implementation module Text.Parsers.ParsersAccessories import Text.Parsers.ParsersKernel, Text.Parsers.ParsersDerived, Text.Parsers.ParserLanguage, StdEnv from StdMaybe import :: Maybe (..) from StdChar import isAlpha, isAlphanum, isHexDigit number :: Parser Char a Int number = ( digit) <@ foldl (\n d -> 10*n + digitToInt d) 0 number` :: Parser Char a Int number` = (<.*> digit) <@ foldl (\n d -> 10*n + digitToInt d) 0 digit :: Parser Char a Char digit = satisfy (\c -> isMember c ['0'..'9']) hexDigit :: Parser Char a Char hexDigit = satisfy isHexDigit letter :: Parser Char a Char letter = satisfy isAlpha alphaNum :: Parser Char a Char alphaNum = satisfy isAlphanum oneOf :: [Char] -> Parser Char a Char oneOf cs = satisfy (\c -> isMember c cs) choice :: [Parser s t r] -> Parser s t r choice l = foldl () fail l ds :: (Parser s t r) -> Parser s t r | space s ds p = dropCheck space p class space s :: !s -> Bool instance space Char where space :: !Char -> Bool space c = isSpace c symbolH :: (s -> Parser s t s) | ==,toString s symbolH = toString :=> symbol tokenH :: ([s] -> Parser s t [s]) | ==,toChar s tokenH = toString :=> token identifier :: Parser Char t String identifier = satisfy isAlpha <&> \c -> <.*> (satisfy isAlphanum) <@ \r -> toString [c:r] // Example: See Dutch Demo /* Computes line and column number, taking into account tabs and line breaks. Mind that tabs and line breaks are themselves characters in the input string and have a position.*/ lineAndColumn :: [Char] Int // position returned by error msg Int -> // standard tab width (Int,Int) // line,column lineAndColumn cs pos tab | pos < 1 = abort "ParserKernel.icl: position less than one" = lnc cs pos 1 1 where lnc :: [Char] Int // position returned by error msg Int // current line number Int -> // current column number (Int,Int) // line,column lnc [c:_] 1 line col = (line,col) lnc [c:cs] n line col = case c of '\n' -> lnc cs (n-1) (line+1) 1 '\t' -> lnc cs (n-1) line (col + tab - ((col-1) rem tab)) // rem was mod _ -> lnc cs (n-1) line (col+1) lnc [] n line col = abort "ParserKernel.icl: position beyond input-list" // START EXPLAIN RESULT flattenSep :: String ![x] -> String | toString x flattenSep s [a:rest=:[b:_]] = (toString a)+++s+++(flattenSep s rest) flattenSep _ [a] = (toString a) flattenSep _ _ = "" errorToString :: SymbolTypes (Rose (String,[SugPosition])) [SugPosition] -> String errorToString symbolTypes hypotheses position = flattenSep "\n" (errorToStrings symbolTypes hypotheses position) simpleErrorToString :: SymbolTypes (Rose (String,[SugPosition])) [SugPosition] -> String simpleErrorToString symbolTypes hypotheses position # loc = "["+++ flattenSep "," (map toString position)+++"]: " # sugs = fromRose hypotheses undef position = loc +++ flattenSep "/" (map snd sugs) errorToStrings :: SymbolTypes (Rose (String,[SugPosition])) [SugPosition] -> [String] errorToStrings symbolTypes hypotheses position # elements = errorToFormat symbolTypes hypotheses position = map (\(i,s) -> toString (repeatn (i*4) ' ') +++ s) elements errorToFormat :: SymbolTypes (Rose (String,[SugPosition])) [SugPosition] -> [(Int,String)] errorToFormat symbolTypes hypotheses position # intro = cantAnalyseAsOf +++ ":" # loc = myZip symbolTypes position +++ "." # help = if (isEmptyRose hypotheses) noOptions (optionsToSolve +++ ":") # sugs = fromRose hypotheses 0 position = [(0,intro),(0,loc),(0,help):sugs] myZip :: SymbolTypes [SugPosition] -> String myZip syms ps # [s:ss] = reverse syms = toString s +++ myZip` ss ps where myZip` [] _ = "" myZip` [s:ss] [p:pp] = ", "+++ toString s +++" "+++ toString p +++ myZip` ss pp myZip` _ _ = abort "'myZip' in ParserAccessories called with unexpected combination of list lengths" instance toString SymbolType where toString (Whole str) = str toString (Slice str i) = toString i +++ sliceOf +++ str instance toString SugPosition where toString (At i) = toString i toString (EndAt i) = ".." +++ toString i // ..45 should succinctly express that the error could be before or on position 45 fromRose :: (Rose (String,[SugPosition])) Int [SugPosition] -> [(Int,String)] fromRose [] _ _ = [] fromRose [RoseLeaf:rest] tab globalPos = fromRose rest tab globalPos fromRose [RoseTwig (str,pos) down:rest] tab globalPos # (deeperIntro,deeperRose) = if (isEmptyRose down) ("",[]) (", " +++ andWithinThat +++ ":",fromRose down (tab+1) globalPos) = [(tab,str +++ pos2str pos globalPos +++ deeperIntro):deeperRose]++fromRose rest tab globalPos pos2str :: [SugPosition] [SugPosition] -> String pos2str sp globalPos | sp == globalPos = "" // do not display position if it equals the global error position = " ["+++ flattenSep "," (map toString sp)+++"]" isEmptyRose :: (Rose a) -> Bool isEmptyRose [] = True isEmptyRose [RoseLeaf:as] = isEmptyRose as isEmptyRose _ = False // END EXPLAIN RESULT