module textEdit import iTasks import directories derive bimap (,), Maybe root :== Directory "MyDirectory" Start w = startEngine [ workflow "text editor1" "simple text editor" textEditor1 // bug: don't use the same name twice !!! , workflow "text editor2" "advanced text editor" (textEditor2 "aap.txt") , workflow "shell" "simple shell" shell ] w // --------- textEditor1 = updateInformation "Edit the text:" (Note "") >>= showMessage "Resulting text is:" // --------- import Text derive class iTask Replace, TextStatistics, EditorState :: Replace = { search :: String , replaceBy :: String } :: TextStatistics = { lines :: Int , words :: Int , characters :: Int } :: EditorState = { mytext :: String , replace :: Bool , statistics :: Bool } initEditorState text = {mytext = text, replace = False, statistics = False} updateReplace b = update (\s ->{s & replace = b}) updateStat b = update (\s -> {s & statistics = b}) updateText f = update (\s -> {s & mytext = f s.mytext}) voidResult _ _ = Void onlyIf :: Bool a -> Maybe a onlyIf b do | b = Just do | otherwise = Nothing normalTask user = { worker = user, priority = NormalPriority, deadline = Nothing, status = Active} ActionReplace :== Action "Replace" "Replace" ActionStatistics :== Action "Statistics" "Statistics" textEditor2 :: String -> Task Void textEditor2 fileName = getInitialPath root >>= \pwd -> readTextFile pwd (TextFile fileName) >>= \(_,text) -> parallel "Editor" (initEditorState text) voidResult [taskKind (editor pwd fileName)] where taskKind = InBodyTask taskKind2 = DetachedTask (normalTask RootUser) myMenu // window does not work yet myMenu s = [ Menu "File" [ MenuItem ActionSave (ctrl 's') , MenuSeparator , MenuItem ActionQuit (ctrl 'q') ] , Menu "Edit" [ MenuItem "Replace" (ctrl 'r') , MenuItem "Statistics" (ctrl 's') ] ] where ctrl c = Just {key=c,ctrl=True,alt=False,shift=False} editor :: DirPath String (SymmetricShared EditorState) (ParallelInfo EditorState) -> Task Void editor pwd fileName ls os = updateSharedInformationA (fileName,"Edit text file " +++ fileName) (toView,fromView) ls >?* [ (ActionSave, IfValid save) , (ActionQuit, Always quit) , (ActionReplace, Sometimes (\s -> onlyIf (not s.modelValue.replace) replace)) , (ActionStatistics,Sometimes (\s -> onlyIf (not s.modelValue.statistics) statistics)) ] where toView state = Note state.mytext fromView (Note text) state = {state & mytext = text} save val = safeTextFile pwd (TextFile fileName) val.mytext >>| editor pwd fileName ls os quit = set os [StopParallel] >>| return Void replace = updateReplace True ls >>| set os [AppendTask (InBodyTask (replaceTask {search = "", replaceBy = ""}))] >>| editor pwd fileName ls os statistics = updateStat True ls >>| set os [AppendTask (InBodyTask statisticsTask)] >>| editor pwd fileName ls os replaceTask :: Replace (SymmetricShared EditorState) (ParallelInfo EditorState) -> Task Void replaceTask replacement ls os = updateInformationA ("Replace","Define replacement...") idView replacement >?* [(ActionOk, IfValid (\r -> updateText (replaceSubString r.replaceBy) ls >>| replaceTask r ls os)) ,(ActionQuit, Always ( updateReplace False ls >>| return Void)) ] statisticsTask :: (SymmetricShared EditorState) (ParallelInfo EditorState) -> Task Void statisticsTask ls os = monitorA ("Statistics","Statistics of your document") toView ls (\_ -> UserActions [(ActionQuit, Just (updateStat False ls >>| return Void))]) >>= id where toView state=:{mytext} = { lines = length (split "\n" mytext) , words = length (split " " (replaceSubString "\n" " " mytext)) , characters = textSize mytext } // --------- ActionNewFile :== Action "New File" "New File" ActionNewDirectory :== Action "New Directory" "New Directory" ActionUp :== Action "Up" "Up" ActionDelete :== Action "Delete" "Delete" ActionNewShell :== Action "New Shell" "New Shell" ActionRefresh :== Action "Refresh" "Refresh" shell :: Task Void shell = get currentUser >>= \me -> getInitialPath root >>= \pwd -> parallel ("Shell","pwd = " <+++ pwd) Void voidResult [newShell me pwd] where newShell me pwd = DetachedTask (normalTask me) noMenu (interpret me pwd) interpret :: User DirPath (SymmetricShared Void) (ParallelInfo Void) -> Task Void interpret me pwd ls os = shellCommand pwd where shellCommand pwd = readDir pwd >>= \(ok,names) -> updateInformationA ("Current directory: " <+++ pwd) idView (choice names) >?* [ (ActionOpen, IfValid (\val -> open pwd (getChoice val))) , (ActionUp, Sometimes (\_ -> Just (getParent pwd >>= shellCommand))) , (ActionNewFile, Always ( updateInformation "Choose file name:" "" >>= \newName -> safeTextFile pwd (TextFile (newName +++ ".txt")) "" >>| shellCommand pwd)) , (ActionRefresh, Always ( shellCommand pwd)) , (ActionDelete, IfValid (\val -> delete pwd (getChoice val) >>| shellCommand pwd)) ,(ActionNewDirectory, Always ( updateInformation "Choose directory name:" "" >>= \dirName -> newDir pwd (Directory dirName) >>| shellCommand pwd)) ,(ActionNewShell, Always ( set os [AppendTask (DetachedTask (normalTask me) noMenu (interpret me pwd))] >>| shellCommand pwd)) ] getChoice (Choice elem i) = elem!!i open pwd (TextFile name) = set os [AppendTask (DetachedTask (normalTask me) noMenu (\ls os -> textEditor2 name))] >>| shellCommand pwd open pwd dirname=:(Directory name) = openDirectory pwd dirname >>= shellCommand delete pwd (TextFile name) = deleteTextFile pwd (TextFile name) delete pwd (Directory name) = removeDir pwd (Directory name)