definition module System.FilePath /** Module for manipulation of file and directory paths */ :: FilePath :== String /** * Returns the default platform path separator */ pathSeparator :: Char /** * Returns a list of all allowed platform path separators */ pathSeparators :: [Char] /** * Returns the default file extension separator */ extSeparator :: Char /** * Concatenates two paths */ () infixr 5 :: !FilePath !FilePath -> FilePath /** * Split a FilePath into filename and extension. The result does not include the extension separator (.). */ splitExtension :: !FilePath -> (String, String) /** * Take the extension of a FilePath, excluding the separator */ takeExtension :: !FilePath -> String /** * Remove the extension and extension separator of a FilePath */ dropExtension :: !FilePath -> String /** * Add an extension to a FilePath */ addExtension :: !FilePath !String -> FilePath /** * Replace the extension of a FilePath */ replaceExtension :: !FilePath !String -> FilePath /** * Take the directory part of a FilePath. If the FilePath is a directory, * the result is the parent directory. */ takeDirectory :: !FilePath -> FilePath /** * Drop the directory part of a FilePath. Keep only the filename. */ dropDirectory :: !FilePath -> String /** * Split a filename into directory and file. */ splitFileName :: !FilePath -> (String, String) /** * Get the file name. */ takeFileName :: !FilePath -> FilePath /** * Set the filename. */ replaceFileName :: !FilePath !String -> FilePath /** * Drop the filename. */ dropFileName :: !FilePath -> FilePath