definition module Database.SQL.RelationalMapping /** * This module provides type-generic functions that map Clean values to a relational database. * It provides mapping functions for the basic C(reate)R(ead)U(pdate)D(elete) operations. * * Although it uses a type-generic function it is defined only for a subset of all Clean types. * It only has meaning for types that are specifically designed to represent parts of a relational database. * * For more information about defining such "representation types" see: * */ import StdGeneric, Data.Maybe import Database.SQL // Wrapper functions which provide the basic mapping mapRead :: !ref !*cur -> (!(Maybe MappingError), !(Maybe val), !*cur) | relMap{|*|} ref & relMap{|*|} val & SQLCursor cur & bimap{|*|} cur mapCreate :: !val !*cur -> (!(Maybe MappingError), !(Maybe ref), !*cur) | relMap{|*|} ref & relMap{|*|} val & SQLCursor cur & bimap{|*|} cur mapUpdate :: !val !*cur -> (!(Maybe MappingError), !(Maybe ref), !*cur) | relMap{|*|} ref & relMap{|*|} val & SQLCursor cur & bimap{|*|} cur mapDelete :: !ref !*cur -> (!(Maybe MappingError), !(Maybe val), !*cur) | relMap{|*|} ref & relMap{|*|} val & SQLCursor cur & bimap{|*|} cur // Errors :: MappingError = DatabaseError SQLError //Something went wrong during interaction with the database | TypeError String //The structure is not conform the constraints of "representation types" instance toString MappingError //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Everything below this line is only relevant if you want to define specializations of the generic mapping function. * for normal use of the library you may ignore this machinery */ // The generic mapper can operate in six different modes :: RelMapMode = RelMapCreate // Create a new representation in the database for a value | RelMapRead // Read a representation from the database to the token stream | RelMapUpdate // Update an existing representation in the database | RelMapDelete // Remove a representation from the database | RelMapInfo // Determine type structure information | RelMapInit // Serialize a value to the tokenstream // Some operations have to be performed in multiple passes :: RelMapPass :== Int // The different types of tokens in the token stream that is // used as buffer for serializing and deserializing values :: RelMapToken = RelMapValue SQLValue //Plain value, index in the stream determines to which field it is mapped | RelMapTerminator //Terminator token, indicates the end of a list of values | RelMapOverride String SQLValue //Field override, if there is such a token in the stream for a given field, //its value is used instead of the 'normal' value in the stream // Information about the structure of types :: RelMapFieldInfo = { fld_table :: String //The database table in which this value is stored , fld_select :: Maybe String //The database field in which this value is stored , fld_match :: Maybe String //The database field on which can be matched to find the right database record , rec_table :: String //The database table of the key field of the parent record , rec_key :: String //The database field of the key field of the parent record , val_list :: Bool //Are dealing with one, or with a set of values , val_maybe :: Bool //Is the value optional , val_fields :: [RelMapFieldInfo] //Information about the fields if this value is a record , val_id :: Bool //Is the field an ID type or an entity record } // *The* core generic function // This function does all operations on a database. It can both read and write information generic relMap t :: !RelMapMode !RelMapPass !(Maybe t) ![RelMapFieldInfo] ![RelMapToken] !*cur -> (!(Maybe MappingError), !(Maybe t),![RelMapFieldInfo],![RelMapToken],!*cur) | SQLCursor cur // Instances for the standard data types derive relMap Int, Real, Bool, Char, String, UNIT, PAIR, EITHER, CONS, FIELD, OBJECT, {}, {!}, Maybe, []