_=[]) , i <- inputs (genRandInt r2) s | not (isEmpty (spec s i)) ] of [] = (Reset, {ts & rnd=rnd}) is # max = 157 // the maximum number of outputs to consider n = lengthN max 0 is // the number of the selected input [r:rnd] = rnd i = is !! ((abs r) rem n) = (NewInput i,{ts & rnd = rnd}) lengthN :: !Int !Int ![a] -> Int lengthN m n [] = n lengthN m n [a:x] | n [i] genLongInput s 0 spec inputs [r:x] = randomize inputs x 7 (\_.[]) genLongInput s n spec inputs [r,r2:x] = case [ i \\ i <- inputs | not (isEmpty (spec s i)) ] of [] = [] l # i = l !! ((abs r) rem (length l)) = case spec s i of [] = abort "\n\nError in genLongInput, please report.\n\n" list # len = length list s = case list !! ((abs r2) rem len) of Pt o s = s Ft f = abort "genLongInput Ft f" = [ i : genLongInput s (n-1) spec inputs x ] genLongInputs :: s (Spec s i o) [i] Int [Int] -> [[i]] genLongInputs s spec inputs n [r:x] = [genLongInput s n spec inputs (genRandInt r): genLongInputs s spec inputs n x] /* testConfSM :: [TestOption s i o] (Spec s i o) s (IUTstep .t i o) .t (.t->.t) *File *File -> (.t,*File,*File) | ggen{|*|} i & gEq{|*|} s & gEq{|*|} o & genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} i & genShow{|*|} o testConfSM opts spec s0 iut t reset console file # ts=:{fileName} = initState file console # (t,ts) = doTest ts iut t reset {mesFile,errFile} = ts = (t, mesFile, errFile) where initState file console = handleOptions opts { spec = spec // , specW = \s i.[] , iniState= s0 , curState= [s0] , nRej = 0 , nTrun = 0 , nPath = 0 , nStep = 0 , nTotal = 0 , maxPath = 100 , maxLen = 1000 , nOnPath = 50 , inputs = (\rnd s -> ggen {|*|} 2 rnd) , input = onTheFly , n = 0 , h_in = [] , h_out = [] , h_state = [] , rnd = aStream , errFile = file , fileName= outputFile , mesFile = console <<< "Gast starts testing.\n" , trace = False , incons = \o ss -> Nothing , stop = (\states = False) } findFileName [] name = name findFileName [ErrorFile s:r] name = findFileName r s findFileName [_:r] name = findFileName r name doTest :: (TestState s i o) (IUTstep .t i o) .t (.t->.t) -> (.t,TestState s i o) | gEq{|*|} s & gEq{|*|} o & genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} i & genShow{|*|} o doTest ts=:{input,curState,spec,incons} step t reset | isEmpty ts.curState = (t, errorFound ts) | ts.nStep >= ts.maxLen || ts.nRej >= ts.maxLen = doTest (resetState ts) step (reset t) reset | ts.nPath >= ts.maxPath | ts.nRej == 0 && ts.nTrun == 0 = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nEnd of testing, maximum paths used. \n" <<< ts.nPath <<< " test paths executed successful, in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nEnd of testing, maximum paths used. \n" <<< ts.nPath <<< " test paths executed successful, " <<< ts.nTrun <<< " paths truncated, " <<< " in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) # (inp,ts) = input ts = case inp of Reset = doTest (resetState ts) step (reset t) reset End | ts.nRej == 0 && ts.nTrun == 0 = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nAll input paths tested successfully.\n" <<< "All " <<< ts.nPath <<< " executed test paths successful (Proof), in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nAll inputs tested successfully.\n" <<< (ts.nPath-ts.nRej) <<< "test path executed successful (Proof), " <<< ts.nRej <<< " paths rejected " <<< ts.nTrun <<< " paths truncated, " <<< "in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) NewInput i // assumption: only inputs allowed by spec will be generated: #! (iut_o,t) = step t i tuples = [tup \\ s<-curState, tup<-spec s i] states = mkset (newStates tuples iut_o) | isEmpty states #! errFile = ts.errFile <<< "Error found! Trace:\n" <<< "SpecificationStates Input -> ObservedOutput\n" errFile = showError (ts.nStep+1) [curState:ts.h_state] [i:ts.h_in] [iut_o:ts.h_out] errFile errFile = errorInfo ts.nPath ts.nRej ts.nTrun (ts.nTotal+1) (errFile <<< "\n") mesFile = errorInfo ts.nPath ts.nRej ts.nTrun (ts.nTotal+1) ts.mesFile mesFile = mesFile <<< "See file \"" <<< ts.fileName <<< "\" for details about the error.\n" = (t,{ts & mesFile = mesFile , errFile = errFile , curState = [] }) = case incons iut_o states of Nothing # mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "paths: " <<< ts.nPath <<< ", rejected: " <<< ts.nRej <<< ", truncated: " <<< ts.nTrun <<< "...\r" = doTest {ts & curState = states , nStep = ts.nStep+1 , nTotal =ts.nTotal+1 , h_in = [i:ts.h_in] , h_out = [iut_o:ts.h_out] , h_state = [curState:ts.h_state] , mesFile = if ts.trace (mesFile <<< ts.nPath <<< "," <<< ts.nStep <<< ": " <<< show1 ts.curState <<< " " <<< show1 i <<< " " <<< show1 iut_o <<< "\n") mesFile } step t reset Just errors #! errFile = ts.errFile <<< "Inconsistency! Trace:\n" <<< "SpecificationStates Input -> ObservedOutput\n" errFile = showError (ts.nStep+1) [curState:ts.h_state] [i:ts.h_in] [iut_o:ts.h_out] errFile errFile = errFile <<< "Inconsistency info:\n" <<< errors <<< "\n" errFile = errorInfo ts.nPath ts.nRej ts.nTrun (ts.nTotal+1) (errFile <<< "\n") mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "Inconsistency found!\n" <<< errors <<< "\n\n" mesFile = errorInfo ts.nPath ts.nRej ts.nTrun (ts.nTotal+1) mesFile mesFile = mesFile <<< "See file \"" <<< ts.fileName <<< "\" for details.\n" = (t,{ts & mesFile = mesFile , errFile = errFile , curState = [] }) where errorInfo :: !Int !Int !Int !Int *File -> *File errorInfo nPath nRej nTrun nTotal file = file <<< "Error found in path " <<< (nPath+1) <<< ", " <<< (nPath-nRej) <<< " paths executed, " <<< nTrun <<< " tests truncated, in total " <<< nTotal <<< " transitions.\n" outputFile = "testOut.txt" newStates [] iut_o = [] newStates [Pt o s:r] iut_o | o === iut_o = [s:newStates r iut_o] = newStates r iut_o newStates [Ft f:r] iut_o = f iut_o ++ newStates r iut_o resetState ts = {ts & curState = [ts.iniState] , nPath = ts.nPath+1 , nStep = 0 , h_in = [] , h_out = [] , h_state = [] , mesFile = if ts.trace (ts.mesFile <<< "End of path reached: reset.\n") ts.mesFile } errorFound ts=:{errFile,mesFile} # errFile = errFile <<< "Error Found!\n" # mesFile = mesFile <<< "Error Found!\n" = {ts & errFile = errFile,mesFile=mesFile} restart testState = { testState & h_in = [], h_out = [], h_state = [] } */ /**/ testConfSM :: [TestOption s i o] (Spec s i o) s (IUTstep .t i o) .t (.t->.t) *d -> (.t,*d) | FileSystem d & ggen{|*|} i & gEq{|*|} s & gEq{|*|} o & genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} i & genShow{|*|} o testConfSM opts spec s0 iut t reset world # (console,world) = stdio world filename = findFileName opts outputFile # (ok,file,world) = fopen filename FWriteText world | not ok # console = console <<< "Cannot open output file "<<< filename = (t, snd (fclose console world)) # //console = console <<< ".\n" ts=:{fileName} = initState file console # (t,ts) = doTest ts iut t reset {mesFile,errFile} = ts = (t, snd (fclose mesFile (snd (fclose errFile world)))) where initState file console = handleOptions opts { spec = spec , iniState= s0 , curState= [s0] , nRej = 0 , nTrun = 0 , nPath = 0 , nStep = 0 , nTotal = 0 , maxPath = 100 , maxLen = 1000 , nOnPath = 50 , inputs = (\rnd s -> ggen {|*|} 2 rnd) , input = onTheFly , n = 0 , h_in = [] , h_out = [] , h_state = [] , rnd = aStream , errFile = file , fileName= outputFile , mesFile = console <<< "Gast starts testing.\n" , trace = False , incons = \o ss -> Nothing , stop = (\states = False) } findFileName [] name = name findFileName [ErrorFile s:r] name = findFileName r s findFileName [_:r] name = findFileName r name doTest :: (TestState s i o) (IUTstep .t i o) .t (.t->.t) -> (.t,TestState s i o) | gEq{|*|} s & gEq{|*|} o & genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} i & genShow{|*|} o doTest ts=:{input,curState,spec,stop} step t reset | isEmpty ts.curState = (t, errorFound ts) | ts.nStep >= ts.maxLen || ts.nRej >= ts.maxLen || stop curState = doTest (resetState ts) step (reset t) reset | ts.nPath >= ts.maxPath | ts.nRej == 0 && ts.nTrun == 0 = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nEnd of testing, maximum paths used. \n" <<< ts.nPath <<< " test paths executed successful, in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nEnd of testing, maximum paths used. \n" <<< ts.nPath <<< " test paths executed successful, " <<< ts.nTrun <<< " paths truncated, " <<< " in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) # (inp,ts) = input ts = case inp of Reset = doTest (resetState ts) step (reset t) reset End | ts.nRej == 0 && ts.nTrun == 0 = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nAll input paths tested successfully.\n" <<< "All " <<< ts.nPath <<< " executed test paths successful (Proof), in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nAll inputs tested successfully.\n" <<< (ts.nPath-ts.nRej) <<< "test path executed successful (Proof), " <<< ts.nRej <<< " paths rejected " <<< ts.nTrun <<< " paths truncated, " <<< "in total " <<< ts.nTotal <<< " transitions.\n"}) // Input i // assumption: only inputs allowed by spec will be generated: NewInput i // assumption: only inputs allowed by spec will be generated: #! (iut_o,t) = step t i tuples = [tup \\ s<-curState, tup<-spec s i] = case mkset (newStates tuples iut_o) of [] #! errFile = ts.errFile <<< "Error found! Trace:\n" <<< "SpecificationStates Input -> ObservedOutput\n" errFile = showError (ts.nStep+1) [curState:ts.h_state] [i:ts.h_in] [iut_o:ts.h_out] errFile errFile = errFile <<< "\nAllowed outputs and traget states: " <<< show tuples <<< "\n" errFile = errorInfo ts.nPath ts.nRej ts.nTrun (ts.nTotal+1) (errFile <<< "\n") mesFile = errorInfo ts.nPath ts.nRej ts.nTrun (ts.nTotal+1) ts.mesFile mesFile = mesFile <<< "See file \"" <<< ts.fileName <<< "\" for details about the error.\n" = (t,{ts & mesFile = mesFile , errFile = errFile , curState = [] }) states #! mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "paths: " <<< ts.nPath <<< ", rejected: " <<< ts.nRej <<< ", truncated: " <<< ts.nTrun <<< "...\r" = doTest {ts & curState = states , nStep = ts.nStep+1 , nTotal =ts.nTotal+1 , h_in = [i:ts.h_in] , h_out = [iut_o:ts.h_out] , h_state = [curState:ts.h_state] , mesFile = if ts.trace (mesFile <<< ts.nPath <<< "," <<< ts.nStep <<< ": " <<< show1 ts.curState <<< " " <<< show1 i <<< " " <<< show1 iut_o <<< "\n") mesFile } step t reset where errorInfo :: !Int !Int !Int !Int *File -> *File errorInfo nPath nRej nTrun nTotal file = file <<< "Error found in path " <<< (nPath+1) <<< ", " <<< (nPath-nRej) <<< " paths executed to bound or end, " <<< nTrun <<< " paths truncated, in total " <<< nTotal <<< " transitions.\n" // = (t,{ts & mesFile = ts.mesFile <<< "\nAll inputs tested successfully\n"}) outputFile = "testOut.txt" newStates [] iut_o = [] newStates [Pt o s:r] iut_o | o === iut_o = [s:newStates r iut_o] = newStates r iut_o newStates [Ft f:r] iut_o = f iut_o ++ newStates r iut_o resetState ts = {ts & curState = [ts.iniState] , nPath = ts.nPath+1 , nStep = 0 , h_in = [] , h_out = [] , h_state = [] , mesFile = if ts.trace (ts.mesFile <<< "End of path reached: reset.\n") ts.mesFile } errorFound ts=:{errFile,mesFile} # errFile = errFile <<< "Error Found!\n" # mesFile = mesFile <<< "Error Found!\n" = {ts & errFile = errFile,mesFile=mesFile} restart testState = { testState & h_in = [], h_out = [], h_state = [] } /**/ handleOptions [] ts = ts handleOptions [o:r] ts=:{mesFile} # ts = case o of Ntests n = {ts & maxLen = n} Nsequences n = {ts & maxPath = n} Seed n = {ts & rnd = genRandInt n} Randoms rnd = {ts & rnd = rnd } FixedInputs ll_input = {ts & input = fixedInputs ll_input } InputFun f = {ts & inputs = undef } // OutputFun f = {test & } //([s] i -> o) FSM inp identify = {ts & input = fixedInputs (generateFSMpaths ts.iniState ts.spec inp identify) } MkTrace b = { ts & trace = b } OnPath n = { ts & nOnPath = n } OnAndOffPath = { ts & input = onAndOff } SwitchSpec spec = { ts & input = switchSpec spec } OnTheFly = { ts & input = onTheFly } ErrorFile f = { ts & fileName = f } TStop pred = { ts & stop = pred } = handleOptions r ts showError :: Int [a] [b] [c] !*File -> *File | genShow{|*|} a & genShow{|*|} b & genShow{|*|} c showError n [a:x] [b:y] [c:z] file = showError (n-1) x y z file <<< " " <<< n <<< ": " <<< show a <<< " " <<< show1 b <<< " -> " <<< show c <<< "\n" showError _ [] [] [] file = file showError _ _ _ _ file = file <<< "\n\n\tInternal error in \"showError\", please report to!\n\n" /* testConf :: Int (Spec s i o) (Spec t i o) s t ([s] -> Bool) [[i]] *d -> *d | FileSystem d & gEq{|*|} s & gEq{|*|} o & genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} t & genShow{|*|} i & genShow{|*|} o //& <<< o testConf max spec imp state stateIUT stop paths world # (console,world) = stdio world # (ok,file,world) = fopen outputFile FWriteText world | not ok = abort ("Cannot open output file "+++outputFile) # (file,console) = test 0 0 0 1 paths file console = snd (fclose console (snd (fclose file world))) where outputFile = "testOut.txt" test s t r n [] file console = (file ,console <<< "All (" <<< (n-r-1) <<< ") executed test paths successful (Proof), " <<< ", rejected " <<< r <<< ", tests truncated " <<< t <<< ", in total " <<< s <<< " transitions.\n" ) test s t r n l file console | n > max = (file ,console <<< max <<< " test paths used, testing terminated, " <<< r <<< " rejected, " <<< t <<< " tests truncated, in total " <<< (n-r-1) <<< " paths executed, " <<< s <<< " transitions.\n" ) test s t r n [path:paths] file console // | cbc spec [state] path #!console = if ((n - r) bitand /*1023*/ /*31*/ 7 == 0) (console <<< "paths: " <<< (n-1) <<< ", rejected: " <<< r <<< " paths executed: " <<< (n-r-1) <<< ", truncated: " <<< t <<< "...\r") console # iut = IUT imp stateIUT (genRandInt 195773) #! (ok, skipped, steps, file) = conf 0 [state] iut path [] [] [] [] file #! file = file s = s+steps | ok | skipped = test s (t + 1) r (n + 1) paths file console = test s t r (n + 1) paths file console # console = console <<< "Error found after " <<< n <<< " paths, " <<< (n-r) <<< " paths executed, " <<< t <<< " tests truncated, in total " <<< s <<< " transitions.\n" <<< "See \"" <<< outputFile <<< "\" for details about the error.\n" = (file,console) // = test s t (r+1) (n+1) paths file conf s [] iut path out this sts ex file #! file = file <<< "ERROR: output to last input was wrong!\n" <<< "Expected outputs: " <<< show1 ex <<< "\n" file = showError (length this) this out sts file = (False, False, s, file) conf s states iut path out this sts ex file | stop states = (True, True, s, file) conf s states iut [] out this sts ex file = (True, False, s, file) conf s states iut [i:path] out this sts ex file # (iutout,iut) = apply i iut specifiedResp = [ tup \\ s1 <- states, tup <- spec s1 i ] = case specifiedResp of [] = (True, True, s, file) _ # states2 = mkset [ s2 \\ (s2,specout) <- specifiedResp | specout === iutout ] = conf (s+1) states2 iut path [iutout:out] [i:this] [states:sts] (map snd specifiedResp) file showError :: Int [a] [b] [s] !*File -> *File | genShow{|*|} a & genShow{|*|} b & genShow{|*|} s showError n [a:x] [b:y] [s:z] file = showError (n-1) x y z file <<< " " <<< n <<< ": " <<< show s <<< " " <<< show1 a <<< " -> " <<< show b <<< "\n" showError _ [] [] [] file = file showError _ _ _ _ file = file <<< "\n\n\tInternal error in \"showError\", please report!\n\n" */ mkset [a:xs] = [a:[x\\x<-xs|not (x===a)]] mkset [] = [] instance <<< [a] | <<< a where (<<<) file [] = file (<<<) file [a:x] = file <<< a <<< x derive genShow Trans // ---------------------------------------------- :: Transition state input output :== (state,input,[output],state) :: LTS state input output // Labelled Transition System = { trans :: [Transition state input output] , initial :: state // set of states and labels are not needed, this is determined by the type state. } generateLTS :: (Spec s i o) s (s->[i]) -> LTS s i o | gEq{|*|} s generateLTS spec s i = generateLTSpred (\_=True) spec s i generateLTSpred :: (s->Bool) (Spec s i o) s (s->[i]) -> LTS s i o | gEq{|*|} s generateLTSpred p spec s inputs = { trans = generateTrans [] [s] spec inputs , initial = s } where // generateTrans :: [s] [s] (Spec s i o) (s->[i]) -> [(s,i,[o],s)] | gEq{|*|} s generateTrans seen [] spec inputs = [] generateTrans seen [s:todo] spec inputs | not (isEmpty [f \\ i <- inputs s, Ft f <- spec s i ]) = abort "Cannot handle (Ft f) transitions in FSM" # trans = [ (s,i,o,t) \\ i <- inputs s, Pt o t <- spec s i ] seen = [ s:seen ] new = [ t \\ (_,_,_,t) <- trans | isNew seen t && p t ] = trans ++ generateTrans seen (removeDup (todo++new)) spec inputs // isNew :: [s] s -> Bool | gEq{|*|} s isNew [] t = True isNew [s:seen] t | s===t = False = isNew seen t // removeDup :: !.[a] -> .[a] | gEq{|*|} a removeDup [x:xs] = [x:removeDup (filter ((=!=) x) xs)] removeDup _ = [] A4 :: (LTS state input output) (state -> [input]) -> [[input]] | gEq{|*|} state A4 lts stateIdent = gen [([],lts.initial)] lts.trans [] where gen _ [] _ = [] gen [(input,state):tups] trans next = step input trans state [] tups next False False gen [] t [] = [] gen [] t l = gen (reverse l) t [] step input [trans=:(s1, toki, toko,s2):r] state seentrans tups next ever now | s1 === state = step [toki:input] (revApp seentrans r) s2 [] tups [(input,state):next] True True = step input r state [trans:seentrans] tups next ever now step input [] state seentrans tups next ever now | now = step input seentrans state [] tups next True False // input is extended | ever = [revApp input (stateIdent state): gen tups seentrans next] = gen tups seentrans next revApp [] acc = acc revApp [a:x] acc = revApp x [a:acc] generateFSMpaths :: s (Spec s i o) [i] (s->[i]) -> [[i]] | gEq{|*|} s generateFSMpaths start spec inputs identify = A4 (generateLTS spec start (\_=inputs)) identify //----------------- the after operator from ioco theory -----------------// //----------------- yields the possible states after an input sequence --// (after) infix 0 :: [s] (Spec s i o) -> ([i] -> [s]) (after) s spec // = apply s = \i = case i of [] = s [i:r] | not (isEmpty [f \\ u<-s, Ft f <- spec u i ]) = abort "Cannot handle (Ft f) transitions in (after)" = ([t \\ u<-s, Pt o t <- spec u i] after spec) r /*where apply [] i = [] apply s [] = s apply s [i:r] = apply [t \\ u<-s, (t,o) <- spec u i] r */ //----------------- properties of specifications -----------------// propDeterministic :: (Spec s i o) s i -> Bool propDeterministic m s i = length (m s i) <= 1 propTotal :: (Spec s i o) s i -> Bool propTotal m s i = not (isEmpty (m s i))