definition module webServerTest /* Special library to test Webservers. Pieter Koopman 2005, 2006 */ //import StdEnv, gast, StdHtml, htmlPrintUtil import StdEnv, gast, StdHtml, PrintUtil derive bimap [] :: HtmlInput = HtmlButton String | HtmlIntTextBox String Int | HtmlStringTextBox String String // --------- Utilities --------- // htmlPageTitle :: Html -> [String] htmlEditBoxValues :: Html String -> [Int] htmlTextValues :: Html -> [String] // --------- The main function --------- // testHtml :: [TestSMOption s i Html] (Spec s i Html) s (i->HtmlInput) (*HSt -> (Html,*HSt)) *World -> *World | ggen{|*|} i & gEq{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} s & genShow{|*|} i