implementation module deltaSystem; // Version 0.84sp // // Operating System dependent constants. // // from StdString import String; /* Keyboard constants */ UpKey :== '\036'; // Arrow up in C part: MacUp DownKey :== '\037'; // Arrow down in C part: MacDown LeftKey :== '\034'; // Arrow left in C part: MacLeft RightKey :== '\035'; // Arrow right in C part: MacRight PgUpKey :== '\013'; // Page up in C part: MacPgUp PgDownKey :== '\014'; // Page down in C part: MacPgDown BeginKey :== '\001'; // Begin of text in C part: MacBegin EndKey :== '\004'; // End of text in C part: MacEnd BackSpKey :== '\010'; // Backspace in C part: MacBackSp DelKey :== '\177'; // Delete in C part: MacDel TabKey :== '\011'; // Tab in C part: MacTab ReturnKey :== '\015'; // Return in C part: MacReturn EnterKey :== '\003'; // Enter in C part: MacEnter EscapeKey :== '\033'; // Escape in C part: MacEscape HelpKey :== '\005'; // Help in C part: MacHelp /* File constants */ DirSeparator :== '/'; // Separator between directories and files in a pathname /* Constants to check which of the Modifiers is down. */ ShiftOnly :== (True,False,False,False); OptionOnly :== (False,True,False,False); CommandOnly :== (False,False,True,True); ControlOnly :== (False,False,True,True); from xpath import get_home_path, get_appl_path; from xwindow import get_screen_size; from xdialog import mm_to_pixel_hor,mm_to_pixel_ver; from StdInt import class - (-), instance - (Int); from StdReal import class * (*), instance * (Real); from StdString import class +++ (+++), instance +++({#Char}); HomePath :: !String -> String; HomePath fname = get_home_path 0 +++ "/." +++ fname ; ApplicationPath :: !String -> String; ApplicationPath fname = get_appl_path 0 +++ "/" +++ fname ; MaxFixedWindowSize :: (!Int,!Int); MaxFixedWindowSize =: (width - 100, height - 100); where { (width, height)=: get_screen_size 0; }; MaxScrollWindowSize :: (!Int, !Int); MaxScrollWindowSize =: MaxFixedWindowSize; MMToHorPixels :: !Real -> Int; MMToHorPixels n = mm_to_pixel_hor n; MMToVerPixels :: !Real -> Int; MMToVerPixels n = mm_to_pixel_ver n; InchToHorPixels :: !Real -> Int; InchToHorPixels n = mm_to_pixel_hor (n * 25.4); InchToVerPixels :: !Real -> Int; InchToVerPixels n = mm_to_pixel_ver (n * 25.4);