implementation module deltaIOState; // // Version 0.84sp // // Global operations on the IOState. // import deltaEventIO; from misc import UEvaluate_2; from xwindow import set_dd_distance; import ioState; // RWS ... import StdFile; /* IOState is an instance of the FileEnv class (see StdFile): */ instance FileEnv (IOState s) where { accFiles :: !.(*Files -> (.x,*Files)) !(IOState s) -> (!.x,!IOState s); accFiles accfun io # (w,io) = IOStateGetWorld io; (x,w) = accFiles accfun w; io = IOStateSetWorld w io; = (x,io); appFiles :: !.(*Files -> *Files) !(IOState s) -> IOState s; appFiles appfun io # (w,io) = IOStateGetWorld io; w = appFiles appfun w; io = IOStateSetWorld w io; = io; }; // ... RWS /* There is no way to obscure the cursor under X Windows */ ObscureCursor :: !(IOState s) -> IOState s; ObscureCursor io = io; SetDoubleDownDistance :: !Int !(IOState s) -> IOState s; SetDoubleDownDistance dist io = UEvaluate_2 io (set_dd_distance dist);