module ParsersTestware import Text.Parsers.Parsers, StdEnv from Text.Parsers.ParsersAccessories import digit import Control.Applicative :: TestResult r = Error String | Success [r] reportResult :: (Result r) -> TestResult r reportResult (Succ rs) = Success rs reportResult (Err symbolTypes hypotheses position) = Error (simpleErrorToString symbolTypes hypotheses position) testP :: (Parser s r r) [([s],String)] -> [(TestResult r,String)] testP p pairs = [(reportResult (parse p input "line" "character"),"\nsoll: "+++soll+++"\n\n")\\ (input,soll) <- pairs] Start = test1 myP1 = dgit <& letta <& wordstar test1 = testP myP1 [(['5arc'],"Err [3]: 3 stars") ,(['5rc'],"Err [2]: lett a") ,(['*5rc'],"Err [1]: digit") ,(['6a***'],"Succ 6")] //Start = test1a myP1a = anySymbol <&> \s -> (((yield 'a' <|> yield 'b') yield 'c') checkIf (\x -> x==s)) test1a = testP myP1a [(['a'],"1 Success") ,(['b'],"1 Success") ,(['x'],"Error")] //Start = test1b myP1b = (symbol 'a' <|> (symbol 'a' <@ const 'c') symbol 'b') <&> symbol test1b = testP myP1b [(['aa'],"1 Success") ,(['ac'],"1 Success") ,(['bb'],"1 Success") ,(['a'],"Error") ,(['b'],"Error") ,(['c'],"Error")] //Start = test1e myP1e = ((yield 'a' <|> symbol 'b') symbol 'c') <&> const (symbol '*') test1e = testP myP1e [(['*'],"1 Success") ,(['b*'],"1 Success") ,(['c*'],"Error")] //Start = test1f myP1f = anySymbol <&> \s -> (((symbol 'b' <@ const 'a' <|> symbol 'b') symbol 'c') checkIf (\x -> x==s)) test1f = testP myP1f [(['ab?'],"1 Success") ,(['bb?'],"1 Success") ,(['x?'],"Error")] //Start = test1g myP1g = (yield 'a' <|> yield 'b') yield 'c' test1g = testP myP1g [(['x'],"Success ['a','b']")] //Start = test2 myP2 = "all" :> ("myP2-all" :> (letta <&&> wordeqs) <|> "myP2-2" :> (letta2 <&&> wordhaq)) test2 = testP myP2 [(['a??'],"Error [2]: all [1], and within that: myP2-all [1], and within that: ==/ myP2-2 [1], and within that: ##") ,(['??'],"Error [1]: all, and within that: myP2-all, and within that: a / myP2-2, and within that: 2nd a") ,(['a##'],"Succ (2a,\"##\")")] //Start = test3 myP3 = dgit <& ("orpart" :> (letta <|> letta2)) <& wordeqs test3 = testP myP3 [(['4a=='],"Succ [4,4]") ,(['8a'],"Err [3]: ==") ,(['0=='],"Err [2]: orpart, and within that: a / 2nd a") ,([],"Err [1]: digit")] //Start = test3a myP3a = dgit &> ("orpart" :> (letta <|> letta2)) <&> ((\str -> str+++"==") :=> \_ -> wordeqs) test3a = testP myP3a [(['4a=='],"Succ [==,==]") ,(['8a'],"Err [3]: a==, and within that:==/ 2a==, and within that:==") ,(['0=='],"Err [2]: orpart, and within that: a / 2nd a") ,([],"Err [1]: digit")] //Start = test4 myP4 = (letta ab) &> wordeqs test4 = testP myP4 [(['ab=='],"Err [2]: ==)") ,(['a=='],"Succ ==") ,(['xxx'],"Err: [1] a /ab")] // misleading really, ab will never succeed, because a is its prefix //Start = test4_1 myP4_1 = wordeqs &> (letta ab) test4_1 = testP myP4_1 [(['==a'],"Succ a") ,(['zzz'],"Err [1]: ==")] //Start = test4_2 myP4_2 = (letta noThing) &> (lettb four) test4_2 = testP myP4_2 [(['rr'],"Err [1]: a/b/4") ,([],"Err [1]: a/b/4")] //Start = (test5,test5_1,test5_2) myP5 = first (letta <|> letta2) &> wordeqs test5 = testP myP5 [(['a='],"Err [2]: ==") ,(['a=='],"Succ ==")] myP5_1 = (first letta) &> wordeqs test5_1 = testP myP5_1 [(['b2'],"Err [1]: a")] myP5_2 = ( letta undef undef) &> wordeqs test5_2 = testP myP5_2 [(['a3'],"Err [2]: ==") ,(['3'],"Err [1]: a / ==") ,(['a=='],"Succ ==")] //Start = (test5_3,test5_4,test6,test7) myP5_3 = ( letta undef undef) &> wordeqs test5_3 = testP myP5_3 [(['3'],"Err [1]: a / ==")] myP5_4 = letta <&&> anonymous test5_4 = testP myP5_4 [(['ax'],"Err [2]: no suggestions")] myP6 = (letta letta2) &> wordeqs test6 = testP myP6 [(['a='],"Err [2]: ==") ,(['a=='],"Succ ==")] myP7 = (wordstar <&&> wordeqs) <& ("Troep" :> empty) test7 = testP myP7 [(['***=='],"Succ (***,==)") ,(['***==4'],"Err [6]: Troep")] //Start = test8 myP8 = (wordstar <& ("Troep" :> empty)) <&&> wordeqs test8 = testP myP8 [(['***=='],"Err [4]: Troep") ,(['***'],"undefined rest-input of 'empty' evaluated")] //Start= (test9,test10,test11) myP9 = "grazer" :> (grazeTo letta) test9 = testP myP9 [(['68ria-jha8'],"Succ [68ri,68ria-jh]") ,(['ktosp'],"Err [6]: grazer [1], and within that: a") ,(['atosp'],"Succ [[]]")] myP10 = grazeTo letta <&&> ab test10 = testP myP10 [(['dsfairtabureab5'],"Succ [(dsfairt,ab),(dsfairtabure,ab)]")] myP11 = grazeOver (wordeqs <|> wordhaq) <&&> (wordeqs <|> wordhaq) test11 = testP myP11 [(['ir====ad===##tr'],"Succ [(ir,==),(ir====ad=,##)]")] //Start = (test12,test13,test14,test15) myP12 = grazeTo (letta <|> letta2) <&&> ab test12 = testP myP12 [(['^%$a*'],"Err [6]: a /2a")] myP13 = wordeqs checkIf \r -> r == "??" test13 = testP myP13 [(['==7'],"Err [..2]:")] myP14 = "equal4" :> (dgit checkIf \r -> r == "4") &> letta test14 = testP myP14 [(['***'],"Err [1]: equal4, and within that: digit") ,(['5a'],"Err [..1]: equal4 [1]") ,(['4b'],"Err [2]: a") ,(['4a'],"Succ a")] myP15 = symbolH 'x' test15 = testP myP15 [(['y'],"Err [1]: x")] //Start = (test16,test17) myP16 = (drill (symbol 'r' <&&> "U!" :> symbol 'u') "puntje") <&&> symbol ['erik'] test16 = testP myP16 [([['ru'],['erik']],"Succ (r,u),['erik']") ,([['rt'],['erik']],"Err [1,2]: U!") ,([['ru'],['eriz']],"Err [2]:") ,([['r'],['erik']],"Err [1,2]: U!")] myP17 = letta <& ("end of input" :> empty) test17 = testP myP17 [([],"Err [1]: a") ,(['a'],"Succ a") ,(['ab'],"Err [2]: end of input")] //Start = (test18,test19) myP18 = (atMost 4 p) &> wordstar where p = wordstar &> wordhaq <|> wordeqs test18 = testP myP18 [(['***##***'],"Err [4]: ##") ,(['***#'],"Err [4]: ##") ,(['***'],"Err [4]: ##") ,(['==***'],"Succ ***")] myP19 = (rewind dgit) &> (four &> wordstar) test19 = testP myP19 [(['4***'],"Succ ***") ,(['4**'],"Err [2]: ***") ,(['5***'],"Err [1]: 4") ,(['?***'],"Err [1]: digit")] //Start = (test21,test24,test25) myP21 = (skipTo letta) &> (ab <&&> four) test21 = testP myP21 [(['ab4..ab4..'],"Succ (ab,4),(ab,4)") ,(['ab5..ab5..'],"Err [11]: a") ,(['ac5..ac5..'],"Err [11]: a")] myP24 = letta <& lettb <|> ab <|> letta2 <& lettb test24 = testP myP24 [(['ab'],"Succ a,ab,2a")] myP25 = ( word) <& symbolH '.' where word = (symbolH 'a') <& (symbolH 'b') test25 = testP myP25 [(['aaaabbbbaaaaaaaaaabbb.'],"two lists of a's")] //Start = test25a myP25a = (symbol 'a' <& symbol 'b' ) symbol 'a' test25a = testP myP25a [(['a'],"Succ a") ,(['ab'],"Succ a")] from StdEnv import repeatn, class length //Start = test26 500000 // needs quite some heap and stack nodig, even much stack after printing out the result! myP26 = ( lettb) <@ length test26 n = testP myP26 [(repeatn n 'b',"Succ "+++toString n)] //Start = (test27,test28) myP27 = ds four <&&> ds wordstar test27 = testP myP27 [([' 4 ***'],"Succ (4,***)"),([' 5'],"Err [3]: 4")] myP28 = "eqZ" :> ("isUpper" :> ("isAlpha" :>("char" :> anySymbol checkIf isAlpha) checkIf isUpper) checkIf ((==) 'Z') ) test28 = testP myP28 [([],"Error [1]: eqZ, and within that: isUpper, and within that: isAlpha, and within that: char") ,(['3'],"Error [..1]: eqZ [1], and within that: isUpper [1], and within that: isAlpha [1]") ,(['a'],"Error [..1]: eqZ [1], and within that: isUpper []") ,(['A'],"Error [..1]: eqZ [1]") ,(['Z'],"Succ Z")] //Start = (test29,test30,test30a) myP29 = "eqZ" :> ((letta <|> lettb) checkIf ((==) "Z")) test29 = testP myP29 [(['a'],"Error [..1]: eqZ [1], and within that: b") ,(['b'],"Error [..1]: eqZ [1], and within that: a") ,(['c'],"Error [1]: eqZ, and within that: a / b")] myP30 = "eqP" :> (chara checkIf ((==) 'p')) <|> charb <|> "eqQ" :> (chara2 checkIf ((==) 'q')) where chara = "chara" :> symbol 'a' charb = symbolH 'b' chara2 = "chara1" :> symbol 'a' test30 =testP myP30 [(['a'],"Error: [..1] eqP [1], eqQ [1]")] myP30a = letta <|> letta test30a = testP myP30a [(['a'],"Succ [a, a]")] //Start = (test31,test32,test33,test34,test35) myP31 = "global" :> (symbol 'G' <&&> "detail" :> symbol 'D') test31 = testP myP31 [(['GX'],"Error [2]: global [1], and within that: detail")] myP32 = "global" :> (symbol 'G' <&&> symbol 'D') test32 = testP myP32 [(['GX'],"Error [2]: global [1]")] myP33 = ("G" :> symbol 'G' checkIf ((==) 'G')) <&&> symbol 'X' <&&> symbol 'Y' test33 = testP myP33 [(['GXZ'],"Error [3]:")] myP34 = "global" :> ((symbol 'G' <&&> "detail" :> symbol 'X') checkIf ((==) ('G','Y'))) test34 = testP myP34 [(['GX'],"Error [..2]: global [1]")] myP35 = (letta <&&> getPosition) <|> (ab <&&> getPosition) test35 = testP myP35 [(['abc'],"Succ: (a,[2]),(ab,[3])")] //Start = test36 myP36 = (letta <&-> \a -> lettb) <-!> four test36 = testP myP36 [(['ab'],"Succ: b"),(['4'],"Succ: 4"),(['ac'],"Error [2]: b")] //Start = testP myP [(repeatn 3000 'a',"Succ")] where myP = ( letta) &> yield "einde" // needs at most 243 KB heap (dead branches are cut off at once) (heap is 48% of classical solution with inside ) //Start = (test37,test38) test37 = testP myP37[([['a']],"Error [2]: three") ,([['a'],['4']],"Error [2,1]: three [2]") ,([['a'],['3']],"Succ 3") ,([['b'],['3']],"Error [1,1]: prefix [1]")] myP37 :: Parser [Char] t String myP37 = prefix &> three where prefix = "prefix" :> (word (symbol 'a')) three = "three" :> (word (symbol '3' <@ toString)) word p = drill p "position" test38 = testP myP38 [([],"Error [1,1]: inside") ,([[]],"Error [1,1]: inside")] myP38 :: Parser [Char] t Char myP38 = word ("inside" :> symbol 'x') //Start = (test39,test40) test39 = testP myP [([' a'],"Succ a") ,(['12ab'],"Error [4]: a") ,(['23'],"Error [1]: advance")] where //myP :: Parser Char String _ myP = "advance" :> advancePosition 3 &> letta test40 = testP myP [(['a'],"Error [1] advance / b") ,(['b'],"Succ b")] where //myP :: Parser Char String _ myP = ("advance" :> advancePosition (~3) &> letta) lettb //Start = (test41,test42,test43) test41 = testP myP [(['ab'],"Succ (ab,a)") ,(['ar'],"Error [1]: ab")] where myP :: Parser Char (String,String) (String,String) myP = getParsable <&> \p -> ab <&&> setParsable p &> letta test42 = testP myP [(['ar'],"Error [1]: ab")] where myP :: Parser Char (String,String) (String,String) myP = getParsable <&> \p -> letta <&&> setParsable p &> ab test43 = testP myP [(['a'],"Succ a") ,(['ab'],"Succ [a,ab]") ,(['v'],"Error [1]: a / 2nd a")] where myP :: Parser Char String String myP = getParsable <&> \p -> letta <|> letta2 &> setParsable p &> ab //Start = test44 test44 = testP myP [(['***.......a'],"Succ (***,a)") ,(['***......a'],"Error [11]: a") ,(['***........a'],"Error [11]: a") ,(['***....'],"Error [1]: Could not advance 10 steps")] where myP :: Parser Char (String,String) (String,String) myP = getParsable <&> \p -> wordstar <&&> setParsable p &> adv 10 &> letta adv 0 = yield undef adv n # msg = if (n < 0)("Cannot advance a negative number of steps ("+++toString n+++")") ("Could not advance "+++toString n+++" steps") = msg :> advancePosition n //Start = test45 test45 = testP myP [(['***.......a'],"Succ (***,a)") ,(['***......a'],"Error [11]: a") ,(['***........a'],"Error [11]: a")] where //myP :: Parser Char (String,String) _ myP = scrape wordstar (const 10) \stars -> letta <@ \a -> (stars,a) //Start = (test46,test46a,test46b,test47) test46 = testP myP [(['5555555'],"Succ triples, consisting of 8 fives in total, with maximum product")] where myP = minResultBy comp (number` <&> \i -> number` <&> \j -> number <@ \k -> (i,j,k,i*j*k)) comp (_,_,_,i)(_,_,_,j) = i>j test46a = testP myP [(['5555555'],"Succ triples, consisting of 8 fives in total, with decreasing product")] where myP = sortResultBy comp (number` <&> \i -> number` <&> \j -> number <@ \k -> (i,j,k,i*j*k)) comp (_,_,_,i)(_,_,_,j) = i>j test46b = testP myP [(['5555555'],"Succ triples, consisting of 8 fives in total, with maximum product")] where myP = minResultBy comp (wrap @> number` <++> number` <++> number) comp (_,_,_,i)(_,_,_,j) = i>j wrap i j k = (i,j,k,i*j*k) test47 = testP myP [(['aaaba'],"Succ [([a,a,a],b),([a,a],ab)]")] where myP = longest (<.*> letta <&&> (ab <|> lettb)) //Start = (test48,test48a,test49,test49a,test49b,test49c) test48 = testP myP [(['ab'],"Error [2]: 4"),(['a4'],"Success 4")] where myP = letta <&-> const four <-!> ab test48a = testP myP [(['c'],"Error [1]: a / b"),(['b'],"Success b")] where myP = letta <&-> const four <-!> lettb test49 = testP myP [(['ab'],"Error [2]: 4"),(['a4'],"Success a4"),(['c'],"Error [1]: a/ab")] where myP = (+++) @> letta <++-> four <-!> ab test49a = testP myP [(['c'],"Error [1]: a / b"),(['b'],"Success b")] where myP = (+++) @> letta <++-> four <-!> lettb test49b = testP myP [(['a4'],"Success a4"),(['b4'],"Success b4"),(['4'],"Success 4"),(['b5'],"Error [2]: 4"),(['c'],"Error [1]: a/b/digit")] where myP = (+++) @> (letta <|> lettb) <++-> four <-!> dgit test49c = testP myP [(['x'],"Error [1]: a/ab/digit"),(['a4'],"Success a4"),(['3'],"Success 3")] where myP = ((+++) @> letta <++-> four <-!> ab) <|> dgit //elementary parsers for testing: dgit = "digit" :> digit <@ toString letta = symbolH 'a' <@ const "a" letta2 = "2nd a" :> symbol 'a' <@ const "2a" lettb = symbolH 'b' <@ toString four = symbolH '4' <@ toString wordstar = tokenH ['***'] <@ toString wordeqs = tokenH ['=='] <@ toString wordhaq = tokenH ['##'] <@ toString ab = tokenH ['ab'] <@ toString noThing = "nothing" :> yield "made up" anonymous = token ['NN']