implementation module elf_relocations; import StdInt,StdChar,StdClass,StdArray,StdFile; import elf_linker_types; TEXT_SECTION:==1; (BYTE) string i :== toInt (string.[i]); (WORD) :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; (WORD) string i = (string BYTE (i+1)<<8) bitor (string BYTE i); (LONG) :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; (LONG) string i = (string BYTE (i+3)<<24) bitor (string BYTE (i+2)<<16) bitor (string BYTE (i+1)<<8) bitor (string BYTE i); (POINTER) :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; (POINTER) string i = (string BYTE (i+3)<<24) bitor (string BYTE (i+2)<<16) bitor (string BYTE (i+1)<<8) bitor (string BYTE i); (TBYTE) :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; (TBYTE) string i = (string BYTE (i+2)<<16) bitor (string BYTE (i+1)<<8) bitor (string BYTE i); (FWI) infixl; (FWI) f i :== fwritei i f; (FWP) infixl; (FWP) f i :== fwritei i f; (FWS) infixl; (FWS) f s :== fwrites s f; write_elf_header :: !*File -> *File; write_elf_header file = file FWI 0x464c457f FWI 0x00010101 FWI 0 FWI 0 FWI 0x00030001 FWI 1 FWI 0 FWI 0 FWI 0x34 FWI 0 FWI 0x00000034 FWI 0x00280000 FWI 0x00010009; write_shstrtab_end :: !*File -> *File; write_shstrtab_end file = file FWS ".rel.text\000" FWS "\000" FWS ".symtab\000" FWS ".strtab\000"; write_symbol :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !*File -> *File; write_symbol string_offset info_other_shndx value size file = file FWI string_offset FWI value FWI size FWI info_other_shndx; count_relocations :: !Int !{#Char} !{!Symbol} !XcoffArray -> Int; count_relocations old_n_module_relocations relocations symbol_array xcoff_a = count_relocations 0 0; { count_relocations relocation_n n_module_relocations | relocation_n==old_n_module_relocations = n_module_relocations; # relocation_index=relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; relocation_type=relocations BYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_TYPE_OFFSET); | relocation_type<>R_386_PC32 = count_relocations (relocation_n+1) (n_module_relocations+1); # relocation_symbol_n=relocations TBYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_SYMBOL_N_OFFSET); = case symbol_array.[relocation_symbol_n] of { UndefinedLabel symbol_n = count_relocations (relocation_n+1) (n_module_relocations+1); _ = count_relocations (relocation_n+1) n_module_relocations; }; } write_module_relocations :: !Symbol !Int !Int !SSymbolArray !XcoffArray !{#Int} !{#Int} !*File -> *File; write_module_relocations (Module _ _ _ _ _ n_module_relocations relocations _) module_offset file_symbol_index symbol_array xcoff_a module_offset_a offset_a pe_file = write_relocations 0 n_module_relocations relocations pe_file; { write_relocations relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file | relocation_n==n_relocations = pe_file; # relocation_index=relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; relocation_type=relocations BYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_TYPE_OFFSET); relocation_symbol_n=relocations TBYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_SYMBOL_N_OFFSET); relocation_offset=relocations LONG relocation_index; = case symbol_array.[relocation_symbol_n] of { Module section_n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # relocation_symbol_n=section_n; | relocation_type==R_386_PC32 = write_relocations_none relocation_offset relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; = write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; Label section_n label_offset section_symbol_n # (Module section_n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = symbol_array.[section_symbol_n]; # relocation_symbol_n=section_n; | relocation_type==R_386_PC32 = write_relocations_none relocation_offset relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; = write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; ImportedLabelPlusOffset file_n symbol_n label_offset # (Module section_n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n]; # relocation_symbol_n=section_n; | relocation_type==R_386_PC32 = write_relocations_none relocation_offset relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; = write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; UndefinedLabel symbol_n # relocation_symbol_n=symbol_n+4; = write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; ImportedLabel file_n symbol_n // for commons in .bss # (Module section_n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n]; # relocation_symbol_n=section_n; | relocation_type==R_386_PC32 = write_relocations_none relocation_offset relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; = write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; _ = write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file; }; write_relocations2 relocation_offset relocation_type relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file # pe_file = pe_file FWI (module_offset+relocation_offset) FWI (relocation_type bitor (relocation_symbol_n<<8)); = write_relocations (relocation_n+1) n_relocations relocations pe_file; write_relocations_none relocation_offset relocation_symbol_n relocation_n n_relocations relocations pe_file // # pe_file = pe_file FWI (module_offset+relocation_offset) FWI (R_386_NONE bitor (relocation_symbol_n<<8)); = write_relocations (relocation_n+1) n_relocations relocations pe_file; } relocate_text :: !.Int Int Int Int Int {#Char} {#SXcoff} {#Int} {#Int} {!Symbol} !*{#.Char} -> .{#Char}; relocate_text n_relocations virtual_address real_module_offset virtual_module_offset first_symbol_n relocations xcoff_a marked_offset_a0 module_offset_a symbol_a text_a0 = relocate_text 0 symbol_a text_a0; { relocate_text relocation_n symbol_a text_a0 | relocation_n==n_relocations = text_a0; # relocation_index=relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; relocation_type=relocations BYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_TYPE_OFFSET); relocation_symbol_n=relocations TBYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_SYMBOL_N_OFFSET); relocation_offset=relocations LONG relocation_index; text1 = case relocation_type of { R_386_PC32 -> relocate_branch symbol_a.[relocation_symbol_n] relocation_offset (relocation_offset-virtual_address) virtual_module_offset real_module_offset module_offset_a first_symbol_n relocation_symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text_a0; R_386_32 -> relocate_long_pos symbol_a.[relocation_symbol_n] (relocation_offset-virtual_address) module_offset_a first_symbol_n relocation_symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text_a0; R_386_NONE -> text_a0; } = relocate_text (relocation_n+1) symbol_a text1; } relocate_data :: Int Int Int Int Int String Int {#Int} {#Int} {!Symbol} XcoffArray *{#Char}-> *{#Char}; relocate_data relocation_n n_relocations virtual_module_offset virtual_section_offset real_module_offset text_relocations first_symbol_n module_offset_a marked_offset_a0 symbol_a xcoff_a data0 | relocation_n==n_relocations = data0; # relocation_index=relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; relocation_type=text_relocations BYTE (relocation_index+4); relocation_symbol_n=text_relocations TBYTE (relocation_index+RELOCATION_SYMBOL_N_OFFSET); relocation_offset=text_relocations LONG relocation_index; data1 = relocate_symbol relocation_type module_offset_a symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0; with { relocate_symbol :: Int {#Int} {!Symbol} {#Int} XcoffArray *{#Char} -> *{#Char}; relocate_symbol R_386_32 module_offset_a symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0 = relocate_long_pos symbol_a.[relocation_symbol_n] (relocation_offset-virtual_section_offset) module_offset_a first_symbol_n relocation_symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0; } = relocate_data (relocation_n+1) n_relocations virtual_module_offset virtual_section_offset real_module_offset text_relocations first_symbol_n module_offset_a marked_offset_a0 symbol_a xcoff_a data1; relocate_branch :: Symbol Int Int Int Int {#Int} Int Int {!Symbol} {#Int} XcoffArray *{#Char} -> *{#Char}; relocate_branch (Module TEXT_SECTION virtual_label_offset _ _ _ _ _ _) relocation_offset index virtual_module_offset real_module_offset module_offset_a first_symbol_n symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text0 # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; = add_to_long_at_offset ((virtual_module_offset-relocation_offset)+(real_label_offset-real_module_offset)) index text0; relocate_branch (Label _ /*TEXT_SECTION*/ offset module_n) relocation_offset index virtual_module_offset real_module_offset module_offset_a first_symbol_n symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text0 = case symbol_a.[module_n] of { Module TEXT_SECTION virtual_label_offset _ _ _ _ _ _ # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+ /*symbol_n*/ module_n]+offset; -> add_to_long_at_offset ((virtual_label_offset-relocation_offset)+(real_label_offset-real_module_offset)) index text0; }; relocate_branch (ImportedLabel file_n symbol_n) relocation_offset index virtual_module_offset real_module_offset module_offset_a first_symbol_n _ symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text0 | file_n<0 # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[marked_offset_a0.[file_n + size marked_offset_a0]+symbol_n]; = add_to_long_at_offset ((virtual_module_offset-relocation_offset)+(real_label_offset-real_module_offset)) index text0; # first_symbol_n = marked_offset_a0.[file_n]; symbol_a=xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols; = case (symbol_a.[symbol_n]) of { Module TEXT_SECTION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; -> add_to_long_at_offset ((virtual_module_offset-relocation_offset)+(real_label_offset-real_module_offset)) index text0; // _ -> abort ("relocate_branch "+++file_name+++" "+++toString file_n+++" "+++toString symbol_n); }; relocate_branch (ImportedLabelPlusOffset file_n symbol_n label_offset) relocation_offset index virtual_module_offset real_module_offset module_offset_a first_symbol_n _ symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text0 # first_symbol_n = marked_offset_a0.[file_n]; symbol_a=xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols; = case (symbol_a.[symbol_n]) of { Module TEXT_SECTION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; -> add_to_long_at_offset ((virtual_module_offset-relocation_offset)+(real_label_offset-real_module_offset)+label_offset) index text0; }; relocate_branch (UndefinedLabel _) relocation_offset index virtual_module_offset real_module_offset module_offset_a first_symbol_n _ symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a text = text; relocate_long_pos :: Symbol Int {#Int} Int Int {!Symbol} {#Int} XcoffArray *{#Char} -> *{#Char}; relocate_long_pos (Module section_n virtual_label_offset _ _ _ _ _ _) index module_offset_a first_symbol_n symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0 # real_label_offset=module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; = add_to_long_at_offset real_label_offset index data0; relocate_long_pos (Label _ offset module_n) index module_offset_a first_symbol_n symbol_n symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0 = case symbol_a.[module_n] of { Module _ virtual_label_offset _ _ _ _ _ _ # real_label_offset=module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+module_n]; -> add_to_long_at_offset (real_label_offset+offset-virtual_label_offset) index data0; }; relocate_long_pos (ImportedLabel file_n symbol_n) index module_offset_a first_symbol_n _ symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0 | file_n<0 # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[marked_offset_a0.[file_n + size marked_offset_a0]+symbol_n]; = add_to_long_at_offset real_label_offset index data0; # first_symbol_n = marked_offset_a0.[file_n]; symbol_a=xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols; = case symbol_a.[symbol_n] of { Module section_n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; -> add_to_long_at_offset real_label_offset index data0; }; relocate_long_pos (ImportedLabelPlusOffset file_n symbol_n label_offset) index module_offset_a first_symbol_n _ symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data0 # first_symbol_n = marked_offset_a0.[file_n]; symbol_a=xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols; = case (symbol_a.[symbol_n]) of { Module section_n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # real_label_offset = module_offset_a.[first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; -> add_to_long_at_offset (real_label_offset+label_offset) index data0; }; relocate_long_pos (UndefinedLabel _) index module_offset_a first_symbol_n _ symbol_a marked_offset_a0 xcoff_a data = data; add_to_long_at_offset :: Int Int *{#Char} -> *{#Char}; add_to_long_at_offset w index array # index1 = index+1; index2 = index+2; index3 = index+3; (v0,array)=array![index]; (v1,array)=array![index1]; (v2,array)=array![index2]; (v3,array)=array![index3]; #! array=array; # v = (toInt v0)+(toInt v1<<8)+(toInt v2<<16)+(toInt v3<<24); new_v=v+w; = {array & [index]=toChar new_v,[index1]=toChar (new_v>>8),[index2]=toChar (new_v>>16),[index3]=toChar (new_v>>24)};