[(FRP.Sodium.Plain.priorityOf [InlPrag=INLINE] :: forall k. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueueable k => k -> GHC.Types.IO GHC.Int.Int64 [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [tpl_s8Ao] tpl_s8Ao;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.priorityOf, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$WBehavior [InlPrag=INLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId[DataConWrapper], Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [tpl_s8Ar tpl_s8As] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [tpl_s8Ar tpl_s8As];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$WBehavior, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$WEvent [InlPrag=INLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId[DataConWrapper], Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [tpl_s8Aw tpl_s8Ax tpl_s8Ay] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [tpl_s8Aw tpl_s8Ax tpl_s8Ay];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$WEvent, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall a a1. GHC.Prim.Int# -> a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map GHC.Int.Int64 a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [sc sc1 sc2] case sc2 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb ky y l r -> case ky of wild1 { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case <# [sc b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [sc b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10 sc sc1 r of sat_s9YC { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceR wild1 y l sat_s9YC; }; GHC.Types.True -> let { sat_s9YG :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [sc]; } in Data.Map.Base.Bin [rb sat_s9YG sc1 l r]; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10 sc sc1 l of sat_s9YH { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceL wild1 y sat_s9YH r; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> let { sat_s9YI :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [sc]; } in Data.Map.Base.Bin [1 sat_s9YI sc1 Data.Map.Base.Tip Data.Map.Base.Tip]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10, [Data.Map.Base.balanceL, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10, Data.Map.Base.balanceR])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo10 :: forall a a1. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType S(L)LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [arg ds ds1] case arg of arg1 { GHC.Int.I64# ipv -> case ds1 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb ky y l r -> case ky of wild1 { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case <# [ipv b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [ipv b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10 ipv ds r of sat_s9Z6 { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceR wild1 y l sat_s9Z6; }; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Map.Base.Bin [rb arg1 ds l r]; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10 ipv ds l of sat_s9Za { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceL wild1 y sat_s9Za r; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> Data.Map.Base.Bin [1 arg1 ds Data.Map.Base.Tip Data.Map.Base.Tip]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo10, [Data.Map.Base.balanceL, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10, Data.Map.Base.balanceR])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType S(L)LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo10 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall a a1. GHC.Prim.Int# -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ww w] case w of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb kx x l r -> case kx of wild1 { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case <# [ww b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [ww b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 ww r of sat_s9ZC { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceL wild1 x l sat_s9ZC; }; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Map.Base.glue l r; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 ww l of sat_s9ZH { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceR wild1 x sat_s9ZH r; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> Data.Map.Base.Tip []; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10, [Data.Map.Base.balanceL, Data.Map.Base.balanceR, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10, Data.Map.Base.glue])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo10 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a a1. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a1 [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { GHC.Int.I64# ww -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 ww w1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo10, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo10 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$cmin :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$cmin eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$cmin, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$cmax :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$cmax eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$cmax, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c<= :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c<= eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c<=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c> :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c> eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c>, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c>= :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c>= eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c>=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c< :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c< eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$c<, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$ccompare :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Ordering [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$ccompare eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence_$ccompare, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence_$c/= :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEqInt64_$c/= eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence_$c/=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence_$c== :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEqInt64_$c== eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence_$c==, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Classes.Eq FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Classes.D:Eq! [GHC.Int.$fEqInt64_$c== GHC.Int.$fEqInt64_$c/=];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Classes.Ord FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Classes.D:Ord! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$ccompare GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c< GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c>= GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c> GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$c<= GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$cmax GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64_$cmin];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall a a1. GHC.Prim.Int# -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ww w] case w of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb kx x l r -> case kx of wild1 { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case <# [ww b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [ww b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1 ww r of sat_sa0n { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceL wild1 x l sat_sa0n; }; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Map.Base.glue l r; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1 ww l of sat_sa0s { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceR wild1 x sat_sa0s r; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> Data.Map.Base.Tip []; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1, [Data.Map.Base.balanceL, Data.Map.Base.balanceR, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1, Data.Map.Base.glue])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a a1. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { GHC.Int.I64# ww -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1 ww w1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall a a1. GHC.Prim.Int# -> (GHC.Prim.~#) * GHC.Int.Int64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [sc sg sc1 sc2] case sc2 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb ky y l r -> case ky of wild1 { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case <# [sc b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [sc b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10 sc GHC.Prim.coercionToken# sc1 r of sat_sa0X { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceR wild1 y l sat_sa0X; }; GHC.Types.True -> let { sat_sa11 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [sc]; } in Data.Map.Base.Bin [rb sat_sa11 sc1 l r]; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10 sc GHC.Prim.coercionToken# sc1 l of sat_sa12 { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceL wild1 y sat_sa12 r; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> let { sat_sa13 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [sc]; } in Data.Map.Base.Bin [1 sat_sa13 sc1 Data.Map.Base.Tip Data.Map.Base.Tip]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10, Data.Map.Base.balanceL, Data.Map.Base.balanceR])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10 :: forall a a1. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a1 [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType S(L)LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [arg ds ds1] case arg of nt { GHC.Int.I64# ipv -> case ds1 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb ky y l r -> case ky of wild1 { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case <# [ipv b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [ipv b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10 ipv GHC.Prim.coercionToken# ds r of sat_sa1r { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceR wild1 y l sat_sa1r; }; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Map.Base.Bin [rb nt ds l r]; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10 ipv GHC.Prim.coercionToken# ds l of sat_sa1v { __DEFAULT -> Data.Map.Base.balanceL wild1 y sat_sa1v r; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> Data.Map.Base.Bin [1 nt ds Data.Map.Base.Tip Data.Map.Base.Tip]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$s$sgo10, Data.Map.Base.balanceL, Data.Map.Base.balanceR])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence a [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType S(L)LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$cmin :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.$fOrdInt_$cmin eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$cmin, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$cmax :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.$fOrdInt_$cmax eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$cmax, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c<= :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.leInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c<=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c> :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.gtInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c>, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c>= :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.geInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c>=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c< :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.ltInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$c<, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$ccompare :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Ordering [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.compareInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID_$ccompare, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID_$c/= :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.neInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID_$c/=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID_$c== :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Classes.eqInt eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID_$c==, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Classes.Eq FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Classes.D:Eq! [GHC.Classes.eqInt GHC.Classes.neInt];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Classes.Ord FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Classes.D:Ord! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqNodeID GHC.Classes.compareInt GHC.Classes.ltInt GHC.Classes.geInt GHC.Classes.gtInt GHC.Classes.leInt GHC.Classes.$fOrdInt_$cmax GHC.Classes.$fOrdInt_$cmin];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdNodeID, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wgo5 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ww w] case w of _ { Data.Set.Base.Bin rb y l r -> case y of _ { GHC.Types.I# y# -> case <# [ww y#] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [ww y#] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wgo5 ww r; GHC.Types.True -> GHC.Types.True []; }; GHC.Types.True -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wgo5 ww l; }; }; Data.Set.Base.Tip -> GHC.Types.False []; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wgo5, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$smember_go5 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1] case w of _ { GHC.Types.I# ww -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wgo5 ww w1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$smember_go5, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$smember :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$smember_go5 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$smember, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> (GHC.Prim.~#) * GHC.Types.Int FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [sc sg sc1] case sc1 of _ { Data.Set.Base.Bin rb y l r -> case y of wild1 { GHC.Types.I# y# -> case <# [sc y#] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [sc y#] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5 sc GHC.Prim.coercionToken# r of sat_sa2B { __DEFAULT -> Data.Set.Base.balanceR wild1 l sat_sa2B; }; GHC.Types.True -> let { sat_sa2F :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [sc]; } in Data.Set.Base.Bin [rb sat_sa2F l r]; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5 sc GHC.Prim.coercionToken# l of sat_sa2G { __DEFAULT -> Data.Set.Base.balanceL wild1 sat_sa2G r; }; }; }; Data.Set.Base.Tip -> let { sat_sa2H :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [sc]; } in Data.Set.Base.Bin [1 sat_sa2H Data.Set.Base.Tip Data.Set.Base.Tip]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5, [Data.Set.Base.balanceL, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5, Data.Set.Base.balanceR])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo5 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType S(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [arg ds] case arg of nt { GHC.Types.I# ipv -> case ds of _ { Data.Set.Base.Bin rb y l r -> case y of wild1 { GHC.Types.I# y# -> case <# [ipv y#] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ==# [ipv y#] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5 ipv GHC.Prim.coercionToken# r of sat_sa35 { __DEFAULT -> Data.Set.Base.balanceR wild1 l sat_sa35; }; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Set.Base.Bin [rb nt l r]; }; GHC.Types.True -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5 ipv GHC.Prim.coercionToken# l of sat_sa39 { __DEFAULT -> Data.Set.Base.balanceL wild1 sat_sa39 r; }; }; }; Data.Set.Base.Tip -> Data.Set.Base.Bin [1 nt Data.Set.Base.Tip Data.Set.Base.Tip]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo5, [Data.Set.Base.balanceL, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5, Data.Set.Base.balanceR])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert2 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType S(L)S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo5 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert2, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo5])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.dep1 :: forall a. a -> a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [x] x;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.dep1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.dep :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.dep1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.dep, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.unReactive1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] ds;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.unReactive1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.unReactive :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a -> Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.StateT FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState GHC.Types.IO a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unReactive1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.unReactive, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a b. a -> b -> GHC.IORef.IORef a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LA, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [v dummy] let { sat_sa3F :: GHC.Types.IO (GHC.IORef.IORef a) [LclId] = \r [s] case noDuplicate# [s] of s' { __DEFAULT -> case newMutVar# [v s'] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sa3E :: GHC.IORef.IORef a [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv1]; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_sa3E]; }; }; } in GHC.IO.unsafeDupablePerformIO sat_sa3F;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.sampleImpl :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior _ ds2 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.sampleImpl, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates_ :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds1 _ -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates_, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates_ eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.changes :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates_ eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.changes, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.eDep :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event _ _ ds3 -> ds3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.eDep, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.evCacheRef :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event _ ds2 _ -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.evCacheRef, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.getListenRaw :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event ds1 _ _ -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.getListenRaw, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.bsCurrent :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState a -> a [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState ds1 ds2 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.bsCurrent, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.bsUpdate :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe a [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AS), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState ds1 ds2 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.bsUpdate, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.runListen_ :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(S), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen ds1 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.runListen_, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.noID :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.noID, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.noListeners :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.noListeners, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.noRank :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Int.Int64 [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.noRank, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.obFirings :: forall p a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer p a -> [a] [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAS), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.obFirings, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.obListeners :: forall p a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer p a -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(ASA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.obListeners, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.obNextID :: forall p a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer p a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SAA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.obNextID, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.paLock :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition -> GHC.MVar.MVar () [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition ds1 ds2 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.paLock, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.paNextNodeID :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition -> GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AS), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition ds1 ds2 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.paNextNodeID, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqData :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (k, v)) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAS), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds4; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqData, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqDirty :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(ASAA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqDirty, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPriorityQueue1 :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AU(L)AA)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [pq eta] case pq of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> case ds1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case writeMutVar# [var# GHC.Types.True eta] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPriorityQueue1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPriorityQueue :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AU(L)AA)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPriorityQueue1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPriorityQueue, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqNextSeq :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SAAA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqNextSeq, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqQueue :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.pqQueue, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.asFinal :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.asFinal, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.asPost :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAS), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds4; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.asPost, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.asQueue1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SAAA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.asQueue1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.asQueue2 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(ASAA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.asQueue2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.sDep :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AS), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds1 ds2 -> ds2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.sDep, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.unSample :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> GHC.Types.IO a [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds1 ds2 -> ds1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.unSample, [])]), (a :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [l eta] let { sat_sa6Y :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen! [l]; } in (#,#) [eta sat_sa6Y];, [(a, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.wrap [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] a eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.wrap, [])]), (a1 :: forall a. a -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [a7 eta] case seq# [a7 eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> (#,#) [ipv GHC.Tuple.()]; };, [(a1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.touch [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. a -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] a1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.touch, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.putMVar1 :: forall a. GHC.MVar.MVar a -> a -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [mv a7 eta] case seq# [a7 eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> GHC.MVar.putMVar1 mv a7 ipv; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.putMVar1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.putMVar :: forall a. GHC.MVar.MVar a -> a -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.putMVar1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.putMVar, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 :: forall a. GHC.MVar.MVar a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO a) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [mv f eta] case getMaskingState# [eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { __DEFAULT -> case mv of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s8IS :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [eta1] case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 eta1] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; } in let { sat_sa73 :: GHC.Exception.SomeException -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, a #) [LclId] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Control.Exception.Base.bracket2 sat_s8IS eta_B2 eta_B1; } in let { sat_sa74 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, a #) [LclId] = \r [s] case f ipv3 s of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case seq# [ipv5 ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> (#,#) [ipv6 ipv5]; }; }; } in case catch# [sat_sa74 sat_sa73 ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv5 ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; 0 -> let { sat_sa7g :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [LclId] = \r [s] case mv of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s8Ju :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [eta1] case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 eta1] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; } in let { sat_sa7d :: GHC.Exception.SomeException -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, a #) [LclId] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Control.Exception.Base.bracket2 sat_s8Ju eta_B2 eta_B1; } in let { sat_s8Jn :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, a #) [LclId] = \r [s1] case f ipv3 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case seq# [ipv5 ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> (#,#) [ipv6 ipv5]; }; }; } in let { sat_sa7e :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, a #) [LclId] = \r [eta_B1] unmaskAsyncExceptions# [sat_s8Jn eta_B1]; } in case catch# [sat_sa7e sat_sa7d ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv5 ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; } in maskAsyncExceptions# [sat_sa7g ipv]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar_ :: forall a. GHC.MVar.MVar a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO a) -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar_, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar1 :: forall a b. GHC.MVar.MVar a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO (a, b)) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, b #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [mv f eta] case getMaskingState# [eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { __DEFAULT -> case mv of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s8Kl :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [eta1] case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 eta1] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; } in let { sat_sa7n :: GHC.Exception.SomeException -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, b) #) [LclId] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Control.Exception.Base.bracket2 sat_s8Kl eta_B2 eta_B1; } in let { sat_sa7o :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, b) #) [LclId] = \r [s] case f ipv3 s of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a' b' -> case seq# [a' ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> let { sat_sa7m :: (a, b) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a' b']; } in (#,#) [ipv6 sat_sa7m]; }; }; }; } in case catch# [sat_sa7o sat_sa7n ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a' b -> case putMVar# [mvar# a' ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# b]; }; }; }; }; }; 0 -> let { sat_sa7D :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, b #) [LclId] = \r [s] case mv of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s8L8 :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [eta1] case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 eta1] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; } in let { sat_sa7A :: GHC.Exception.SomeException -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, b) #) [LclId] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Control.Exception.Base.bracket2 sat_s8L8 eta_B2 eta_B1; } in let { sat_s8L1 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, b) #) [LclId] = \r [s1] case f ipv3 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a' b' -> case seq# [a' ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> let { sat_sa7z :: (a, b) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a' b']; } in (#,#) [ipv6 sat_sa7z]; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sa7B :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, b) #) [LclId] = \r [eta_B1] unmaskAsyncExceptions# [sat_s8L1 eta_B1]; } in case catch# [sat_sa7B sat_sa7A ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a' b -> case putMVar# [mvar# a' ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# b]; }; }; }; }; }; } in maskAsyncExceptions# [sat_sa7D ipv]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar :: forall a b. GHC.MVar.MVar a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO (a, b)) -> GHC.Types.IO b [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar, [])]), (a2 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> GHC.Types.IO () -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [s unlisten eta] case mkWeak# [s s unlisten eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> (#,#) [ipv s]; };, [(a2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeSample [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> GHC.Types.IO () -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a2 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeSample, [])]), (a3 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a -> GHC.Types.IO () -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [l unlisten eta] case mkWeak# [l l unlisten eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> (#,#) [ipv l]; };, [(a3, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeListen [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a -> GHC.Types.IO () -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a3 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeListen, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Sample1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds s eta] let { sat_sa7P :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s1] case ds of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case putMVar# [mvar# Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; Data.Maybe.Just v -> case v ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 _ -> case putMVar# [mvar# Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeSample s sat_sa7P eta;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Sample1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Sample :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Sample1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Sample, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.ioReactive1 :: forall a. GHC.Types.IO a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Types.IO (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [io] Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO io;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.ioReactive1, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.ioReactive :: forall a. GHC.Types.IO a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.ioReactive1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.ioReactive, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (a4 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Types.IO (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [x] let { sat_sa7V :: GHC.Types.IO a [LclId] = \u [] case x of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior _ ds1 -> case ds1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds2 ds3 -> ds2; }; }; } in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO sat_sa7V;, [(a4, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] a4 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ds l] let { sat_s8MN :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s] case ds of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case putMVar# [mvar# Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; Data.Maybe.Just v -> case v ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 _ -> case putMVar# [mvar# Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sa80 :: GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeListen l sat_s8MN eta_B1; } in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO sat_sa80;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Listen :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.addCleanup_Listen, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe1 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Int.Int64 #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds eta] case ds of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> (#,#) [eta GHC.Int.$fBoundedInt64_$cmaxBound]; Data.Maybe.Just nodeRef -> case getMaskingState# [eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { __DEFAULT -> case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sa87 :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds4 ds5 ds6 -> ds5; }; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sa87]; }; }; }; 0 -> let { sat_sa8g :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node #) [LclId] = \r [s] case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# ipv3]; }; }; }; } in case maskAsyncExceptions# [sat_sa8g ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sa8f :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds4 ds5 ds6 -> ds5; }; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sa8f]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe_$cpriorityOf :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.IO GHC.Int.Int64 [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe_$cpriorityOf, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueueable (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) [GblId[DFunId(nt)], Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fPriorityQueueableMaybe, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive2 :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LC(C(U(LD(LL))))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [f rm eta eta1] case rm eta eta1 of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sa8o :: (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \u [] case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sa8n :: b [LclId] = \u [] f a7; } in (,) [sat_sa8n s']; }; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_sa8o]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive_$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive2 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive_$cfmap, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive1 :: forall a b. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LC(C(U(LD(AL))))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [x eta eta1 eta2] case eta eta1 eta2 of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sa8r :: (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \u [] case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> (,) [x s']; }; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_sa8r]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive_$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive_$c<$, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Base.D:Functor! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive2 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive3 :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(C(U(LU(TL))))LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [rf rm eta s] case rf eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case rm s' ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_s8OL :: b [LclId] = \u [] a7 a8; } in let { sat_sa8v :: (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s8OL s'1]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sa8v]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive3, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$c<*> :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$c<*>, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive4 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [a7 eta s] let { sat_sa8A :: (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 eta]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sa8A];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive4, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$cpure :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive4 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$cpure, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive1 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [a7 eta s] let { sat_sa8B :: (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 eta]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sa8B];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$creturn :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$creturn, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive2 :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(C(U(LU(LL))))LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [rma kmb eta s] case rma eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> kmb a7 s' ipv; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$c>>= :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive2 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$c>>=, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$cfail :: forall a. GHC.Base.String -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Sb, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] GHC.Err.error eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$cfail, [GHC.Err.error])]), (a5 :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(C(U(LU(AL))))LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta eta1 eta2 s] case eta eta2 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> eta1 s' ipv; }; };, [(a5, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$c>> [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=2)] :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] a5 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$c>>, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Base.Monad (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Base.D:Monad! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive2 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive_$c>> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive1 GHC.Err.error];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive1 :: forall a. (a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [f eta eta1] case newMVar# [eta1] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sa8I :: GHC.Types.IO (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \r [s] case noDuplicate# [s] of s' { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv1 s']; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_sa8I ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sa8H :: a [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 ds2 -> a7; }; } in case f sat_sa8H eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case putMVar# [ipv1 ipv5 ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# ipv5]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive_$cmfix :: forall a. (a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive_$cmfix, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$csucc :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$csucc, [GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cpred :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cpred eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cpred, [GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cpred])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$ctoEnum :: GHC.Types.Int -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cfromEnum eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$ctoEnum, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cfromEnum :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Types.Int [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cfromEnum eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cfromEnum, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFrom :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID] [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFrom eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFrom, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFromThen :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID] [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFromThen eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFromThen, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFromTo :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID] [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFromTo eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFromTo, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFromThenTo :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID] [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFromThenTo eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID_$cenumFromThenTo, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Enum.Enum FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Enum.D:Enum! [GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cpred GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cfromEnum GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cfromEnum GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFrom GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFromThen GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFromTo GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$cenumFromThenTo];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumNodeID, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Control.Monad.Fix.D:MonadFix! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant5 :: forall a. Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType AAA, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds ds1 ds2] let { a7 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [s] (#,#) [s GHC.Tuple.()]; } in let { sat_sa8O :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta s] let { sat_s8Qj :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 eta]; } in (#,#) [s sat_s8Qj]; } in sat_sa8O;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant5, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant_a :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a [GblId, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant5];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant_a, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant4 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta s] let { sat_sa8P :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant_a eta]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sa8P];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant4, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant3 :: forall a. GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing GHC.Err.undefined;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant3, [GHC.Err.undefined])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant4 FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant3 GHC.Err.undefined];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.never :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.never, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant1 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:BehaviorPlaina a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [a7] let { sat_s8Qy :: GHC.Types.IO a [LclId] = \r [s] (#,#) [s a7]; } in let { sat_sa8Q :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s8Qy GHC.Err.undefined]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2 sat_sa8Q];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant1, [GHC.Err.undefined, FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.getListen :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event getLRaw cacheRef _ -> let { sat_sa8T :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta s] case cacheRef of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case getLRaw eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sa8S :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a7]; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_sa8S ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sa8R :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s']; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sa8R]; }; }; }; Data.Maybe.Just l -> let { sat_sa91 :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [l eta]; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_sa91]; }; }; }; } in sat_sa8T; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.getListen, [])]), (a6 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=6, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ev mv suppressEarlierFirings handle eta s] case seq# [ev s] of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> case ev of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event getLRaw cacheRef _ -> case cacheRef of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let-no-escape { $w$j :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LC(C(C(C(C(U(LU(TT)))))))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [w ww ww1] case ww mv suppressEarlierFirings handle ww1 w of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sa93 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen! [ww]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.touch sat_sa93 ipv4 of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> let { sat_sa92 :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s']; } in (#,#) [ipv6 sat_sa92]; }; }; }; } in case ipv3 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case getLRaw eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sa95 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a7]; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_sa95 ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case a7 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen ww1 -> $w$j s2# ww1 s'; }; }; }; }; Data.Maybe.Just l -> case l of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen ww1 -> $w$j ipv2 ww1 eta; }; }; }; }; }; };, [(a6, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a6 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1] let { sat_sa9m :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w1; } in let { a7 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [mNodeRef suppressEarlierFirings handle] let { sat_sa9k :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Base.. handle w eta_B1; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w1 mNodeRef suppressEarlierFirings sat_sa9k; } in let { a8 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b [LclId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen! [a7]; } in let { sat_sa9n :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b) [LclId] = \r [eta s] let { sat_sa9l :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a8 eta]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sa9l]; } in (#,,#) [sat_sa9n sat_sa9m w1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent2 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa w w1 of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent_$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent2 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent_$cfmap, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent1 :: forall a b. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [x eta] let { sat_sa9p :: b -> a [LclId] = \r [ds] x; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa sat_sa9p eta of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent_$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent_$c<$, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Base.D:Functor! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent2 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1] case w1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e s -> case s of wild1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds ds1 -> case ds of nt { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa w e of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> let { sat_s8TJ :: GHC.Types.IO b [LclId] = \r [s1] case nt s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sa9r :: b [LclId] = \u [] w ipv1; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_sa9r]; }; } in let { sat_sa9s :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample b [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s8TJ wild1]; } in let { sat_sa9t :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event b [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [sat_sa9t sat_sa9s]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$cfmap, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior_$cfmap [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LSm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$cfmap eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior_$cfmap, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1] case w1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e s -> case s of wild1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds ds1 -> case ds of nt { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sa9A :: b -> a [LclId] = \r [ds2] w; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa sat_sa9A e of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> let { sat_s8Uj :: GHC.Types.IO a [LclId] = \r [s1] case nt s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> (#,#) [ipv w]; }; } in let { sat_sa9y :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s8Uj wild1]; } in let { sat_sa9z :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [sat_sa9z sat_sa9y]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<$, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior_$c<$ [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LSm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<$ eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior_$c<$, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Base.D:Functor! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior_$cfmap FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior_$c<$];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.listenTrans :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ev handle] FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen ev Data.Maybe.Nothing GHC.Types.False handle;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.listenTrans, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.listen :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ev handle] let { sat_sa9H :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [a7] let { sat_sa9G :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s] case handle a7 s of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.touch ev ipv; }; } in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO sat_sa9G; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen ev Data.Maybe.Nothing GHC.Types.False sat_sa9H;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.listen, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeEvent [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> GHC.Types.IO () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ea unlisten] case ea of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event ds ds1 ds2 -> let { sat_sa9M :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta s] case ds1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case ds eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sa9L :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a7]; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_sa9L ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeListen a7 unlisten s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_sa9K :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv5 s']; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_sa9K]; }; }; }; }; Data.Maybe.Just l -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeListen l unlisten ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sa9U :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv3 eta]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sa9U]; }; }; }; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [sat_sa9M ds1 ds2]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeEvent, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive1 :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(C(U(LU(TL))))LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta1 eta2 eta s] case eta1 eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case eta2 s' ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_sa9W :: (a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s'1]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sa9W]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$c<* :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$c<*, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive2 :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(C(U(LU(AL))))LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta1 eta2 eta s] case eta1 eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case eta2 s' ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_saa2 :: (b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a8 s'1]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_saa2]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$c*> :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive2 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive_$c*>, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Control.Applicative.D:Applicative! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorReactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive4 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive3 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive2 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$csucc :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$csucc, [GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cpred :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cpred eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cpred, [GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cpred])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$ctoEnum :: GHC.Types.Int -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$ctoEnum eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$ctoEnum, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cfromEnum :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Types.Int [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cfromEnum eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cfromEnum, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFrom :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence] [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFrom eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFrom, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFromThen :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence] [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFromThen eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFromThen, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFromTo :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence] [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFromTo eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFromTo, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFromThenTo :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence] [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(L)U(L)U(L), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFromThenTo eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence_$cenumFromThenTo, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Enum.Enum FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Enum.D:Enum! [GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cpred GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$ctoEnum GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cfromEnum GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFrom GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFromThen GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFromTo GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$cenumFromThenTo];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEnumSequence, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.unlinkNode1 :: GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [nodeRef iD eta] let { sat_saa9 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Types.IO FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [no s] let { sat_saa8 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case no of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds ds1 ds2 -> case iD of _ { GHC.Int.I64# ww -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 ww ds2 of listeners' { __DEFAULT -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [ds ds1 listeners']; }; }; }; } in (#,#) [s sat_saa8]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 nodeRef sat_saa9 eta;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.unlinkNode1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.unlinkNode :: GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unlinkNode1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.unlinkNode, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dEq :: GHC.Classes.Eq (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Classes.$fEq(,) GHC.Int.$fEqInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dEq, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dOrd :: GHC.Classes.Ord (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] GHC.Classes.$fOrd(,) FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dEq GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dOrd, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dEq])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2 :: forall v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) v -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> v -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LSLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [pq k v s] let-no-escape { $j :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> GHC.Int.Int64 -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ipv ipv1] case pq of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> case ds of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_saae :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = \u srt:(3,*bitmap*) [] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc ipv5; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_saae ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ds2 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_saad :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s8Xr :: (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv1 ipv3]; } in Data.Map.Base.insert FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dOrd sat_s8Xr v ipv7; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_saad ipv6] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> case ds3 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#2 -> case readMutVar# [var#2 s2#1] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_saac :: Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), v) [LclId] = \u srt:(2,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s8XG :: (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), v) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [k v]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10 ipv3 sat_s8XG ipv9; } in case writeMutVar# [var#2 sat_saac ipv8] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2#2 GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in case k of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> $j s GHC.Int.$fBoundedInt64_$cmaxBound; Data.Maybe.Just nodeRef -> case getMaskingState# [s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { __DEFAULT -> case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saaf :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds3 ds4 ds5 -> ds4; }; } in $j s2# sat_saaf; }; }; }; 0 -> let { sat_saah :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node #) [LclId] = \r [s1] case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# ipv3]; }; }; }; } in case maskAsyncExceptions# [sat_saah ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_saag :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds3 ds4 ds5 -> ds4; }; } in $j ipv2 sat_saag; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$dOrd, Data.Map.Base.insert, FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10, GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.pushPriorityQueue_$spushPriorityQueue :: forall v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) v -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> v -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LSLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.pushPriorityQueue_$spushPriorityQueue, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.pushPriorityQueue :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueueable k => FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> k -> v -> GHC.Types.IO () [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [$dPriorityQueueable] let { $dEq1 [Dmd=Just L] :: GHC.Classes.Eq (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Classes.$fEq(,) GHC.Int.$fEqInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence; } in let { $dOrd1 :: GHC.Classes.Ord (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Classes.$fOrd(,) $dEq1 GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence; } in let { sat_saaI :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> k -> v -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, () #) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [pq k v s] case $dPriorityQueueable k s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case pq of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds ds2 ds3 ds4 -> case ds of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_saaH :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = \u srt:(2,*bitmap*) [] GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc ipv5; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_saaH ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ds3 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_saaG :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s8Zo :: (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv1 ipv3]; } in Data.Map.Base.insert $dOrd1 sat_s8Zo v ipv7; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_saaG ipv6] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> case ds4 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#2 -> case readMutVar# [var#2 s2#1] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_saaF :: Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (k, v) [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s8ZC :: (k, v) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [k v]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10 ipv3 sat_s8ZC ipv9; } in case writeMutVar# [var#2 sat_saaF ipv8] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2#2 GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_saaI;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.pushPriorityQueue, [Data.Map.Base.insert, FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce_$sgo10, GHC.Int.$fEnumInt64_$csucc])]), ($dEq :: GHC.Classes.Eq (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Classes.$fEq(,) GHC.Int.$fEqInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence;, [($dEq, [])]), ($dOrd :: GHC.Classes.Ord (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] GHC.Classes.$fOrd(,) $dEq GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence;, [($dOrd, [$dEq])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10 :: forall v. GHC.Prim.MutVar# GHC.Prim.RealWorld GHC.Types.Bool -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v) -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), v)) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, Data.Maybe.Maybe v #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ww ww1 ww2 w] case readMutVar# [ww w] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let-no-escape { a7 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, Data.Maybe.Maybe v #) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [s] case ww1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb ds3 ds4 ds5 ds6 -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { ds [Dmd=Just D(TAD(T)T)] :: ((GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence), GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence, v) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case ds5 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin ipv6 ipv7 ipv8 ipv9 ipv10 -> case Data.Map.Base.findMin_$s$wfindMin ipv6 ipv7 ipv8 ipv9 ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ww4 ww5 -> case ww4 of wild3 { (,) prio seq -> (,,,) [wild3 prio seq ww5]; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> case ds3 of wild3 { (,) prio seq -> (,,,) [wild3 prio seq ds4]; }; }; } in let { sat_saaY :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case ds of _ { (,,,) pseq prio seq v -> Data.Map.Base.delete $dOrd pseq ipv5; }; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_saaY ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ww2 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_saaU :: Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), v) [LclId] = \u srt:(2,*bitmap*) [] case ds of _ { (,,,) pseq prio seq v -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo1 seq ipv7; }; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_saaU ipv6] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s91j :: v [LclId] = \u [] case ds of _ { (,,,) pseq prio seq v -> v; }; } in let { sat_saaT :: Data.Maybe.Maybe v [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [sat_s91j]; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_saaT]; }; }; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> (#,#) [ipv2 Data.Maybe.Nothing]; }; }; }; } in case ipv1 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> a7 ipv; GHC.Types.True -> case writeMutVar# [ww GHC.Types.False ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ww2 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ww1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case writeMutVar# [var#1 Data.Map.Base.Tip ipv2] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { go10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: GHC.Types.IO () -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), v) -> GHC.Types.IO () [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [z' ds] case ds of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb kx x l r -> let { sat_sab6 :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [s] case x of _ { (,) k v -> case k of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_sab5 :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s921 :: (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Int.$fBoundedInt64_$cmaxBound kx]; } in Data.Map.Base.insert $dOrd sat_s921 v ipv5; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_sab5 ipv4] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> go10 z' r s2#2; }; }; Data.Maybe.Just nodeRef -> case getMaskingState# [s] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { __DEFAULT -> case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv7 ipv6] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s2#2] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_saba :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s92C :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv7 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds7 ds8 ds9 -> ds8; }; } in let { sat_s92D :: (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s92C kx]; } in Data.Map.Base.insert $dOrd sat_s92D v ipv9; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_saba ipv8] of s2#3 { __DEFAULT -> go10 z' r s2#3; }; }; }; }; }; 0 -> let { sat_sabc :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node #) [LclId] = \r [s1] case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv7 ipv6] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2#2 ipv7]; }; }; }; } in case maskAsyncExceptions# [sat_sabc ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 ipv6] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_sabb :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s93b :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv7 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds7 ds8 ds9 -> ds8; }; } in let { sat_s93c :: (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s93b kx]; } in Data.Map.Base.insert $dOrd sat_s93c v ipv9; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_sabb ipv8] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> go10 z' r s2#2; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in go10 sat_sab6 l; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> z'; }; } in let { sat_sab7 :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s] (#,#) [s GHC.Tuple.()]; } in case go10 sat_sab7 ipv3 s2#1 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 _ -> a7 ipv4; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10, [Data.Map.Base.delete, Data.Map.Base.insert, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1, $dOrd])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) v -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, Data.Maybe.Maybe v #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(AU(L)LL)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ww ww1 ww2 ww3 -> case ww1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef ww5 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10 ww5 ww2 ww3 w1; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue_$spopPriorityQueue :: forall v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) v -> GHC.Types.IO (Data.Maybe.Maybe v) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(AU(L)LL)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue_$spopPriorityQueue, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue :: forall k v. FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueueable k => FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.Types.IO (Data.Maybe.Maybe v) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [$dPriorityQueueable] let { $dEq1 [Dmd=Just L] :: GHC.Classes.Eq (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Classes.$fEq(,) GHC.Int.$fEqInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fEqSequence; } in let { $dOrd1 :: GHC.Classes.Ord (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Classes.$fOrd(,) $dEq1 GHC.Int.$fOrdInt64 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fOrdSequence; } in let { sat_sac9 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, Data.Maybe.Maybe v #) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [pq s] case pq of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> case ds1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let-no-escape { a7 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, Data.Maybe.Maybe v #) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [s1] case ds2 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb ds6 ds7 ds8 ds9 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { ds11 [Dmd=Just D(TAD(T)T)] :: ((GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence), GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence, v) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case ds8 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin ipv6 ipv7 ipv8 ipv9 ipv10 -> case Data.Map.Base.findMin_$s$wfindMin ipv6 ipv7 ipv8 ipv9 ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ww1 ww2 -> case ww1 of wild5 { (,) prio seq -> (,,,) [wild5 prio seq ww2]; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> case ds6 of wild5 { (,) prio seq -> (,,,) [wild5 prio seq ds7]; }; }; } in let { sat_sabX :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case ds11 of _ { (,,,) pseq prio seq v -> Data.Map.Base.delete $dOrd1 pseq ipv5; }; } in case writeMutVar# [var#1 sat_sabX ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ds3 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#2 -> case readMutVar# [var#2 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_sabT :: Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (k, v) [LclId] = \u srt:(2,*bitmap*) [] case ds11 of _ { (,,,) pseq prio seq v -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sdelete_$sgo1 seq ipv7; }; } in case writeMutVar# [var#2 sat_sabT ipv6] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s95u :: v [LclId] = \u [] case ds11 of _ { (,,,) pseq prio seq v -> v; }; } in let { sat_sabS :: Data.Maybe.Maybe v [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [sat_s95u]; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_sabS]; }; }; }; }; }; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> (#,#) [ipv2 Data.Maybe.Nothing]; }; }; }; } in case ipv1 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> a7 ipv; GHC.Types.True -> case writeMutVar# [var# GHC.Types.False ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ds3 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case readMutVar# [var#1 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ds2 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#2 -> case writeMutVar# [var#2 Data.Map.Base.Tip ipv2] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { go10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: GHC.Types.IO () -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (k, v) -> GHC.Types.IO () [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [z' ds6] case ds6 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb kx x l r -> let { sat_sac5 :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [s1] case x of _ { (,) k v -> case $dPriorityQueueable k s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case readMutVar# [var#2 ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_sac4 :: Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s96h :: (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv5 kx]; } in Data.Map.Base.insert $dOrd1 sat_s96h v ipv7; } in case writeMutVar# [var#2 sat_sac4 ipv6] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> go10 z' r s2#2; }; }; }; }; } in go10 sat_sac5 l; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> z'; }; } in let { sat_sac6 :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s1] (#,#) [s1 GHC.Tuple.()]; } in case go10 sat_sac6 ipv3 s2#1 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 _ -> a7 ipv4; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_sac9;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.popPriorityQueue, [Data.Map.Base.delete, Data.Map.Base.insert, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Prim.MVar# GHC.Prim.RealWorld FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Int.Int64 -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Types.Bool #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w ww w1 w2] case takeMVar# [ww w2] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of wild { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds ds2 ds3 -> case ds2 of _ { GHC.Int.I64# a7 -> case w1 of _ { GHC.Int.I64# b1 -> case ># [a7 b1] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case ds of w3 { GHC.Types.I# ww1 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wgo5 ww1 w of _ { GHC.Types.False -> let { newSerial [Dmd=Just L] :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(2,*bitmap*) [] case b1 of wild5 { __DEFAULT -> case +# [wild5 1] of sat_sacA { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Int.I64# [sat_sacA]; }; 9223372036854775807 -> GHC.Int.$fEnumInt9; }; } in let { a8 [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case newSerial of newSerial1 { GHC.Int.I64# ipv2 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [w3 newSerial1 ds3]; }; } in case seq# [a8 ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 _ -> case putMVar# [ww a8 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { go10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: GHC.Types.IO () -> Data.Map.Base.Map GHC.Int.Int64 (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.IO () [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [z' ds5] case ds5 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb kx x l r -> let { sat_sacD :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [s] case x of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar ww2 -> let { sat_sacB :: Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5 ww1 GHC.Prim.coercionToken# w; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8 sat_sacB ww2 newSerial s of _ { (#,#) ipv4 _ -> go10 z' r ipv4; }; }; } in go10 sat_sacD l; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> z'; }; } in let { sat_sacE :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s] (#,#) [s GHC.Tuple.()]; } in case go10 sat_sacE ds3 s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv4 _ -> (#,#) [ipv4 GHC.Types.True]; }; }; }; GHC.Types.True -> case putMVar# [ww wild ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Types.False]; }; }; }; GHC.Types.True -> case putMVar# [ww wild ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Types.False]; }; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo5, GHC.Int.$fEnumInt9])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.ensureBiggerThan1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Int.Int64 -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Types.Bool #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LU(L)LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1 w2 w3] case w1 of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar ww -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8 w ww w2 w3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.ensureBiggerThan1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.ensureBiggerThan :: Data.Set.Base.Set FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Int.Int64 -> GHC.Types.IO GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LU(L)LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.ensureBiggerThan1 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.ensureBiggerThan, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode1 :: GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Types.Bool #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [nodeRef iD mvTarget eta] case getMaskingState# [eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let-no-escape { $j :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Types.Bool #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ipv2 ipv3] case mvTarget of w { GHC.MVar.MVar ww -> let { sat_sacY :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds2; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8 Data.Set.Base.Tip ww sat_sacY ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_sacW :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Types.IO FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [no s] let { sat_sacV :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] case no of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds2 ds3 ds4 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo10 iD w ds4 of listeners' { __DEFAULT -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [ds2 ds3 listeners']; }; }; } in (#,#) [s sat_sacV]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 nodeRef sat_sacW ipv4 of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> (#,#) [ipv6 ipv5]; }; }; }; } in case ipv1 of _ { __DEFAULT -> case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> $j s2# ipv3; }; }; }; 0 -> let { sat_sacZ :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node #) [LclId] = \r [s] case nodeRef of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case putMVar# [mvar# ipv3 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# ipv3]; }; }; }; } in case maskAsyncExceptions# [sat_sacZ ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> $j ipv2 ipv3; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa8, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$sgo10])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode :: GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Types.IO GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode1 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newPriorityQueue1 :: forall k v. GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v #) [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta] let { sat_sade :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [0]; } in case newMutVar# [sat_sade eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case newMutVar# [GHC.Types.False ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case newMutVar# [Data.Map.Base.Tip ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case newMutVar# [Data.Map.Base.Tip ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_s99V :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (k, v)) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv7]; } in let { sat_s99Y :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv5]; } in let { sat_s99X :: GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s99W :: GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv1]; } in let { sat_sadd :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue! [sat_s99W sat_s99X sat_s99Y sat_s99V]; } in (#,#) [ipv6 sat_sadd]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newPriorityQueue1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newPriorityQueue :: forall k v. GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v) [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.newPriorityQueue1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newPriorityQueue, [])]), (sat_s9ar :: GHC.Types.IO FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition [LclId] = \r [s] case noDuplicate# [s] of s' { __DEFAULT -> case newMVar# [s'] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sadk :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [0]; } in case newMutVar# [sat_sadk ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s9ah :: GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9ai :: GHC.MVar.MVar () [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.MVar.MVar! [ipv1]; } in let { sat_sadj :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition! [sat_s9ai sat_s9ah]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sadj]; }; }; };, [(sat_s9ar, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] GHC.IO.unsafeDupablePerformIO sat_s9ar;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition, [sat_s9ar])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, a #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [task eta] case newMutVar# [GHC.Err.undefined eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition ds1 ds2 -> case ds1 of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case putMVar# [mvar# GHC.Tuple.() ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sae2 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [0]; } in case newMutVar# [sat_sae2 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case newMutVar# [GHC.Types.False ipv2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case newMutVar# [Data.Map.Base.Tip ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> case newMutVar# [Data.Map.Base.Tip ipv6] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { $s$wa [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.Prim.MutVar# GHC.Prim.RealWorld GHC.Types.Bool -> (GHC.Prim.~#) * (GHC.STRef.STRef GHC.Prim.RealWorld GHC.Types.Bool) (GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool) -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ())) -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ())) -> (GHC.Prim.~#) * (Data.Sequence.FingerTree (Data.Sequence.Elem (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()))) (Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ())) -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=9, Str=DmdType SLLLLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [sc sc1 sc2 sc3 sc4 sg sc5 sc6 sg1] let-no-escape { $w$j :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=5, Str=DmdType LLLLS, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(3,*bitmap*) [w ww ww1 ww2 ww3] case ww3 of wild2 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9bj :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(4,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sadn :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [1]; } in case Data.Sequence.$wsplitAt sat_sadn wild2 of _ { (#,#) _ ww6 -> ww6; }; } in let { sat_sadp :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [ww ww1 ww2 sat_s9bj]; } in case Data.Sequence.$windex wild2 0 sat_sadp w of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 -> $wa11 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ipv10; }; }; }; Data.Sequence.Empty -> let { sat_s9bG :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [ww ww1 ww2 Data.Sequence.Empty]; } in let { sat_sae1 :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9bG]; } in (#,#) [w sat_sae1]; }; } in case sc of wild2 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9bX :: GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [sc4]; } in let { sat_s9c1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue! [sc3 sat_s9bX sc5 sc6]; } in let { sat_s9c0 :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(4,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sadr :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [1]; } in case Data.Sequence.$wsplitAt sat_sadr wild2 of _ { (#,#) _ ww2 -> ww2; }; } in let { sat_sadt :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [sat_s9c0 sat_s9c1 Data.Sequence.Empty sc1]; } in case Data.Sequence.$windex wild2 0 sat_sadt sc2 of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww ww1 ww2 ww3 -> case $wa11 ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case ipv13 of _ { (,) ww4 ww5 -> case ww5 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 -> $w$j ipv12 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10; }; }; }; }; }; }; Data.Sequence.Empty -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10 sc4 sc5 sc6 sc2 of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> let { sat_s9cL :: GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [sc4]; } in let { sat_sadw :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue! [sc3 sat_s9cL sc5 sc6]; } in $w$j ipv10 Data.Sequence.Empty sat_sadw Data.Sequence.Empty sc1; Data.Maybe.Just ds8 -> let { sat_s9cP :: GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [sc4]; } in let { sat_s9cR :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue! [sc3 sat_s9cP sc5 sc6]; } in let { sat_sadx :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [Data.Sequence.Empty sat_s9cR Data.Sequence.Empty sc1]; } in case ds8 sat_sadx ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case ipv13 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww ww1 ww2 ww3 -> case $wa11 ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ipv12 of _ { (#,#) ipv14 ipv15 -> case ipv15 of _ { (,) ww4 ww5 -> case ww5 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 -> $w$j ipv14 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; $wa11 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=5, Str=DmdType SLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [ww ww1 ww2 ww3 w] let-no-escape { $w$j :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=5, Str=DmdType LLLLS, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(3,*bitmap*) [w1 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7] case ww7 of wild2 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9dS :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(4,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sadI :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [1]; } in case Data.Sequence.$wsplitAt sat_sadI wild2 of _ { (#,#) _ ww10 -> ww10; }; } in let { sat_sadK :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [ww4 ww5 ww6 sat_s9dS]; } in case Data.Sequence.$windex wild2 0 sat_sadK w1 of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 -> $wa11 ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 ipv10; }; }; }; Data.Sequence.Empty -> let { sat_s9ee :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [ww4 ww5 ww6 Data.Sequence.Empty]; } in let { sat_sae0 :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9ee]; } in (#,#) [w1 sat_sae0]; }; } in case ww of wild2 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9et :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(4,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sadM :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [1]; } in case Data.Sequence.$wsplitAt sat_sadM wild2 of _ { (#,#) _ ww6 -> ww6; }; } in let { sat_sadO :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [sat_s9et ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in case Data.Sequence.$windex wild2 0 sat_sadO w of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 -> case $wa11 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case ipv13 of _ { (,) ww8 ww9 -> case ww9 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 -> $w$j ipv12 ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14; }; }; }; }; }; }; Data.Sequence.Empty -> case ww1 of w1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 -> case ww5 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef ww9 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10 ww9 ww6 ww7 w of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case ww2 of wild4 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9fv :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(4,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sadR :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [1]; } in case Data.Sequence.$wsplitAt sat_sadR wild4 of _ { (#,#) _ ww12 -> ww12; }; } in let { sat_sadT :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [Data.Sequence.Empty w1 sat_s9fv ww3]; } in case Data.Sequence.$windex wild4 0 sat_sadT ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case ipv13 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 -> case $wa11 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ipv12 of _ { (#,#) ipv14 ipv15 -> case ipv15 of _ { (,) ww14 ww15 -> case ww15 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 -> $w$j ipv14 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20; }; }; }; }; }; }; Data.Sequence.Empty -> $w$j ipv10 Data.Sequence.Empty w1 Data.Sequence.Empty ww3; }; Data.Maybe.Just ds8 -> let { sat_sadX :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState! [Data.Sequence.Empty w1 ww2 ww3]; } in case ds8 sat_sadX ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case ipv13 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case s' of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 -> case $wa11 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ipv12 of _ { (#,#) ipv14 ipv15 -> case ipv15 of _ { (,) ww14 ww15 -> case ww15 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 -> $w$j ipv14 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sadB :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node), FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ())) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv9]; } in let { sat_sadC :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ())) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv7]; } in let { sat_sadD :: GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9h5 :: Data.Sequence.Elem (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s] case task eta1 s of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case writeMutVar# [ipv1 a7 ipv10] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sadA :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() s']; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_sadA]; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sadE :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Sequence.Single! [sat_s9h5]; } in case $s$wa sat_sadE Data.Sequence.Empty ipv8 sat_sadD ipv5 GHC.Prim.coercionToken# sat_sadC sat_sadB GHC.Prim.coercionToken# of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 ds8 -> case takeMVar# [mvar# ipv10] of _ { (#,#) ipv12 _ -> readMutVar# [ipv1 ipv12]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync1, [GHC.Err.undefined, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa10, FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition, Data.Sequence.$windex, Data.Sequence.$wsplitAt])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a -> GHC.Types.IO a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newNode1 :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition ds ds1 -> case ds1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_saf2 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc ipv3; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_saf2 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case newMVar# [s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_s9hS :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [0]; } in let { sat_saf1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node! [ipv1 sat_s9hS Data.Map.Base.Tip]; } in case putMVar# [ipv5 sat_saf1 ipv4] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saf0 :: GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.MVar.MVar! [ipv5]; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_saf0]; }; }; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newNode1, [GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc, FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newNode :: GHC.Types.IO (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.newNode1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newNode, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.newNode1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleLast1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [task eta1 s] let { sat_s9if :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> let { sat_saf9 :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u [] Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds2 task; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds ds1 sat_saf9 ds3]; }; } in let { sat_safa :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9if]; } in (#,#) [s sat_safa];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleLast1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleLast :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleLast1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleLast, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleEarly1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [task eta1 s] let { sat_s9iy :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> let { sat_safc :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u [] Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds task; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [sat_safc ds1 ds2 ds3]; }; } in let { sat_safd :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9iy]; } in (#,#) [s sat_safd];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleEarly1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleEarly :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleEarly1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.scheduleEarly, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [doListen eta s] case newMVar# [s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_s9iL :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s1] (#,#) [s1 GHC.Tuple.()]; } in let { sat_safi :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [sat_s9iL]; } in case putMVar# [ipv1 sat_safi ipv] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9jy :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u [] case eta of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 -> let { sat_safg :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9js :: Data.Sequence.Elem (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] case takeMVar# [ipv1 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case putMVar# [ipv1 Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv2] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saff :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta1]; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_saff]; }; Data.Maybe.Just ds6 -> case doListen eta1 ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_safk :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a7]; } in case putMVar# [ipv1 sat_safk ipv4] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_safj :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() s']; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_safj]; }; }; }; }; }; } in Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds1 sat_s9js; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [sat_safg ds2 ds3 ds4]; }; } in let { sat_s9jz :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.MVar.MVar! [ipv1]; } in let { sat_safh :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9jz sat_s9jy]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_safh]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.later :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Unlistener [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.later, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [initA ea eta s] let { sat_safK :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState a [LclId] = \u [] case initA of initA1 { __DEFAULT -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState [initA1 Data.Maybe.Nothing]; }; } in case newMutVar# [sat_safK s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_safI :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9kT :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [a7 eta1 s1] case readMutVar# [ipv1 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_safw :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState a [LclId] = \u [] case a7 of a8 { __DEFAULT -> case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState ds2 ds3 -> let { sat_safs :: Data.Maybe.Maybe a [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a8]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState [ds2 sat_safs]; }; }; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv1 sat_safw ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ipv3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState ds2 ds3 -> case ds3 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> let { sat_s9kO :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds4 ds5 ds6 ds7 -> let { sat_safu :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9kK :: Data.Sequence.Elem (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9kI :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [s2] case readMutVar# [ipv1 s2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_saft :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState a [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case ipv5 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState ds9 ds10 -> case ds10 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> Data.Maybe.fromJust1; Data.Maybe.Just x -> case x of newCurrent { __DEFAULT -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState [newCurrent Data.Maybe.Nothing]; }; }; }; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv1 sat_saft ipv4] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2#1 GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; } in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO sat_s9kI; } in Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds6 sat_s9kK; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds4 ds5 sat_safu ds7]; }; } in let { sat_safv :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9kO]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_safv]; Data.Maybe.Just ipv4 -> let { sat_safy :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta1]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_safy]; }; }; }; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen ea Data.Maybe.Nothing GHC.Types.False sat_s9kT; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_safI eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_safD :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s1] case a7 of _ { GHC.MVar.MVar mvar# -> case takeMVar# [mvar# s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case putMVar# [mvar# Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; Data.Maybe.Just v -> case v ipv4 of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> case putMVar# [mvar# Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv6] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> (#,#) [s2# GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_s9lh :: GHC.Types.IO a [LclId] = \r [s1] case readMutVar# [ipv1 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_safB :: a [LclId] = \u [] case ipv5 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState ds3 ds4 -> ds3; }; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_safB]; }; } in let { sat_safE :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s9lh ea]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeSample sat_safE sat_safD ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_s9lS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a [LclId] = \u [] case ipv5 of sample1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ipv6 ipv7 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [ea sample1]; }; } in let { sat_safC :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9lS s']; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_safC]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1, [Data.Maybe.fromJust1, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPrioritized1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S(AU(AU(L)AA)AA)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta s] case eta of wild { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> case ds1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds4 ds5 ds6 ds7 -> case ds5 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case writeMutVar# [var# GHC.Types.True s] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sag4 :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() wild]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sag4]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPrioritized1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPrioritized :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [GblId, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPrioritized1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.dirtyPrioritized, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 :: forall a. GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (), GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition ds ds1 -> case ds1 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case readMutVar# [var# eta] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case readMutVar# [var# ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sah9 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID [LclId] = \u srt:(4,*bitmap*) [] GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc ipv3; } in case writeMutVar# [var# sat_sah9 ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case newMVar# [s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_s9mI :: GHC.Int.Int64 [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [0]; } in let { sat_sah8 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node! [ipv1 sat_s9mI Data.Map.Base.Tip]; } in case putMVar# [ipv5 sat_sah8 ipv4] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> case newMVar# [s2#1] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_s9mS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [0]; } in let { sat_sah6 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer! [sat_s9mS Data.Map.Base.Tip GHC.Types.[]]; } in case putMVar# [ipv7 sat_sah6 ipv6] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing s2#2] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 _ -> case newMVar# [ipv8] of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> let { sat_sah4 :: GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [s] case noDuplicate# [s] of s' { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv11 s']; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_sah4 ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 _ -> let { mvObs :: GHC.MVar.MVar (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a) [LclId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.MVar.MVar! [ipv7]; } in let { ipv14 :: GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.MVar.MVar! [ipv5]; } in let { sat_sah1 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [mMvTarget suppressEarlierFirings handle] let { a7 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a, ([a], GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID)) #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(2,*bitmap*) [ob s] let { iD [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case ob of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds9 ds10 ds11 -> ds9; }; } in let { sat_s9oI :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r srt:(3,*bitmap*) [s1] let { sat_sagh :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a) [LclId] = \r srt:(3,*bitmap*) [ob1 s2] let { sat_sagd :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a [LclId] = \u srt:(3,*bitmap*) [] case ob1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds9 ds10 ds11 -> case iD of _ { GHC.Int.I64# ww -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 ww ds10 of listeners' { __DEFAULT -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer [ds9 listeners' ds11]; }; }; }; } in (#,#) [s2 sat_sagd]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 mvObs sat_sagh s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv15 _ -> let { sat_sagf :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node -> GHC.Types.IO FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = \r srt:(3,*bitmap*) [no s2] let { sat_sage :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [LclId] = \u srt:(3,*bitmap*) [] case no of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node ds10 ds11 ds12 -> case iD of _ { GHC.Int.I64# ww -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10 ww ds12 of listeners' { __DEFAULT -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [ds10 ds11 listeners']; }; }; }; } in (#,#) [s2 sat_sage]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 ipv14 sat_sagf ipv15 of _ { (#,#) ipv17 _ -> (#,#) [ipv17 GHC.Tuple.()]; }; }; } in let { sat_s9oH :: [a] [LclId] = \u [] case ob of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds9 ds10 ds11 -> GHC.List.reverse1 ds11 GHC.Types.[]; }; } in let { sat_s9oK :: ([a], GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,,)! [sat_s9oH sat_s9oI iD]; } in let { sat_s9oL :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a [LclId] = \u srt:(2,*bitmap*) [] case iD of _ { GHC.Int.I64# a8 -> case a8 of wild3 { __DEFAULT -> case ob of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds9 ds10 ds11 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10 wild3 handle ds10 of listeners' { __DEFAULT -> case +# [wild3 1] of sat_s9nK { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sagj :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Int.I64#! [sat_s9nK]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer [sat_sagj listeners' ds11]; }; }; }; 9223372036854775807 -> GHC.Int.$fEnumInt9; }; }; } in let { sat_sagk :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a, ([a], GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID)) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9oL sat_s9oK]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sagk]; } in let { sat_sagt :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta1 s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar1 mvObs a7 s of _ { (#,#) ipv15 ipv16 -> case ipv16 of _ { (,,) firings unlisten iD -> case mMvTarget of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case suppressEarlierFirings of _ { GHC.Types.False -> let { a8 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta2 s1] let { sat_sago :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta2]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_sago]; } in let { go [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [ds10] case ds10 of _ { [] -> a8; : y ys -> let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] handle y; } in let { ys1 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] go ys; } in let { sat_sagq :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta2 s1] case rma eta2 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv17 ipv18 -> case ipv18 of _ { (,) a9 s' -> ys1 s' ipv17; }; }; } in sat_sagq; }; } in case go firings eta1 ipv15 of _ { (#,#) ipv17 ipv18 -> case ipv18 of _ { (,) a9 s' -> let { sat_sagp :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [unlisten s']; } in (#,#) [ipv17 sat_sagp]; }; }; GHC.Types.True -> let { sat_sagI :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [unlisten eta1]; } in (#,#) [ipv15 sat_sagI]; }; Data.Maybe.Just mvTarget -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode1 ipv14 iD mvTarget ipv15 of _ { (#,#) ipv17 ipv18 -> case case suppressEarlierFirings of _ { GHC.Types.False -> let { a8 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta2 s1] let { sat_sagv :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta2]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_sagv]; } in let { go [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [ds11] case ds11 of _ { [] -> a8; : y ys -> let { rma1 [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] handle y; } in let { ys1 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] go ys; } in let { sat_sagw :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta2 s1] case rma1 eta2 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv19 ipv20 -> case ipv20 of _ { (,) a9 s' -> ys1 s' ipv19; }; }; } in sat_sagw; }; } in go firings; GHC.Types.True -> let { sat_sagH :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta2 s1] let { sat_s9qB :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta2]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_s9qB]; } in sat_sagH; } of rma [Dmd=Just C(C(U(LU(AL))))] { __DEFAULT -> case ipv18 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case rma eta1 ipv17 of _ { (#,#) ipv19 ipv20 -> case ipv20 of _ { (,) a8 s' -> let { sat_sagu :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [unlisten s']; } in (#,#) [ipv19 sat_sagu]; }; }; GHC.Types.True -> case eta1 of wild5 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds11 ds12 ds13 ds14 -> case ds12 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue ds15 ds16 ds17 ds18 -> case ds16 of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var#1 -> case writeMutVar# [var#1 GHC.Types.True ipv17] of s2#3 { __DEFAULT -> case rma wild5 s2#3 of _ { (#,#) ipv19 ipv20 -> case ipv20 of _ { (,) a8 s' -> let { sat_sagy :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [unlisten s']; } in (#,#) [ipv19 sat_sagy]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_sagt; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.wrap sat_sah1 ipv12 of _ { (#,#) ipv15 ipv16 -> case putMVar# [ipv11 ipv16 ipv15] of s2#3 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9tl :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [a7] let { a8 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a) #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ob s] let { sat_s9rJ :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a [LclId] = \u [] case ob of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds10 ds11 ds12 -> let { sat_sagJ :: [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS :! [a7 ds12]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer [ds10 ds11 sat_sagJ]; }; } in let { sat_sagK :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9rJ ob]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sagK]; } in let { sat_sagX :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [eta1 s] case seq# [a7 s] of _ { (#,#) ipv17 _ -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.modifyMVar1 mvObs a8 ipv17 of _ { (#,#) ipv19 ipv20 -> case ipv20 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds12 ds13 ds14 -> let-no-escape { $w$j :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [w ww] let { go10 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () -> Data.Map.Base.Map GHC.Int.Int64 (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [z' ds15] case ds15 of _ { Data.Map.Base.Bin rb kx x l r -> let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] x a7; } in let { k :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] go10 z' r; } in let { sat_sagL :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId] = \r [eta2 s1] case rma eta2 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv21 ipv22 -> case ipv22 of _ { (,) a9 s' -> k s' ipv21; }; }; } in go10 sat_sagL l; Data.Map.Base.Tip -> z'; }; } in let { sat_sagO :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId] = \r [eta2 s1] let { sat_sagN :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta2]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_sagN]; } in go10 sat_sagO ds13 ww w; } in case ds14 of _ { [] -> let { sat_sagT :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds15 ds16 ds17 ds18 -> let { sat_sagS :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9td :: Data.Sequence.Elem (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9t9 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a) [LclId] = \r [ob s1] let { sat_sagR :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer (GHC.Prim.Any *) a [LclId] = \u [] case ob of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer ds19 ds20 ds21 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer [ds19 ds20 GHC.Types.[]]; }; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_sagR]; } in let { sat_s9tb :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode2 mvObs sat_s9t9 eta_B1; } in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO sat_s9tb; } in Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds17 sat_s9td; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds15 ds16 sat_sagS ds18]; }; } in $w$j ipv19 sat_sagT; : ds15 ds16 -> $w$j ipv19 eta1; }; }; }; }; } in sat_sagX; } in let { sat_sah0 :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (), GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,,)! [ipv16 sat_s9tl ipv14]; } in (#,#) [s2#3 sat_sah0]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkNode1, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$sinsert_$s$sgo10, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$sgo10, GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt_$csucc, FRP.Sodium.Plain.partition, GHC.Int.$fEnumInt9])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventImpl :: forall p a. GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (), GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventImpl, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*> :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e1 s1 -> case w1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e2 s2 -> let { sat_saia :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample b [LclId] = \u [] case s1 of wild2 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds ds1 -> case ds of nt { __DEFAULT -> case s2 of wild3 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds2 ds3 -> case ds2 of nt1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sai1 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [wild2 wild3]; } in let { sat_sai2 :: GHC.Types.IO b [LclId] = \r [s] case nt s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case nt1 ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sai0 :: b [LclId] = \u [] ipv1 ipv3; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sai0]; }; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample [sat_sai2 sat_sai1]; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_s9vE :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [e1 e2]; } in let { sat_s9vG :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing s2; } in let { sat_s9vF :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen b) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case s1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds ds1 -> case ds s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case newMutVar# [ipv1 ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case s2 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds4 ds5 -> case ds4 ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case newMutVar# [ipv5 ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 ipv6 of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> case ipv9 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] let { sat_s9uw :: (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [f eta1 s3] case writeMutVar# [ipv3 f s3] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case readMutVar# [ipv7 s2#] of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> let { sat_sai3 :: b [LclId] = \u [] f ipv11; } in push sat_sai3 eta1 ipv10; }; }; } in let { sat_s9ux :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen e1 sat_s9ux GHC.Types.False sat_s9uw; } in let { sat_sai9 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s3] case rma eta1 s3 of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sai6 :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [a8 eta2 s4] case readMutVar# [ipv3 s4] of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case writeMutVar# [ipv7 a8 ipv12] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sai4 :: b [LclId] = \u [] ipv13 a8; } in push sat_sai4 eta2 s2#; }; }; } in let { sat_sai7 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen e2 sat_sai7 GHC.Types.False sat_sai6 s' ipv10 of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> case ipv13 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_s9vl :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s4] case a7 s4 of _ { (#,#) ipv14 _ -> a8 ipv14; }; } in let { sat_sai5 :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9vl s'1]; } in (#,#) [ipv12 sat_sai5]; }; }; }; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sai9 eta ipv8 of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case ipv11 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv10; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_saib :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event b [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [sat_s9vF sat_s9vG sat_s9vE]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [sat_saib sat_saia]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*>, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c<*> [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (a -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SSm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*> eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c<*>, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*>])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior1 :: forall a b. a -> b -> b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType AS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds eta] eta;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<* :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e s -> case s of wild1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds ds1 -> case ds of nt { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa GHC.Base.const e of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> let { sat_s9wO :: GHC.Types.IO (b -> a) [LclId] = \r [s1] case nt s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_saiB :: b -> a [LclId] = \r [ds3] ipv1; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_saiB]; }; } in let { sat_s9wQ :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample (b -> a) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s9wO wild1]; } in let { sat_saiC :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (b -> a) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in let { sat_saiD :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b -> a) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior! [sat_saiC sat_s9wQ]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*> sat_saiD w1; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*>])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c<* [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SSm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<* eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c<*, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*>])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c*> :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e s -> case s of wild1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds ds1 -> case ds of nt { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior1 e of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> let { sat_s9xq :: GHC.Types.IO (b -> b) [LclId] = \r [s1] case nt s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> let { sat_saiI :: b -> b [LclId] = \r [eta] eta; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_saiI]; }; } in let { sat_s9xs :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample (b -> b) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s9xq wild1]; } in let { sat_saiJ :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (b -> b) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in let { sat_saiK :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b -> b) [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior! [sat_saiJ sat_s9xs]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*> sat_saiK w1; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c*>, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*>])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c*> [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SSm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c*> eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c*>, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$w$c<*>])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain) [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Control.Applicative.D:Applicative! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorBehavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c<*> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c*> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior_$c<*];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wswitchE :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] case w of wild { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds ds1 -> case ds of nt { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event ipv ipv1 ipv2 -> let { depRef [Dmd=Just L] :: GHC.IORef.IORef (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef GHC.Err.undefined wild; } in let { sat_saj3 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [nt depRef]; } in let { sat_saj4 :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing wild; } in let { sat_saj5 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv3 ipv4 -> case ipv4 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv3] of _ { (#,#) ipv5 ipv6 -> let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(3,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample wild; } in let { sat_saj2 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] case rma eta1 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv7 ipv8 -> case ipv8 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_saj1 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen a7 sat_saj1 GHC.Types.False push s' ipv7 of _ { (#,#) ipv9 ipv10 -> case ipv10 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_saj0 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a8]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv6 sat_saj0 ipv9] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saiX :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [ea] let { rm :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] let { sat_s9yy :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen ea sat_s9yy GHC.Types.True push; } in let { a9 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta2 s2] case readMutVar# [ipv6 s2] of _ { (#,#) ipv11 ipv12 -> case ipv12 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case depRef of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case writeMutVar# [var# ea ipv11] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> case rm eta2 s2#1 of _ { (#,#) ipv13 ipv14 -> case ipv14 of _ { (,) a10 s'2 -> let { sat_saiR :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a10]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv6 sat_saiR ipv13] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saiQ :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() s'2]; } in (#,#) [s2#2 sat_saiQ]; }; }; }; }; }; Data.Maybe.Just v -> case v ipv11 of _ { (#,#) ipv13 _ -> case depRef of _ { GHC.STRef.STRef var# -> case writeMutVar# [var# ea ipv13] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> case rm eta2 s2#1 of _ { (#,#) ipv15 ipv16 -> case ipv16 of _ { (,) a10 s'2 -> let { sat_saiU :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a10]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv6 sat_saiU ipv15] of s2#2 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saiT :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() s'2]; } in (#,#) [s2#2 sat_saiT]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_saiS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta2 s2] let { sat_s9zJ :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u [] case eta2 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds6 ds7 ds8 ds9 -> let { sat_s9zM :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u [] Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds8 a9; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds6 ds7 sat_s9zM ds9]; }; } in let { sat_s9zN :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9zJ]; } in (#,#) [s2 sat_s9zN]; } in sat_saiS; } in let { sat_saiY :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen nt sat_saiY GHC.Types.False sat_saiX s'1 s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv11 ipv12 -> case ipv12 of _ { (,) a9 s'2 -> let { sat_s9Ah :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s2] case a9 s2 of _ { (#,#) ipv13 _ -> case readMutVar# [ipv6 ipv13] of _ { (#,#) ipv15 ipv16 -> case ipv16 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> (#,#) [ipv15 GHC.Tuple.()]; Data.Maybe.Just v -> v ipv15; }; }; }; } in let { sat_saiW :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Ah s'2]; } in (#,#) [ipv11 sat_saiW]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_saj2 eta ipv5 of _ { (#,#) ipv7 ipv8 -> case ipv8 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv7; }; }; }; }; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [sat_saj5 sat_saj4 sat_saj3]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wswitchE, [GHC.Err.undefined, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.switchE [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Sm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wswitchE eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.switchE, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wswitchE])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event c [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1 w2] case w2 of wild { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds ds1 -> case ds1 of wild1 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds2 ds3 -> case ds2 of nt { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sajz :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [w1 wild1]; } in let { sat_sajA :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen c)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing wild; } in let { sat_sajB :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen c) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { sat_sajy :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9Bh :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [a7 eta1 s1] case nt s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sajx :: c [LclId] = \u [] w a7 ipv3; } in push sat_sajx eta1 ipv2; }; } in let { sat_s9Bi :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w1 sat_s9Bi GHC.Types.False sat_s9Bh; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sajy eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [sat_sajB sat_sajA sat_sajz]; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.snapshotWith [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event c [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLSm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.snapshotWith, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] let { sat_sajT :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w; } in let { sat_sajU :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [GHC.Types.True ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sajS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta1 s1] case newMVar# [s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_sajQ :: GHC.Types.IO (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \r [s2] case noDuplicate# [s2] of s' { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv5 s']; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_sajQ ipv4 of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { unlisten :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case ipv7 of _ { (,) a7 ds4 -> a7; }; } in let { sat_sajM :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [a7 eta2 s2] case readMutVar# [ipv3 s2] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> case ipv9 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> let { sat_sajJ :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta2]; } in (#,#) [ipv8 sat_sajJ]; GHC.Types.True -> case writeMutVar# [ipv3 GHC.Types.False ipv8] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sajP :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case eta2 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds5 ds6 ds7 ds8 -> let { sat_sajO :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9CG :: Data.Sequence.Elem (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict.$w$cliftIO Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO unlisten; } in Data.Sequence.filter_snocTree ds7 sat_s9CG; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds5 ds6 sat_sajO ds8]; }; } in push a7 sat_sajP s2#; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sajN :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w sat_sajN GHC.Types.False sat_sajM eta1 ipv6 of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> case ipv9 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sajL :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s']; } in case putMVar# [ipv5 sat_sajL ipv8] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sajK :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s']; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sajK]; }; }; }; }; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sajS eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv4; }; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_sajU sat_sajT w];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain2 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2 w of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain2, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.once :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.once, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain => FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType ALm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [$dContext eta] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain2 eta;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain_$conce :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain => FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType ALm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain_$conce, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventLinked1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (), GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [d eta] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 eta of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) listen1 push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s9DX :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9DW :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s] let { sat_sak9 :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [listen1 eta1]; } in (#,#) [s sat_sak9]; } in let { sat_s9E1 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [sat_s9DW sat_s9DX d]; } in let { sat_saka :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (), GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,,)! [sat_s9E1 push nodeRef]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_saka]; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventLinked1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventLinked :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (), GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventLinked1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEventLinked, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) listen1 push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s9Et :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9Es :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] let { sat_sake :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [listen1 eta1]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_sake]; } in let { sat_s9Ew :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [sat_s9Es sat_s9Et GHC.Err.undefined]; } in let { sat_s9Ez :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Ew push]; } in let { sat_sakf :: ((FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Ez eta]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_sakf]; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent1, [GHC.Err.undefined, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa7 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] let { sat_sako :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [w w1]; } in let { sat_sakp :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w1; } in let { sat_sakq :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] let { sat_s9ET :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w sat_s9ET GHC.Types.False push; } in let { sat_sakn :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] case rma eta1 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_sakl :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w1 sat_sakl GHC.Types.False push s' ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_s9Fs :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s2] case a7 s2 of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> a8 ipv6; }; } in let { sat_sakk :: (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Fs s'1]; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_sakk]; }; }; }; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sakn eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_sakq sat_sakp sat_sako];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa7, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa7 w w1 of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa7])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa7])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] let { sat_sakD :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w; } in let { sat_sakE :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { sat_sakC :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9Gp :: Data.Maybe.Maybe a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [ma] case ma of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> let { sat_sakB :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] let { sat_s9Gj :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta1]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_s9Gj]; } in sat_sakB; Data.Maybe.Just a7 -> push a7; }; } in let { sat_s9Gq :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w sat_s9Gq GHC.Types.False sat_s9Gp; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sakC eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_sakE sat_sakD w];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterJust1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6 w of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterJust1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterJust :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterJust1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterJust, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa4 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a) -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] let { sat_sakM :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w; } in let { sat_sakN :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { sat_sakL :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9Hn :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [action eta1 s1] case action eta1 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> push a7 s' ipv2; }; }; } in let { sat_s9Ho :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w sat_s9Ho GHC.Types.False sat_s9Hn; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sakL eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_sakN sat_sakM w];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa4, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.execute1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa4 w of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.execute1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.execute :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.execute1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.execute, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5 :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] let { sat_sakW :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w; } in let { sat_sakX :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { sat_sakV :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9I5 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in w sat_s9I5 GHC.Types.False push; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_sakV eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_sakX sat_sakW w1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.eventify1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5 w w1 of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.eventify1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.eventify :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.eventify1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.eventify, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePrioritized1 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType SLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [mNodeRef task eta s] let { sat_sal4 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) [LclId] = \u [] case eta of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> ds1; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2 sat_sal4 mNodeRef task s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sal3 :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv1 eta]; } in (#,#) [ipv sat_sal3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePrioritized1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePrioritized :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePrioritized1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePrioritized, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.value2 :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=6, Str=DmdType LLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [listen1 mNodeRef suppressEarlierFirings handle eta s] case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_salk :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [a7 eta1 s1] case readMutVar# [ipv1 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_salh :: Data.Maybe.Maybe a [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a7]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv1 sat_salh ipv2] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ipv3 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> let { sat_salc :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta2 s2] case readMutVar# [ipv1 s2] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case GHC.CString.unpackCString# "Pattern match failure in do expression at src/FRP/Sodium/Plain.hs:834:13-18" of sat_sala { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Err.error sat_sala; }; Data.Maybe.Just a8 -> case writeMutVar# [ipv1 Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv4] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> handle a8 eta2 s2#1; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sald :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds2 ds3 ds4 ds5 -> ds3; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2 sat_sald mNodeRef sat_salc s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { sat_salb :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv5 eta1]; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_salb]; }; Data.Maybe.Just ipv4 -> let { sat_sali :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta1]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sali]; }; }; }; } in listen1 mNodeRef suppressEarlierFirings sat_salk eta ipv; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.value2, [GHC.Err.error, FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.lastFiringOnly :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.value2 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.lastFiringOnly, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.value2])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=6, Str=DmdType LLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ba eta eta1 eta2 eta3 eta4] let { sat_salw :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [mNodeRef suppressEarlierFirings handle] let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample ba; } in let { sat_salt :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (GHC.Types.IO (), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta5 s] case rma eta5 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case handle a7 s' ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_sals :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = \u [] case ba of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds _ -> ds; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen sat_sals mNodeRef suppressEarlierFirings handle s'1 ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in sat_salt; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.value2 sat_salw eta eta1 eta2 eta3 eta4;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.value2, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.listenValueRaw :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.listenValueRaw, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wvalue :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] case w of wild { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds ds1 -> case ds1 of sa { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ipv ipv1 -> case ds of nt { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event ipv2 ipv3 ipv4 -> let { sat_salC :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sa nt]; } in let { sat_salD :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1 wild eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5 sat_salD sat_salC of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wvalue, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa5])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.value [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Sm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wvalue eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.value, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wvalue])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.values :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Sm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.value eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.values, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wvalue])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.switch :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [bba] let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(3,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample bba; } in let { sat_salX :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case rma eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> case newMutVar# [a7 ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample a7 s' ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a8 s'1 -> let { sat_salV :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) [LclId] = \u [] case bba of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds3 _ -> ds3; }; } in case seq# [sat_salV ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 _ -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 ipv6 of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> case ipv9 of _ { (,,) listen1 push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv8] of _ { (#,#) ipv10 ipv11 -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv10] of _ { (#,#) ipv12 ipv13 -> let { sat_salS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [ba] let { a9 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in let { sat_salM :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [eta1 s1] case readMutVar# [ipv13 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv14 ipv15 -> case ipv15 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case writeMutVar# [ipv3 ba ipv14] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1 ba a9 GHC.Types.False push eta1 s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv16 ipv17 -> case ipv17 of _ { (,) a10 s'2 -> let { sat_salL :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a10]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv13 sat_salL ipv16] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_salK :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() s'2]; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_salK]; }; }; }; }; Data.Maybe.Just v -> case v ipv14 of _ { (#,#) ipv16 _ -> case writeMutVar# [ipv3 ba ipv16] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1 ba a9 GHC.Types.False push eta1 s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv18 ipv19 -> case ipv19 of _ { (,) a10 s'2 -> let { sat_salO :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [a10]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv13 sat_salO ipv18] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_salN :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() s'2]; } in (#,#) [s2#1 sat_salN]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_salM; } in let { sat_salT :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1 bba sat_salT GHC.Types.False sat_salS s'1 ipv12 of _ { (#,#) ipv14 ipv15 -> case ipv15 of _ { (,) a9 s'2 -> let { sat_salR :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9NG :: GHC.Types.IO () [LclId] = \r [s1] case a9 s1 of _ { (#,#) ipv16 _ -> case readMutVar# [ipv13 ipv16] of _ { (#,#) ipv18 ipv19 -> case ipv19 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> (#,#) [ipv18 GHC.Tuple.()]; Data.Maybe.Just v -> v ipv18; }; }; }; } in let { sat_s9Nk :: GHC.IORef.IORef (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9Nm :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [bba sat_s9Nk]; } in let { sat_s9NE :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv11]; } in let { sat_s9NF :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] let { sat_salQ :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [listen1 eta1]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_salQ]; } in let { sat_s9NH :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [sat_s9NF sat_s9NE sat_s9Nm]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.finalizeEvent sat_s9NH sat_s9NG; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 a8 sat_salR s'2 ipv14; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_salX;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.switch, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1, FRP.Sodium.Plain.value1, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] let { sat_samy :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w1; } in let { sat_samz :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_samx :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_s9P6 :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [a7 eta1 s1] case readMutVar# [ipv3 s1] of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case readMutVar# [ipv3 ipv4] of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> let { sat_s9Op :: a [LclId] = \u [] case ipv7 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> a7; Data.Maybe.Just a0 -> w a0 a7; }; } in let { sat_samu :: Data.Maybe.Maybe a [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [sat_s9Op]; } in case writeMutVar# [ipv3 sat_samu ipv6] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> case ipv5 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> let { sat_samo :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain () [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta2 s2] case readMutVar# [ipv3 s2] of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> case ipv9 of _ { Data.Maybe.Nothing -> case GHC.CString.unpackCString# "Pattern match failure in do expression at src/FRP/Sodium/Plain.hs:371:17-24" of sat_samm { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Err.error sat_samm; }; Data.Maybe.Just out -> case writeMutVar# [ipv3 Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv8] of s2#1 { __DEFAULT -> push out eta2 s2#1; }; }; }; } in let { sat_samp :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in let { sat_samq :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds4 ds5 ds6 ds7 -> ds5; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2 sat_samq sat_samp sat_samo s2# of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_samn :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [ipv9 eta1]; } in (#,#) [ipv8 sat_samn]; }; Data.Maybe.Just ipv8 -> let { sat_samv :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() eta1]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_samv]; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_s9P7 :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w1 sat_s9P7 GHC.Types.False sat_s9P6; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_samx eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv4; }; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_samz sat_samy w1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3, [GHC.Err.error, FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce2, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3 w w1 of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePost1 :: [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()] -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [tasks eta1 s] let { sat_s9PR :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds ds1 ds2 ds3 -> let { sat_samP :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u [] case Data.Sequence.fromList1 Data.Sequence.Empty tasks of sat_samO { __DEFAULT -> Data.Sequence.><1 sat_samO ds3; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds ds1 ds2 sat_samP]; }; } in let { sat_samQ :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9PR]; } in (#,#) [s sat_samQ];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePost1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePost :: [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()] -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePost1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.schedulePost, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [a] -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] let { sat_samU :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.unsafeNewIORef Data.Maybe.Nothing w; } in let { sat_samV :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) l push nodeRef -> let { sat_samT :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ()) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_s9QB :: [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive () [LclId] = \r [as] let { tasks [Dmd=Just L] :: [FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()] [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.Base.map push as; } in let { sat_samS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] let { sat_s9Qt :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState ds ds2 ds3 ds4 -> let { sat_s9Qx :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [LclId] = \u [] case Data.Sequence.fromList1 Data.Sequence.Empty tasks of sat_s9Qw { __DEFAULT -> Data.Sequence.><1 sat_s9Qw ds4; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [ds ds2 ds3 sat_s9Qx]; }; } in let { sat_s9Qy :: ((), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [GHC.Tuple.() sat_s9Qt]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_s9Qy]; } in sat_samS; } in let { sat_s9QC :: Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Maybe.Just! [nodeRef]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.linkedListen w sat_s9QC GHC.Types.False sat_s9QB; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split3 sat_samT eta ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.split2 a7 l s' ipv2; }; }; }; }; } in (#,,#) [sat_samV sat_samU w];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa1, [Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.split1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa1 w of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.split1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.split :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType Lm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.split1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.split, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Context FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context! [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeReactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadReactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fMonadFixReactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fFunctorEvent FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fApplicativeBehavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.sync1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.newEvent1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.listen FRP.Sodium.Plain.constant2 FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterJust1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.updates_ FRP.Sodium.Plain.value FRP.Sodium.Plain.snapshotWith FRP.Sodium.Plain.switchE FRP.Sodium.Plain.switch FRP.Sodium.Plain.execute1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample FRP.Sodium.Plain.coalesce1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain1 FRP.Sodium.Plain.split1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$fContextPlain, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.snapshot :: forall a b. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior b -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event b [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshot1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.snapshot, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehaviour1 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w1 eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) listen1 push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s9Rt :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9Rs :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] let { sat_san1 :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [listen1 eta1]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_san1]; } in let { sat_san3 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [sat_s9Rs sat_s9Rt GHC.Err.undefined]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 w1 sat_san3 eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_s9RJ :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 push]; } in let { sat_san2 :: ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9RJ s']; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_san2]; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehaviour1, [GHC.Err.undefined, FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehaviour :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehaviour1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehaviour, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehaviour1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehavior1 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w1 eta s] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,,) listen1 push nodeRef -> case newMutVar# [Data.Maybe.Nothing ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s9Sc :: GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.STRef.STRef! [ipv3]; } in let { sat_s9Sb :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) [LclId] = \r [eta1 s1] let { sat_sana :: (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [listen1 eta1]; } in (#,#) [s1 sat_sana]; } in let { sat_sanc :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [sat_s9Sb sat_s9Sc GHC.Err.undefined]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 w1 sat_sanc eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_s9Ss :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 push]; } in let { sat_sanb :: ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain ()), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Ss s']; } in (#,#) [ipv4 sat_sanb]; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehavior1, [GHC.Err.undefined, FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1, FRP.Sodium.Plain.split4])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehavior :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehavior1 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehavior, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.newBehavior1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.mergeWith1 :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [f ea eb] let { sat_sanj :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.merge1 ea eb; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3 f sat_sanj of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.mergeWith1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa7, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.mergeWith :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.mergeWith1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.mergeWith, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.mergeWith1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.gate1 :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain GHC.Types.Bool -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ea x] let { sat_sanl :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith FRP.Sodium.Context.gate1 ea x; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6 sat_sanl of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.gate1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.gate :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior GHC.Types.Bool -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.gate1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.gate, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.gate1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa9 :: forall a. (a -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> (# FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a), GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] let { sat_sano :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_sann :: a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe a [LclId] = \r [a7] case w a7 of _ { GHC.Types.False -> Data.Maybe.Nothing []; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Maybe.Just [a7]; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa sat_sann w1 of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; }; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6 sat_sano;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa9, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterE1 [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a. (a -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa9 w w1 of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterE1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterE :: forall a. (a -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType LLm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterE1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.filterE, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa6])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.count :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior GHC.Types.Int) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [x] let { a7 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina (GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa FRP.Sodium.Context.count2 x of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; }; } in let { sat_sanx :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain GHC.Types.Int, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta s] case newMVar# [s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sanv :: GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain GHC.Types.Int, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \r [s1] case noDuplicate# [s1] of s' { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv1 s']; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_sanv ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sanu :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case ipv3 of _ { (,) a8 ds2 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith GHC.Base.$ a7 a8; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 FRP.Sodium.Context.count1 sat_sanu eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a8 s' -> let { sat_sant :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain GHC.Types.Int, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a8 s']; } in case putMVar# [ipv1 sat_sant ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sans :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain GHC.Types.Int, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a8 s']; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sans]; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_sanx;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.count, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith, FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.collectE1 :: forall a s b. (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=5, Str=DmdType LLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w1 w2 w3 eta s] case newMVar# [s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_sanH :: GHC.Types.IO ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \r [s1] case noDuplicate# [s1] of s' { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv1 s']; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_sanH ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sanG :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event s [LclId] = \u [] case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 ds2 -> case a7 of _ { (,) es eb -> es; }; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 w2 sat_sanG eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { ebs [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith w1 w3 a7; } in let { a8 [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina b [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa Data.Tuple.fst ebs of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; }; } in let { sat_s9V8 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain s [LclId] = \u [] case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa Data.Tuple.snd ebs of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; }; } in let { sat_s9Vb :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9V8 a8]; } in let { sat_sanF :: ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Vb s']; } in case putMVar# [ipv1 sat_sanF ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sanE :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a8 s']; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sanE]; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.collectE1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith, FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.collectE :: forall a s b. (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event b) [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.collectE1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.collectE, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.collectE1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.collect :: forall a s b. (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior b) [GblId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w1 w2 w3] let { rma [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(3,*bitmap*) [] FRP.Sodium.Plain.sample w3; } in let { a7 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sanS :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = \u [] case w3 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior ds _ -> ds; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3 FRP.Sodium.Context.collect1 sat_sanS of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [ww1 ww2 ww3]; }; } in let { sat_saoa :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [LclId] = \r srt:(1,*bitmap*) [eta s] case rma eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv1 of _ { (,) a8 s' -> case newMVar# [ipv] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_sao9 :: GHC.Types.IO ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \r [s1] case noDuplicate# [s1] of s'1 { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv3 s'1]; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_sao9 ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> let { ds3 [Dmd=Just D(TT)] :: (b, s) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] w1 a8 w2; } in let { sat_sao2 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (b, s) [LclId] = \u [] case ipv5 of _ { (,) a9 ds4 -> case a9 of _ { (,) ebs bs -> ebs; }; }; } in let { sat_s9Wf :: s [LclId] = \u [] case ds3 of _ { (,) zb zs'1 -> zs'1; }; } in let { sat_s9Wg :: b [LclId] = \u [] case ds3 of _ { (,) zb1 zs'1 -> zb1; }; } in let { sat_sao3 :: (b, s) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Wg sat_s9Wf]; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 sat_sao3 sat_sao2 s' ipv4 of _ { (#,#) ipv6 ipv7 -> case ipv7 of _ { (,) a9 s'1 -> let { sat_s9Xa :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s) [LclId] = \u srt:(1,*bitmap*) [] case a9 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e s1 -> case s1 of wild3 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds5 ds6 -> case ds5 of nt { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa Data.Tuple.snd e of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> let { sat_s9X5 :: GHC.Types.IO s [LclId] = \r [s2] case nt s2 of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_sanT :: s [LclId] = \u [] Data.Tuple.snd ipv9; } in (#,#) [ipv8 sat_sanT]; }; } in let { sat_s9X7 :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample s [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s9X5 wild3]; } in let { sat_sanU :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event s [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in let { sat_sanV :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior s [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior! [sat_sanU sat_s9X7]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith w1 a7 sat_sanV; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_s9Xd :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s)) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Xa a9]; } in let { sat_sao0 :: ((FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (b, s)), FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9Xd s'1]; } in case putMVar# [ipv3 sat_sao0 ipv6] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s9XO :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b [LclId] = \u [] case a9 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior e s1 -> case s1 of wild3 { FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample ds5 ds6 -> case ds5 of nt { __DEFAULT -> case FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa Data.Tuple.fst e of _ { (#,,#) ww1 ww2 ww3 -> let { sat_s9XL :: GHC.Types.IO b [LclId] = \r [s2] case nt s2 of _ { (#,#) ipv8 ipv9 -> let { sat_sanW :: b [LclId] = \u [] Data.Tuple.fst ipv9; } in (#,#) [ipv8 sat_sanW]; }; } in let { sat_sanX :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample b [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample! [sat_s9XL wild3]; } in let { sat_sanY :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event b [LclId] = NO_CCS FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event! [ww1 ww2 ww3]; } in FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [sat_sanY sat_sanX]; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_sanZ :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain b, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_s9XO s'1]; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_sanZ]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in sat_saoa;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.collect, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wa3, FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith, FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1, Control.Monad.IO.Class.$fMonadIOIO])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.accum1 :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain (a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) #) [GblId, Arity=4, Str=DmdType LLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w1 w2 eta s] case newMVar# [s] of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> let { sat_saox :: GHC.Types.IO (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = \r [s1] case noDuplicate# [s1] of s' { __DEFAULT -> takeMVar# [ipv1 s']; }; } in case GHC.IO.unsafeDupableInterleaveIO sat_saox ipv of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_saow :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a [LclId] = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] case ipv3 of _ { (,) a7 ds2 -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith GHC.Base.$ w2 a7; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1 w1 sat_saow eta ipv2 of _ { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 -> case ipv5 of _ { (,) a7 s' -> let { sat_saov :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s']; } in case putMVar# [ipv1 sat_saov ipv4] of s2# { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_saou :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior FRP.Sodium.Plain.Plain a, FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [a7 s']; } in (#,#) [s2# sat_saou]; }; }; }; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.accum1, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.$wsnapshotWith, FRP.Sodium.Plain.hold1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.accum :: forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event (a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior a) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.accum1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.accum, [FRP.Sodium.Plain.accum1])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:BehaviorPlaina a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior [eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Behavior, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event :: forall a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a) -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Maybe.Maybe (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a)) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.R:EventPlaina a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Event, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample :: forall a. GHC.Types.IO a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Dep -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample [eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sample, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState :: Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node)) (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> Data.Sequence.Seq (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [GblId[DataCon], Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.ReactiveState, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue :: forall k v. GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence -> GHC.IORef.IORef GHC.Types.Bool -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map (GHC.Int.Int64, FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence) v) -> GHC.IORef.IORef (Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.Sequence (k, v)) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue k v [GblId[DataCon], Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue [eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.PriorityQueue, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition :: GHC.MVar.MVar () -> GHC.IORef.IORef FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition [GblId[DataCon], Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition [eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Partition, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer :: forall p a. FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer p a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Observer, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node :: FRP.Sodium.Plain.NodeID -> GHC.Int.Int64 -> Data.Map.Base.Map FRP.Sodium.Plain.ID (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [GblId[DataCon], Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen :: forall a. (Data.Maybe.Maybe (GHC.MVar.MVar FRP.Sodium.Plain.Node) -> GHC.Types.Bool -> (a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Reactive (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType Tm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen [eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.Listen, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState :: forall a. a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe a -> FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState [eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Plain.BehaviorState, [])])]