definition module htmlSettings // iData & iTask Library // Concept & Programming (c) 2005 - 2007 Rinus Plasmeijer import htmlHandler // Global settings of iData applications class iData a // The collection of generic functions needed to make iData: | gForm {|*|} // Creates an Html Form , iCreateAndPrint , iParse , iSpecialStore a class iCreateAndPrint a // Used for tracing iTasks | iCreate , iPrint a class iCreate a | gUpd {|*|} a // Makes it possible to update and create any value, given a change somewhere in the data structure class iPrint a | gPrint{|*|} a // To serialize a value to a String class iParse a | gParse{|*|} a // To de-serialize a string back to a value class iSpecialStore a // OPTION: Comment out the next two lines if you do not have access to an ODCB database on your machine !!!! // and enable the third line | gerda {|*|} // To store and retrieve a value in a database , TC a // To be able to store values in a dynamic // | TC a // To be able to store values in a dynamic // Debug switches TraceInput :== False // show what kind of information is received from Client TraceOutput :== False // show what kind of information is stored DEBUGSERVER :== True // show what kind of information is transmitted by the Clean HtmlServer MyDataBase :== "iDataDatabase" // name of database being used by iData applications iDataIdSeparator :== "." // used as separator when combining iData form id's radioButtonSeparator :== '.' // used as extension for family of radiobuttons // OPTION: Comment out the next line if you do not have access to an ODCB database on your machine !!!! IF_GERDA gerda no_gerda :== gerda // If database option is used // OPTION: Remove the comment from the next line if you do not have access to an ODCB database on your machine !!!! //IF_GERDA gerda no_gerda :== no_gerda // otherwise, BUT manually flag of ", gerda{|*|}" in the class definition above