definition module deltaIOState; // Global operations on the IOState. // version 0.8.3 import deltaEventIO, deltaIOSystem; from StdFile import class FileEnv, :: Files; instance FileEnv (IOState s); /* :: SetGlobalCursor !CursorShape !(IOState s) -> IOState s; << Set the shape of the cursor globally. This shape overrules the local cursor shapes of windows. >> :: ResetCursor !(IOState s) -> IOState s; << Undoes the effect of SetGlobalCursor. >> */ ObscureCursor :: !(IOState s) -> IOState s; /* Has no effect on X Windows / Open Look systems */ SetDoubleDownDistance :: !Int !(IOState s) -> IOState s; /* Has no effect on X Windows / Open Look systems (?) */ from cursorInternal import SetGlobalCursor,ResetCursor;