implementation module SaplTokenizer import StdEnv, FastString, Unicode, JS from UChar import instance toInt UChar, instance fromChar UChar, instance fromInt UChar matchCharAt c1 s1 p :== s1.[p] == c1 is_stopchar :: !Char -> Bool is_stopchar char = (char == '=') || (char == ':') || (char == ')') || (char == '(') || (char == '|') || (char == '{') || (char == '}') || (char == ',') || (char == ';') || isSpace char not_stopchar = not o is_stopchar is_space c = isSpace c && not_eol c not_eol c = not (c == '\n') find_first_string :: !String !Int (Char String Int -> Bool) -> Int find_first_string line start f | start == size line = size line | f line.[start-1] line start = find_first_string line (start + 1) f = start read_string_lit :: !Char !Int !String -> (!Int, !UString) read_string_lit qc start str # (nextbase, l) = decode start [] = (nextbase, reverse l) where decode p cs | eof p = (p, cs) | str.[p] == qc = (p+1, cs) | str.[p] == '\\' = let (n,c) = decodeBSChar (p+1) in decode n [c:cs] = decode (p+1) [fromChar str.[p]:cs] decodeBSChar p | eof p = (p ,fromChar '\\') | str.[p] == '0' = (p+1,fromInt 0) | str.[p] == 'a' = (p+1,fromInt 7) | str.[p] == 'b' = (p+1,fromChar '\b') | str.[p] == 'f' = (p+1,fromChar '\f') | str.[p] == 'n' = (p+1,fromChar '\n') | str.[p] == 'r' = (p+1,fromChar '\r') | str.[p] == 't' = (p+1,fromChar '\t') | str.[p] == 'v' = (p+1,fromChar '\v') | str.[p] == '\'' = (p+1,fromChar '\'') | str.[p] == '"' = (p+1,fromChar '"') | str.[p] == 'x' = decodeHex 2 2 0 | str.[p] == 'u' = decodeHex 4 4 0 | str.[p] == 'U' = decodeHex 8 8 0 = (p+1,fromChar str.[p]) // skip the backslash otherwise where decodeHex :: !Int !Int !Int -> (!Int, !UChar) decodeHex len s acc | eof (p+len) = (p+1, fromChar str.[p]) = decodeHex` len s acc decodeHex` :: !Int !Int !Int -> (!Int, !UChar) decodeHex` len s acc | s == 0 = (p+len+1, fromInt acc) | isHexDigit str.[p+s] = decodeHex` len (s-1) (acc+decodeTable.[len-s]*dti str.[p+s]) = (p+1, fromChar str.[p]) eof p = p >= size str decodeTable :: {#Int} decodeTable = {1,16,256,4096,65536,1048576,16777216,268435456} dti :: !Char -> Int dti c | c >= '0' && c <= '9' = toInt (c - '0') | c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' = 10 + toInt (c - 'a') | c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' = 10 + toInt (c - 'A') read_token :: !Int !String -> (!Int, !Int, !Token) read_token base line | start > ((size line)-1) = rnoarg TEndOfLine 0 | matchCharAt ';' line start || matchCharAt '\n' line start = rnoarg TEndOfLine 1 // Skip <{ and }> from the identifier. It's to help parsing "strange" function names | matchAt "!<{" line start # stop = find_first_string line (start+3) (\prev str base = not (matchAt "}>" str base)) = return (TStrictIdentifier (line % (start + 3, stop - 1)), stop + 2) | matchAt "<{" line start # stop = find_first_string line (start+2) (\prev str base = not (matchAt "}>" str base)) = return (TIdentifier (line % (start + 2, stop - 1)), stop + 2) | matchAt "=:" line start = rnoarg TCAFAssignmentOp 2 | matchAt "::" line start = rnoarg TTypeDef 2 | matchAt "||" line start // skip comment # stop = (skipChars line (start+2) not_eol) = read_token stop line // skip, but leave the EOL there | matchCharAt '|' line start = rnoarg TVerticalBar 1 | matchCharAt '=' line start = rnoarg TAssignmentOp 1 | matchAt ":==" line start = rnoarg TMacroAssignmentOp 3 | matchAt "->" line start = rnoarg TSelectAssignmentOp 2 | matchCharAt '\\' line start = rnoarg TLambda 1 | matchCharAt ',' line start = rnoarg TColon 1 | matchCharAt '(' line start = rnoarg TOpenParenthesis 1 | matchCharAt ')' line start = rnoarg TCloseParenthesis 1 | matchCharAt '{' line start = rnoarg TOpenBracket 1 | matchCharAt '}' line start = rnoarg TCloseBracket 1 | matchCharAt '"' line start # (nextbase,ustr) = read_string_lit '"' (start+1) line = return (TLit (LString ustr), nextbase) | matchCharAt '\'' line start # (nextbase,ustr) = read_string_lit '\'' (start+1) line = return (TLit (LChar ustr), nextbase) | matchCharAt '+' line start = numberToken 1 | matchCharAt '-' line start = numberToken 1 // This is not a number! // | startsWith "." lline // = numberToken 0 | isDigit (line.[start]) = numberToken 0 | otherwise # stop = skipChars line start not_stopchar = case tstr stop of "False" = return (TLit (LBool False), stop) "false" = return (TLit (LBool False), stop) "True" = return (TLit (LBool True), stop) "true" = return (TLit (LBool True), stop) "select" = return (TSelectKeyword, stop) "if" = return (TIfKeyword, stop) "let" = return (TLetKeyword, stop) "in" = return (TInKeyword, stop) str = if (str.[0] == '!') (return (TStrictIdentifier (str % (1, size str)), stop)) (return (TIdentifier str, stop)) where tstr stop = line % (start, stop - 1) start = (skipChars line base is_space) rnoarg t length = (start, start + length, t) return (a, newbase) = (start, newbase, a) numberToken p1 # fpart = skipChars line (start+p1) isDigit # (dot, stop) = if ((size line) > fpart && line.[fpart] == '.') (True, skipChars line (fpart+1) isDigit) (False, fpart) # (exp, stopexp) = readExp stop = return (TLit (if (dot || exp <> 0) (LReal (toReal (tstr stop) * (10.0 ^ toReal (exp)))) (LInt (toInt (tstr stop)))), stopexp) readExp start | size line < start + 2 = (0, start) | line.[start] <> 'e' && line.[start] <> 'E' = (0, start) # stop = skipChars line (start + 1 + signskip) isDigit = (sign * (toInt (line % (start + 1 + signskip, stop - 1))), stop) where sign = case line.[start+1] of '+' = 1 '-' = -1 = 1 signskip = if (isDigit line.[start+1]) 0 1 tokensWithPositions :: !String -> [PosToken] tokensWithPositions inp = tokens_ 1 1 0 [] where finalise _ _ ts=:[PosToken _ _ TEndOfLine:_] = reverse ts finalise lp cp ts = reverse [PosToken lp cp TEndOfLine:ts] tokens_ lp cp base ts = case base < (size inp) of True = let (cp2, newbase, t) = read_token base inp in case t of TEndOfLine = tokens_ (lp+1) 1 newbase [PosToken lp (cp+cp2-base) t:ts] = tokens_ lp (cp+newbase-base) newbase [PosToken lp (cp+cp2-base) t:ts] = finalise lp cp ts tokens :: !String -> [Token] tokens inp = tokens_ 0 [] where tokens_ base ts = case base < (size inp) of True = let (_, newbase, t) = read_token base inp in tokens_ newbase [t:ts] = reverse ts instance toString Literal where toString (LString ustr) = "\"" +++ toJSLiteral ustr +++ "\"" toString (LChar uchr) = "'" +++ toJSLiteral uchr +++ "'" toString (LInt int) = toString int toString (LReal real) = toString real toString (LBool True) = "True" toString (LBool False) = "False" instance toString Token where toString (TIdentifier name) = escape name toString (TStrictIdentifier name) = "!" +++ (escape name) toString (TComment comment) = "||" +++ comment toString TInlineAnnotation = "" // skip toString TAssignmentOp = "=" toString TMacroAssignmentOp = ":==" toString TCAFAssignmentOp = "=:" toString TLambda = "\\" toString TColon = "," toString TVerticalBar = "|" toString TOpenParenthesis = "(" toString TCloseParenthesis = ")" toString TOpenBracket = "{" toString TCloseBracket = "}" toString TTypeDef = "::" toString (TLit lit) = toString lit toString TSelectKeyword = "select" toString TIfKeyword = "if" toString TLetKeyword = "let" toString TInKeyword = "in" toString TEndOfLine = "\n" toString _ = "\n" escape f | ss f = "<{" +++ f +++ "}>" = f where ss f = or [is_ss c \\ c <-: f] is_ss c = not (isAlphanum c || c == '_' || c == '.')