definition module htmlDataDef // Clean Algebraic Data Types that are isomorphic with HTML intructions // (c) 2005 MJP import htmlStyleDef :: Url :== String :: UniqueName :== String None :== [NoAttr] :: NoAttr = NoAttr // a Clean data structure representing a subset of html :: Html = Html Head Rest :: Head = Head [HeadAttr] [HeadTag] :: HeadAttr = Hd_Profile Url // space separated list of URL's that contains meta data information about the page | `Hd_Std [Standard_Attr] :: HeadTag = Hd_Base [BaseAttr] // base | Hd_Basefont [BasefontAttr] // basefont | Hd_Link [LinkAttr] // link | Hd_Meta [MetaOption] // meta | Hd_Object [Object_Attr] [Param] // object | Hd_Script [Script_Attr] Script // script | Hd_Style [StyleAttr] [Style] // // | Hd_Style [StyleAttr] String // | Hd_Title String // title :: BaseAttr = Bsa_Href Url // URL to use as the base URL for links in the page | Bsa_Target TargetOption // where to open all the links on the page :: BasefontAttr = Bsf_Color ColorOption // text color | Bsf_Face String // font to use | Bsf_Size Int // size for font elements | `Bsf_Std [Standard_Attr] :: LinkAttr = Lka_Charset String // character encoding of the target URL | Lka_Href Url // target URL of the resource | Lka_HrefLang String // base language of the target URL | Lka_Media MediaOption // on what device the document will be displayed | Lka_Rel DocRelation // relationship between the current document and the target URL | Lka_Rev DocRelation // relationship between the target URL and the current document | Lka_Target TargetOption // Where to open the target URL | Lka_Type String // MIME type of the target URL | `Lka_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Lka_Events [ElementEvents] :: MediaOption = All | Aural | Braille | Handheld | Print | Projection | Screen | Speech | Tty | Tv :: MetaOption = Mto_Content String // meta information to be associated with http-equiv or name | Mto_HttpEquiv MetaHttpEquiv // connects the content attribute to an HTTP header | Mto_Name MetaName // connects the content attribute to a name | Mto_Scheme String // format to be used to interpret the value of the content attribute :: MetaHttpEquiv = ContentType | Expires | Refresh | SetCookie :: MetaName = Author | Description | Keywords | Generator | Revised | Others String :: StyleAttr = Sty_Type String | Sty_Media MediaOption :: Rest = Body [BodyAttr] [BodyTag] | Frameset [FramesetAttr] [Frame] :: FramesetAttr = Fsa_Cols String // number and size of columns | Fsa_Rows String // number and size of rows | `Fsa_Std [Standard_Attr] :: Frame = Frame [FrameAttr] | NoFrames [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] :: FrameAttr = Fra_Frameborder Int // display (1) or not (0) border around the frame | Fra_Longdesc Url // URL to a long description of the frame | Fra_Marginheight Int // top and bottom margins in the frame | Fra_Marginwidth Int // left and right margins in the frame | Fra_Name String // unique name for the frame | Fra_Noresize // set to noresize the user cannot resize the frame | Fra_Scrolling ScrollingOption // scrollbar action | Fra_Src Url // URL of the file to show in the frame | `Fra_Std [Standard_Attr] :: ScrollingOption = DoScroll | NoScroll | Auto :: BodyAttr = Batt_alink ColorOption // Color of the active links in the document | Batt_background String // An image to use as the background | Batt_bgcolor ColorOption // Background color of the document | Batt_link ColorOption // Color of all the links in the document | Batt_text ColorOption // Color of the text in the document | Batt_vlink ColorOption // Color of the visited links in the document | `Batt_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Batt_Events [ElementEvents] :: BodyTag = A [A_Attr] [BodyTag] // link ancor | Abbr [Std_Attr] String // abbreviation | Acronym [Std_Attr] String // acronym | Address [Std_Attr] String // address
| Applet [Applet_Attr] String // applet | Area [Area_Attr] // link area in an image ALWAYS NESTED INSIDE A TAG | B [Std_Attr] String // bold | Bdo [Std_Attr] String // direction of text | Big [Std_Attr] String // big text | Blink [Std_Attr] String // blinked text | Blockquote [Block_Attr] String // start of a long quotation
| Br // single line break
| Button [Button_Attr] String // push button | Caption [Caption_Attr] String // Table caption | Center [Std_Attr] String // centered text
| Cite [Std_Attr] String // citation | Code [Std_Attr] String // computer code text | Comment String // comment text | Col [Col_Attr] // attribute values for one or more columns in a table | Colgroup [Col_Attr] // group of table columns | Dd [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] // description of a term in a definition list
| Del [Del_Attr] String // deleted text | Dfn [Std_Attr] String // definition | Dir [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] // directory list | Div [Div_Attr] [BodyTag] // section in a document
| Dl [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] // definition list
| Dt [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] // definition term
| Em [Std_Attr] String // emphasized text | Fieldset [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] // fieldset element
| Font [Font_Attr] [BodyTag] // font | Form [Form_Attr] [BodyTag] // form
| H1 [Hnum_Attr] String // header 1

| H2 [Hnum_Attr] String // header 2

| H3 [Hnum_Attr] String // header 3

| H4 [Hnum_Attr] String // header 4

| H5 [Hnum_Attr] String // header 5
| H6 [Hnum_Attr] String // header 6
| Hr [Hr_Attr] // horizontal rule
| I [Std_Attr] String // italic text | Iframe [Iframe_Attr] // iframe | Img [Image_Attr] // image | Input [Input_Attr] String // inputs | Ins [Ins_Attr] String // inserted text | Kbd [Std_Attr] String // keyboard text | Label [Label_Attr] String // label for a control | Legend [Legend_Attr] String // legend for a fieldset | Li [Li_Attr] [BodyTag] // options in lists
  • | Map [Map_Attr] [BodyTag] // map | Menu [Std_Attr] [BodyTag] // menu list | Noscript [Standard_Attr] String // you can't see scripts | Body_Object [Object_Attr] [Param] // insert an object | Ol [Ol_Attr] [BodyTag] // ordered list
      | P [P_Attr] [BodyTag] // paragraph

      | Pre [Pre_Attr] [BodyTag] // preformatted text
      					| Q					[Q_Attr] String				// short quotation 
      					| S	 				[Std_Attr] String			// strikethrough text 
      					| Samp	 			[Std_Attr] String			// Sample computer code 
      					| Script			[Script_Attr] Script		// script 
      					| Select	 		[Select_Attr] [Option]		// select 
      					| Small 			[Std_Attr] String 			// smaller 
      					| Span				[Std_Attr] [BodyTag]		// section in a document 
      					| Strike			[Std_Attr] String			// strikethrough text 
      					| Strong			[Std_Attr] String			// strong emphasized text 
      					| Sub	 			[Std_Attr] String			// subscript text 
      					| Sup				[Std_Attr] String			// superscript text 
      					| Table				[Table_Attr] [BodyTag]  	// table 
      | TBody [T_Attr] [BodyTag] // body of a table | Td [Td_Attr] [BodyTag] // table cell | Textarea [TxtA_Attr] String // textarea | TFoot [T_Attr] [BodyTag] // foot of a table | Th [Td_Attr] String // table header cell in a table | THead [T_Attr] [BodyTag] // header of a table | Tr [Tr_Attr] [BodyTag] // table row | Tt [Std_Attr] String // teletyped text | Txt String // plain text | U [Std_Attr] String // underlined text | Ul [Ul_Attr] [BodyTag] // unordered list | Var [Std_Attr] String // variable text | InlineCode String // to give the ability to plug in code directly | STable [Table_Attr] [[BodyTag]] // simple table used for Clean forms | BodyTag [BodyTag] // improves flexibility for code generation | EmptyBody // same // Order by type name :: A_Attr = Lnk_Href Url // target URL of the link | Lnk_Target TargetOption // where to open the target URL | Lnk_Charset String // character encoding of the target URL | Lnk_Coords String // coordinates appropriate to the shape attribute to define a region of an image for image maps | Lnk_Hreflang String // base language of the target URL | Lnk_Name String // names an anchor. Use this attribute to create a bookmark in a document | Lnk_Rel DocRelation // relationship between the current document and the target URL | Lnk_Rev DocRelation // relationship between the target URL and the current document | Lnk_Shape ShapeOption // type of region to be defined for mapping in the current area tag | Lnk_Type String // MIME type of the target URL | `Lnk_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Lnk_Events [ElementEvents] :: AlignTxt = Aln_Left | Aln_Right | Aln_Center | Aln_Justify | Aln_Char :: AlignObj = Alo_Left | Alo_Right | Alo_Top | Alo_Bottom | Alo_Middle | Alo_Baseline | Alo_Texttop | Alo_Absmiddle | Alo_Absbottom :: Applet_Attr = Apl_Height Int // Height of the applet | Apl_Width Int // Width of the applet | Apl_Align AlignObj // Text Aligment around the applet | Apl_Alt String // Alternate text | Apl_Archive Url // A URL to the applet | Apl_Code Url // A URL that points to the class of the applet | Apl_Codebase Url // Indicates the base URL of the applet | Apl_Hspace Int // Horizontal spacing around the applet | Apl_Name UniqueName // Unique name of the applet(to use in scripts) | Apl_Object String // Name of the resource that contains a serialized representation of the applet | Apl_Title String // Additional information to be displayed in tool tip | Apl_Vspace Int // Vertical spacing around the applet | `Apl_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Apl_Events [ElementEvents] :: Area_Attr = Are_Alt String // Alternate text | Are_Coords String // Coordinates of the clickable area | Are_Href Url // Target URL of the area | Are_Nohref BoolValue // Excludes an area from the image map | Are_Shape ShapeOption // Shape of the area | Are_Target TargetOption // Where to open the target URL | `Are_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Are_Events [ElementEvents] :: BdoTxtDir = Bdir_Dir TxtDir :: Block_Attr = Blk_Cite Url // URL of the quote | `Blk_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Blk_Events [ElementEvents] :: BoolValue = True | False :: Button_Attr = Btn_Disabled // Disables the button | Btn_Name String // Unique name for the button | Btn_Type Button_Type // The type of button | Btn_Value String // Initial value for the button. | `Btn_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Btn_Events [ElementEvents] :: Button_Type = Btn_Button | Btn_Submit | Btn_Reset :: Caption_Attr = Cap_Aling AlignObj // how to align the caption | `Cap_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Cap_Events [ElementEvents] :: Checked = Checked :: Col_Attr = Col_Aling AlignTxt // horizontal alignment of the content in the table cell | Col_Char Char // character to use to align text on | Col_Charoff Int // alignment offset to the first character to align on | Col_Span Int // number of columns the should span | Col_VAlign AlignObj // vertical alignment of the content in the table cell | Col_Width Int // width of the column | `Col_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Col_Events [ElementEvents] :: ColorOption = `Colorname Colorname | `HexColor Hexnum // "#FFFFFF" | `RGBColor RGBColor // "RGB(255,255,255)" :: Colorname = Black // "#000000" | Silver // "#C0C0C0" | Gray // "#808080" | White // "#FFFFFF" | Maroon // "#800000" | Red // "#FF0000" | Purple // "#800080" | Fuchsia // "#FF00FF" | Green // "#008000" | Lime // "#00FF00" | Olive // "#808000" | Yellow // "#FFFF00" | Navy // "#000080" | Blue // "#0000FF" | Teal // "#008080" | Aqua // "#00FFFF" :: Del_Attr = Del_Cite Url // URL to another document which explains why the text was deleted or inserted | Del_Datetime String // date and time the text was deleted | `Del_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Del_Events [ElementEvents] :: Div_Attr = Div_Align AlignObj // how to align the text in the div element | `Div_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Div_Events [ElementEvents] :: Disabled = Disabled :: DocRelation = Docr_Alternate | Docr_Designates | Docr_Stylesheet | Docr_Start | Docr_Next | Docr_Prev | Docr_Contents | Docr_Index | Docr_Glossary | Docr_Copyright | Docr_Chapter | Docr_Section | Docr_Subsection | Docr_Appendix | Docr_Help | Docr_Bookmark :: ElementEvents = OnChange Script // FormElementEvents - run when element changes | OnSubmit Script // FormElementEvents - run when form submitted | OnReset Script // FormElementEvents - run when form is reset | OnSelect Script // FormElementEvents - run when selected | OnBlur Script // FormElementEvents - run when element loses focus | OnFocus Script // FormElementEvents - run when element gets focus | OnKeyDown Script // KeyboardEvents - run when key pressed | OnKeyPress Script // KeyboardEvents - run when key pressed and released | OnKeyUp Script // KeyboardEvents - run when key released | OnClick Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse clicked | OnDClick Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse doubleclicked | OnMouseDown Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse button pressed | OnMouseMove Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse pointer moves | OnMouseOver Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse pointer moves over an element | OnMouseOut Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse pointer moves out of an element | OnMouseUp Script // MouseEvents - run when mouse button is released | OnLoad Script // WindowEvents - run when the window is loaded | OnUnload Script // WindowEvents - run when the window is unloaded :: Font_Attr = Fnt_Size Int // size of the text | Fnt_Face String // font of the text | Fnt_Color ColorOption // color of the text | `Fnt_Std [Standard_Attr] :: Form_Attr = Frm_Action Url // URL that defines where to send the data when the submit button is pushed | Frm_Accept String // comma separated list of content types that the server that processes this form will handle correctly | Frm_AcceptCharset String // comma separated list of possible character sets for the form data | Frm_Enctype String // mime type used to encode the content of the form | Frm_Method GetOrPost // HTTP method for sending data to the action URL. Default is get | Frm_Name UniqueName // unique name for the form | Frm_Target TargetOption // where to open the target URL | `Frm_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Frm_Events [ElementEvents] :: FrameOption = Frm_Void | Frm_Above | Frm_Below | Frm_Hsides | Frm_Lhs | Frm_Rhs | Frm_Vsides | Frm_Box | Frm_Border :: GetOrPost = Get | Post :: Hexnum = Hexnum HN HN HN HN HN HN :: HN = H_0 | H_1 | H_2 | H_3 | H_4 | H_5 | H_6 | H_7 | H_8 | H_9 | H_A | H_B | H_C | H_D | H_E | H_F :: Hnum_Attr = Hnum_Align AlignTxt // alignment of the text in the header | `Hnum_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Hnum_Events [ElementEvents] :: Hr_Attr = Hr_Align AlignTxt // alignment of the horizontal rule | Hr_Noshade // set to true the rule should render in a solid color, when set to false the rule should render in a two-color "groove" | Hr_Size SizeOption // Specifies the thickness (height) of the horizontal rule | Hr_Width SizeOption // width of the horizontal rule | `Hr_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Hr_Events [ElementEvents] :: Iframe_Attr = Ifa_Align AlignObj // align the iframe according to the surrounding text | Ifa_Frameborder Int // display (1) or not (0) border around the iframe | Ifa_Height Int // height of the iframe | Ifa_Longdesc Url // URL to a long description of the contents | Ifa_Marginheight Int // top and bottom margins in the iframe | Ifa_Marginwidth Int // left and right margins in the iframe | Ifa_Name UniqueName // unique name for the frame | Ifa_Scrolling ScrollingOption // scrollbar | Ifa_Src Url // URL of the file to show in the iframe | Ifa_Width Int // width of the iframe | `Ifa_Std [Standard_Attr] :: Image_Attr = Img_Align AlignObj // align the image according to the surrounding text | Img_Alt String // short description of the image | Img_Border Int // border around an image | Img_Height SizeOption // height of the iframe | Img_Hspace Int // white space on the left and right side of the image | Img_Ismap Url // defines the image as a server-side image map | Img_Longdesc Url // URL to a long description of the image | Img_Src Url // URL of the file to show in the iframe | Img_Usemap Url // Defines the image as a client-side image map | Img_Vspace Int // white space on the top and bottom of the image | Img_Width SizeOption // width of the iframe | `Img_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Img_Events [ElementEvents] :: Input_Attr = Inp_Accept String // comma-separated list of MIME types that indicates the MIME type of the file transfer (Only type="file") | Inp_Align AlignObj // alignment of text following the image (only type="image") | Inp_Alt String // alternate text for the image (only type="image") | Inp_Checked Checked // checked when it first loads (only type="radio" or type="checkbox") | Inp_Disabled Disabled // disables the input element when it first loads (not used for type="hidden") | Inp_Maxlength Int // maximum number of characters allowed (only for type="text") | Inp_Name UniqueName // unique name for the input element | Inp_ReadOnly ReadOnly // the value of this field cannot be modified (only for type="text") | Inp_Size Int // size of the input element (not used for type="hidden") | Inp_Src Url // URL of the image to display (only type="image") | Inp_Type InputType // type of the input element | Inp_Value Value // default value of the input (not used for type="file") | `Inp_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Inp_Events [ElementEvents] :: InputType = Inp_Button | Inp_Checkbox | Inp_File | Inp_Hidden | Inp_Image | Inp_Password | Inp_Radio | Inp_Reset | Inp_Submit | Inp_Text :: Ins_Attr = Ins_Cite Url // URL to another document which explains why the text was inserted | Ins_Datetime String // date and time when the text was inserted | `Ins_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Ins_Events [ElementEvents] :: Label_Attr = Lbl_For String // which form element the label is for. Set to an ID of a form element | `Lbl_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Lbl_Events [ElementEvents] :: Legend_Attr = Leg_Align AlignTxt // alignment for contents in the fieldset | `Leg_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Leg_Events [ElementEvents] :: Li_Attr = Lia_Type List_Type // specifies the type of the list | Lia_Value Int // number of list item | `Lia_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Lia_Events [ElementEvents] :: List_Type = Lit_A | Lit_a | Lit_I | Lit_i | Lit_1 | Lit_disc | Lit_square | Lit_circle :: Map_Attr = Map_Name String // unique name for the map tag (for backwards compability) | `Map_Std [Standard_Attr] // (Id required - unique name for the map tag) | `Map_Events [ElementEvents] :: Object_Attr = Oba_Align AlignObj // text alignment around the object | Oba_Archive Url // a space separated list of URL's to archives. The archives contains resources relevant to the object | Oba_Border Int // border around the object | Oba_ClassId String // class ID value as set in the Windows Registry or a URL | Oba_Codebase Url // where to find the code for the object | Oba_Codetype String // internet media type of the code referred to by the classid attribute | Oba_Data Url // URL that refers to the object's data | Oba_Declare // the object should only be declared, not created or instantiated until needed | Oba_Height Int // height of the object | Oba_HSpace Int // horizontal spacing around the object | Oba_Name UniqueName // unique name for the object | Oba_Standby String // text to display while the object is loading | Oba_ObjectType String // MIME type of data specified in the data attribute | Oba_Usemap Url // URL of a client-side image map to be used with the object | Oba_VSpace Int // vertical spacing around the object | Oba_Width Int // width of the object | `Oba_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Oba_Events [ElementEvents] :: Ol_Attr = Ola_Compact // compact rendering | Ola_Start Int // number to start on | Ola_Type List_Type // type of the list | `Ola_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Ola_Events [ElementEvents] :: Option = Option [Opt_Attr] String | Optgroup [Optgroup_Attr] :: Opt_Attr = Opt_Disabled Disabled // ??? // option should be disabled when it first loads | Opt_Label String // label to use when using | Opt_Selected Selected // ??? // the option should appear selected | Opt_Value String // value of the option to be sent to the server | `Opt_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Opt_Events [ElementEvents] :: Optgroup_Attr = Opg_Label String // label for the option group | Opg_Disabled // option-group disabled when it first loads | `Opg_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Opg_Events [ElementEvents] :: P_Attr = Pat_Align AlignTxt // alignment of the text | `Pat_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Pat_Events [ElementEvents] :: Param = Param [Param_Attr] :: Param_Attr = Pam_Id String // id for the parameter | Pam_Name UniqueName // unique name for the parameter | Pam_Type String // internet media type for the parameter | Pam_Value Value // value of the parameter | Pam_ValueType ParamValType // MIME type of the value :: ParamValType = Data | Ref | Object :: Pre_Attr = Pre_Width Int // maximum number of characters per line | `Pre_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Pre_Events [ElementEvents] :: Q_Attr = Qat_Cite String // citation for the quotation | `Qat_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Qat_Events [ElementEvents] :: ReadOnly = ReadOnly :: RGBColor = RGBColor Int Int Int :: RuleOption = Rul_None | Rul_Groups | Rul_Rows | Rul_Cols | Rul_All :: ScopeOption = Scp_Col | Scp_ColGroup | Scp_Row | Scp_RowGroup :: Script = SScript String | FScript .FoF :: Script_Attr = Scr_Type ScriptType // MIME type of the script | Scr_CharSet String // character encoding used in script | Scr_Defer // the script is not going to generate any document content | Scr_Language ScriptLanguage // scripting language | Scr_Src Url // URL to a file that contains the script :: ScriptType = TypeEcmascript | TypeJavascript | Typejscript | TypeVbscript | TypeVbs | TypeXml :: ScriptLanguage = JavaScript | LiveScript | VbScript | `Other String :: Select_Attr = Sel_Disabled Disabled // disables the drop-down list | Sel_Multiple // specifies that multiple items can be selected at a time | Sel_Name UniqueName // unique name for the drop-down list | Sel_Size Int // number of visible items in the drop-down list | `Sel_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Sel_Events [ElementEvents] :: Selected = Selected :: ShapeOption = Sopt_Rect | Sopt_Rectangle | Sopt_Circ | Sopt_Circle | Sopt_Poly | Sopt_Polygon :: SizeOption = Pixels Int | Percent Int | RelLength Int :: Standard_Attr = Std_Class String // Core_Attr - All except base,head,html,meta,param,script,style and title | Std_Id String // Core_Attr - All except base,head,html,meta,param,script,style and title | Std_Style String // Core_Attr - All except base,head,html,meta,param,script,style and title | Std_Title String // Core_Attr - All except base,head,html,meta,param,script,style and title | Std_Dir TxtDir // Language_Attr - All except base,br,frame,frameset,hr,iframe,param and script | Std_Lang String // Language_Attr - All except base,br,frame,frameset,hr,iframe,param and script | Std_Accesskey Char // Keyboard_Attr | Std_Tabindex Int // Keyboard_Attr :: Std_Attr = `Std_Attr [Standard_Attr] | `Std_Events [ElementEvents] :: T_Attr = Tat_Align AlignTxt // text alignment in cells | Tat_Char Int // which character to align text on | Tat_Charoff SizeOption // alignment offset to the first character to align on | Tat_Valign AlignObj // vertical text alignment in cells | `Tat_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Tat_Events [ElementEvents] :: Table_Attr = Tbl_Align AlignTxt // aligns the table | Tbl_Bgcolor ColorOption // background color of the table | Tbl_Border Int // border width | Tbl_CellPadding SizeOption // space between the cell walls and contents | Tbl_CellSpacing SizeOption // space between cells | Tbl_Frame FrameOption // how the outer borders should be displayed | Tbl_Rules RuleOption // the horizontal/vertical divider lines | Tbl_Summary String // summary of the table for speech-synthesizing/non-visual browsers | Tbl_Width SizeOption // width of the table | `Tbl_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Tbl_Events [ElementEvents] :: TargetOption = Trg__Blank | Trg__Parent | Trg__Self | Trg__Top :: Td_Attr = Td_Abbr String // abbreviated version of the content in a cell | Td_Align AlignTxt // horizontal alignment of cell content | Td_Axis String // name for a cell | Td_Bgcolor ColorOption // background color of the table cell | Td_Char Char // which character to align text on | Td_Charoff SizeOption // alignment offset to the first character to align on | Td_Colspan Int // number of columns this cell should span | Td_Headers String // space-separated list of cell IDs that supply header information for the cell | Td_Height Int // height of the table cell | Td_NoWrap // disable or enable automatic text wrapping in this cell | Td_Rowspan Int // number of rows this cell should span | Td_Scope ScopeOption // specifies if this cell provides header information for the rest of the row that contains it (row), or for the rest of the column (col), or for the rest of the row group that contains it (rowgroup), or for the rest of the column group that contains it | Td_VAlign AlignObj // vertical alignment of cell content | Td_Width SizeOption // width of the table cell | `Td_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Td_Events [ElementEvents] :: Tr_Attr = Tr_Align AlignTxt // text alignment in cells | Tr_Bgcolor ColorOption // background color of the table cell | Tr_Char Char // which character to align text on | Tr_Charoff SizeOption // alignment offset to the first character to align on | Tr_VAlign AlignObj // vertical text alignment in cells | `Tr_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Tr_Events [ElementEvents] :: TxtA_Attr = Txa_Cols Int // number of columns visible in the text-area | Txa_Disabled // disables the text-area when it is first displayed | Txa_Name String // name for the text-area | Txa_Readonly // the user cannot modify the content in the text-area | Txa_Rows Int // number of rows visible in the text-area | `Txa_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Txa_Events [ElementEvents] :: TxtDir = Tdir_Ltr | Tdir_Rtl :: Ul_Attr = Ula_Compact // compact rendering | Ula_Type List_Type // type of the list | `Ula_Std [Standard_Attr] | `Ula_Events [ElementEvents] :: Value = SV String | NQV String | IV Int | RV Real | BV Bool import PrintUtil derive gHpr Html, BodyTag, ColorOption, TxtDir