/* This c header file contains the typedefinition for the WindowData type, an data structure containing all necessary window information needed in a Clean program. Furthermore some auxiliary types are declared. Leon Pillich, October 1992 1993 (Sven Panne) : added ifndef, some components of WindowData and keys */ #ifndef windowdata_DEFINED #define windowdata_DEFINED #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct _WindowData { /* Data primarily associated with the window */ Frame frame; Canvas canvas; Scrollbar hscrollbar; Scrollbar vscrollbar; int both_pixels; /* size of border and scrollbars in pixels */ /* Data associated with the picture domain */ Xv_Window picture; /* XView paint window */ int width, height; /* actual viewable size of paint window */ int x0, y0; /* upper left coordinates of the picture domain */ /* Data associated with the actual picture */ GC window_gc; int curx, cury; /* actual position of pen */ int pen; /* 0: pen hidden, 1: pen visible */ /* Font information for the pictures gc */ XFontStruct *font_info; char *font_name; char *font_style; char *font_size; /* Is this window active? */ MyBoolean active; } WindowData; /* Keeping track of multiclicks */ typedef enum {NoClick, OneClick, TwoClicks} ClickCount; /* Keeping track of button still down events. */ typedef enum {ButtonUp, ButtonStillDownWindow, ButtonStillDownDialog} ButtonDownState; #endif