definition module stdProperty /* GAST: A Generic Automatic Software Test-system stdProperty: opertors on logical properties Pieter Koopman, 2004 Radboud Universty, Nijmegen The Netherlands */ import genLibTest import testable class (\/) infixr 2 a b :: !a b -> Property // Conditional or of arg1 and arg2 class (/\) infixr 3 a b :: !a b -> Property // Conditional and of arg1 and arg2 instance /\ Bool Bool instance /\ Property Bool instance /\ Bool Property instance /\ Property Property instance \/ Bool Bool instance \/ Property Bool instance \/ Bool Property instance \/ Property Property class (==>) infixr 1 b :: b p -> Property | Testable p instance ==> Bool instance ==> Property (<==>) infix 4 :: !a !b -> Property | Testable a & Testable b // True if properties are equivalent ExistsIn :: (x->p) [x] -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x // type is too restricive Exists :: (x->p) -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x ForAll :: !(x->p) -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x ForEach :: ![x] !(x->p) -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x (For) infixl 0 :: !(x->p) ![x] -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x (ForAndGen) infixl 0 :: !(x->p) ![x] -> Property | Testable p & TestArg x classify :: !Bool l !p -> Property | Testable p & genShow{|*|} l label :: !l !p -> Property | Testable p & genShow{|*|} l name :: !n !p -> Property | Testable p & genShow{|*|} n instance ~ Bool instance ~ Property