[(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p1ContextIO [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.ContextIO r => FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.$p1ContextIO: "Class op $p1ContextIO"] = \r [tpl_sFH] case tpl_sFH of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:ContextIO tpl_sFM [Occ=Once] _ _ -> tpl_sFM; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p1ContextIO, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.executeAsyncIO [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.ContextIO r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (GHC.Types.IO a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(ASA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.executeAsyncIO: "Class op executeAsyncIO"] = \r [tpl_sFO] case tpl_sFO of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:ContextIO _ tpl_sFT [Occ=Once] _ -> tpl_sFT; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.executeAsyncIO, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.executeSyncIO [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.ContextIO r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (GHC.Types.IO a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAS), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.executeSyncIO: "Class op executeSyncIO"] = \r [tpl_sFV] case tpl_sFV of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:ContextIO _ _ tpl_sG0 [Occ=Once] -> tpl_sG0; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.executeSyncIO, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$p1Context [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.$p1Context: "Class op $p1Context"] = \r [tpl_sG2] case tpl_sG2 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context tpl_sGq [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sGq; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p1Context, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$p2Context [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => GHC.Base.Monad (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(ASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.$p2Context: "Class op $p2Context"] = \r [tpl_sGs] case tpl_sGs of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ tpl_sGQ [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sGQ; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p2Context, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$p3Context [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.$p3Context: "Class op $p3Context"] = \r [tpl_sGS] case tpl_sGS of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ tpl_sHg [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sHg; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p3Context, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$p4Context [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.$p4Context: "Class op $p4Context"] = \r [tpl_sHi] case tpl_sHi of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ tpl_sHG [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sHG; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p4Context, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$p5Context [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.$p5Context: "Class op $p5Context"] = \r [tpl_sHI] case tpl_sHI of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ tpl_sI6 [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sI6; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$p5Context, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.sync [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a -> GHC.Types.IO a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.sync: "Class op sync"] = \r [tpl_sI8] case tpl_sI8 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sIw [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sIw; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.sync, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.newEvent [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.newEvent: "Class op newEvent"] = \r [tpl_sIy] case tpl_sIy of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sIW [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sIW; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.newEvent, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.listen [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (GHC.Types.IO ()) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.listen: "Class op listen"] = \r [tpl_sIY] case tpl_sIY of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sJm [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sJm; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.listen, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.never [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.never: "Class op never"] = \r [tpl_sJo] case tpl_sJo of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sJM [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sJM; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.never, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.merge [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.merge: "Class op merge"] = \r [tpl_sJO] case tpl_sJO of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sKc [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sKc; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.merge, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.filterJust [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.filterJust: "Class op filterJust"] = \r [tpl_sKe] case tpl_sKe of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sKC [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sKC; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.filterJust, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.hold [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.hold: "Class op hold"] = \r [tpl_sKE] case tpl_sKE of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sL2 [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sL2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.hold, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.updates [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.updates: "Class op updates"] = \r [tpl_sL4] case tpl_sL4 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sLs [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sLs; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.updates, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.value [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.value: "Class op value"] = \r [tpl_sLu] case tpl_sLu of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sLS [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sLS; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.value, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshotWith [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r c [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshotWith: "Class op snapshotWith"] = \r [tpl_sLU] case tpl_sLU of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sMi [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sMi; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshotWith, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.switchE [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.switchE: "Class op switchE"] = \r [tpl_sMk] case tpl_sMk of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sMI [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sMI; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.switchE, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.switch [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.switch: "Class op switch"] = \r [tpl_sMK] case tpl_sMK of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sN8 [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sN8; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.switch, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.execute [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.execute: "Class op execute"] = \r [tpl_sNa] case tpl_sNa of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sNy [Occ=Once] _ _ _ _ -> tpl_sNy; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.execute, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.sample [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.sample: "Class op sample"] = \r [tpl_sNA] case tpl_sNA of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sNY [Occ=Once] _ _ _ -> tpl_sNY; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.sample, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.coalesce [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.coalesce: "Class op coalesce"] = \r [tpl_sO0] case tpl_sO0 of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sOo [Occ=Once] _ _ -> tpl_sOo; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.coalesce, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.once [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASA), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.once: "Class op once"] = \r [tpl_sOq] case tpl_sOq of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sOO [Occ=Once] _ -> tpl_sOO; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.once, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.split [InlPrag=[NEVER]] :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId[ClassOp], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS), Unf=OtherCon [], RULES: Built in rule for FRP.Sodium.Context.split: "Class op split"] = \r [tpl_sOQ] case tpl_sOQ of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tpl_sPe [Occ=Once] -> tpl_sPe; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.split, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$waccum :: forall a r. Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r) => (forall a1. a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a1)) -> (forall a1 b c. (a1 -> b -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r c) -> a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [GblId, Arity=5, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ww ww1 ww2 w w1] case ww of _ { Control.Monad.Fix.D:MonadFix ww3 ww4 -> case ww3 of _ { GHC.Base.D:Monad ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 -> let { sat_s16c :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId] = \r [s] ww7 s; } in let { sat_s16d :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId] = \u [] let { lvl [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] ww1 w; } in let { lvl1 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [s] ww7 s; } in let { sat_sPN :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId] = \r [s] let { sat_s16b :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_sPJ :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId] = \u [] ww2 GHC.Base.$ w1 s; } in lvl sat_sPJ; } in ww5 sat_s16b lvl1; } in ww4 sat_sPN; } in ww5 sat_s16d sat_s16c; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$waccum, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.accum [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASAAAAAAAALAALAAAAAAA)LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1 w2] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 ww15 ww16 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 ww21 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.$waccum ww2 ww11 ww14 w1 w2; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.accum, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.collect1 :: forall a. a -> a -> a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType AS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [x y] y;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.collect1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$wcollect :: forall a s b r. (Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r), Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r)) => (forall a1. a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a1)) -> (forall a1. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1) -> (forall a1 b1 c. (a1 -> b1 -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r c) -> (forall a1. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a1) -> (forall a1. (a1 -> a1 -> a1) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1) -> (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b) [GblId, Arity=10, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SLLLLLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 w w1 w2] case ww of _ { Control.Monad.Fix.D:MonadFix ww7 ww8 -> case ww7 of _ { GHC.Base.D:Monad ww9 ww10 ww11 ww12 -> let { $dFunctor [Dmd=Just D(SA)] :: GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] Control.Applicative.$p1Applicative ww1; } in let { lvl :: ((b, s) -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b [LclId] = \u [] GHC.Base.fmap $dFunctor; } in let { lvl1 :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType U(AL), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { (,) ebs bs -> let { sat_s16O :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b [LclId] = \u [] lvl Data.Tuple.fst bs; } in ww11 sat_s16O; }; } in let { lvl2 :: ((b, s) -> s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r s [LclId] = \u [] GHC.Base.fmap $dFunctor; } in let { ea [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] let { sat_sR8 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId] = \u [] ww3 w2; } in ww6 FRP.Sodium.Context.collect1 sat_sR8; } in let { lvl3 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [bs] let { sat_sRi :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_sRg :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r s [LclId] = \u [] lvl2 Data.Tuple.snd bs; } in ww4 w ea sat_sRg; } in let { sat_s16P :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_sRi bs]; } in ww11 sat_s16P; } in let { sat_s16V :: a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b) [LclId] = \r [za] let { sat_s16U :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) [LclId] = \u [] let { ds [Dmd=Just D(SS)] :: (b, s) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] w za w1; } in let { zs' [Dmd=Just L] :: s [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case ds of _ { (,) zb zs'1 -> zs'1; }; } in let { zb [Dmd=Just L] :: b [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case ds of _ { (,) zb1 zs'1 -> zb1; }; } in let { lvl4 :: (b, s) [LclId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS (,)! [zb zs']; } in let { sat_sRT :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s), FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) [LclId] = \r [ds1] let { sat_s16Q :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (b, s)) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_sRP :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s) [LclId] = \u [] case ds1 of _ { (,) ebs bs -> ebs; }; } in ww2 lvl4 sat_sRP; } in ww9 sat_s16Q lvl3; } in ww8 sat_sRT; } in ww9 sat_s16U lvl1; } in let { sat_s16W :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a [LclId] = \u [] ww5 w2; } in ww9 sat_s16W sat_s16V; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$wcollect, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.collect [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a s b r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASALAAAAAALLALAAALLAA)LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1 w2 w3] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 ww15 ww16 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 ww21 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.$wcollect ww2 ww4 ww11 ww12 ww14 ww18 ww19 w1 w2 w3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.collect, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$wcollectE :: forall a s b r. (Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r), GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r)) => (forall a1. a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a1)) -> (forall a1 b1 c. (a1 -> b1 -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r c) -> (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [GblId, Arity=7, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SLLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ww ww1 ww2 ww3 w w1 w2] case ww of _ { Control.Monad.Fix.D:MonadFix ww4 ww5 -> case ww4 of _ { GHC.Base.D:Monad ww6 ww7 ww8 ww9 -> let { sat_s181 :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [LclId] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { (,) es eb -> ww8 eb; }; } in let { sat_s182 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [LclId] = \u [] let { lvl :: ((b, s) -> b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b [LclId] = \u [] GHC.Base.fmap ww1; } in let { lvl1 :: ((b, s) -> s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s [LclId] = \u [] GHC.Base.fmap ww1; } in let { lvl2 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r s -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [s] let { ebs [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (b, s) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] ww3 w w2 s; } in let { sat_sT5 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b [LclId] = \u [] lvl Data.Tuple.fst ebs; } in let { sat_sT6 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s [LclId] = \u [] lvl1 Data.Tuple.snd ebs; } in let { sat_s17Y :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [sat_sT6 sat_sT5]; } in ww8 sat_s17Y; } in let { sat_sTn :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s, FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [LclId] = \r [ds] let { sat_s17Z :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r s) [LclId] = \u [] let { sat_sTj :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r s [LclId] = \u [] case ds of _ { (,) es eb -> es; }; } in ww2 w1 sat_sTj; } in ww6 sat_s17Z lvl2; } in ww5 sat_sTn; } in ww6 sat_s182 sat_s181; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$wcollectE, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.collectE [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall a s b r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASLAAAAAAALAALAAAAAAA)LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1 w2 w3] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 ww15 ww16 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 ww21 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.$wcollectE ww2 ww3 ww11 ww14 w1 w2 w3; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.collectE, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.count1 :: GHC.Types.Int [GblId, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [0];, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.count1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.count2 :: forall a. a -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType AU(L)m, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds eta] case eta of _ { GHC.Types.I# y -> case +# [1 y] of sat_s18T { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.I# [sat_s18T]; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.count2, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.count :: forall r a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r GHC.Types.Int) [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [$dContext] let { g [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case FRP.Sodium.Context.$p4Context $dContext of sat_s192 { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Base.fmap sat_s192 FRP.Sodium.Context.count2; }; } in let { sat_s194 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r GHC.Types.Int) [LclId] = \r [x] case $dContext of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 ww15 ww16 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 ww21 -> let { sat_s193 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int) [LclId] = \u [] g x; } in FRP.Sodium.Context.$waccum ww2 ww11 ww14 FRP.Sodium.Context.count1 sat_s193; }; } in sat_s194;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.count, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.filterE :: forall a r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => (a -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [$dContext eta] let { g [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] let { sat_s19y :: a -> Data.Maybe.Maybe a [LclId] = \r [a] case eta a of _ { GHC.Types.False -> Data.Maybe.Nothing []; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Maybe.Just [a]; }; } in case FRP.Sodium.Context.$p4Context $dContext of sat_s19z { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Base.fmap sat_s19z sat_s19y; }; } in let { f [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Context.filterJust $dContext; } in let { sat_s19A :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId] = \r [x] let { sat_sV2 :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) [LclId] = \u [] g x; } in f sat_sV2; } in sat_s19A;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.filterE, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.gate1 :: forall a. a -> GHC.Types.Bool -> Data.Maybe.Maybe a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [a b] case b of _ { GHC.Types.False -> Data.Maybe.Nothing []; GHC.Types.True -> Data.Maybe.Just [a]; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.gate1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.gate :: forall r a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r GHC.Types.Bool -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [$dContext ea] let { g [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r GHC.Types.Bool -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshotWith $dContext FRP.Sodium.Context.gate1 ea; } in let { f [Dmd=Just L] :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Context.filterJust $dContext; } in let { sat_s19S :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r GHC.Types.Bool -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId] = \r [x] let { sat_sVk :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) [LclId] = \u [] g x; } in f sat_sVk; } in sat_s19S;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.gate, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.mergeWith :: forall a r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAASAA)LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [$dContext f ea eb] let { sat_s19U :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a [LclId] = \u [] FRP.Sodium.Context.merge $dContext ea eb; } in FRP.Sodium.Context.coalesce $dContext f sat_s19U;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.mergeWith, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.$wnewBehavior :: forall r a. Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r) => (forall a1. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1, a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ())) -> (forall a1. a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a1 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a1)) -> a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [GblId, Arity=4, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType SLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ww ww1 ww2 w] case ww of _ { Control.Monad.Fix.D:MonadFix ww3 ww4 -> case ww3 of _ { GHC.Base.D:Monad ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 -> let { sat_s19Z :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [LclId] = \r [ds] case ds of _ { (,) ev push -> let { sat_s19X :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [LclId] = \r [beh] let { sat_s19W :: (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [LclId] = NO_CCS (,)! [beh push]; } in ww7 sat_s19W; } in let { sat_s19Y :: FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) [LclId] = \u [] ww2 w ev; } in ww5 sat_s19Y sat_s19X; }; } in ww5 ww1 sat_s19Z; }; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.$wnewBehavior, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.newBehavior [InlPrag=INLINE[0]] :: forall r a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASAAALAAAALAAAAAAAAAA)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [w w1] case w of _ { FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ww8 ww9 ww10 ww11 ww12 ww13 ww14 ww15 ww16 ww17 ww18 ww19 ww20 ww21 -> FRP.Sodium.Context.$wnewBehavior ww2 ww6 ww11 w1; };, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.newBehavior, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.newBehaviour :: forall r a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ()) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AASAAALAAAALAAAAAAAAAA)L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Context.newBehavior eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.newBehaviour, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshot1 :: forall a b. a -> b -> b [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType AS, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [x y] y;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshot1, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshot :: forall r a b. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r b [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType U(AAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAA), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [$dContext] FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshotWith $dContext FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshot1;, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.snapshot, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.D:ContextIO :: forall r. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (GHC.Types.IO a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (GHC.Types.IO a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.ContextIO r [GblId[DataCon], Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTm, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Context.D:ContextIO [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.D:ContextIO, [])]), (FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context :: forall r. (Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r), GHC.Base.Monad (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r), Control.Monad.Fix.MonadFix (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r), GHC.Base.Functor (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r), Control.Applicative.Applicative (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r)) => (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a -> GHC.Types.IO a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a, a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r ())) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> (a -> GHC.Types.IO ()) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (GHC.Types.IO ())) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (Data.Maybe.Maybe a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a)) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r b -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r c) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a)) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r (FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Behavior r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Reactive r a) -> (forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r => FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> (forall a. FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r [a] -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Event r a) -> FRP.Sodium.Context.Context r [GblId[DataCon], Arity=22, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_Bm eta_Bl eta_Bk eta_Bj eta_Bi eta_Bh eta_Bg eta_Bf eta_Be eta_Bd eta_Bc eta_Bb eta_Ba eta_B9 eta_B8 eta_B7 eta_B6 eta_B5 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context [eta_Bm eta_Bl eta_Bk eta_Bj eta_Bi eta_Bh eta_Bg eta_Bf eta_Be eta_Bd eta_Bc eta_Bb eta_Ba eta_B9 eta_B8 eta_B7 eta_B6 eta_B5 eta_B4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1];, [(FRP.Sodium.Context.D:Context, [])])]