definition module htmlStyleDef import htmlDataDef // a Clean data structure representing a subset of html Style :: Style = Style String [StyleOpt] :: StyleOpt = // Background Style Background [BackgroundOpt] // background : A shorthand property for setting all background properties in one declaration | BgAttach AttachOpt // background-attachment : sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page | BgColor ColorOpt // background-color : set the background color of an element | BgImage ImageOpt // background-image : sets the background image of an element | BgPosition BgPosOpt // background-position : initial position of the background image | BgRepeat RepeatOpt // background-repeat : Sets if/how a background image will be repeated // Border Style | Border [BorderOpt] // border : shorthand property for setting all of the properties for the four borders in one declaration | BdBottom BorderOpt // border-bottom : shorthand property for setting the width, style, and color of the bottom border of a box | BdBottomColor ColorOption // border-bottom-color : sets the color of the bottom border of a box | BdBottomStyle BorderStyle // border-bottom-style : sets the style of the bottom border of a box | BdBottomWidth BorderWidth // border-bottom-width : sets the width of the bottom border of a box | BdColor ColorOpt // border-color : color of the four borders | BdLeft BorderOpt // border-left : shorthand property for setting the width, style, and color of the left border of a box | BdLeftColor ColorOption // border-left-color : sets the color of the left border of a box | BdLeftStyle BorderStyle // border-left-style : sets the style of the left border of a box | BdLeftWidth BorderWidth // border-left-width : sets the width of the left border of a box | BdRight BorderOpt // border-right : shorthand property for setting the width, style, and color of the right border of a box | BdRightColor ColorOption // border-right-color : sets the color of the right border of a box | BdRightStyle BorderStyle // border-right-style : sets the style of the right border of a box | BdRightWidth BorderWidth // border-right-width : sets the width of the right border of a box | BdStyle BorderStyle // border-style : sets the style of the four borders. It can have from one to four values (top, right, bottom, left) | BdTop BorderOpt // border-top : shorthand property for setting the width, style, and color of the top border of a box | BdTopColor ColorOption // border-top-color : sets the color of the top border of a box | BdTopStyle BorderStyle // border-top-style : sets the style of the top border of a box | BdTopWidth BorderWidth // border-top-width : sets the width of the top border of a box | BdWidth BorderWidth // border-width : shorthand property for setting 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', and 'border-left-width' at the same place in the style sheet // Classification Style | ClassClear ClearOpt // clear : sets the sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed | ClassCursor CursorOpt // cursor : specifies the type of cursor to be displayed | ClassDisplay DisplayOpt // display : sets how/if an element is displayed | ClassFloat FloatOpt // float : sets where an image or a text will appear in another element | ClassPos PosOpt // position : places an element in a static, relative, absolute or fixed position | ClassVisibility VisibOpt // visibility : sets if an element should be visible or invisible // Dimension Style | DimHeight SizeOpt // height : sets the height of an element | DimLineHeight LineSizeOpt // line-height : sets the distance between lines | DimMaxHeight MaxSizeOpt // max-height : sets the maximum height of an element | DimMaxWidth MaxSizeOpt // max-width : sets the maximum width of an element | DimMinHeight LengthOpt // min-height : sets the minimum height of an element | DimMinWidth LengthOpt // min-width : sets the minimum width of an element | DimWidth SizeOpt // width : sets the width of an element // Font Style | FntFont [FontOpt] // font : shorthand property for setting all of the properties for a font in one declaration | FntFamily String // font-family : prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names for an element | FntSize FntSizeOpt // font-size : sets the size of a font | FntSizeAdj FntSizeAdjOpt // font-size-adjust : specifies an aspect value for an element that will preserve the x-height of the first-choice font | FntStretch StretchOpt // font-stretch : condenses or expands the current font-family | FntStyle FntStyleOpt // font-style : sets the style of the font | FntVariant VariantOpt // font-variant : displays text in a small-caps font or a normal font | FntWeight FntWeightOpt // font-weight : sets the weight of a font // Generated Content Style // | GenContent ContentOpt // content : generates content in a document. Used with the :before and :after pseudo-elements | GenCounterIncr CounterOpt // counter-increment : sets how much the counter increments on each occurrence of a selector | GenCounterReset CounterOpt // counter-reset : sets the value the counter is set to on each occurrence of a selector | GenQuotes QuotesOpt // quotes : sets the type of quotation marks // List and Marker Style | LstStyle [LstStyleOpt] // list-style : shorthand property for setting all of the properties for a list in one declaration | LstStyleImg LstImgOpt // list-style-image : sets an image as the list-item marker | LstStylePos LstPosOpt // list-style-position : sets where the list-item marker is placed in the list | LstStyleType LstTypeOpt // list-style-type : sets the type of the list-item marker | MarketOffset MktOffsetOpt // market-offset // Margin Style | MrgMargin [MarginOpt] // margin : shorthand property for setting the margin properties in one declaration | MrgBottom SizeOpt // margin-bottom : sets the bottom margin of an element | MrgLeft SizeOpt // margin-left : sets the left margin of an element | MrgRight SizeOpt // margin-right : sets the right margin of an element | MrgTop SizeOpt // margin-top : sets the top margin of an element // Outline Style | OlnOutline [OutlineOpt] // outline : shorthand property for setting all the outline properties in one declaration | OlnColor OlnColorOpt // outline-color : sets the color of the outline around an element | OlnStyle OlnStyleOpt // outline-style : sets the style of the outline around an element | OlnWidth OlnWidthOpt // outline-width : sets the width of the outline around an element // Padding Style | PadPadding [LengthOpt] // padding : shorthand property for setting all of the padding properties in one declaration | PadBottom LengthOpt // padding-bottom : sets the bottom padding of an element | PadLeft LengthOpt // padding-left : sets the left padding of an element | PadRight LengthOpt // padding-right : sets the right padding of an element | PadTop LengthOpt // padding-top : sets the top padding of an element // Positioning Style | PosBottom SizeOpt // bottom : sets how far the bottom edge of an element is above/below the bottom edge of the parent element | PosClip ClipOpt // clip : sets the shape of an element. The element is clipped into this shape, and displayed | PosLeft SizeOpt // left : sets how far the left edge of an element is to the right/left of the left edge of the parent element | PosOverflow OverflowOpt // overflow : sets what happens if the content of an element overflow its area | PosRight SizeOpt // right : sets how far the right edge of an element is to the left/right of the right edge of the parent element | PosTop SizeOpt // top : sets how far the top edge of an element is above/below the top edge of the parent element | PosVertAlign VertAlignOpt // vertical-align : sets the vertical alignment of an element | PosZIndex ZIndexOpt // z-index : sets the stack order of an element // Table Style | TblBdCollapse CollapseOpt // border-collapse : sets the border model of a table | TblBdSpacing [Int] // border-spacing : sets the distance between the borders of adjacent cells (only for the "separated borders" model) | TblCaptSide SideOpt // caption-side : sets the position of the caption according to the table | TblEmptyCells ShowHideOpt // empty-cells : sets whether cells with no visible content should have borders or not (only for the "separated borders" model) | TblLayout LayoutOpt // table-layout : sets the algorithm used to lay out the table // Text Style | TxtColor ColorOption // color : sets the color of a text | TxtDirection TxtDir // direction : sets the text direction | TxtLetterSpacing SpacingOpt // letter-spacing : increase or decrease the space between characters | TxtAlign AlignOpt // text-align : aligns the text in an element | TxtDecoration DecoraOpt // text-decoration : adds decoration to text | TxtIndent LengthOpt // text-indent : indents the first line of text in an element | TxtShadow ShadowOpt // text-shadow | TxtTransform TransformOpt // text-transform : controls the letters in an element | TxtUnicodeBidi UnicodeOpt // unicode-bidi | TxtWhiteSpace WhiteSpaceOpt // white-space : sets how white space inside an element is handled | TxtWordSpacing SpacingOpt // word-spacing : increase or decrease the space between words // Order by type name :: AlignOpt = Alt_Left | Alt_Right | Alt_Center | Alt_Justify :: AttachOpt = Ato_Fixed | Ato_Scroll :: BackgroundOpt= `Bg_Attach AttachOpt // background-attachment | `Bg_Color ColorOption // background-color | `Bg_Image ImageOpt // background-image | `Bg_Position BgPosOpt // background-position | `Bg_Repeat RepeatOpt // background-repeat :: BgPosOpt = `Bgp_Position BgVPosOpt BgHPosOpt | `Bgp_Percent Int Int // x-% y-% - first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical | `Bgp_Pixel Int Int // x-pos y-pos - first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical :: BgHPosOpt = Bgh_Left | Bgh_Center | Bgh_Right | Bgh_NoPos // when it's not specified :: BgVPosOpt = Bgv_Top | Bgv_Center | Bgv_Bottom :: BorderOpt = `Bd_Color ColorOption // border-color | `Bd_Style [BorderStyle] // border-style | `Bd_Width BorderWidth // border-width :: BorderStyle = Bds_Dashed // dashed border. Renders as solid in most browsers | Bds_Dotted // dotted border. Renders as solid in most browsers | Bds_Double // two borders. The width of the two borders are the same as the border-width value | Bds_Groove // 3D grooved border. The effect depends on the border-color value | Bds_Hidden // same as "none", except in border conflict resolution for table elements | Bds_Inset // 3D inset border. The effect depends on the border-color value | Bds_None // no border | Bds_Outset // 3D outset border. The effect depends on the border-color value | Bds_Ridge // 3D ridged border. The effect depends on the border-color value | Bds_Solid // solid border :: BorderWidth = Bdw_Medium // medium border | Bdw_Thick // thick border | Bdw_Thin // thin border | `Bdw_Length Int // define the thickness of the borders :: ClearOpt = Clo_Both // no floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side | Clo_Left // no floating elements allowed on the left side | Clo_None // allows floating elements on both sides | Clo_Right // no floating elements allowed on the right side :: ClipOpt = Cli_Auto // browser sets the shape of the element | Cli_Shape Int Int Int Int // sets the shape of the element. The valid shape value is: rect (top, right, bottom, left) :: CollapseOpt = Coo_Collapse // selects the collapsing borders model | Coo_Separate // selects the separated borders model :: ColorOpt = `Color ColorOption | Col_Transparent // takes the background-color of the body element :: CounterOpt = Cto_Ident String // string defines a selector, id, or class that should reset the counter. | Cto_IdentInt String Int // string defines a selector, id, or class that should reset the counter. Int sets the value the counter is set to on each occurrence of the selector | Cto_None :: CursorOpt = Cuo_Auto // auto : browser sets a cursor | Cuo_Crosshair // crosshair : cursor render as a crosshair | Cuo_Default // default : default cursor (often an arrow) | Cuo_Eresize // e-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved right (east) | Cuo_Help // help : cursor indicates that help is available (often a question mark or a balloon) | Cuo_Move // move : cursor indicates something that should be moved | Cuo_Ne_Resize // ne-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved up and right (north/east) | Cuo_N_Resize // n-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved up (north) | Cuo_Nw_Resize // nw-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved up and left (north/west) | Cuo_Pointer // pointer : cursor render as a pointer (a hand) that indicates a link | Cuo_Se_Resize // se-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved down and right (south/east) | Cuo_S_Resize // s-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved down (south) | Cuo_Sw_Resize // sw-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved down and left (south/west) | Cuo_Text // text : cursor indicates text | `Cuo_Url Url // url of a custom cursor to be used | Cuo_Wait // wait : cursor indicates that the program is busy (often a watch or an hourglass) | Cuo_W_Resize // w-resize : cursor indicates that an edge of a box is to be moved left (west) :: DecoraOpt = Dec_Blink // blinking text | Dec_Line_Through // line through the text | Dec_None // normal text | Dec_Overline // line over the text | Dec_Underline // line under the text :: DisplayOpt = Dio_Block // displayed as a block-level element, with a line break before and after the element | Dio_Compact // displayed as block-level or inline element depending on context | Dio_Inline // displayed as an inline element, with no line break before or after the element | Dio_Inline_Table // displayed as an inline table (like ), with no line break before or after the table | Dio_List_Item // displayed as a list | Dio_Marker | Dio_None // not displayed | Dio_Run_In // displayed as block-level or inline element depending on context | Dio_Table // displayed as a block table (like
), with a line break before and after the table | Dio_Table_Row_Group // displayed as a group of one or more rows (like ) | Dio_Table_Head_Group // displayed as a group of one or more rows (like ) | Dio_Table_Foot_Group // displayed as a group of one or more rows (like ) | Dio_Table_Row // displayed as a table row (like ) | Dio_Table_Column_Group // displayed as a group of one or more columns (like ) | Dio_Table_Column // displayed as a column of cells (like ) | Dio_Table_Cell // displayed as a table cell (like
and ) | Dio_Table_Caption // displayed as a table caption (like
) :: FloatOpt = Fto_Left // image or text moves to the left in the parent element | Fto_None // image or the text will be displayed just where it occurs in the text | Fto_Right // image or text moves to the right in the parent element :: FntSizeOpt = Fso_Large // sets the size of the font to large size | Fso_Larger // sets the font-size to a larger size than the parent element | Fso_Length Int // sets the font-size to a fixed size | Fso_Medium // sets the size of the font to medium size | Fso_Percent Int // sets the font-size to a % of the parent element | Fso_Small // sets the size of the font to small size | Fso_Smaller // sets the font-size to a smaller size than the parent element | Fso_X_Large // sets the size of the font to x-large size | Fso_XX_Large // sets the size of the font to xx-large size | Fso_X_Small // sets the size of the font to x-small size | Fso_XX_Small // sets the size of the font to xx-small size :: FntSizeAdjOpt = Fsa_None // do not preserve the font's x-height if the font is unavailable | `Fsa_Number Real // defines the aspect value ratio for the font :: FntStyleOpt = Fst_Italic | Fst_Normal | Fst_Oblique :: FntWeightOpt = Fwo_Bold // thick characters | Fwo_Bolder // thicker characters | Fwo_Lighter // lighter characters | Fwo_Normal // normal characters | Fwo_100 // thinest characters | Fwo_200 | Fwo_300 | Fwo_400 // same as normal | Fwo_500 | Fwo_600 | Fwo_700 // same as bold | Fwo_800 | Fwo_900 // thickest characters :: FontOpt = Fto_Caption // font that are used by captioned controls (like buttons, drop-downs, etc.) | Fto_Icon // fonts that are used by icon labels | Fto_Menu // fonts that are used by dropdown menus | Fto_MsgBox // fonts that are used by dialog boxes | Fto_SmallCap | Fto_StatusBar // fonts that are used by window status bars | `Fto_Family String // font-family | `Fto_LineHeight LineHOpt // font-line-height : line-height value sets the space between lines | `Fto_Size FntSizeOpt // font-size | `Fto_Style FntStyleOpt // font-style | `Fto_Variant VariantOpt // font-variant | `Fto_Weight FntWeightOpt // font-weight :: ImageOpt = `Img_URL Url // path to an image | Img_None // no background image :: LayoutOpt = Lyo_Auto | Lyo_Fixed :: LengthOpt = Lgt_Percent Int // length in % of the length of the closest element | Lgt_Pixel Int // length in pixels :: LineHOpt = Lho_Percent Int // space in percent % | Lho_Size Int // space in font size :: LineSizeOpt = Lso_Length Int // fixed distance between the lines | Lso_Normal // reasonable distance between lines | Lso_Number Int // number that will be multiplied with the current font-size to set the distance between the lines | Lso_Percent Int // distance between the lines in % of the current font size :: LstImgOpt = Lio_None // no image will be displayed | `Lio_Url Url // path to the image :: LstPosOpt = Lpo_Inside // indents the marker and the text | Lpo_Outside // keeps the marker to the left of the text :: LstTypeOpt = Lto_Armenian // armenian : marker is traditional Armenian numbering | Lto_Circle // circle : marker is a circle | Lto_Cjk_Ideographic // cjk-ideographic : marker is plain ideographic numbers | Lto_Decimal // decimal : marker is a number | Lto_Decimal_Leading_Zero // decimal-leading-zero : marker is a number padded by initial zeros (01, 02, 03, etc.) | Lto_Disc // disc : marker is a filled circle | Lto_Georgian // georgian : marker is traditional Georgian numbering (an, ban, gan, etc.) | Lto_Hebrew // hebrew : marker is traditional Hebrew numbering | Lto_Hiragana // hiragana : marker is: a, i, u, e, o, ka, ki, etc. | Lto_Hiragana_Iroha // hiragana-iroha : marker is: i, ro, ha, ni, ho, he, to, etc. | Lto_Katakana // katakana : marker is: A, I, U, E, O, KA, KI, etc. | Lto_Katakana_Iroha // katakana-iroha : marker is: I, RO, HA, NI, HO, HE, TO, etc. | Lto_Lower_Alpha // lower-alpha : marker is lower-alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.) | Lto_Lower_Greek // lower-greek : marker is lower-greek (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.) | Lto_Lower_Latin // lower-latin : marker is lower-latin (a, b, c, d, e, etc.) | Lto_Lower_Roman // lower-roman : marker is lower-roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.) | Lto_None // none : no marker | Lto_Square // square : marker is a square | Lto_Upper_Alpha // upper-alpha : marker is upper-alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) | Lto_Upper_Latin // upper-latin : marker is upper-latin (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) | Lto_Upper_Roman // upper-roman : marker is upper-roman (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.) :: LstStyleOpt = `Lst_StyleImg LstImgOpt // list-style-image | `Lst_StylePos LstPosOpt // list-style-position | `Lst_StyleType LstTypeOpt // list-style-type :: MarginOpt = `Mg_Bottom SizeOpt // margin-bottom | `Mg_Left SizeOpt // margin-left | `Mg_Right SizeOpt // margin-right | `Mg_Top SizeOpt // margin-top :: MktOffsetOpt = Moo_Auto | `Moo_Length Int :: MaxSizeOpt = Mas_Length Int // maximum size for the element | Mas_None // no limit on the maximum width allowed for the element | Mas_Percent Int // maximum size for the element in % of the containing block :: OlnColorOpt = `Oco_Color ColorOption // color by name, RGB or Hexadecimal | Oco_Invert // performs a color inversion :: OlnStyleOpt = Oso_Dashed // dashed outline | Oso_Dotted // dotted outline | Oso_Double // two lines around the element | Oso_Groove // 3D grooved outline | Oso_Inset // 3D inset outline | Oso_None // no outlines | Oso_Outset // 3D outset outline | Oso_Ridge // 3D ridged outline | Oso_Solid // solid outline :: OlnWidthOpt = `Owo_Length Int // you to define the thickness of the outlines | Owo_Medium // medium outlines | Owo_Thick // thick outlines | Owo_Thin // thin outlines :: OutlineOpt = `Oln_Color OlnColorOpt // outline-color | `Oln_Style OlnStyleOpt // outline-style | `Oln_Width OlnWidthOpt // outline-width :: OverflowOpt = Ofo_Auto // if the content is clipped, the browser should display a scroll-bar to see the rest of the content | Ofo_Hidden // content is clipped, but the browser does not display a scroll-bar to see the rest of the content | Ofo_Scroll // content is clipped, but the browser displays a scroll-bar to see the rest of the content | Ofo_Visible // content is not clipped. It renders outside the element :: PosOpt = Poo_Absolute // element can be placed anywhere on a page. The element's position is specified with the "left", "top", "right", and "bottom" properties | Poo_Fixed | Poo_Relative // moves an element relative to its normal position, so "left:20" adds 20 pixels to the element's LEFT position | Poo_Static // placed in a normal position (according to the normal flow). we do not use the "left" and "top" properties :: QuotesOpt = Qto_None // "open-quote" and "close-quote" values of the "content" property will not produce any quotation marks | Qto_Quotes String String String String// first two values specifies the first level of quotation, next two values specifies the next level of quote embedding :: RepeatOpt = Rop_Repeat | Rop_Repeat_X | Rop_Repeat_Y | Rop_No_Repeat :: ShadowOpt = `Swo_Color ColorOption | `Swo_Length Int | Swo_None // no shadow :: ShowHideOpt = Sho_Hide | Sho_Show :: SideOpt = Sdo_Bottom | Sdo_Left | Sdo_Right | Sdo_Top :: SizeOpt = Szo_Auto // browser calculates the actual height | Szo_Length Int // the size in pixels | Szo_Percent Int // the size in % of the containing block :: SpacingOpt = Spo_Length Int // fixed space between characters or words | Spo_Normal // normal space between characters or words :: StretchOpt = Sto_Condensed // condensed : normal scale of condensation of the font-family | Sto_Expanded // expanded : normal scale of expansion of the font-family | Sto_Extra_Condensed // extra-condensed : scale of condensation of the font-family | Sto_Extra_Expanded // extra-expanded : scale of expansion of the font-family | Sto_Narrower // sets the scale of condensation to the next condensed value | Sto_Normal // sets the scale of condensation or expansion to normal | Sto_Semi_Condensed // semi-condensed : scale of condensation of the font-family | Sto_Semi_Expanded // semi-expanded : scale of expansion of the font-family | Sto_Ultra_Condensed // ultra-condensed : scale of condensation of the font-family (the most) | Sto_Ultra_Expanded // ultra-expanded : scale of expansion of the font-family (the most) | Sto_Wider // sets the scale of expansion to the next expanded value :: TransformOpt = Tfo_Capitalize // each word in a text starts with a capital letter | Tfo_Lowercase // no capital letters, only lower case letters | Tfo_None // normal text, with lower case letters and capital letters | Tfo_Uppercase // only capital letters :: UnicodeOpt = Uno_Bidi_Override // bidi-override | Uno_Embed | Uno_Normal :: VariantOpt = Vro_Normal // normal | Vro_Small_Caps // small-caps :: VertAlignOpt = Vao_Baseline // element is placed on the baseline of the parent element | Vao_Bottom // bottom of the element is aligned with the lowest element on the line | Vao_Length Int | Vao_Middle // element is placed in the middle of the parent element | Vao_Percent Int // aligns the element in a % value of the "line-height" property. Negative values are allowed | Vao_Sub // aligns the element as it was subscript | Vao_Super // aligns the element as it was superscript | Vao_TextBottom // bottom of the element is aligned with the bottom of the parent element's font | Vao_TextTop // top of the element is aligned with the top of the parent element's font | Vao_Top // top of the element is aligned with the top of the tallest element on the line :: VisibOpt = Vis_Collapse // when used in table elements, this value removes a row or column, but it does not affect the table layout. Other elements as hidden | Vis_Hidden // the element is invisible | Vis_Visible // the element is visible :: WhiteSpaceOpt= Wso_Normal // white-space is ignored by the browser | Wso_NoWrap // the text will never wrap, it continues on the same line until a
tag is encountered | Wso_Pre // white-space is preserved by the browser. Acts like the
 tag in HTML

:: ZIndexOpt	= Zio_Auto								// stack order is equal to its parents 
				| `Zio_Number	Int						// sets the stack order of the element
derive gHpr Style