definition module GetOpt /* This library provides facilities for parsing the command-line options in a standalone program. It is essentially a Clean port of the GNU @getopt@ library. Ported from Haskell System.Console.GetOpt module to Clean by László Domoszlai Feb. 2013. Originally written by Sven Panne: Sven Panne Oct. 1996 (small changes Dec. 1997) Two rather obscure features are missing: The Bash 2.0 non-option hack (if you don't already know it, you probably don't want to hear about it...) and the recognition of long options with a single dash (e.g. '-help' is recognised as '--help', as long as there is no short option 'h'). Other differences between GNU's getopt and this implementation: * To enforce a coherent description of options and arguments, there are explanation fields in the option/argument descriptor. * Error messages are now more informative, but no longer POSIX compliant... :-( And a final Haskell advertisement: The GNU C implementation uses well over 1100 lines, we need only 195 here, including a 46 line example! :-) */ import StdEnv, Data.Maybe // What to do with options following non-options :: ArgOrder a = RequireOrder // ^ no option processing after first non-option | Permute // ^ freely intersperse options and non-options | ReturnInOrder (String -> a) // ^ wrap non-options into options /* * Each 'OptDescr' describes a single option. * The arguments to 'Option' are: * - list of short option characters * - list of long option strings (without \"--\") * - argument descriptor * - explanation of option for user */ :: OptDescr a = // description of a single options: Option [Char] // list of short option characters [String] // list of long option strings (without "--") (ArgDescr a) // argument descriptor String // explanation of option for user // Describes whether an option takes an argument or not, and if so // how the argument is injected into a value of type @a@. :: ArgDescr a = NoArg a // ^ no argument expected | ReqArg (String -> a) String // ^ option requires argument | OptArg ((Maybe String) -> a) String // ^ optional argument // | Return a string describing the usage of a command, derived from // the header (first argument) and the options described by the // second argument. usageInfo :: String // header [OptDescr a] // option descriptors -> String // nicely formatted decription of options /* Process the command-line, and return the list of values that matched (and those that didn\'t). The arguments are: * The order requirements (see 'ArgOrder') * The option descriptions (see 'OptDescr') * The actual command line arguments (presumably got from 'System.Environment.getArgs'). 'getOpt' returns a triple consisting of the option arguments, a list of non-options, and a list of error messages. */ getOpt :: (ArgOrder a) // non-option handling [OptDescr a] // option descriptors [String] // the command-line arguments -> ([a],[String],[String]) // (options,non-options,error messages) /* This is almost the same as 'getOpt', but returns a quadruple consisting of the option arguments, a list of non-options, a list of unrecognized options, and a list of error messages. */ getOpt` :: (ArgOrder a) // non-option handling [OptDescr a] // option descriptors [String] // the command-line arguments -> ([a],[String], [String] ,[String]) // (options,non-options,unrecognized,error messages)