implementation module EncodeDecode // encoding and decoding of information // (c) 2005 MJP import StdArray, StdBool, StdInt, StdList, StdOrdList, StdString, StdTuple, ArgEnv, StdMaybe, Directory import htmlTrivial, htmlFormData import GenPrint, GenParse import dynamic_string import EstherBackend derive gParse UpdValue, (,,), (,) derive gPrint UpdValue, (,,), (,) // form submission department.... // script for transmitting name and value of changed input callClean :: !(Script -> ElementEvents) !Mode !String -> [ElementEvents] callClean onSomething Edit _ = [onSomething (SScript "toclean(this)")] callClean onSomething Submit myid = [onSomething (SScript ("toclean2(" <+++ myid <+++ ")"))] callClean onSomething _ _ = [] submitscript :: BodyTag submitscript = BodyTag [ Script [] (SScript ( " function toclean(inp)" +++ " { document." +++ globalFormName +++ "." +++ updateInpName +++ "\"=\"+inp.value;" +++ "document." +++ globalFormName +++ ".submit(); }" )) , Script [] (SScript ( " function toclean2(form)" +++ " { " +++ "form.hidden.value=" +++ "document." +++ globalFormName +++ "." +++ globalInpName +++ ".value;" +++ "form.submit();" +++ "}" )) ] // form that contains global state and empty input form for storing updated input globalstateform :: !Value -> BodyTag globalstateform globalstate = Form [ Frm_Name globalFormName // , Frm_Action (MyPhP server) , Frm_Method Post , Frm_Enctype "multipart/form-data" // what to do to enable large data ?? ] [ Input [ Inp_Name updateInpName , Inp_Type Inp_Hidden ] "" , Input [ Inp_Name globalInpName , Inp_Type Inp_Hidden , Inp_Value globalstate ] "" ] isSelector name = name%(0,size selectorInpName - 1) == selectorInpName getSelector name = decodeString (name%(size selectorInpName,size name - 1)) // Serializing Html states... EncodeHtmlStates :: ![HtmlState] -> String EncodeHtmlStates [] = "$" EncodeHtmlStates [(id,lifespan,storageformat,state):xsys] = encodeString ( "(\"" +++ // begin mark fromLivetime lifespan storageformat +++ // character encodes lifetime and kind of encoding id +++ // id of state "\"," +++ // delimiter state +++ // encoded state ")" ) +++ "$" +++ // end mark EncodeHtmlStates xsys where fromLivetime Page PlainString = "N" // encode Lifespan & StorageFormat in first character fromLivetime Session PlainString = "S" fromLivetime TxtFile PlainString = "P" fromLivetime TxtFileRO PlainString = "R" fromLivetime Database PlainString = "D" fromLivetime Page StaticDynamic = "n" fromLivetime Session StaticDynamic = "s" fromLivetime TxtFile StaticDynamic = "p" fromLivetime TxtFileRO StaticDynamic = "r" fromLivetime Database StaticDynamic = "d" // de-serialize Html State DecodeHtmlStates :: !String -> [HtmlState] DecodeHtmlStates state = toHtmlState` (mkList state) where toHtmlState` :: ![Char] -> [HtmlState] toHtmlState` [] = [] toHtmlState` listofchar = [mkHtmlState (mkList (decodeChars first)) : toHtmlState` second] where (first,second) = mscan '$' listofchar // search for end mark mkHtmlState :: ![Char] -> HtmlState mkHtmlState elem = ( mkString (stl fid) // decode unique identification , lifespan // decode livetime from character , format // decode storage format from character , mkString (stl (reverse (stl (reverse formvalue)))) // decode state ) where (fid,formvalue) = mscan '"' (stl (stl elem)) // skip '("' (lifespan,format) = case fid of ['N':_] = (Page, PlainString ) ['n':_] = (Page, StaticDynamic) ['S':_] = (Session, PlainString ) ['s':_] = (Session, StaticDynamic) ['P':_] = (TxtFile, PlainString ) ['p':_] = (TxtFile, StaticDynamic) ['R':_] = (TxtFileRO,PlainString ) ['r':_] = (TxtFileRO,StaticDynamic) ['D':_] = (Database, PlainString ) ['d':_] = (Database, StaticDynamic) _ = (Page, PlainString ) // reconstruct HtmlState out of the information obtained from browser DecodeHtmlStatesAndUpdate :: !ServerKind (Maybe [(String, String)]) -> (![HtmlState],!Triplets) DecodeHtmlStatesAndUpdate serverkind args # (_,triplets,state) = DecodeArguments serverkind args = ([states \\states=:(id,_,_,nstate) <- DecodeHtmlStates state | id <> "" || nstate <> ""],triplets) // to be sure that no rubbish is passed on // Parse and decode low level information obtained from server // In case of using a php script and external server: DecodeArguments :: !ServerKind (Maybe [(String, String)]) -> (!String,!Triplets,!String) DecodeArguments External _ = DecodePhpArguments where // decode PHP will NOT work any more: either repair or kick it out ! // DecodePhpArguments :: (!String,!String,!String,!String) R // executable, id + update , new , state DecodePhpArguments # input = [c \\ c <-: GetArgs | not (isControl c) ] // get rid of communication noise # (thisexe,input) = mscan '#' input // get rid of garbage # input = skipping ['#UD='] input # (triplet, input) = mscan '=' input # (new, input) = mscan ';' input # input = skipping ['GS='] input # (state, input) = mscan ';' input =: case toString update of // selectorInpName = (toString thisexe, decodeChars new, "", toString state) // else = (toString thisexe, decodeChars triplet, toString new, toString state) else = ("clean", []/*[(fromJust (parseString (decodeChars triplet)), toString new)]*/, toString state) GetArgs :: String GetArgs =: foldl (+++) "" [strings \\ strings <-: getCommandLine] // In case of using the internal server written in Clean: DecodeArguments Internal (Just args) # nargs = length args | nargs == 0 = ("clean",[],"") | nargs == 1 = DecodeCleanServerArguments (foldl (+++) "" [name +++ "=" +++ value +++ ";" \\ (name,value) <- args]) # tripargs = reverse args // state hidden in last field, rest are triplets # (state,tripargs) = (urlDecode (snd (hd tripargs)),tl tripargs) // decode state, get triplets highest positions first # constriplets = filter (\(name,_) -> isSelector name) tripargs // select constructor triplets # nconstriplets = [(constrip,getSelector name) \\ (name,codedtrip) <- constriplets, (Just constrip) <- [parseString (decodeString (urlDecode codedtrip))]] // and decode # valtriplets = filter (\(name,_) -> not (isSelector name)) tripargs // select all other triplets # nvaltriplets = [(mytrip,new) \\ (codedtrip,new) <- valtriplets, (Just mytrip) <- [parseString (decodeString (urlDecode codedtrip))]] // and decode # alltriplets = ordertriplets (nconstriplets ++ nvaltriplets) [] = ("clean",determineChanged alltriplets ,state) // order is important, first the structure than the values ... where DecodeCleanServerArguments :: !String -> (!String,!Triplets,!String) // executable, id + update , new , state DecodeCleanServerArguments args # input = [c \\ c <-: args | not (isControl c) ] // get rid of communication noise # (thisexe,input) = mscan '\"' input // get rid of garbage # input = skipping ['UD\"'] input # (triplet, input) = mscan '=' input // should give triplet # (found,index) = FindSubstr ['--'] input # (new, input) = splitAt index input // should give triplet value # (_,input) = mscan '=' input # input = skipping ['\"GS\"'] input # (found,index) = FindSubstr ['---'] input # state = if found (take index input) [''] # striplet = toString triplet = if (striplet == "") ("clean", [], toString state) (if (isSelector striplet) ("clean", [(fromJust` (decodeChars new) (parseString (decodeChars new)), "")], toString state) ("clean", [(fromJust` (decodeChars triplet) (parseString (decodeChars triplet)) , toString new)], toString state)) fromJust` _ (Just value) = value fromJust` string Nothing = ("",0,UpdI 0) ordertriplets [] accu = accu ordertriplets [x=:((id,_,_),_):xs] accu # (thisgroup,other) = ([x:filter (\((tid,_,_),_) -> tid == id) xs],filter (\((tid,_,_),_) -> tid <> id) xs) = ordertriplets other (qsort thisgroup ++ accu) qsort [] = [] qsort [x=:((_,posx,_),_):xs ] = qsort [y \\ y=:((_,posy,_),_) <- xs | posy > posx] ++ [x] ++ qsort [y \\ y=:((_,posy,_),_) <- xs | posy < posx] determineChanged triplets = filter updated triplets where updated ((_,_,UpdC c1),c2) = c1 <> c2 updated ((_,_,UpdI i),s) = i <> toInt s updated ((_,_,UpdR r),s) = r <> toReal s updated ((_,_,UpdB True),"False") = True updated ((_,_,UpdB False),"True") = True updated ((_,_,UpdS s1),s2) = s1 <> s2 // traceHtmlInput utility used to see what kind of rubbish is received from client traceHtmlInput :: !ServerKind !(Maybe [(String, String)]) -> BodyTag traceHtmlInput serverkind args=:(Just input) = BodyTag [ Br, B [] "State values received from client when application started:", Br, STable [] [ [B [] "Triplets:",Br] , showTriplet triplets ,[B [] "Id:", B [] "Lifespan:", B [] "Format:", B [] "Value:"] : [ [Txt id, Txt (showl life), Txt (showf storage), Txt (shows storage state)] \\ (id,life,storage,state) <- htmlState ] ] , Br , STable [] [[Txt name,Txt value] \\ (name,value) <- input] ] where (htmlState,triplets) = DecodeHtmlStatesAndUpdate serverkind args showTriplet triplets = [STable [] [[Txt (printToString triplet)] \\ triplet <- triplets]] showl life = toString life showf storage = case storage of PlainString -> "String"; _ -> "S_Dynamic" shows PlainString s = s shows StaticDynamic d = toStr (string_to_dynamic` d) // "cannot show dynamic value" toStr dyn = ShowValueDynamic dyn <+++ " :: " <+++ ShowTypeDynamic dyn string_to_dynamic` :: {#Char} -> Dynamic // just to make a unique copy as requested by string_to_dynamic string_to_dynamic` s = string_to_dynamic {s` \\ s` <-: s} strip s = { ns \\ ns <-: s | ns >= '\020' && ns <= '\0200'} ShowValueDynamic :: Dynamic -> String ShowValueDynamic d = strip (foldr (+++) "" (fst (toStringDynamic d)) +++ " ") ShowTypeDynamic :: Dynamic -> String ShowTypeDynamic d = strip (snd (toStringDynamic d) +++ " ") // global names setting depending on kind of server used ThisExe :: !ServerKind -> String ThisExe External # (thisexe,_,_) = DecodeArguments External Nothing = thisexe ThisExe Internal = "clean" ThisExe _ = "clean" MyPhP :: !ServerKind -> String MyPhP External = (mkString (takeWhile ((<>) '.') (mkList (ThisExe External)))) +++ ".php" MyPhP Internal = "clean" MyDir :: !ServerKind -> String MyDir serverkind = mkString (takeWhile ((<>) '.') (mkList (ThisExe serverkind))) // writing and reading of persistent states to a file writeState :: !String !String !String !*NWorld -> *NWorld writeState directory filename serializedstate env #(_,env) = case getFileInfo mydir env of ((DoesntExist,fileinfo),env) = createDirectory mydir env (_,env) = (NoDirError,env) # (ok,file,env) = fopen (directory +++ "/" +++ filename +++ ".txt") FWriteData env | not ok = env # file = fwrites serializedstate file // DEBUG # (ok,env) = fclose file env = env where mydir = RelativePath [PathDown directory] readState :: !String !String !*NWorld -> (!String,!*NWorld) readState directory filename env #(_,env) = case getFileInfo mydir env of ((DoesntExist,fileinfo),env) = createDirectory mydir env (_,env) = (NoDirError,env) # (ok,file,env) = fopen (directory +++ "/" +++ filename +++ ".txt") FReadData env | not ok = ("",env) # (string,file) = freads file big | not ok = ("",env) # (ok,env) = fclose file env = (string,env) where big = 1000000 mydir = RelativePath [PathDown directory] deleteState :: !String !String !*NWorld -> *NWorld deleteState directory filename env # ((ok,path),env) = pd_StringToPath (directory +++ "\\" +++ filename +++ ".txt") env | not ok = abort "Cannot delete indicated iData" # (_,env) = fremove path env = env // serializing and de-serializing of html states // low level url encoding decoding of Strings encodeString :: !String -> String encodeString s = /* see also urlEncode */ string_to_string52 s // using the whole alphabet //encodeString s = urlEncode s decodeString :: !String -> *String decodeString s = /* see also urlDecode */ string52_to_string s // using the whole alphabet //decodeString s = urlDecode s // to encode triplets in htmlpages encodeTriplet :: !Triplet -> String // encoding of triplets encodeTriplet triplet = encodeInfo triplet decodeTriplet :: !String -> Maybe Triplet // decoding of triplets decodeTriplet triplet = decodeInfo triplet // utility functions based on low level encoding - decoding encodeInfo :: !a -> String | gPrint{|*|} a encodeInfo inp = encodeString (printToString inp) decodeInfo :: !String -> Maybe a | gParse{|*|} a decodeInfo str = parseString (decodeString str) decodeChars :: ![Char] -> *String decodeChars cs = decodeString (mkString cs) // compact John van Groningen encoding-decoding to lower and uppercase alpabeth string_to_string52 :: !String -> *String string_to_string52 s # n = size s # n3d2 = 3*(n>>1) | n bitand 1==0 = fill_string52 0 0 n s (createArray n3d2 '\0') # a = fill_string52 0 0 (n-1) s (createArray (n3d2+2) '\0') i=toInt s.[n-1] i1=i/52 r0=i-i1*52 = {a & [n3d2]=int52_to_alpha_char i1,[n3d2+1]=int52_to_alpha_char r0} where fill_string52 :: !Int !Int !Int !String !*String -> *String fill_string52 si ai l s a | si>8) bitand 6)+71) string52_to_string :: !String -> *String string52_to_string s # n = size s # nd3 = n/3 # r3 = n-nd3*3 # n2d3 = nd3<<1 | r3==0 = fill_string 0 0 n s (createArray n2d3 '\0') | r3==2 # a = fill_string 0 0 (n-2) s (createArray (n2d3+1) '\0') = {a & [n2d3]=toChar (alpha_to_int52 s.[n-2]*52+alpha_to_int52 s.[n-1])} where fill_string :: !Int !Int !Int !String !*String -> *String fill_string si ai l s a | si>8),[ai+1]=toChar i} = fill_string (si+3) (ai+2) l s a = a alpha_to_int52 c :== let i=toInt c in i+(((i-97)>>8) bitand 6)-71 // small parsing utility functions mscan :: Char ![Char] -> ([Char],[Char]) mscan c list = case span ((<>) c) list of // scan like span but it removes character (x,[]) = (x,[]) (x,y) = (x,tl y) skipping :: !.[a] !u:[a] -> v:[a] | == a, [u <= v] skipping [c:cs] list=:[x:xs] | c == x = skipping cs xs | otherwise = list skipping any list = list // The following code is not used, but is included as reference code and for debugging purposes. // encoding - decoding to hexadecimal code urlEncode :: !String -> String urlEncode s = mkString (urlEncode` (mkList s)) where urlEncode` :: ![Char] -> [Char] urlEncode` [] = [] urlEncode` [x:xs] | isAlphanum x = [x : urlEncode` xs] | otherwise = urlEncodeChar x ++ urlEncode` xs where urlEncodeChar x # (c1,c2) = charToHex x = ['%', c1 ,c2] charToHex :: !Char -> (!Char, !Char) charToHex c = (toChar (digitToHex (i >> 4)), toChar (digitToHex (i bitand 15))) where i = toInt c digitToHex :: !Int -> Int digitToHex d | d <= 9 = d + toInt '0' | otherwise = d + toInt 'A' - 10 urlDecode :: !String -> *String urlDecode s = mkString (urlDecode` (mkList s)) where urlDecode` :: ![Char] -> [Char] urlDecode` [] = [] urlDecode` ['%',hex1,hex2:xs] = [hexToChar(hex1, hex2):urlDecode` xs] where hexToChar :: !(!Char, !Char) -> Char hexToChar (a, b) = toChar (hexToDigit (toInt a) << 4 + hexToDigit (toInt b)) where hexToDigit :: !Int -> Int hexToDigit i | i<=toInt '9' = i - toInt '0' | otherwise = i - toInt 'A' - 10 urlDecode` ['+':xs] = [' ':urlDecode` xs] urlDecode` [x:xs] = [x:urlDecode` xs]