definition module Data.Set from StdOverloaded import class ==, class < (..) from StdClass import class Ord (..), <=, > from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe from Data.List import foldl, map from StdBool import not, && // This module is ported from Haskell Data.Set by László Domoszlai. 2013.sep.6 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | * Module : Data.Set * Copyright : (c) Daan Leijen 2002 * License : BSD-style * Maintainer : * Stability : provisional * Portability : portable * An efficient implementation of sets. * * Since many function names (but not the type name) clash with * "Prelude" names, this module is usually imported @qualified@, e.g. * * > import Data.Set (Set) * > import qualified Data.Set as Set * * The implementation of 'Set' is based on /size balanced/ binary trees (or * trees of /bounded balance/) as described by: * * * Stephen Adams, \"/Efficient sets: a balancing act/\", * Journal of Functional Programming 3(4):553-562, October 1993, * . * * * J. Nievergelt and E.M. Reingold, * \"/Binary search trees of bounded balance/\", * SIAM journal of computing 2(1), March 1973. * * Note that the implementation is /left-biased/ -- the elements of a * first argument are always preferred to the second, for example in * 'union' or 'insert'. Of course, left-biasing can only be observed * when equality is an equivalence relation instead of structural * equality. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ :: Set a = Tip | Bin !Int !a !(Set a) !(Set a) instance == (Set a) | == a instance < (Set a) | < a // Is this the empty set? //null :: !(Set a) -> Bool null s :== case s of Tip -> True (Bin sz _ _ _) -> False // The number of elements in the set. //size :: !(Set a) -> Int size s :== case s of Tip -> 0 (Bin sz _ _ _) -> sz // Is the element in the set? member :: !a !(Set a) -> Bool | < a & == a //notMember :: !a !(Set a) -> Bool | < a & == a notMember x t :== not (member x t) // Is this a subset? //isSubsetOf :: !(Set a) !(Set a) -> Bool | < a & == a isSubsetOf t1 t2 :== (size t1 <= size t2) && (isSubsetOfX t1 t2) isSubsetOfX :: !(Set a) !(Set a) -> Bool | < a & == a // Is this a proper subset? (ie. a subset but not equal). //isProperSubsetOf :: !(Set a) !(Set a) -> Bool | < a & == a isProperSubsetOf s1 s2 :== (size s1 < size s2) && (isSubsetOf s1 s2) // The empty set. newSet :: Set a // Create a singleton set. singleton :: !u:a -> w:(Set u:a), [w <= u] // Insert an element in a set. // If the set already contains an element equal to the given value, // it is replaced with the new value. insert :: !a !.(Set a) -> Set a | < a & == a // Delete an element from a set. delete :: !a !.(Set a) -> Set a | < a & == a // The minimal element of a set. findMin :: !(Set a) -> a // The maximal element of a set. findMax :: !(Set a) -> a // Delete the minimal element. deleteMin :: !.(Set a) -> Set a // Delete the maximal element. deleteMax :: !.(Set a) -> Set a // deleteFindMin set = (findMin set, deleteMin set) deleteFindMin :: !.(Set a) -> (!a, !Set a) // deleteFindMax set = (findMax set, deleteMax set) deleteFindMax :: !.(Set a) -> (!a, !Set a) // Retrieves the minimal key of the set, and the set // stripped of that element, or 'Nothing' if passed an empty set. minView :: !.(Set a) -> .(Maybe (!a, !Set a)) // Retrieves the maximal key of the set, and the set // stripped of that element, or 'Nothing' if passed an empty set. maxView :: !.(Set a) -> .(Maybe (!a, !Set a)) // The union of two sets, preferring the first set when // equal elements are encountered. // The implementation uses the efficient /hedge-union/ algorithm. // Hedge-union is more efficient on (bigset `union` smallset). union :: !u:(Set a) !u:(Set a) -> Set a | < a & == a // The union of a list of sets: (@'unions' == 'foldl' 'union' 'empty'@). //unions :: !u:[v:(Set a)] -> Set a | < a & == a, [u <= v] unions ts :== foldl union newSet ts // Difference of two sets. difference :: !(Set a) !(Set a) -> Set a | < a & == a // The intersection of two sets. // Elements of the result come from the first set intersection :: !(Set a) !(Set a) -> Set a | < a & == a intersections :: ![Set a] -> Set a | < a & == a // Filter all elements that satisfy the predicate. filter :: !(a -> Bool) !(Set a) -> Set a | < a & == a // Partition the set into two sets, one with all elements that satisfy // the predicate and one with all elements that don't satisfy the predicate. partition :: !(a -> Bool) !(Set a) -> (!Set a, !Set a) | < a & == a // The expression (@'split' x set@) is a pair @(set1,set2)@ // where @set1@ comprises the elements of @set@ less than @x@ and @set2@ // comprises the elements of @set@ greater than @x@. split :: !a !(Set a) -> (!Set a, !Set a) | < a & == a // Performs a 'split' but also returns whether the pivot // element was found in the original set. splitMember :: !a !(Set a) -> (!Set a, !Bool, !Set a) | < a & == a // | /O(n)/. Post-order fold. fold :: !(a -> .b -> .b) !.b !.(Set a) -> .b // Convert the set to an ascending list of elements. //toList :: !(Set a) -> [a] toList s :== toAscList s toAscList t :== fold (\a as -> [a:as]) [] t // Create a set from a list of elements. fromList :: ![a] -> Set a | < a & == a //mapSet :: !(a -> b) !(Set a) -> Set b | < a & == a & < b & == b mapSet f s :== fromList (map f (toList s)) mapSetMonotonic :: !(a -> b) !(Set a) -> Set b