implementation module iDataState // encoding and decoding of information // (c) 2005 MJP import StdArray, StdList, StdOrdList, StdString, StdTuple, ArgEnv, StdMaybe, Directory import htmlDataDef, htmlTrivial, htmlFormData, EncodeDecode import GenPrint, GenParse import dynamic_string import EstherBackend //import Debug // TEMP // This module controls the handling of state forms and the communication with the browser // iData states are maintained in a binairy tree // The are currently two storage formats for iData values: // 1. a string format, generically generated; works for any first order type. // A generic parser is needed to convert the string back to a value of the required type. // 2. a static (= no dynamic linker needed) dynamic; works for any type, including higher order types. // But watch it: only the application which wrotes the dynamic, can read it back: no plug ins! recompiling means: all information lost! // A distinction is made between old states (states retrieved from the html form) // and new states (states of newly created forms and updated forms) :: *FormStates = // collection of states of all forms { fstates :: *FStates // internal tree of states , triplets :: [(Triplet,String)] // indicates what has changed: which form, which postion, which value , updateid :: String // which form has changed , server :: ServerKind // is an external server required } :: FStates :== Tree_ (String,FormState) // each form needs a different string id :: Tree_ a = Node_ (Tree_ a) a (Tree_ a) | Leaf_ :: FormState = OldState !FState // Old states are the states from the previous calculation | NewState !FState // New states are newly created states or old states that have been inspected and updated :: FState = { format :: !Format // Encoding method used for serialization , life :: !Lifespan // Its life span } :: Format = PlainStr !.String // Either a string is used for serialization | StatDyn !Dynamic // Or a dynamic which enables serialization of functions defined in the application (no plug ins yet) | DBStr !.String (*Gerda -> *Gerda) // In case a new value has to bestored in the database // Options readGerda` id gerda :== IF_GERDA (readGerda id gerda) (abort "Reading Database, yet option is swiched off\n", abort "Reading Database, yet option is swiched off\n") writeGerda` id val :== IF_GERDA (writeGerda id val) (\_ -> abort "Writing Database, yet option is swiched off\n") // functions defined on the FormStates abstract data type instance < FormState where (<) _ _ = True emptyFormStates :: *FormStates emptyFormStates = { fstates = Leaf_ , triplets = [], updateid = "", server = Internal} getTriplets :: !String !*FormStates -> (Triplets,!*FormStates) getTriplets id formstates=:{triplets} = ([mytrips \\ mytrips=:((tripid,_,_),_) <- triplets | id == tripid] ,formstates) getUpdateId :: !*FormStates -> ([String],!*FormStates) getUpdateId formStates=:{triplets} = (removeDup [tripid \\ ((tripid,_,_),_) <- triplets] ,formStates) getUpdate :: !*FormStates -> (String,!*FormStates) //getUpdate formStates=:{update} = (update,formStates) getUpdate formStates = ("",formStates) findState :: !(FormId a) !*FormStates *NWorld -> (Bool,Maybe a,*FormStates,*NWorld) | iPrint, iParse, iSpecialStore a findState formid formstates=:{fstates,server} world # (bool,ma,fstates,world) = findState` formid fstates world = (bool,ma,{formstates & fstates = fstates},world) where // findState` :: !(FormId a) *FStates *NWorld -> (Bool,Maybe a,*FStates,*NWorld)| gPrint{|*|}, gerda{|*|}, TC, gParse{|*|} a //iDataSerAndDeSerialize a findState` formid formstate=:(Node_ left (fid,info) right) world | == fid = case info of (OldState state) = (True, fetchFState state,formstate,world) (NewState state) = (False,fetchFState state,formstate,world) with fetchFState :: FState -> Maybe a | TC a & gParse{|*|} a fetchFState {format = PlainStr string} = parseString string fetchFState {format = DBStr string _} = parseString string fetchFState {format = StatDyn (v::a^)} = Just v fetchFState _ = Nothing | < fid = (bool,parsed, Node_ leftformstates (fid,info) right,nworld) with (bool,parsed,leftformstates,nworld) = findState` formid left world | otherwise = (bool,parsed, Node_ left (fid,info) rightformstates,nworld) with (bool,parsed,rightformstates,nworld) = findState` formid right world // value is not yet available in the tree storage... // all stuff read out from persistent store is now marked as OldState (was NewState) // read out database and store as string findState` {id,lifespan = Database,storage = PlainString} Leaf_ world=:{gerda} # (value,gerda) = readGerda` id gerda # world = {world & gerda = gerda} = case value of Just a = (True, Just a, Node_ Leaf_ (id,OldState {format = PlainStr (printToString a), life = Database}) Leaf_,world) Nothing = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) // read out database and store as dynamic findState` {id,lifespan = Database,storage = StaticDynamic} Leaf_ world=:{gerda} # (value,gerda) = readGerda` id gerda # world = {world & gerda = gerda} = case value of Nothing = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) Just string = case string_to_dynamic` string of dyn=:(dynval::a^) -> (True, Just dynval,Node_ Leaf_ (id,OldState {format = StatDyn dyn, life = Database}) Leaf_,world) else -> (False,Nothing, Leaf_,world) // read out file and store as string findState` {id,lifespan = TxtFile,storage = PlainString} Leaf_ world # (string,world) = readState (MyDir server) id world = case parseString string of Just a = (True, Just a, Node_ Leaf_ (id,OldState {format = PlainStr string, life = TxtFile}) Leaf_,world) Nothing = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) findState` {id,lifespan = TxtFileRO,storage = PlainString} Leaf_ world # (string,world) = readState (MyDir server) id world = case parseString string of Just a = (True, Just a, Node_ Leaf_ (id,OldState {format = PlainStr string, life = TxtFileRO}) Leaf_,world) Nothing = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) // read out file and store as dynamic findState` {id,lifespan = TxtFile,storage = StaticDynamic} Leaf_ world # (string,world) = readState (MyDir server) id world = case string of "" = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) _ = case string_to_dynamic` string of dyn=:(dynval::a^) = (True, Just dynval,Node_ Leaf_ (id,OldState {format = StatDyn dyn, life = TxtFile}) Leaf_,world) else = (False,Nothing, Leaf_,world) // with // mydebug s dyn = ["\n" <+++ s <+++ ShowValueDynamic dyn <+++ " :: " <+++ ShowTypeDynamic dyn] findState` {id,lifespan = TxtFileRO,storage = StaticDynamic} Leaf_ world # (string,world) = readState (MyDir server) id world = case string of "" = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) _ = case string_to_dynamic` string of dyn=:(dynval::a^) = (True, Just dynval,Node_ Leaf_ (id,OldState {format = StatDyn dyn, life = TxtFileRO}) Leaf_,world) else = (False,Nothing, Leaf_,world) // cannot find the value at all findState` _ Leaf_ world = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) findState` _ _ world = (False,Nothing,Leaf_,world) string_to_dynamic` :: {#Char} -> Dynamic // just to make a unique copy as requested by string_to_dynamic string_to_dynamic` s = string_to_dynamic {s` \\ s` <-: s} replaceState :: !(FormId a) a !*FormStates *NWorld -> (*FormStates,*NWorld) | iPrint,iSpecialStore a replaceState formid val formstates=:{fstates} world # (fstates,world) = replaceState` formid val fstates world = ({formstates & fstates = fstates},world) where replaceState` :: !(FormId a) a *FStates *NWorld -> (*FStates,*NWorld) | iPrint, iSpecialStore a replaceState` formid val Leaf_ world // id not part of tree yet = (Node_ Leaf_ (,NewState (initNewState (adjustlife formid.lifespan) Temp val)) Leaf_,world) replaceState` formid val (Node_ left a=:(fid,fstate) right) world | == fid = (Node_ left (fid,NewState (initNewState formid.lifespan (detlifespan fstate) val)) right,world) | < fid = (Node_ nleft a right,nworld) with (nleft, nworld) = replaceState` formid val left world | otherwise = (Node_ left a nright,nworld) with (nright,nworld) = replaceState` formid val right world // NewState Handling routines initNewState :: !String !Lifespan !Lifespan !StorageFormat !a -> FState | iPrint, iSpecialStore a initNewState id Database olifespan PlainString nv = {format = DBStr (printToString nv) (writeGerda` id nv), life = order Database olifespan} initNewState id lifespan olifespan PlainString nv = {format = PlainStr (printToString nv), life = order lifespan olifespan} initNewState id lifespan olifespan StaticDynamic nv = {format = StatDyn (dynamic nv), life = order lifespan olifespan}// convert the hidden state information stored in the html page adjustlife TxtFileRO = TxtFile // to enforce that a read only persistent file is written once adjustlife life = life detlifespan (OldState formstate) = detlifespan (NewState formstate) = order l1 l2 = if (l1 < l2) l2 l1 // longest lifetime chosen will be the final setting Database > TxtFile > Session > Page > temp deleteStates :: !(String -> Bool) !*FormStates *NWorld -> (*FormStates,*NWorld) deleteStates pred formstates=:{fstates,server} world # (fstates,world) = deleteStates` fstates world = ({formstates & fstates = fstates},world) where deleteStates` :: *FStates *NWorld -> (*FStates,*NWorld) deleteStates` Leaf_ world // id not part of tree yet = (Leaf_,world) deleteStates` (Node_ left a=:(fid,fstate) right) world # (nleft, world) = deleteStates` left world # (nright,world) = deleteStates` right world | pred fid = deleteIData nleft nright a world = (Node_ nleft a nright,world) deleteIData left right a world # world = deleteTxtFileIData a world = (join left right,world) where join Leaf_ right = right join left Leaf_ = left join left right = Node_ nleft largest right where (largest,nleft) = FindRemoveLargest left FindRemoveLargest (Node_ left x Leaf_) = (x,left) FindRemoveLargest (Node_ left x right ) = (largest,Node_ left x nright) where (largest,nright) = FindRemoveLargest right deleteTxtFileIData (fid,OldState {life}) world = deleteTxtFile fid life world deleteTxtFileIData (fid,NewState {life}) world = deleteTxtFile fid life world deleteTxtFile fid Database world=:{gerda} = {world & gerda = deleteGerda fid gerda} deleteTxtFile fid TxtFile world = deleteState (MyDir server) fid world deleteTxtFile fid TxtFileRO world = deleteState (MyDir server) fid world deleteTxtFile fid _ world = world // Serialization and De-Serialization of states // // De-serialize information from server to the internally used form states retrieveFormStates :: ServerKind (Maybe [(String, String)]) *NWorld -> (*FormStates,*NWorld) // retrieves all form states hidden in the html page retrieveFormStates serverkind args world = ({ fstates = retrieveFStates, triplets = triplets, updateid = calc_updateid triplets, server = serverkind },world) where retrieveFStates = Balance (sort [(sid,OldState {format = toExistval storageformat state, life = lifespan}) \\ (sid,lifespan,storageformat,state) <- htmlStates | sid <> "" ]) where toExistval PlainString string = PlainStr string // string that has to be parsed in the context where the type is known toExistval StaticDynamic string = StatDyn (string_to_dynamic` string) // recover the dynamic (htmlStates,triplets) = DecodeHtmlStatesAndUpdate serverkind args calc_updateid [] = "" calc_updateid [(triplet,upd):_] = case triplet of ("",0,UpdI 0) = "" (id,_,_) = id else = "" // Serialize all states in FormStates that have to be remembered to either hidden encoded Html Code // or store them in a persistent file, all depending on the kind of states storeFormStates :: !FormStates *NWorld -> (BodyTag,*NWorld) storeFormStates {fstates = allFormStates,server} world # world = writeAllTxtFileStates allFormStates world // first write all persistens states = (BodyTag [ submitscript , globalstateform (SV encodedglobalstate) ],world) where encodedglobalstate = EncodeHtmlStates (FStateToHtmlState allFormStates []) FStateToHtmlState :: !(Tree_ (String,.FormState)) *[HtmlState] -> *[HtmlState] FStateToHtmlState Leaf_ accu = accu FStateToHtmlState (Node_ left x right) accu = case htmlStateOf x of Just state = FStateToHtmlState left [state : FStateToHtmlState right accu] nothing = FStateToHtmlState left (FStateToHtmlState right accu) where htmlStateOf :: !(String,.FormState) -> Maybe HtmlState // old states which have not been used this time, but with lifespan session, are stored again in the page // other old states will have lifespan page or are persistent; they need not to be stored htmlStateOf (fid,OldState {life=Session,format=PlainStr stringval}) = Just (fid,Session,PlainString,stringval) htmlStateOf (fid,OldState {life=Session,format=StatDyn dynval}) = Just (fid,Session,StaticDynamic,dynamic_to_string dynval) htmlStateOf (fid,OldState s) = Nothing // persistent stores (either old or new) have already been stored in files and can be skipped here // temperal form don't need to be stored and can be skipped as well // the state of all other new forms created are stored in the page htmlStateOf (fid,NewState {life}) | isMember life [Database,TxtFile,TxtFileRO,Temp] = Nothing htmlStateOf (fid,NewState {format = PlainStr string,life}) = Just (fid,life,PlainString,string) htmlStateOf (fid,NewState {format = StatDyn dynval, life}) = Just (fid,life,StaticDynamic,dynamic_to_string dynval) writeAllTxtFileStates :: !FStates *NWorld -> *NWorld // store states in persistent stores writeAllTxtFileStates Leaf_ nworld = nworld writeAllTxtFileStates (Node_ left st right) nworld = writeAllTxtFileStates right (writeAllTxtFileStates left (writeTxtFileState st nworld)) where // only new states need to be stored, since old states have not been changed (assertion) writeTxtFileState (sid,NewState {format,life = Database}) nworld=:{gerda} = case format of DBStr string gerdafun = {nworld & gerda = gerdafun gerda} // last value is stored in curried write function StatDyn dynval = {nworld & gerda = writeGerda sid (dynamic_to_string dynval) gerda} // write the dynamic as a string to the database writeTxtFileState (sid,NewState {format,life = TxtFile}) nworld = case format of PlainStr string = writeState (MyDir server) sid string nworld StatDyn dynval = writeState (MyDir server) sid (dynamic_to_string dynval) nworld writeTxtFileState _ nworld = nworld // trace States traceStates :: !*FormStates -> (BodyTag,!*FormStates) traceStates formstates=:{fstates} # (bodytags,fstates) = traceStates` fstates = (BodyTag [Br, B [] "State values when application ended:",Br, STable [] ([[B [] "Id:", B[] "Inspected:", B [] "Lifespan:", B [] "Format:", B [] "Value:"]] ++ bodytags) ],{formstates & fstates = fstates}) where traceStates` Leaf_ = ([],Leaf_) traceStates` (Node_ left a right) # (leftTrace,left) = traceStates` left # nodeTrace = nodeTrace a # (rightTrace,right) = traceStates` right = (leftTrace ++ nodeTrace ++ rightTrace,Node_ left a right) nodeTrace (id,OldState fstate=:{format,life}) = [[Txt id,Txt "No", Txt (toString life):toStr format]] nodeTrace (id,NewState fstate=:{format,life}) = [[Txt id,Txt "Yes",Txt (toString life):toStr format]] toStr (PlainStr str) = [Txt "String", Txt str] toStr (StatDyn dyn) = [Txt "S_Dynamic", Txt (ShowValueDynamic dyn <+++ " :: " <+++ ShowTypeDynamic dyn )] toStr (DBStr str _) = [Txt "Database", Txt str] strip s = { ns \\ ns <-: s | ns >= '\020' && ns <= '\0200'} ShowValueDynamic :: Dynamic -> String ShowValueDynamic d = strip (foldr (+++) "" (fst (toStringDynamic d)) +++ " ") ShowTypeDynamic :: Dynamic -> String ShowTypeDynamic d = strip (snd (toStringDynamic d) +++ " ") // debugging code print_graph :: !a -> Bool; print_graph a = code { .d 1 0 jsr _print_graph .o 0 0 pushB TRUE } my_dynamic_to_string :: !Dynamic -> {#Char}; my_dynamic_to_string d | not (print_graph d) = abort "" #! s=dynamic_to_string d; | not (print_graph (tohexstring s)) = abort "" # d2 = string_to_dynamic {c \\ c <-: s}; | not (print_graph d2) = abort "" = s; tohexstring :: {#Char} -> {#Char}; tohexstring s = {tohexchar s i \\ i<-[0..2*size s-1]}; tohexchar :: {#Char} Int -> Char; tohexchar s i # c=((toInt s.[i>>1]) >> ((1-(i bitand 1))<<2)) bitand 15; | c<10 = toChar (48+c); = toChar (55+c); // create balanced storage tree: Balance :: ![a] -> .(Tree_ a) Balance [] = Leaf_ Balance [x] = Node_ Leaf_ x Leaf_ Balance xs = case splitAt (length xs/2) xs of (a,[b:bs]) = Node_ (Balance a) b (Balance bs) (as,[]) = Node_ (Balance (init as)) (last as) Leaf_ import GenMap derive gMap Tree_ // interfaces added for testing: initTestFormStates :: *NWorld -> (*FormStates,*NWorld) // retrieves all form states hidden in the html page initTestFormStates world = ({ fstates = Leaf_, triplets = [], updateid = "" , server = JustTesting},world) setTestFormStates :: [(Triplet,String)] String String *FormStates *NWorld -> (*FormStates,*NWorld) // retrieves all form states hidden in the html page setTestFormStates triplets updateid update states world = ({ fstates = gMap{|*->*|} toOldState states.fstates, triplets = triplets, updateid = updateid, server = JustTesting},world) where toOldState (s,NewState fstate) = (s,OldState fstate) toOldState else = else