module TestMetarParser // ************************************************************************************************** // // A program that lets one edit a METAR (Aeronautical Weather Message) and it displays parse results. // // The program has been written in Clean 2.0 and uses the Clean Standard Object I/O library 1.2.4 // // ************************************************************************************************** import StdEnv, StdIO, Text.Parsers.MetarDemo.MetarParser Start :: *World -> *World Start world # (ids,world) = openIds 3 world = startIO NDI Void (initialise ids) [] world :: ResultSt = {offset :: !Int, text :: [String],nrLines :: Int} initialise ids pst # (error,pst) = openDialog Void METAR_Dialog pst | error<>NoError= closeProcess pst | otherwise = pst where [viewid,showid,setid:_] = ids METAR_Dialog = Dialog "METAR Tester" { newLS = {offset=0,text=[],nrLines=0} , newDef = (editMETAR :+: parseButton :+: scrollUpButton :+: scrollDownButton :+: showResult) } [WindowId viewid, WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)] editMETAR # tip = "Type METAR without the leading airport code, such as EHAM for Amsterdam" = EditControl "" width 1 [ControlId setid, ControlPos (Left,NoOffset), ControlTip tip] parseButton # tip = "Parse METAR to see if its syntax is correct" = ButtonControl "Parse" [ControlFunction startParse, ControlPos (Left,NoOffset), ControlTip tip] scrollUpButton # tip = "Scroll up" = ButtonControl "/\\" [ControlFunction (scroll (~scrollStep)), ControlPos (RightToPrev,NoOffset), ControlTip tip] scrollDownButton # tip = "Scroll down" = ButtonControl "\\/" [ControlFunction (scroll scrollStep), ControlPos (RightToPrev,NoOffset), ControlTip tip] showResult = EditControl "" width nrLines [ControlSelectState Unable, ControlId showid, ControlPos (Left,NoOffset)] startParse :: (ResultSt,PSt .l) -> (ResultSt,PSt .l) startParse (_,pst) # (Just dialog,pst) = accPIO (getWindow viewid) pst (_,Just text) = getControlText setid dialog result = metarParse (fromString text) show = sep (take nrLines result) = ({offset=0,text=result,nrLines = length result},appPIO (setControlText showid show) pst) // put the parse-result in the protected text block scroll :: Int (ResultSt,PSt .l) -> (ResultSt,PSt .l) scroll step (result=:{offset,text,nrLines},pst) # offset = min nrLines (max 0 (offset+step)) # partText = sep (take nrLines (drop offset text)) = ({result & offset=offset},appPIO (setControlText showid partText) pst) metarParse :: [Char] -> [String] metarParse metar = case (testMetar (wordify metar)) of (Succ [m:ms]) = msgOK (report m) (Err st rose sp) = (errorToStrings st rose sp) width = PixelWidth (hmm 300.0) nrLines = 30 scrollStep = 5 sep = flattenSep "\r\n" /* The \r\n above is a work-around supplied on 4 January 2005 by Diederik van Arkel for a bug in EditControl. We would expect \n to suffice to insert a newline. */ msgOK result = ["METAR OK. Partial contents decoded:" ,"" ,"* Bound 1 of Wind Direction (Degrees)" ,"* Bound 2 of Wind Direction (Degrees)" ,"* Wind Speed (Knots)" ,"* Horizontal Visibility (Meters)" ,"* Vertical Visibility = Ceiling (Feet)" ,"* Temperature (Centigrade)" ,"* Air Pressure (Milimeters Mercury)" ,"" ,result]