[(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$WOK [InlPrag=INLINE] :: forall a. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId[DataConWrapper], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [tpl_s3S8] case tpl_s3S8 of tpl_s3Sa { __DEFAULT -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [tpl_s3Sa]; };, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$WOK, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.runParser1 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] ds;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.runParser1, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.runParser :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.runParser1 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.runParser, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.parse :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString -> Data.Either.Either GHC.Base.String a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SA))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [p bs] case p bs of _ { (#,#) ipv _ -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> Data.Either.Left [err]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> Data.Either.Right [a13]; }; };, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.parse, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.input1 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [ds] ds;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.input1, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.input :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [GblId[[RecSel]], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.input1 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.input, [])]), (a :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LC(U(SL))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [eta eta1 s] case eta1 s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s3ZS :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s3ZS ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> let { sat_s3ZV :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = \u [] case eta a13 of tpl { __DEFAULT -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [tpl]; }; } in (#,#) [sat_s3ZV ipv1]; }; };, [(a, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser_$cfmap [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=2)] :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LC(U(SL))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser_$cfmap, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser1 :: forall a b. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LC(U(SL))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [x eta eta1] case eta eta1 of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s3ZW :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s3ZW ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> let { sat_s3ZZ :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [LclId] = \u [] case x of tpl { __DEFAULT -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [tpl]; }; } in (#,#) [sat_s3ZZ ipv1]; }; };, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser1, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser_$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LC(U(SL))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser_$c<$, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Base.Functor Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Base.D:Functor! [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser_$cfmap Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser1];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser4 :: forall a. GHC.Base.String -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [msg5 eta] let { sat_s401 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg5]; } in (#,#) [sat_s401 eta];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser4, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cfail :: forall a. GHC.Base.String -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser4 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cfail, [])]), (a1 :: forall a. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [eta eta1] let { sat_s402 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [LclId] = \u [] case eta of tpl { __DEFAULT -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [tpl]; }; } in (#,#) [sat_s402 eta1];, [(a1, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$creturn [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=1)] :: forall a. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] a1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$creturn, [])]), (a2 :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> (a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [eta eta1 s] case eta s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s403 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s403 ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> eta1 a13 ipv1; }; };, [(a2, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$c>>= [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=2)] :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> (a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a2 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$c>>=, [])]), (a3 :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [eta eta1 eta2] case eta eta2 of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s406 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s406 ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> eta1 ipv1; }; };, [(a3, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$c>> [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=2)] :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a3 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$c>>, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: GHC.Base.Monad Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Base.D:Monad! [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$c>>= Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$c>> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$creturn Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser4];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser, [])]), (a4 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(ST))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [eta eta1 s] case eta s of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail ipv2 -> case eta1 s of ds1 { (#,#) ipv3 ipv4 -> case ipv3 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail ipv5 -> (#,#) [ipv3 ipv4]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK ds2 -> (#,#) [ipv3 ipv4]; }; }; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK ds1 -> (#,#) [ipv ipv1]; }; };, [(a4, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=2)] :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(ST))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a4 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus, [])]), (msg :: GHC.Base.String [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.CString.unpackCString# "insufficient input";, [(msg, [])]), (lvl :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg];, [(lvl, [])]), (a5 :: GHC.Types.Int -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(L)U(LLLL), Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta eta1] case eta of _ { GHC.Types.I# ipv -> case eta1 of tpl { Data.ByteString.Internal.PS ipv1 ipv2 ipv3 ipv4 -> case >=# [ipv4 ipv] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> (#,#) [lvl tpl]; GHC.Types.True -> case -# [ipv4 ipv] of sat_s3Ux { __DEFAULT -> case +# [ipv3 ipv] of sat_s3Uy { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s40k :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [ipv1 ipv2 sat_s3Uy sat_s3Ux]; } in let { sat_s3Ut :: Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [ipv1 ipv2 ipv3 ipv]; } in let { sat_s40l :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [sat_s3Ut]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40l sat_s40k]; }; }; }; }; };, [(a5, [lvl])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.take [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=1)] :: GHC.Types.Int -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(L)U(LLLL), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] a5 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.take, [lvl])]), (msg1 :: GHC.Base.String [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.CString.unpackCString# "string";, [(msg1, [])]), (lvl1 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result () [GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg1];, [(lvl1, [])]), (lvl2 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result () [GblId, Caf=NoCafRefs, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [GHC.Tuple.()];, [(lvl2, [])]), ($wa :: GHC.Prim.Addr# -> GHC.ForeignPtr.ForeignPtrContents -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> GHC.Prim.Addr# -> GHC.ForeignPtr.ForeignPtrContents -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result (), Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=8, Str=DmdType LLLLLLLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7] case ww3 of wild { __DEFAULT -> case <# [ww7 wild] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case int2Word# [wild] of sat_s40n { __DEFAULT -> case plusAddr# [ww4 ww6] of sat_s40o { __DEFAULT -> case plusAddr# [ww ww2] of sat_s40p { __DEFAULT -> case __pkg_ccall bytestring- memcmp [sat_s40p sat_s40o sat_s40n GHC.Prim.realWorld#] of _ { (#,#) ds4 ds5 -> case case narrow32Int# [ds5] of _ { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Types.False []; 0 -> GHC.Types.True []; } of vx { __DEFAULT -> case touch# [ww5 ds4] of s' { __DEFAULT -> case touch# [ww1 s'] of _ { __DEFAULT -> case vx of _ { GHC.Types.False -> let { sat_s40m :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7]; } in (#,#) [lvl1 sat_s40m]; GHC.Types.True -> case -# [ww7 wild] of sat_s3Vd { __DEFAULT -> case +# [ww6 wild] of sat_s3Ve { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s40u :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [ww4 ww5 sat_s3Ve sat_s3Vd]; } in (#,#) [lvl2 sat_s40u]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; GHC.Types.True -> let { sat_s40w :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7]; } in (#,#) [lvl1 sat_s40w]; }; 0 -> let { sat_s40x :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7]; } in (#,#) [lvl2 sat_s40x]; };, [($wa, [lvl1])]), (a6 :: Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result (), Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(LLLL)U(LLLL), Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [w w1] case w of _ { Data.ByteString.Internal.PS ww ww1 ww2 ww3 -> case w1 of _ { Data.ByteString.Internal.PS ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 -> $wa ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7; }; };, [(a6, [lvl1])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.string [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=1)] :: Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser () [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType U(LLLL)U(LLLL), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] a6 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.string, [lvl1])]), (a7 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result GHC.Types.Bool, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S(AAAL), Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [s] case s of tpl { Data.ByteString.Internal.PS ipv ipv1 ipv2 ipv3 -> case <=# [ipv3 0] of vx { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_s40A :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result GHC.Types.Bool [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [vx]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40A tpl]; }; };, [(a7, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.atEnd [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser GHC.Types.Bool [GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType S(AAAL), Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] a7 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.atEnd, [])]), (msg2 :: GHC.Base.String [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.CString.unpackCString# "empty";, [(msg2, [])]), (lvl3 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg2];, [(lvl3, [])]), (a8 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta] (#,#) [lvl3 eta];, [(a8, [lvl3])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cempty [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] a8 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cempty, [lvl3])]), (msg3 :: GHC.Base.String [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.CString.unpackCString# "mempty";, [(msg3, [])]), (lvl4 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg3];, [(lvl4, [])]), (a9 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta] (#,#) [lvl4 eta];, [(a9, [lvl4])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmempty [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] a9 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmempty, [lvl4])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$cpure [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$creturn eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$cpure, [])]), (a10 :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser (a -> b) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [w w1 eta] case w eta of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s40E :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40E ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> case w1 ipv1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv2 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s40H :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40H ipv3]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a14 -> let { sat_s40K :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = \u [] case a13 a14 of tpl { __DEFAULT -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [tpl]; }; } in (#,#) [sat_s40K ipv3]; }; }; }; };, [(a10, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c<*> [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser (a -> b) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] a10 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c<*>, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser1 :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta1 eta2 eta] case eta1 eta of ds { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of wild { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> (#,#) [ipv ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> case eta2 ipv1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv2 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s40M :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40M ipv3]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a14 -> (#,#) [wild ipv3]; }; }; }; };, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser1, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c<* :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser1 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c<*, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser2 :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta1 eta2 eta] case eta1 eta of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s40R :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result b [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40R ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a13 -> case eta2 ipv1 of ds1 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv2 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> (#,#) [ipv2 ipv3]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a14 -> (#,#) [ipv2 ipv3]; }; }; }; };, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser2, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c*> :: forall a b. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser b [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser2 eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c*>, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: Control.Applicative.Applicative Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [GblId[DFunId], Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Control.Applicative.D:Applicative! [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fFunctorParser Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser_$creturn Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser_$c<*> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser2 Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser1];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser, [])]), (msg4 :: GHC.Base.String [GblId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] GHC.CString.unpackCString# "mzero";, [(msg4, [])]), (lvl5 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg4];, [(lvl5, [])]), (a11 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta] (#,#) [lvl5 eta];, [(a11, [lvl5])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadPlusParser_$cmzero [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B1] a11 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadPlusParser_$cmzero, [lvl5])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadPlusParser [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: Control.Monad.MonadPlus Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Control.Monad.D:MonadPlus! [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadParser Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadPlusParser_$cmzero Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonadPlusParser, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$c<|> [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(ST))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$c<|>, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser2 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a] [GblId, Caf=NoCafRefs, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [GHC.Types.[]];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser2, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser1 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a], Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(ST))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [v eta] let { a13 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a], Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [s] case v s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> (#,#) [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser2 s]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a14 -> case a13 ipv1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv2 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> (#,#) [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser2 s]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a15 -> let { sat_s3XE :: [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS :! [a14 a15]; } in let { sat_s40Z :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [sat_s3XE]; } in (#,#) [sat_s40Z ipv3]; }; }; }; }; } in a13 eta;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser1, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmany :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [a] [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(ST))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmany, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser3 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a], Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [v eta] let { a13 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a], Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType L, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [s] case v s of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail err -> let { sat_s416 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [err]; } in (#,#) [sat_s416 ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK a14 -> case a13 ipv1 of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> case ipv2 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail ipv4 -> let { sat_s3Y7 :: [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS :! [a14 GHC.Types.[]]; } in let { sat_s417 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [sat_s3Y7]; } in (#,#) [sat_s417 ipv1]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK ds2 -> let { sat_s3Yc :: [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS :! [a14 ds2]; } in let { sat_s418 :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result [a] [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK! [sat_s3Yc]; } in (#,#) [sat_s418 ipv3]; }; }; }; }; } in a13 eta;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser3, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$csome :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [a] [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(SL))L, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$csome, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: Control.Applicative.Alternative Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Control.Applicative.D:Alternative! [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fApplicativeParser Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cempty Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser3 Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser1];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmappend [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=0)] :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=3, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType C(U(ST))LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus eta_B3 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmappend, [])]), (lvl6 :: forall a. Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail! [msg3];, [(lvl6, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall a. [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a] -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ds eta] case ds of _ { [] -> (#,#) [lvl6 eta]; : y ys -> case y eta of ds1 { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case ipv of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail ipv2 -> case Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1 ys eta of ds2 { (#,#) ipv3 ipv4 -> case ipv3 of _ { Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail ipv5 -> (#,#) [ipv3 ipv4]; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK ds3 -> (#,#) [ipv3 ipv4]; }; }; Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK ds2 -> (#,#) [ipv ipv1]; }; }; };, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1, [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1, lvl6])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmconcat :: forall a. [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a] -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a [GblId, Arity=2, Str=DmdType SL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [eta_B2 eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmconcat, [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser [InlPrag=[ALWAYS] CONLIKE] :: forall a. Data.Monoid.Monoid (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser a) [GblId[DFunId], Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS Data.Monoid.D:Monoid! [Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser_$cmempty Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fAlternativeParser_$cmplus Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser1];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.$fMonoidParser, [])]), (a12 :: (GHC.Word.Word8 -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S -> (# Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString, Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S #) [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [eta eta1] let { n [Dmd=Just D(L)] :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId, Str=DmdType] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { Data.ByteString.Internal.PS rb rb1 rb2 rb3 -> let { l :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId, Str=DmdType m, Unf=OtherCon []] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [rb3]; } in let { $wa1 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: GHC.Prim.Addr# -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Types.Int #) [LclId, Arity=3, Str=DmdType LLL, Unf=OtherCon []] = sat-only \r [ww ww1 w] case >=# [ww1 rb3] of _ { GHC.Types.False -> case readWord8OffAddr# [ww 0 w] of _ { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 -> let { sat_s41o :: GHC.Word.Word8 [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Word.W8#! [ipv3]; } in case eta sat_s41o of _ { GHC.Types.False -> let { sat_s41n :: GHC.Types.Int [LclId] = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [ww1]; } in (#,#) [ipv2 sat_s41n]; GHC.Types.True -> case +# [ww1 1] of sat_s41p { __DEFAULT -> case plusAddr# [ww 1] of sat_s41q { __DEFAULT -> $wa1 sat_s41q sat_s41p ipv2; }; }; }; }; GHC.Types.True -> (#,#) [w l]; }; } in case plusAddr# [rb rb2] of sat_s41r { __DEFAULT -> case $wa1 sat_s41r 0 GHC.Prim.realWorld# of _ { (#,#) ipv ipv1 -> case touch# [rb1 ipv] of _ { __DEFAULT -> ipv1; }; }; }; }; } in let { sat_s41t :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.S [LclId] = \u [] Data.ByteString.Unsafe.unsafeDrop n eta1; } in let { sat_s41u :: Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [LclId] = \u [] case eta1 of _ { Data.ByteString.Internal.PS rb rb1 rb2 _ -> case n of _ { GHC.Types.I# tpl1 -> let { sat_s41s :: Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [LclId] = NO_CCS Data.ByteString.Internal.PS! [rb rb1 rb2 tpl1]; } in Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [sat_s41s]; }; }; } in (#,#) [sat_s41u sat_s41t];, [(a12, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.takeWhile [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=1)] :: (GHC.Word.Word8 -> GHC.Types.Bool) -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Parser Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString [GblId, Arity=2, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType LL, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B2 eta_B1] a12 eta_B2 eta_B1;, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.takeWhile, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail :: forall a. GHC.Base.String -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType T, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail [eta_B1];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Fail, [])]), (Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK :: forall a. a -> Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.Result a [GblId[DataCon], Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType T, Unf=OtherCon []] = \r [eta_B1] Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK [eta_B1];, [(Data.Attoparsec.Zepto.OK, [])])]